Sunrayce '95
set for June
Solar-powered cars from 40 col-
leges and universities will compete
again for the checkered flag in North
America's largest solar car race.
*Sunrayce '95 will include the
University's Solar Vision in the 1,150-
mile contest from Indianapolis, Ind.
to Golden, Colo. from June 20-29.
The University's solar car team is
the two-time defending champion.
The team built a new car for this race,
refining and improving on its previ-
ous successes.
Each solar car must be able to
*ollect and convert solar energy into
electricity as its sole source of power.
The cars will travel 70 to 175 miles
each day. The winning car has the
lowest cumulative time over the nine-
day race.
ceramic developed
The University's Specialized Ma-
terials Science Center has developed
a less-expensive crown with a new,
super-strong ceramic core, called
Magcor, that is ideal for capping front
"In general, crowns are con-
structed over two types of cores -
metal and ceramic," William J.
O'Brien, director of the center, said
n a statement. "The problem with
the metal cores - nickel, gold or
palladium alloys - is that they often
show through gum tissues like a
purple stain - a real problem with
crowns, or caps,' made for front
The Magcorceramic crown solves
the "purple" problem and also is four
times stronger than crowns made from
other ceramics, O'Brien said. It is
kighly hypoallergenic, as opposed to
metal crowns which can cause aller-
gic reactions.
Glucose may trigger
onset of puberty
University scientists have discov-
ered that glucose, a common sugar
obtained through food, could play a
key role in triggering the onset of
"Scientists have long know there
is a relationship between reproduc-
tion and nutrition," Douglas L. Fos-
ter, a University neuroendocrinolo-
gist, said in a statement. "When ani-
mals live in the wild, the timing of
puberty varies with food availabil-
*ity. Experiments with laboratory ani-
mals show that short-term fasting
interrupts the reproductive cycle."
Foster'spreliminary results with
young sheep demonstrate that vary-
ing the level of glucose in the animal's
boodstream produces immediate
changes in the amount and pattern of
hormones secreted by the brain.
Since sheep are similar to hu-
mans in many ways, Foster hopes his
*research could help scientists to un-
derstand why the average age of pu-
berty in young women has declined
over the last 100 years from 17 to 13
and why menstruation often stops in
young women who participate in
strenuous athletic activities or diet
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Students' Party
elected to 7 of 11
commission chairs
Party loses
adership posts
The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 12, 1995 - 3
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
While the Michigan Party cap-
tured the Michigan Student Assem-
bly executive officer positions three
weeks ago, last night the Students'
Party flexed its power in internal com-
mittee and commission chair elec-
In many close votes, the Students'
Party shut out Michigan Party power,
seizing seven of the 11 committee
and commission chair positions. The
Wolverine Party also made an ap-
pearance, garnering two chair seats,
while an independent representative
grabbed the last position. One non-
MSA member was elected to chair
the Students' Rights Commission.
MSA President Flint Wainess said
he was disappointed at the outcome
of the elections, but that he had faith
in the new chairs.
"I've worked tooth and nail to
build coalitions on this assembly. We
didn't get everything I would like to
have seen, but I think the end result of
these elections will be a moving for-
ward of MSA," Wainess said. "I'm
confident the new committee and com-
mission chairs will work in an open
and inclusive environment."
Students' Party members cel-
ebrated their victories, yet said they
hoped for future cooperation between
the parties.
"This is really good for MSA be-
cause now the Michigan Party can't
just say, 'We have a majority so we
don't have to listen to the Students'
Party,"' said Students' Party member
Remco von Eeuwijk. "Also, the
Student's Party can't just whine and
complain because they now have po-
sitions with responsibilities. Both
parties now have to cooperate."
The Students' Party won many of
the important elections by tight mar-
gins of victory.
The Budget Priorities Committee,
which recommends funding amounts
for student groups to the assembly,
was voted on three times before Stu-
dents' Party member von Eeuwijk
captured a majority.
"While BPC was run very well,
I'd like to work on outlining what
type of activities we are sponsoring to
get a better idea of what our priorities
are," von Eeuwijk said. "I think one
thing we need to do is to make the
registration process easier for groups."
Students' Party member Fiona Rose
ran uncontested for external relations
chair, a committee that represents MSA
at local and state levels.
"I think the ERC is one of the most
important committees, and we deal
with things on the federal, state and
grassroots levels. I've dealt with the
lobbyist in Lansing, and I know we'll
have a strong committee," Rose said.
"I think my election to ERC shows
the possibility of breaking down par-
Newly appointed
committee and
commission chairs
Budget Priorities Committee
Mike Bruno
Remco Von Eeuwijk
Campus Governance Committee
Brian Elliott
Probir Mehta
External Relations Committee
Melissa Anderson
Fiona Rose
Rules and Elections Committee
Brian Elliott
Brooke Slavic
Academic Affairs Commission
Dan Serota
Environmental Issues Commission
Brian Theiss
Health Issues Commission
Gerard Castaneda
Peace and Justice Commission
Andy Schor
Students' Rights Commission
Anne-Marie Ellison
Women's Issues Comission
Emily Berry
tisan barriers."
Before the elections, Wainess
urged representatives to look beyond
party titles in electing the new chairs.
"We need to get our house in order
-- that's what happens in these elec-
tions. I hope this will be a bi-partisan
effort to pick the best candidates,"
Wainess said.
Homeward bound
A visitor from Boston, Sam Talbot, gets ready to take his luggage to the
bus in front of the Michigan Union yesterday afternoon.
Commission recommends limited casino expansion
LANSING (AP) - Michigan
should allow a limited expansion of
casino gambling to recapture the mil-
lions of gaming dollars now going to
Canada and other states, a special com-
mission recommended yesterday.
The 13-member commission
predicted such an expansion would
increase crime and the state's di-
vorce rate as well as spouse and
child abuse.
It said Michigan already has the
ills of gambling - at the state's Na-
tive American casinos and casinos in
Canada and neighboring states -
without any of the benefits.
"We are not coming off a level
playing field," said commission chair-
man Robert Danhof. "The state gets
all the social harm and disadvantages
associated with gambling, but receives
none of the benefits of economic de-
velopment and tax revenue."
Danhof emphasized that "the
dominant theme of the report is lim-
ited expansion."
The commission report said such
an expansion should include privately
owned casinos as well as off-reserva-
tion, Native American casinos.
Specifically, the report recom-
mended allowing Native American
casinos in Detroit, where voters last
year overwhelmingly approved two
gambling questions.
It described the current share of
revenue that the state and local govern-
ments get from Native American ca-
sinos as inadequate and recommended
that it be increased through negotia-
In addition, it said the Legislature
should lift the state's ban on casinos to
allow for privately owned and operated
casinos. However, there seems to be
little support for that step among law-
It said horse-racing tracks should
not be allowed to have video gam-
bling or other casino games. That
would, in essence, be creating a ca-
sino at each racetrack, the commis-
sion said.
Bob Raymond, director of market-
ing for Ladbroke DRCsaid officials at
the horse track were disappointed and
frustrated by the report.
"It's very inconsistent. You're say-
ing 'yes' to a proliferation of gambling
in Detroit, casino gambling, and 'no' to
horse racing, which is an existing, regu-
lated industry, which just wants to be
able to compete," he said.
Raymond said since Casino
Windsor opened last spring, business
at Ladbroke DRC has been down 20
percent to 25 percent.
He also said the horse racing busi-
ness creates 42,000 jobs in Michigan,
directly and indirectly.
The panel also recommended that
the state not allow bars, taverns, bowl-
ing alleys - any place where liquor is
sold by the drink -- to have video
gambling machines. It described that
as a "proliferation" that would cause
extensive and social economic harm
Lou Adado, chief executive of-
ficer of the Michigan Licensed Bev-
erage Association, found that incon-
"The question is who should have
for-profit gaming and who gets the
money, several big casinos or 10,000
Want to earn college credits while away
from campus this summer?
Amtrak may reroute Chicago-Toronto
train through Detroit for bigger revenues
DETROIT (AP) - Amtrak, look-
ing for bigger revenues by drawing
on more potential passengers, may
reroute its Chicago-Toronto Interna-
tional train through Detroit and sub-
urban communities extending north
to Flint.
The train currently passes through
Battle Creek, Lansing, Flint and Port
Huron before continuing eastward into
Canada. Amtrak is studying whether
the eastbound train should change tracks
at Durand or Flint and then head south
through Holly, Pontiac, Birmingham,
Royal Oak and Detroit, Amtrak
spokeswoman Debra Hare said.
The train would enter Canada
through the rail tunnel linking Detroit
and Windsor, Ontario, and continue
to Toronto. Detroit-area travelers now
must travel to Windsor to take Via
Rail - Canada's equivalent of
Amtrak - to Toronto.
"Preliminary analysis indicates
such a reroute would produce higher
revenues," Hare said. "There is a big-
ger population base through Detroit
than going through Port Huron."
Amtrak already has contacted Via
Rail and the state about possibly-
changing the route. There is no time-
table for making a final decision on
whether to make the switch, Hare
The Chicago-Toronto Interna-
tional carried 115,545 passengers in
1994, Hare said. A similar number
took Via Rail from Windsor to
Toronto, a spokesman said.
Call 764-5310or 11 regarding two programs
through the Extension Service:
. Summer Reading Program
Available to students with 3.0 grade point averages
Enrollment Deadline: May 8
* Independent Stud
Available to any student
No enrollment deadline
What's happening in Ann Arlior today
Q AISEC Michigan, general member
meeting, 662-1690, Business Ad-
ministration Building, Room 1276,
6 p.m.
Q Coming Out Group for Lesbian, Gay and
Bisexual People, 7634186, Michi-
gan Union, LGBPO Lounge, 7-9 p.m.
Q Discussion Group for Lesbian, Gay
and Bisexual People, 763-4186,
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge,
Q Hindu Students Council, weekly
meeting, 764-0604, Michigan
Union, Kuenzel Room, 8 p.m.
Q La Voz Mexicana, weekly meeting,
995-1699, Michigan League, Room
C, 8 p.m.
Q Overeaters Anonymous, 769-4958,
Michigan Union, Room 3200,12:10-
1 p.m.
U Rainforest Action Movement, Dana
Building, Room 1040, 7:30 p.m.
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women hinners welcome, 994-
soup and study, sponsored by
Lutheran Campus Ministry, 801 S.
Forest, 6 p.m.
U " Code Defiers' and the Michigan
Militia,"sponsored by Thursday
Night' Discussion Group, Michigan
Union, Crofoot Room, 4:30 p.m.
U "Higher Order Lithio
Organocuprates - Their
Reactivities and Structures," or-
ganic seminar, sponsored by De-
partment of Chemistry, Chemistry
Building, Room 1640, 4 p.m.
U "Inside Out," conflict and commu-
nity public film series, sponsored
by LSA Theme Semester, Angell
Hall, Auditorium B, 4 p.m.
Q "Law School Admissions Seminar,"
sponsored by EXCEL, Michigan
Union, Pendleton Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q "Libertarianism: The Perversion of
Liberty," sponsored by Students
of Objectivism, Michigan League,
Conference Rooms 3-4, 7 p.m.
Q "Madame Reference," sponsored
Q 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Campus information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info 76-EVENT or
UM*Events on GOpherBLUE
Q North Campus information Center,
North Campus Commons, 763-
NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m.
Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
Lobby, 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Q Peer Counseling for Non-Traditional
Undergraduate Students With
Academic Concerns, 998-7210,
sponsored by Center for Education
of Women, call for appointment
Q Political Science Peer Advising,
764-6386, sponsored by Under-
graduate Advising, Haven Hall,
Room 5620
Q Psychology Academic Peer Advis-