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April 19, 1996 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-19

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 19, 1996 - 7

1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. beautiful apt. Perfect
loc. Male/fem. May-Aug. Best offer. Call
now 669-0369.
1 BDRM. MAY-AUG. Sublet on Arch St.
Big studio apt. Fully furn. w/ A/C,
dishwasher. Rent $340 neg. 769-8680.
1 BDRM. MAY & JUNE w/ option to ex-
tend lease. Kitchen, Idry., 1 block from
campus. Call 662-5096.
jBEDROOM IN big house. Free parking,
wry. Good loc. $175/neg. 332-9523.
1 BIG BDRM. in a 2 bdrm. apt. Ldry., prkg.
avail., fum. heat/water incl., $250/mo. but
neg. Fem. only. 332-9717.
1 LG. BDRM. IN 2 bdrm. apt., May-Aug.,
dec., water incl., $180, 332-9932.
1 RM. IN 2 bdrm. apt. for fer. Clean. Fum.
Pikg. [dry. Heat/water. A/C. 4 min. to Diag.
$270/mo. neg. 761-1894.
1011 CHURCH- Beautiful 6 bedroom house
avail. June-Aug. Cheap rent neg. Prkg. Close
to campus. Call Kate 741-4201.
1014 CHURCH - Modern, furnished tri-
el townhouses for up to 3 persons $495
Wd $510/month. Track lighting, vertical
blinds, futon, spiral staircase, skylights,
central air conditioning, court yard, parking
& laundry. May-August lease. Call Benjamin
Rentals at 663-3070.
1015 E. ANN #2D 2 bdrm. furnished apt.,
excellent location, 2 parking spots. $600 +
1108 HILL LG. EFF. Great loc. Free prkg.
Ldry. Patio. Clean. Call 572-8828.
2 BDRM. 2-3 people May-Aug. $400-450/
mo. neg. + util. ELP! 930-1944.
BDRM. APT. fum., A/C, 2 prkg. spots,
aherine/Ingalls $540/mo. 995-4527.
2 BDRM. APT. (exc. for 4) on Walnut st.
Prkg., heat, water incl. A/C, laundry avail.
Price neg. Call 665-6038.
2 BDRM. AVAIL. in a 5 bdrm. hse. A/C,
ldry., prkg. $280/rm. Call 669-8187.
2 BDRM. bi-level am., behind CCRB, new
kitchen, A/C, prkg. May-Aug. Price neg. Call
2 BDRM. BI-LEVEL APT. Good for 3-5
people. May-Aug. A/C, prkg., ldry. 1700
Geddes. Call John 332-3490. Rent neg.
2 BDRM. for 2-4. Great location. A/C. Free
f. & idry. Deck & new fum. $600 Call
2 BDRM. FURNISHED apt. 818 Church St.
Pk ., laundry. Must rent. Very Neg. May 13
to Aug.31. Call 930-9240.
2 BDRM. FURNISHED A/C, prkg., Idry.,
817.. Main. Must see!! Jeff 662-7453.
2 BDRM.FURN. 2-LEV. apt. for 3-5 May-
Aug. A/C free prkg., Idry., H20, gas, gym.
$80mo. OBO 663-0659.
2 BDRMS. in 4 bdrn. apt. behind Rackham.
2-3 people, $200/mo., May-Aug. A/C, ldry.,
prkg., fum. Call 913-5512.
BDRMS. May-Aug. 1 block South B-
0co. Fully furn., 2 A/Cs, 1 free prkg. 2-4
person, price neg. Call 764-9681.
2 PEOPLE NEEDED for large room in
Coed house. Furnished. May-Aug. Call Mel
or Allie at 332-9720.
2 ROOMS IN 3 BDRM. apt. Free prkg., A/
C, price neg. 994-3355.
3 BDRM. APT. in hse. Prkg., fully fum.,
amazing loc.! Best offer. 668-2441.

Dewey. Avail. May-Aug. Call Ian 913-9418.
CHEAP: 2 LG. BDRMS. in 6 bdrm. house.
2 prkg. spaces, Idry., front porch, close to IM.
V~emales call 668-6342.
live with. 2 bdrm. apt. w/dwshr., A/C, furn.,
idry. Lg. living rm. Pleasant atmosphere
close to cam us. Bi-lev. For more info con-
tact Odalys 747-9514. $275 neg. May-Aug.
1333 Wilmot St. Apt. C4.
DON'T PASS THIS BY! $149/mo. buys
you free laundry, dishwasher, private
entrance, 1100 sq. ft., and your roommates
are the 2 best guys I know. May-Aug. 913-
bdrms. in 4 bdnn. apt. Fits 4 people. Female,
non-smokers only. Call Kate 663-4228.
ENTIRE 2 BDRM. FURN. duplex $300/mo.
1 person/couple. Sum. Pets O 913-4481.
EXC. 2 BDRM. AVAIL. May 1-Aug. Pets
allowed & prkg. 123 N. State. 213-0942.
& Blue deli. Ldry., 1 bdrm. fits 2. Avail.
Spring/Summer. Rent neg. 213-5655.
FALL AND/OR Winter. I bdrm. in a 6
bdrm. hse. Fem. only. 913-5472.
FEMALE NEEDED for Spring/Summer at
U-Towers, 1 room in 2 bedroom apt. A/C,
furn. laundry, pool, weight room, gameroom,
pool table, close to bars and restaurants. $280
or best. 332-6129.
FURN. APT. AVAIL. for Spr./Sum. sublet
May-Aug. 2 Ig. bdrms. w/ full-sized beds.
Off-st. prkg. & dwshr. 1 blk. away from Bus.,
Law, & Ed. Schools. Great rent. Call Astrid
or Deniz 995-6735.
GREAT 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrn. apt. A/C, free
ldry., dwshr., work out rm., rent neg, live w/
fem. grad student. 930-9661.
HUGE 1 BDRM. APT. Garage, free
laundry, A/C, pets o.k., great location! 913-
HUGE APT. PERFECT for 2-3. Spring/
Summer lease. Prkg., Idry., A/C, balcony,
close to B-School. Dave-669-0443.
HUGE BI-LEV. APT ideal 4 2, great loc.,
fum., A/C, I bdrm. $ neg. 213-0668.
JULY-AUG. SUBLET. 1 huge room close
to Union. Prkg., ldry. Kristin 994-3585.
LARGE 2 BDRM. 1 blk. from B School &
Law. 3-4 people. Cable A/C Prkg. Ldry.
May-Aug. N-smkr. Rent neg. 741-5414.
LARGE 2 BDRM. Many windows,
hardwood firs., top floor in quiet bldg. May 1
-Aug. 25. Price neg. 662-0668 lv. msg.
LARGE, BRIGHT efficiency: Separate
kitch., private porch, hardwood floors., on-
site ldry. 3 blocks from campus, the Arb &
Kerrytown. May-Aug. 332-6010.
LG. 1 BDRM. Bagel Factory apts. Fully
fum., A/C, 1 or 2 people, prkg. ldry., lg.
balcony. Avail. May. 995-6392.

* SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters.
Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax.
Rush. U-M $ Discount. 426-5217.
Nose, ear, navel. Miami Moon Jewelry
769-7478. 209 5. 4th Ave.
Therapy's annual student massage clinic is
now open. $25/hr. call 677-0030 & request a
"student massage."
ARIES WEB DESIGNS. Indiv., acad. &
comm.web sites. Good rates. (313) 769-8268
or email: jill@umich.edu
& scholarships available! Billions of $$$ in
private funding. Qualify immediately. 1-800/
AID-2-HELP (1-800/243-2435).
CHRIS'S TYPING/WP- All typing: term
papers, CC's, applications, etc. All work
guaranteed. Rush avail. 995-4495.
Resumes, word processing, desktop publish-
ing - best service, best turn around, best value
- and it could be FREE - Call today for details
" Achieve the
LSAT score You
need with EXCEL
Our Classe8 Im-
prove Your Skills
at making the
A Key Analytical
Distlnctlons that
are required for
Top Performance.

SUCK? *****
Last summer the average work student ear-
ned over $8000 in our 120 year old summer
program. Call Dirk @ 665-7119.
Home City Ice Co. is now hiring for positions
in Southeast Michigan. Great pay. Flex.
scheduling. Apply now while positions still
avail. 1-800/899-8070. Call now to apply.
A SPECIAL GIFT- We're looking for heal-
thy women between the agesb21-35 for egg
donation. All ethnic backgrounds
encouraged. Fee paid. Send inquiries to
AARMA, P.O. 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 4810.
A-1 LAWN CARE is seeking hard-working
individuals for outdoor summer employment.
663-3343 (see display ad).
ANN ARBOR'S #1 Tanning Salon needs
sales associates for morning & afternoon
shifts. Apply atTanfastic. 627 S. Main St.
APPLY NOW! SUMMER grounds/main-
tenance help needed for work beginning in
May. Locations could include Ann Arbor,
Ypsi., West Bloomfield, & Famington area.
Apply in person, Triad Mgmt. Corp. 339 E.
Liberty Suite 300.
ARE YOU COMING home to the Lansing
area this summer? Phone Bank Systems, Inc.
is now hiring. Earn $6.25-$8.50/hr. Flex.
scheduling. Build your resume. Call 517/332-
1502 today to find out why we should be
your first choice for Summer employment!
for Grad School? Build your resume, travel,
and earn $2300/month. Call 665-7119.
and couples for amateur adult video. Great
pay! Must be 18. Send recent photo or video
for consideration (will be returned) to Video
One P.O. Box 2822 Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
Serious inquiries only.
part-time bar & restaurant help. 6451 Ann
Arbor-Saline Rd., Saline, MI. Stop in and
SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance,
Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition
Dietetics. Age 20+. Seven weeks. CAMP
CAMELOT on College Campuses at
CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michele Friedman,
947 Hewlett Drive, North Wookmere, N.Y.
11581. 800/421-4321.
CASHIERS/STOCK- Days/evenings, apply
at Kmart, 215 N. Maple, A2. EOE. We pay
for experience.
Golf and banquet facility has openings for
part-time cleaning positions. 20 hrs. a week.
Days 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. Competitive wages and
free golf privileges. 313/453-7272.

HOME IMPROVEMENT architectural ser-
vices needed. 810/478-7623.
HOUSECLEANER wanted. Must be de-
pendable, mature and hardworking. Referen-
ces required. 6-7 hrs. weekly. $7.50/hr. 668-
Hiring catering supervisors and waitstaff.
Call Craig at 930-4270.
LIVONIA BEVERAGE Distributor needs:
Person to operate desktop publishing banner
making program, $7/hr. part-time. Weekday/
weekend person to assist with festivals. Need
person w/ good driving record to mnove show
vehicles to accounts. Seasonal warehouse
helpers needed $10/hr. Must be 18 or older.
313/591-3274 ext. 250.
rience with a large corporation?
WHY? If you don't like long hours and low
pay to start, come earn what you're worth.
Contact Jacob Shapiro at 973-7456. No
phone interviews.
Full service marketing research firm in Ann
Arbor looking for student with interest in
Marketing Research for a summer internship.
Must have analytic, writing, communications
and computer skills. SPSS/Excel/basic
statistics a plus. Send letter, resume to DRI,
3055 Plymouth Road Suite 101, Ann Arbor,
MI 48105.
MATURE, NON-SMOKER for babysitting
and light housekeeping. 2 older kids in my
Saline home, 15 min. from campus. $7/hr.
Call 944-1254 after 6 p.m.
MURRAY HOTEL, PO Box 476, Mackinac
Island, MI 49757, needs 2 year-round hotel
managers from any major field of study. No
exp. nec. Excellent entry-level opportunity to
develop skills in mgmt., supervision,
accounting, marketing & sales. 31 3/995-5879
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
are now available at National Parks, Forests
& Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits +
bonuses! Call: 1-206-971-3620 ext N55986.
volunteer for Michigan Language Canter's
conversation Partner Program. Spend as little
as one hour a week (more if you wish) speak-
ing with an international student. For more
info. call Nancy at 663-9415 or stop by the
Michigan Language Canter at 309 S. State St.
NOW HIRING- part-time cooks for spring
& summer terms. No experience necessary.
Good hrs., great pay, apply at 310 Maynard
RESEARCHERS. New graduate? Taking a
year off from school? The UM Cardiovas-
cular Research Center is seeking energetic
asst. to provide clerical & administrative sup-
port to faculty & staff. Position can be full-
time or part-time, for up to one year. Duties
include routine office correspondence, phone
coverage, filing, ordering supplies for labs &
offices, running errands, maintaining a mail-
ing list, supervising work-study assistants. &
carrying out varied special projects. Requires
ability to plan & carry out complex projects
in an independent manner, & prioritizing
work to meet external & internal deadlines.
Excellent comm. & interpersonal skills
required. Great opportunity to work w/
physician/scientistsrandwresearchers from
around the world. Forward resume by fax
(313/936-2641) or mail to CVRC, 7220
MSRB I, 1150 W. Medical Center Dr., Ann
Arbor, 48109-0644. Contact Rick Klamka
(763-0633) for information.

Need Summer employment? Small
photography company seeks personnel for
data entry/production departmnt. Part/full
time, days and night/weekend hours
available. $5.00 - $6.00/hour. Contact Dee at
677-3832, Mon.-Fri. 10a.m. - 5p.m.
SUBJECTS NEEDED for cognitive
psychology, reaction time experiment, right-
handed, native English speaker, normal
vision and hearing. Pay $5.50/hr. or by
experiment. Call 936-2056.
SUMMER HELP helping school children
on educational field trip, general farm work
& some fish cleaning. 40 hrs./wk. Wed.-Sun.
schedule. Spring Valley Trout Farm. 3131
CALL 769-6446.
SUMMER JOBS- Deck sealing, exp. pref.
but not nec. 810/398-0000.
Looking for something to do this summer?
Join the Norrell Team! We have positions
available in Ann Arbor, Saline, Ypsi, Dexter,
Brighton & Adrian. Competitive wages &
benefits. Call 313/ 677-2891 for more info.
SUMMER JOBS! Student Works Painting is
how hiring crew chiefs, painters, and can-
vassers for the Ann Arbor area. 40 + hrs./wk.
Mon.-Fri. starting $6.25-$6.75/hr. No exp.
nec. 1-800/899-9675.
SUMMER JOBS/PARK setting. Lifeguards,
Park Rangers, Admissions, Concessions,
Maintenance. Call 484-7669.
SUMMER WORK Come work for student
painters starting in late April. $6/hr. to start
w/ bonus and advancement possible. 40 hrs./
wk. Contact Bret 485-5508.
The University of Michigan, Survey
Research Center Survey Lab is now
recruiting people with excellent
communication skills & interest/background
in the social/economic sciences to join a team
collecting & processing telephone interviews.
Candidates need to be highly self-directed
with a professional telephone manner for
conducting research interviews. Exp. with
IBM compatible computers helpful.
Keyboard/typing skills required for some
projects. Must be avail. to work 16-20 hrs.,
near exclusively evenings & weekends.
Competitive wages - $7.50 to $10.75 per hr.
depending on exp. Attendance required at
Apply in person, weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30
p.m. at the University of Michigan, Institute
or Social Research, Rm. 3350, 426
Thompson St., Ann Arbor. For additional
info only, call 764-7109. No further calls or
contacts will be accepted. The U of M is an
Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action

LECTURE NOTES: We take notes in your
classes! Over 100 sets to choose from. Call or
stop in and browse. Grade A Notes at
Ulrich's Bookstore, Second Floor, 549 E.
University Ave., 741-9669.
PLEASE HELP US become parents by
being an egg donor. We are looking for
women who are healthy, non-smoker,
Caucasian or Oriental, 21 to 30 years old. Fee
paid. Call 1-800/875-4438. Refer to: EOSL.

. ....,

LG. 5 BDRM. APT. May-Aug. Prkg. Great
S. Forest loc. 2 bath. Fum. 665-2447.
LG. SINGLE IN 2 bdrm. apt. on Wilmot
Fem. to share w/ 1 other. I blk. from S.U.
$200 or best. Call Susan 994-0779.
MAY-AUG., GREAT 1 bdrm. apt., prkg.,
near Bus., Law, Ed. schools & S. University.
Price neg. 662-3836.
MAY-AUGUST SUBLET 3-4 bdrns. in
fum. 4 bdrm. hse. Prkg. Close to Central
Cmps. $600/neg. 994-0907. Kingsley & St.
MUST SUBLET!!! Totally neg. rent &
moving dates, close to campus. 332-0290.

THESIS EDITING by experienced
professional. Language, organization, format.
Resumes, cover letters, applications &
essays. Ann Arbor Typing 94-5515.

PRICED TO MOVE 1 bdrrn. & study
alcove. Great porch/yard. Prkg. Perfect for a
couple. Tappan/Hill - Rent neg. 995-8421.
ROOM AVAIL. FOR 1-2 people. S. Forest
& S. Univ. May-Aug. Call 810/344-9673.
SHARE 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt., next to
CCRB, Idry., A/C, call 332-9535.

_ _ _____.. _ ______ _ _______ _ _ _ __._ R

321 S. DIVISION: 1 bdrm. in an apt. Ldry.,
fun. male-only, neg. 669-9035.
4 BDRM. HSE. Perfect for 5 people, prkg.,
May-Aug., 995-2039.
BDRMS. IN 5 bdrm. hse. Can rent together
indiv. 2 baths, prkg., Idry., dwshr. Rent
neg. Great loc. 668-2441.
4 RM. IN FURN. HSE. Prkg. Ldry. Close to
B-school. Cheap! 213-5747/741-8362.
S BDRM. May-Aug. 2 baths., prkg., Idry.
Porch near Union. Cheap. 761-6031.
908 CHURCH. I'M desperate! Huge rooms
avail. in hse. Lg. Enough for 1-2 people.
May-Aug. idry., prkg., 913-9454.

SPACIOUS 2 BDRM. APT. Great loc. near
Zingermans, asking $850 or best. Avail. 5/10
or earlier. 665-2841.

..J ... .\ ,

SUBLET AVAILABLE 1 or 2 bedroom
apartments. Call 662-4446.
SUBLET ON S. UNIV. Female. 1 bdrm. in 5
bdrm. hse. w/ adjoining bath. Prkg. $250/mo.
Negl Call 332-1450.

a.naasw ua a

AVAIL. MAY-AUG. 1 large room in 2
bdrm. apt. on Central Campus. Water incl.
Women preferred. Shannon 998-0798.
AVAIL. MAY- 1 room in house. Partly
fumn., ldry., front porch. Rent negotiable. Call

POSTAL & Government jobs $21/hr. +
benefits. No experience. Will train. Call 313/

THE BLUE FRONT is hiring. Night stock
positions available now. Heavy lifting. Apply
in person 701 Packard.

SUMMER SUBLET- 1 bdrm., fully fum. N-
smkg., no pets. A/C, dwshr., washer/dryer,
prkg. Near B-school. 665-0587.
SUMMER SUBLET May-Aug. Lg. 1 bdrm.
apt. Hardwood floors, close to campus. Free
prkg. $ 420. 810/960-1636.
TWO BDRM. APT. Very lg. for 2 or 4
people. Spr./Sum. Great porch. 662-0458.
ULTRA NICE 1 bdim. in 3 bdrm. Female. $
neg. Quiet. Louise or Paul 213-6776.
UNFURN. EFF. Stove, fridge, heat, prkg.,
ldry. Kingsley St. Fall option. $440. 455-
UNIQUE 1 BDRM. APT. Big enough for 2.
Lots of windows. Near Sgt. Peppers. $475/
mo. May-Aug. 930-2246.

., ,

..J . .


beautiful 2 bdrm. bi-level apts. Reduced rent.
Groups of 2 or more only. 741-9300.

$1000'S MONTHLY RESIDUAL income.
NO investment, NO selling. Call 24 hrs. 1-
800/223-6477. Sponsor: DA7522326.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. For info call 301/306-1207.

Camp Sea-gull in Charlevoix. Call 616/547-
FREE list of cruise lines, luxury resorts and
adventure camps. Great summer jobs. 1-800/

BDRMS. IN BIG HSE. on East U., fum.,
prkg./ldry. May-Aug. Rent/ime neg. Clean
mis. Must see. Call 913-9260.
BEST LOCATION - Great apt. 503 Church,
ross form Dennison. 1 bdrm. in 2 bdrn.
urnished. May - Aug. 662-5170.
CHEAP I bdrm. apt. 3 min. to Diag. Clean &
nice. Util. included. 761-1894.
CHEAP SUBLET. 3 bdrms. Spring/
Summer. Perfect for 3-5 people 761-6474.

$35,000/YR. INCOME potential. Reading
books. Toll Free (1) 800/898-9778 Ext. R-
1864 for details.



wait-staff! Early mornings/afternoons.
Flexible hours/great money. Call Petey at



a _. _
1 ldS2_7977

0445. E.O.E.

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