4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 12, 1995 57 E atich4hrIII ttt a7t1g DAVD WARTowsKI STANDING ON THE 420 Maynard MICHAEL ROSENBERG Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed by JuIE BECKER students at the J AMEs NASH University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Grievance repair New 'U' process should benefit faculty, staff Ta king pride in your alma mater - and paying for it in response to complaints that its current not committed itself to maintaining this pro system is unworkable, the University is gram beyond its nascent stage. While change changing its faculty grievance procedure. Now, in the new plan may be appropriate eventuall in addition to the traditional confrontational the University should at least guarantee it grievance system, faculty have the option of employees that it will not return to the ol pursuing what administrators call a "non-con- bureaucratic system. Knowledge that the ne *frontational, win-win process based on con- plan will be maintained will make employee ciliation and consultation." This is a welcome more secure and forestall new breakdowns i change to a presently ineffective system. the system - hopefully preventing future e Many see the current situation as cumber- mity between the University and its employ some, unfriendly and bureaucratic - conse- ees and discouraging frivolous lawsuits. quently, it fails to serve the faculty and staff As the new system develops, the Univei well. Also, employees do not respect the pro- sity must be careful to execute the process i cess, and few are familiar with its stipulations. good faith. In the past, there have been charge The grievance process is underused - in its of arrogance and insensitivity levelled again place, employees often try to settle their prob- the University because of its handling of griev lems with the University in court. This has ances. The new system will help to foresta .clearly been destructive, as the University has such problems. But the University must kee become embroiled in several ugly and expen- to the new grievance process in spirit as well a sive legal battles with its former employees. in letter -otherwise, the same problems wi The new program puts constructive prob- arise again and again. fem-solving ahead of hostility in handling dis- The faculty and staff must also cooperate i putes. Also, it is more personal in nature - making the new system work. In the pas instead of relying on paperwork, it is based on employees have not learned about grievanc personal interaction for settling differences. procedures. They must make an effort to ft Pverall, thenew process is amore user-friendly miliarize themselves with the new system. I system for resolving disputes. the past, employees have often been too quic In addition, as part of the "conciliation and take their complaints to the courts, regardles consultation" plan, the University is training of the options available at the Universit 50 employees to work as conciliators in solv- Employees must work with their employer i ing disputes. This is particularly encouraging. the new system is to be a success. The new alternative is not administered by the The new, non-confrontational plan must b University against employees, but rather is allowed to continue and grow, and all person based on employee input and participation. involved must strive to make it effective. Th However, the University unfortunately has way, everyone will win. Unfriendly environment House sets out to roll back protection A s the Republicans finish their first 100 clear that the private property bill is an indire days at the helm of the U.S. Congress, means of crippling the Endangered Specie they can congratulate themselves on having Act. Forcing the government to compensat passed several measures that would change the private property owners for the lost value o face of regulatory legislation and the protec- their land would create an unbearable financi tion of the environment for years to come. Just burden for the government. Fish and wildlif last week, the House Committee on Transpor- agencies would have no other choice than t tation and Infrastructure approved a proposal relax their enforcement of the Endangere that would "overhaul the 1972 Clean Water Species Act. However, this is not the fu Act by easing water-pollution controls on in- extent of the attack on endangered species. I dustry and local sewer agencies, while sharply a more direct challenge, many members o reducing the protection of wetlands." As the Congress have discussed using their "purs Senate considers this and other regulatory leg- powers" to completely eliminate funding fo islation, the fate of the environment hangs in enforcement of the Endangered Species Ac the balance. Furthermore, Congress is discussing a six The attack on the environment began in month moratorium on the listing of new sp early March with the House's passage of the cies to the endangered species list. These a risk assessment bill and the private property tions demonstrate a dangerous disregard fo bill. These two measures - in an attempt to the principle of protecting endangered specie relieve executives and private property own- in the United States. ers of the onus of regulation - would change The most recent proposal to reform env the nature of all Congressional regulatory leg- ronmental regulation would narrow the prese islation. The risk assessment bill would hold definition of wetlands by 60-80 percent. Inte laws to newly restrictive standards by at- estingly, this new legislation emerges ju tempting to determine the costs and benefits of weeks prior to the date a scientific panel pla allsuchmeasures.Although cost-benefit analy- to release its findings in a two-year wetland sis is clearly a reasonable concept, its applica- review. Many of the scientists involved hav tion to environmental regulations - at least in denounced this new legislation as arbitrar its present form-is both difficult and unwise. unscientific and dangerous. Like other Hous Although the cost of certain regulations can be legislation in recent weeks, the bill greatl measured, assessing benefits is more difficult. diminishes the government's ability to prote Can a dollar value be placed on clean air and disappearing natural resources. water? - As the dangers of pollution and dwindlin The House has also passed the private natural resources became well-known in t property bill, which would force the govern- early 1970s, the U.S. government passed, ment to compensate owners for any regulation wide array of legislation designed to prote which would decrease the value of any portion citizens from impending doom. Now, 25 year of an individual's property a minimum of 10 later, the government is reversing its course i percent. In addition, if the decrease in value the fight to preserve the environment. Iron were determined to be higher than 50 percent, cally, the same members of Congress wh the government might be forced to purchase speak sentimentally about the ills of leaving a the entire property for its original value. While indebted government to our children do n property-rights advocates cite the Fifth Amend- hesitate to leave our children with dirty wate ment to buttress their cause, legal issues re- smog-filled air and dilapidated ecosystem main ambiguous; clearly the framers did not Wealthy executives andpropertyowners greas foresee the problem of acid rain or disappear- politicians' back pockets, protecting them - ;s y1, is d w :s n n- r- ;s st 11 p Is :11 n e a~- n k ;s Y. if e is at Is to f at fe 10 d l1 n f r t. K- s r ;s i- at r- st is 1s re Y, ;e ly ct ig ie a ct rs n i- 0o n otf s. se n- B eing an alum means many things. It means coming back forfootball games, wearing obnoxious blends of maize and blue, and getting constantly hitup formoney. It seems the University is anxious to make seniors feel like alumni. The Michigan Telefund finished its Se- niorPledge Program on Sunday. They called over a thousand seniors, asking them for money. The program collected about $35,000, a third of which will actually go to programs. The rest covers the program's overhead. Seems pretty inefficient to me. "But we think of it as an investment," said JaNele Jordan, program manager of the Michigan Telefund. The investment is that if you gave, they figure you'll give again. They'll keep call- ing you. As you get rich, you'll give more. The costs they incur now mean big dona- tions in future years. It's an investment. I know private donations are a large part of the University's budget. Without them, the University couldn't survive. That I've heard over and over. You know this Univer- sity needs money when a major duty of the president is to be friendly with rich alumni. But donations are still a tough pill to swallow. Really rich alumni may give fairly eas- ily, but the reality is most alumni are heavily in debt for years. Giving away money is currently the last thing on my list of things to do. "But we have people think of it as an investment," said Jordan. "And it's true." She explained that in the job world, alumni are able to fall back on the reputation of the school. They often get jobs because of Michigan's high ranking and Michigan of- ten gets a high ranking because it has a lot of money and Michigan has a lot of money because of alumni donations. So if you want to keep your job, then you have to give money to the University. It's an investment. The reality is that my donation to Michi- gan will mean jack squat. The reality is that Michigan is still trying to hit me up for money and that leaves a sour taste in my mouth any way you cut it. It kind of takes the school pride away when you get calls for donations during dinner. It's put the Univer- sity at about the same level as ambulance chasers and door-to-door air conditioning salesmen. It's still telemarketing. These guys still call during dinner, intentionally. They have to get you when they are home. They need your money. Jordan said they like to think of what they do as "friendraising" rather than "fundraising" because of the ties they keep with the University. When the Telefund calls alumni, the workers tell them what's going on in their old college - new build- ings and stuff like that - to make them feel as though they are still a part of the Univer- sity. Yeah, great. Get the conversation over and take my money. If I want to know what's going on, I'll read my alumni maga- zine. These guys are still telemarketers. The bottom line is still the almighty dollar. I know that donations are necessary. But it's tough giving to an institution this large, an institution where you know a lot of money is poorly allocated. It's tough giving when the University has already taken so much. Returning for football games and wear- ing maize and blue with pride sounds nice. But who wants to get hit up for money? If you give as a senior, be prepared to keep giving. You're on their list. When the phone rings at dinner, be happy because it's a friendly student from your alma mater calling to tell you what's new at your old college. And the friendly student will ask you for a donation (a token $1,995 to represent your graduating year?). If want to keep your job - or your conscious - you better give. Why am I not excited? Donating would feel a lot more altruistic if you weren't constantly hounded for the money. Alumni can donate with time, like James Earl Jones. They can donate to the University's ranking by speaking kind words that build the school's reputation more than any magazine rating. And alumni can en- courage others to come here if they think it's a good school. They donate when they send their kids here. One day I may donate money to this school. If the Michigan Telefund never calls me. If I make it past the indebted years without a plea for cash, then I think I will write the University one fat check. To them the check will be a drop in the bucket. A necessary drop in the bucket. I just want to give it on my own. 01 JIM LASSER ,w LAcA s 9 Z~4ILr /1 SHARP AS TOAST HEY tDUDE, NICE SPEECH1. Bur 17 S-fILL 'DON'T KcNOW WHftO YOU to '1T WORRY, J-UST REMEtAER To VOTE FRR 13i LL OLIN VON I 1996 o 0 3 0 NOTABLE QUOTABLE "The world has passed through the nuclear age and found it wanting." - Jesse Deerinwater, a member of Citizens Resistance Against Fermi II (an area nuclear power plant) 0 C1 Why Clinton chose to speak at Michigan State's Graduation @ LErTERs Music reviewer slights African American music To the Daily: This letter is a response to the Daily's recent review of Adina Howard's CD "Do You Want A Ride?" (4/5/95) The Daily's staff writer, Eugene Bowen, has opened his mouth too many times about the ways in which Black people eat, dress, sleep, and think. And all too often the only thing that comes out is a lot of hot air. In almost (if not) every article, Bowen bla- tantly criticizes and "talks down" to Black people and at the same time he tries to encourage us by saying, "But I know we can do better ... my brothers and sis- ters." The Daily needs an African American writer who will pro- vide the balance for Eugene's flagrantly conservative views. I am sure the Daily's editors real- ize they can not feature Bowen as the "sole voice of Black folk," as he most assuredly blunders in using his blazing pistol (the pen) to shoot down every Black per- son in sight. What ever hap. pened to the pleasant, colorful and funny side of Black people's lives? To Bowen, it would ap- pear as if those essential quali- ties do not exist. How could you call her vo- cal skills "piss-po"'? The truth is, the only things that are piss- po' are Bowen' sreviews and lack of knowledge regarding excel- lent music. If Ms. Howard's music is as popular as you con- tend it is, I guarantee that it is not because of her sexiness. Howard's song was popular well before she released the video for "Freak Like Me". The fact that she is not only sexy, but beauti- ful, is irrelevant. Her image only adds to her talent. Rather than present your tidy, yet sexist im- age of how a Black woman should dress, maybe you should con- sider Ms. Howard's image as a compliment and benefit to her marketable and pleasant voice. Yes, I said it; her voice is nice. After purchasing Ms. Howard's album, I listened at- tentively to her vocals, the samples used from other songs, bass and keyboard programming and the timing of abstract instru- ments. I concluded that her vo- cals sound very much like the Hip-Hop Queen Mary J. Blige, and her musical selections near R. Kelly's in production. The reputations of the artists and pro- ducers that are on her album - namely William 'Bootsy' Collins, the respectable gangsta lady Yo-Yo, George Cooper and infamous George 'Atomic Dog' Clinton -all attest to the excel- lence in musical talent that is displayed on the album. To call Ms. Howard's voice 'heinously wack', says nothing except that your evaluation of Black music is in fact 'wack' and weak. In a slightly modified African-American tone that can be printed in the Daily: "Forget what you're talking about, this girl is dope, or in your overused, played phrase 'da-bomb'." Before you "dropyourpants" (or color) for the hierarchies of the editorial business, please, consider what you are going to say--especially if it pertains to an area of interest about which you know nothing. Adina Howard has every- thing a 90s woman would want: beauty to behold, courage to do what she wants, and a vocal gift that makes her musically in- clined. And you are not the "ruffneck" that Ms. Howard speaks about in her album. It was clear when I read your re- view that you were trying to appease only those few Black grandmothers who don't listen to "sinful" contemporary mu- sic. Joao Ian Berry LSA junior Affirmative action harms quest for gender equity 0 To the Daily: In response to Ms. Trudeau's letter regarding the "oppression" of women, ("Gender-based dis- crimination still exists in U.S.," 4/6/95) we have one thing to say: get over it, and quit whining. It seems to us that it is exactly your sort of attitude that contrib- utes to this so-called "oppres- sion." Constant whining and complaining about the plight of women in society simply per- petuates and augments the image of women as the weaker sex. This victim motif, and plea for affirmative action, is exactly what has estranged the average woman* from the 'feminist' movement. Affirmative action is detri- mental to our position. Qualifi- cations and ability should be the sole means of determining the suitable person for the job. Hir- ing any individual simply to meet a quota is not and never will be beneficial for anyone involved. Unqualified women hired in this0 type of situation further expand the notion that women are unable to do "men's" work. Affirmative action is a return to eye-for-an-eye. A history of Wnc~rtfnrrd ctrotvnc Acinn nrifir Amcarir'nnQ i I