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April 12, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-04-12

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it t Y


ronight: Cloudy, chance
If rain, low mid-30s.
Tomorrow: Cloudy and
oreezy. High mid-40s.

One hundred four years of editorialfreedom

April 12, 1995

Salk to revisit site of polio vaccine unveiling at '.U' £{s

By Megan Schimpf
Daily Staff Reporter
The nervous fervor that surrounded
Rackham Auditorium on April 12,
1955, will be replaced by celebration
The cure for the international fear
9f polio came 40 years ago today, when
* nas Salk and Thomas Francis an-
tiounced the success of the trials of the
vaccine against the crippling disease.
Salk, who developed the vaccine,
will return at 10 a.m. today to Rackham
Auditorium, the exact location and
time of the original announcement, to
commemorate the anniversary with a
.50 years
later, FDR
still aff44ects
U..S. policyr
qf Angeles Times
WASHINGTON -Half a century
ago today, in a small cottage in Warm
Springs, Ga., the 32nd President of the
United States collapsed and died of a
stroke after 13 years in office that per-
manently transformed the relationship
of Americans to their government.
In the capital he dominated like few
~fore and none since, the trend to
overnment activism that Franklin
IIDelano Roosevelt launched is now
under unprecedented challenge. With
Republicans in command on Capitol
Hill and the GOP's presidential can-
didates mobilizing support, conser-
vatives dream boldly of a counter-
revolution as far-reaching as
Roosevelt's New Deal itself.
But by the time the clock ran out
Ost Friday on House Speaker Newt
Gingrich's First 100 Days, - a term
itself inspired by memories of FDR's
trail-blazing reforms - the defeat of
the balanced budget amendment and
term limits, two linchpins of the
GOP's "Contract With America" cam-
paign manifesto, had taught Republi-
cans a history lesson.
It is extremely difficult, they
*e arned, to build a new political order,
et aone sustain it for anything like a
half century, without the unique com-
bination of guile and conviction that
was the hallmark of Roosevelt's ge-
nius as a leader.
Roosevelt did much more than
steer the nation through the shoals of
the Great Depression. He survived
major defeats,
such as his failed
attempt to over-
haul the Supreme
Court, and went
on to win unprec-
edented third and
Sfourth terms dur-
ing which he set
Roosevelt the nation's course
for victory in

speech and award ceremony.,
Francis, who conducted field tri-
als to test the safety and effectiveness
of the vaccine, served as chair of
epidemiology at the University's
School of Public Health. He died in
The ceremony will include historical
footage and taped interviews with polio
survivors. University President James
J. Duderstadt and March of Dimes Presi-
dent Jennifer Howse will participate, and
many polio survivors will attend.
No seats remain, but some stand-
ing-room tickets may be available at
the door. Tickets are free.

During the 1950s, polio terrorized
the world, paralyzing thousands of
children without any apparent cause.
Polio season ran from April to Au-
gust, and some parents kept their chil-
dren in the house during those months.
Rumors ran rampant about potential
breeding sites. If one child came down
with polio after swimming, parents
would not allow their children to swim
for the rest of the summer.
"People were so hysterical they
thought peach fuzz was the cause,"
said Louis Graff, who served as
Francis' liaison to the media.
The fears are almost unmatched

today. "Now you talk about HIV or
cancer - at that time, poliomyelitis
had the same connotation," said H.F.
Maassab, a professor and current chair
of" epidemiology in the School of Pub-
lic Health.
Poliomyelitis, as polio is scientifi-
cally known, affects motor neurons
and skeletal muscles. In many cases,
children were put in a box known as
an "iron lung" when their breathing
muscles failed. Pictures of hospital
floors filled with children encased in
iron lungs only added to the panic.
"(Salk and Francis) were making
major medical history because polio-

myelitis was a disease with a high mor-
bidity and a high mortality rate, espe-cily nth cidr ,"M asb ad.2:
Salk, who worked at the Univer-;
sity from 1942 to 1947. developed a
killed-virus vaccine for the diseasep
while working at the University of
Pittsburgh in 1953.
Salk studied under Francis at the
Rockefeller Institute in New York City
and worked with him at the University. r
The National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis chose Francis to run the
field trials of the Salk vaccine. He
was regarded as an epidemiology ex-
See SALK, Page 2 Salk
Code hearn
is postponed
after 10 hoursmt~

Keeping out of the rain
A woman sleeps under an umbrella with her boots off and her feet up in front of Hill Auditorium.
DePaul 1new vspaper E& *draws;
fire for usinIg 'racist' term

® The administration
has closed the
school newspaper,
the DePaulla
By Katie Hutchins
Daily Staff Reporter
A dormitory basement is usually
headquarters for DePaul University's
student newspaper, but this week it
houses the school's "Concerned Black
Students," and the newspaper will not
be published.
The controversy began when the
school's paper - the DePaulia -
published an article on Feb. 17 de-
scribing a brawl at a student-spon-
sored event. The article quoted a po-
lice report describing "several M-B's
throwing chairs and trash into the
M-B is Chicago police talk for
"male Blacks" and the choice of quote
is what stirred up the controversy.
Black students complained that the
excerpt from the police report was un-
necessary and perpetuated negative ste-
reotypes about Blacks.
The tensions culminated in a sit-in
last Wednesday when dozens of stu-
dent protesters stormed the building,

unplugged computers, attempted to stop
production and ordered staff members
to leave.
The university has since banned
publication of the weekly newspaper
until a resolution between the student
groups can be reached.
So far, however, the groups have
not spoken and are working with the
school's administration, said Zack
Martin, 21, the DePaulia's editor in
Martin also shrugged off demands
by the protesters that he leave office.
Denying accusations that he is a rac-
ist, he said last night, "I'm not plan-
ning on resigning."
Following complaints about the
front-page article, the newspaper pub-
lished an editorial saying the two re-
porters who covered the fight did not
intend to write an unbalanced or in-
sensitive article.
"I feel that the DePaulia shouldn't
be the focus of this controversy," Mar-
tin said. "It's a much wider issue."
DePaul sophomore Eric Wright,
one of the students occupying the
newspaper's office, echoed Martin's
"The DePaulia is representative
of a bigger evil that DePaul Univer-

sity possesses and that's institution-
alized racism," he said.
Caught in the middle is Randall
Sawyer, a Black DePaulia staff mem-
ber and sophomore. He defended the
article on free speech grounds.
"I don't think the article itself is
racist, but ... I believe most people
involved are trying to fight some-
thing bigger than this - institutional
racism," Sawyer said.
The complaints of racism and
racial tensions are not new to the
Catholic school.
Black students claim that ad-
ministrators and campus security
officers have been racially insen-
sitive, and those complaints
prompted the university to form a
multicultural task force more than
a year ago.
University spokeswoman Denise
Mattson told The Associated Press that
officials viewed the situation as a"learn-
ing experience for the students" and
had no plans to eject the protesters.
Leda Hanin, another school spokes-
woman, denied the charge of institu-
tional racism but declined further com-
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
After about 10 hours of testimony
last night, a closed code hearing in-
volving six University undergraduate
students accused by two Law stu-
dents of assault was postponed until
next week.
The postponement annouincement
came after nearly eight hours of testi-
mony by the six accused students, both
complainants and an expert witness
from the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment. The students have been accused
of physical assault, battery and endan-
germent under the Statement of Stu-
dent Rights and Responsibilities -the
University's code of non-academic
Judicial Adviser Mary Lou
Antieau said the hearing would re-
sume next Wednesday at I p.m.
"It was clear that we weren't going
to get to the other witnesses, so we're
deciding on a date to reconvene,"
Antieau said. "It was the first time all
the parties could agree (on)," she said.
She would not comment on what hap-
pened during the closed hearing.
Second-year Law student Eric
Wise and Don Wiest, co-complain-
ants in the case, allege that the six
accused students assaulted them at
their home on Benjamin Street on
Oct.- 1, 1994.
Both were required to sign a state-
ment that prevents them from discuss-
ing the events of the closed hearing.
Wise and Wiest first gave state-
ments and were questioned by the
hearing officer, George Goodin, as-
sociate dean of for Students with Dis-
abilities. Then, each of the six ac-
cused students - LSA junior
Kendrick Kakazu, Engineering senior
Paul Uzgiris, L SA junior Zachary
Feldman, Kinesiology senior Jehad
Hamdan, LSA junior Olanrewaju
(Lanre) Olabisi and LSA senior Brian
Kalev Freeman - gave statements
and were questioned by Goodin and
cross-examined by Wise and Wiest.
All of the accused students except
Uzgiris are members of the Michigan
wrestling team.
During the time that each of the
accused student was giving his state-
ment and being questioned, the other
accused students waited outside the

Code heaing
closed despite,
student appeal
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
At least one of six undergradu-
ates accused in a hearing last night
tinder the University's code of non-
academic conduct wanted the hear-
ing open to the public.
LSA senior Brian Kalev Free-
man filed a motion for an indi-
vidual open hearing separate from
the other accused students.
Freeman was accused of physi-
cal assault, battery and endanger-
ment in an incident involving two
Law students on Oct. 1. 1994. Fel-
low wrestling team member
Kendrick Kakazu allegedly at-
tacked second-year Law stuident
Eric Wise, who filed a complaint
under the code, the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibili-
'yesterday, with the help of his
attorney, David Cahill, Freeman
distributed a motion for an indi-
vidual hearing, for an open hearing
and' for adjoufrnment:
Freeman claims that Judicial Ad-
viser Mary Lou -Antieau promised
him an open. individual hearing on
Feb. 28 and later informed him that
he would be tried instead with the
five other accused students in the.
See CODE, Page 2
hearing room. The statement and ques-
tioning sessions took approximately
an hour per student.
"They almost had me thinking I
did something wrong,' Feldman said
after more than an hour of testimony
and cross-examination by Wise and
Freeman requested that his attor-
ney, David Cahill of Ann Arbor, be
allowed to participate fully in the hear-
ing. In code hearings, attorneys are
allowed to be present in an
consultatory position, but not to fully
represent their clients.
See HEARING, Page 2

World War 11.
STo late-20th century America, he
'equeathed a three-part legacy: an
aggressive internationalism abroad,
an expansionist federal government
at home and, perhaps most important,
a political coalition capable of sup-
porting both.
Today, the first two remain, but
the last has crumbled. And none of
his successors in either party has
Seen able to fashion an alliance as
4road or as durable as the implau-
sible amalgam of Southern whites,
Northern Blacks, Midwestern farm-
ers, trade unionists and small busi-
ness operators.
Roosevelt's success, sonic schol-
ars note, stemmed in part from the
historical moment in which he took
power -- a nation in the depths of the
Depression was willing to embrace a
*Wader who offered a bold departure
from the past.
"The history of the New Deal il-
lustrates how rare and how brief it is
that we have periods of dramatic and
successful reform," said Columbia

Mexicans poli
distrust for Zapatistas

Editor's note: This is third in a
three-part series on Mexico 's Chiapas
region, its people and the Zapatista
By Robyn Denson
Special to the Daily
CASAS, Mexico - Truth and justice
are phrases used often by Mexicans

Subcommondante Marcos, as Rafael
G. Sebastian with the hope of under-



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