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April 07, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-04-07

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 6, 1995

By Melissa Koenig
For the Daily
Stretching the len
two football fields, an
each day, the NAME
memorial quilt, whic
Cobo Center in Detr
9, celebrates many li
Cleve Jones crea
1986, in honor of his
from AIDS. The N
Foundation has 39
United States, as we
dent quilt initiativesa
- equalling the com
football fields..
"I have been invo
in its first display
D.C. The first quilt
1,800 (squares), n

Center displays AIDS memorial quilt
sbwrg 29,000," said Mark Ayer, president Anyone who wishes to turn in a panel,
of the Metro Detroit Chapter. may bring it to the display. Each 3- quiltDisplay
igth of more than Ayer stressed that is important to foot-by-6-foot panel, equal to a grave When: Friday, Saturday and
adgrowinglarger view thequiltandunderstandthatAIDS blanket is celebrating "one life to re- Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
ES Project AIDS affects people of all ages. He asserted member," Gerritsen said. Where: Cobo Hall, I.
h is on display at that AIDS still carries a stigma that Among the names on the 5,000 Washington Blvd.
oit from April 5- people immediately associatewithgays. panels are Stephen Kolzak, casting Cost: Admission is free.
ives. "I am hoping that this is one way director for "Cheers"; Liberace, the
ated the quilt in to reach young people who have a performer; and Freddie Mercury, lead
friend who died sense that, 'It can't happen to me.' It singer of the rock group Queen. The It is a celebration," she s
JAMES Project can," said volunteer public relations University created a signature panel cautioned that it is "painful to
chapters in the coordinator Jeanne Gerritsen, a Uni- this fall when the quilt was displayed material, the life of people."
11 as 27 indepen- versity graduate student. "This is noth- at the Michigan Union in remem- There is no sound or music
around the world ing to laugh or joke about. It is inevi- brance of National AIDS Week. the display, aside from the c
ibined area of 17 table in seven to 10 years down the "Remember, this is a memorial, a ous reading of names.
road it will hit." time for grieving and a basic commu- Ayer said, "Every time wec
lved since 1987, The anticipated 200 new quilts nity art. Quilting is an American art, it is to remember names. The d
in Washington, from the Detroit area will be formally an expression. Some are exquisite, ing thing is the thing is not gett
was a little over accepted as part of the national quilt and others amateur, but all put to- smaller, it is just getting bigg
now it is over Sunday night at the closing ceremony. gether with love," Gerritsen said. wish is to see the last panel se



aid, but
o put in
do this,
ing any
er. Our
wn in."

Clinton agrees to sign GOP tax bill
WASHINGTON - President Clinton yesterday agreed to sign a Repub-
lican-sponsored tax-break bill and angrily defended himself in a meeting with
House Democrats against a charge that his reluctance to fight the GOP on all
fronts leaves the impression he lacks conviction.
More than 150 congressional Democrats and some of the President's aides
had recommended he issue the first veto of his presidency to reject legislatio
including a multi-million-dollar tax break for media giant Rupert Murdoc
The break was attached to legislation in the Senate that reinstates and expands
a tax deduction for self-employed workers who buy their own health insur-
ance. It permits them to deduct 25 percent of the cost of the premiums for 1994
and 30 percent this year.
Clinton said he would sign the legislation because of the health-care-
insurance provision. But several Democrats had argued Congress would have
scratched the Murdoch tax break if it had been vetoed.
Some House Democrats saw political potential in vetoing the legislation
and blasting Republicans for giving breaks to friends of House Speaker Newt
Gingrich (R-Ga).

FDon't Pan-c!
ifyoui think you're pregnant...
call us-we listen, we care.
Any time, any day, 24 hours.
Fully confidential.
serving. Studentssne 1970.

Federal anti-drug money abused

Michigan, anti-drug money paid for
toothbrushes in a health class. In
Washington, it went for a basketball
team party. In a St. Louis suburb, it
helped pay for a school security guard.
In the last eight years, critics con-
tend, taxpayermoney designed to warn
schoolchildren away from drugs and
alcohol has been diverted to a slew of
inappropriate and wasteful things.
"It was a slush fund," said Bob
Peterson, who heads Michigan's Of-
fice of Drug Control Policy.
Even many anti-drug activists and
grassroots supporters agree: A pro-


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It's the World's Biggest Seder.
And We Promise You Won't Have to'
Sit at the Kids' Table.
It's the Great North American Pesach Seder! Of course, we won't all sit at one table -
but it just might feel that way as we join together and celebrate our Festival of
Freedom. Attending a Seder enables all of us, and each of us personally, to -
experience anew the Exodus from Egypt.
That's why Chabad is sponsoring Sedorim on campuses
across America, and distributing Free Passover Seder-to-
Go packages for Jewish students unable to attend.
Three-to-four people may share a
Seder-to-Go, which comes
complete with a hand-
made Shmurah
- sample,
a box of
matzahs, a
bottle of Kosher-for-
Pesach Grapeuice and
a Seder Gui Awit full
A" tinstructions for making your
own Seder.
So whether you're at a family Seder or a
Seder on campus, or you order a Seder-to-Go,
don't miss your chance to jom the celebration. We'll
do whatever we can to help. Get involved...call today!

gram begun with high hopes in the
Nancy Reagan era, and recently
praised by President Clinton as cru-
cial for children, was riddled with
waste from the start.
"It really is sad, because we need
this anti-drug message so desperately
right now," said B.J. McConnell, who
helped pick the program's nationally
recognized drug-free schools. "And
now we're risking losing it."
In recent years, McConnell and
other supporters insist, the program
has improved dramatically because
of better oversight from the federal
Continued from page 2.
zarre to see these groups coming to-
gether on one issue."
While organizing the rally, SAC
will circulate information about the
code around campus with fliers and
"We have to be making an argu-
ment to the people about why they
should oppose the code and how they
should go about doing it," said Jodi
Masley, an SAC member.
"Our platform is very important.
We've spent a long time trying to figure
out what is going to be the line we get
out to students," van Eeuwijk said.
The rally and march are only a part
of the wider protest movement SRC
is organizing. In addition, SRC plans
to coordinate mass mailings, infor-
mational tables in residence halls and
a lobbying of the regents' meeting.
"In the past, there have been rallies
against the code and (also) lobbying,"
Keenan said. "I think what we're look-
ing at now is really full-court press. It's
everything coming together."
Planning strategies for the re-
gents' meeting, Keenan and MSA
Rep. Jonathan Freeman are working
on drawing up an alternative to the
current code.
"There's a committee investigat-
ing the possibility of another
minimalist code," Keenan said.
"We just have to keep hitting on
the arguments that we've been hitting
on," he said. "This is the last push as
the amendments come up for evalua-
tion and on the 20th we're going to be
cramming two years of information
and two years of research into five-
minute chunks."
Episcopal Church at UofM
518 E. Washington St.
(behind Laura Ashley)
SUNDA Y: 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist
followed by informal supper
All Welcome 665-0606
The Rev'd Virginia Peacock, Chaplin
Worship: 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.
2146 Moeller Ave. Ypsilanti
485-4670 Pastor Henry J. Healey
530 W. Stadium
(across from Pioneer High School)
SUNDAY: Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Bible Study 9:30 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 7 p.m.

3301 Creek Dr. 971-9777
9:30 a.m. English, 1 a.m &.8 p.m. Korean
Passion Sunday Procession with Palms
commemorating the 50th anniversary of
the Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Screening of
"1j4frnP flf f( 'rnc,.nnrn " ("'nnrprf JAan

Fighting worsens as ignored, do
until May 1
Serbs shell Sarajevo "The pa
large-scale c
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herze- sionsforthe
govina - Rebel Serbs shelled a spokesman
Sarajevo suburb yesterday, killing at
least two civilians and wounding three Yeltsin
others, as the United Nations warned
that Bosnia was headed for "large- contro
scale war."
Both sides were ignoring a cease- MOSC(
fire, with the Majevicamountains in the Yeltsin has1
north, near the government-held city of the successc
Tuzla, the most active battlefront. U.N. allow search
observers reported heavy artillery and galize electr
mortar fire was continuing. vive gatherir
Bosnian army sources claimed it was discl
government troops Wednesday closed Ydltsin'§
the only escape route for Serbs de- law another
fending a key communications relay Communist
tower in the area. But SRNA, the branded by h
Bosnian Serb news agency, reported democratic'i
yesterday that Serbs had recaptured a bring back t
strategic hill. In a ters
In the northwest, the U.N.-desig- middle of th
nated "safe area" of Bihac also came Interfax new
under Serb shelling yesterday, said out elaborat
Maj. HerveGourmelon, apeacekeeper the Federal
spokesman. Monday.
Just hours before the shelling be- Because
gan outside Sarajevo, the United Na- measure, th
tions announced there had been no But the legis
progress on extending the nationwide by the Russi
cease-fire, which, although generally - F

Senate Dems debate
$15 billion in cuts
Democrats yesterday rejected a tenta-
tive compromise worked out by lead-
ers of both parties and returned to a
debate on a $15 billion spending-cuts
package on the eve of a two-week
Easter recess.
With time for action running out,
it was uncertain whether the Senate
could complete work on the bill in
time for Republicans to claim credit
for passing a major budget-cutting
initiative before adjournment.
After what was described as a cha-
otic meeting of Democratic senators
in the morning, Minority Leader Tho-
mas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) announced
he had been unable to win approval
for a compromise hammered out late
Wednesday by himself and Majority
Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.).
To entice Democratic support, the
compromise added back $800 mil-
lion for education reform, the na-
tional service corps, drug-free schools,

housing modernization, Indian hous-
ing, and child nutrition, but also cut
twice that amount from other low-
priority programs.
White House pledges
to reform FDA
WASHINGTON -In an apparent
effort to head off a Republican-driven
overhaul of the Food and Drug Admin-
istration, the White House yestezday
proposed a series of agency reforms,
including a pilot program that would
allow outside experts to review certain-
experimental medical devices.
The FDA, which has speeded up
the approval process for breakthrou
and life-saving drugs in recent years,
has been under increasing attack by
GOP lawmakers, the medical device:
industry and conservative think tanks
in recent months for being overly
cautious and sluggish in getting new
devices onto the marketplace. Critics
repeatedly have cited many European
countries, where private-firmreviews
are permitted.

es not officially expire
rties are heading toward
war with tragic repercus-
civilian population," U.N.
Alexander Ivanko said.
gives KGB
versial power
MW - President Boris
broadened the powers of
or agency of the KGB to
hes without warrants, le-
ronic surveillance and re-
ng of foreign intelligenc9
osed yesterday.
s move, which brings into
sweeping revision of the
t-era spy agency, was
human rights activists and
reformers as an effort to
he hated KGB.
e dispatch released in the
he night, the independent
ws agency reported with-
tion that Yeltsin signed
Security Services Act on
Yeltsin proposed the
e act was not a surprise.
lation had been approved
an Parliament.
From Daily wire services

] No r



The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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EDTRA STAFFMichel Roenbeg, Eito In h
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EDITORS: Jonath~an Berndt, Lse Dines. Andrew Taylor. Scot Woods.
STAFF: Patience Atkin, Cathy Boguslaski, Kiran Chaudhri, Jodi Cohen, Spencer Dickinson, Sam Dudek. Lenny Feller, Christy Glass,
Ronnie Glassberg, Jennifer Harvey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson, Amy Klein, Stephanie Jo Klein, Tali Kravitz, Frank C. Lee,
Timothy Lord, Gail Mongkolpradit-, Tim O'Connell, Lisa Poris, Zachary M. Raimi, Megan Schimpf, Maureen Sirhal, Matthew Smart,
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EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James Nash, Editors
STAFF: Bobby Angel, James R. Cho. Jed Friedman, Zach Gelber, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Adrienne Janney, Chris Kaye, Jeff Keating.
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SPORTS Paul Barger, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Darren Everson, Antoine Pitts, Tom Seeley, Ryan White.
STAFF: Rachel Bachman, Scott Burton, Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Sarah QeMar, Brett Forrest, Alan Goldetbach. James Goldstein.
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ARTS Tom Erlewine, Heather Phares, Editors
EDITORS: Me#ssa Rose Bernardo (Theater), Matt Carison (Fine Art), Kirk Miller (Books), Andy DOlen (Music), Liz Shaw (Weekend
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STAFF: Sangita Saxi, Matt Ben-. EugeneBowen, Jennifer Buckley. Mark Carlson. David Cook, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Ben
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PHOTO Jonathan Lorie, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF: Tonya Broad, Mike Fitzhugh, Mark Friedman, Douglas Kanter, Stephanie Lim, Judith Perkins. Kristen Schaefer, Molly


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