The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 6, 1995 - 5 LEm~rRs *Outgoing LSA-SG officers deserve commendation To the Daily: On behalf of all LSA students I would like to thank outgoing LSA- Student Government President Ryan Boeskool and Vice President Sherry Martens for all they have done for LSA students. When Ryan and Sherry ran for office, they were indepen- dents. They won because of their fo- cus on issues and dedication to stu- dents, not because a party pulled them through. From the start, .Ryan and Sherry worked hard to transform a government which was in shambles and experiencing a real leadership crisis into what is now easily the most respected and effective student gov- ernment on campus. While their counterparts on MSA were bickering and garnering head- lines, the LSA government quietly passed reforms which help all stu- dents. From the money-back guaran- tee for unsatisfied students, to the LSA Computer Conference and News Group, to the Public Issues Forum on Pass/Fail and the upcoming ROE fo- rum, the LSA government got things done. Because many LSA students were not aware of everything their government could do for them, the Outreach Program was started where representatives made weekly presen- tations to different student organiza- tions. This greatly increased funding requests and interest in what the gov- ernment was doing. Perhaps the great- est tribute to Ryan and Sherry's hard work in making the LSA Government legitimate and well respected again is that around twice as many students voted in the recent LSA elections. In a time when all we hear about is student apathy, Ryan and Sherry made people care again. Unfortunately, the new LSA President and Vice Presi- dent have never been to a meeting in their lives, and therefore have never had a chance to see Ryan and Sherry in action. Hopefully, the new admin- istration will be quick learners and carry on the programs the outgoing government started. Ryan and Sherry left big shoes to fill, and as an LSA S student, I thank them for that. Charlie Spies LSA senior Environmental activism needed in campus life *To the Daily: j I am writing to express my concern over what seems to be a very sensitive issue: apathy concerning the environ- ment. As a member of the Rain Forest Action Movement, I represented the coalition of activists that was on the Diag on Wednesday, March 22, dem- onstrating/publicizing against our Re- publican Congress members' "Con- tract With America." Despite newspa- per and even television coverage, most passersby ignored our petitions to House SpeakerNewtGingrich to hurry on their way to class. Yes, it's under- standable that not everyone agrees with the petition, butwhatis important is the nature of the petition, which is de- signed as an "Environmental Bill of Rights", rather than an outright con- gressionalmandate.Thefivemaingoals of the petition aim to "Prevent Pollu- tion", "Preserve America's naturalheri- tage", "End the give-aways of public assets [intending to discourage oil and energy company subsidies]", "Con- serve America's natural resources", and "Get the Big Money out of poli- tics". What is wrong with the ideals of Protecting and Preserving? The cur- rent House of Representatives has proven that when we, as voters, choose not to preserve and protect, we disin- tegrate and destroy our resources. As part of a group of concerned environ- mental activists on campus, I urge students to get, and remain, involved with the environmental movement. Environmentalism does not have to be a faction or side;it can be a lifestyle. Sarah DeFlon SNRE senior Gender-based discrimination still exists in U.S. To the Daily: I am curious about the egalitarian utopia from which Randall Juip wrote the letter that appeared in the Daily on March 17 ("Sexism by any other name is still sexism"), in which he disputed Sandy Eriksen's critique of a column written by James R. Cho. Unfortu- nately, I'm afraid it only exists in his mind, and his simplistic interpreta- tion of sexism only exposes his fail- ure to recognize the complexity of gender politics in this country. Even while he claims he has "never oppressed a woman," there are sev- eral occasions in his letter in which he perpetuates notions historically used to subordinate them. He claims Ms. Eriksen's argument "demonstrates her lack of reason." The idea that woman are emotional, irrational beings dates back to Plato, and has been used to invalidate women's intellectual abili- ties ever since. He also assumes that "women and men are fundamentally different," and "men are better than women at some things, and women are better than men at some things." Although, outside of reproductive differentiation, this statement is ge- netically indefensible, it has been used to explain why women are generally nurses, secretaries and teachers while men are doctors, executives and sci- entists. Distancing himself from the role of oppressor is not as simple as making a declaration of such, because, as the feminist scholar Marilyn French once stated, "All men profit from the exploitation of women. Whether they want to or not. Whether they're con- scious or not." By occupying a posi- tion of privilege in our society, and reinforcing the ideas that have cre- ated and justified this position, Mr. Juip participates in and perpetuates the oppression of women. Furthermore, he seems to think that preferential hiring policies are intended to function as "retribution" for "some sort of vague, historical injustice." He even admits that "men have been hired on the basis of sex for years," but he claims that any attempt to counteract this through policies favoring the employment of women results in "the same type of oppres- sion" being "reversed onto men." Obviously, Mr. Juip does not under- stand the meaning of the word "op- pression," as it is impossible for the oppressed to simultaneously subju- gate their oppressors. But perhaps sexism was eradicated in that utopia he thinks he inhabits, although for those of us living outside that warm, fuzzy world, systematic discrimina- tion against women didn't magically disappear with the right to vote or the rise of Women's Lib. The unfortunate truth is that the "level playing field" of which Mr. Juip speaks with such fondness does not currently exist in this country. Preferential hiring policies are in- tended to counteract the social, psy- chological and economic sexism women face in the workplace right now, with the expectation that some- day our male-dominated society will indeed act on the idea that "ability ... should be the determining factor" in deciding "the best person for the job." In the meantime, I suggest that Mr. Juip acknowledge the real discrimi- nation that occurs in this country, and realize that he is not its victim, be- cause fighting against policies that promote the employment of women simply ensures that the imaginary egalitarian utopia that he inhabits will never exist for the rest of us. Unless, beyond all his protests to the contrary, that suits him just fine. Sheri Trudeau RC senior Project Smile a waste of money, energy To the Daily: We are writing in response to the week-long "Friendly Days" sponsored by Project Smile. We believe the week was a disappointing display of activ- ism that is contrary to the critical thinking skills most students are work- ing toward. Instead of analyzing why it is students are not friendly towards one another, Project Smile attempted to bribe students into friendliness with games and free food. It would be nice if people were friendlier to one an- other, but genuine friendliness does not come from free food and games, it comes from respect. In order to ac- complish this, issues such as sexism and racism must be dealt with. On Friday when a student attempted to voice these questions by chalking on the Diag, she was rudely asked to stop and what she wrote was erased by students from Project Smile. It's a shame that 60 students with a vision and potential to make change on this campus decided to spend their week giving out free bagels. It's a shame that these students spent the week smiling at everyone, telling everyone to be happy, to not worry, that every- thing is great rather than dealing with some real issues. The week represents more than free food and smiley faces. It repre- sents an effort on the part of the Uni- versity administration to throw money at anything that makes the University seem perfect. The administration jumped at this opportunity to fund a project that covers up the realities of this campus and the issues students deal with every day. The inequality of the system is magnified when certain student groups can snap their fingers and receive funding to hand out smiley stickers for a week. Most student groups that are actually working to- ward social change receive similar amounts of funding for the entire year. We have written this letter be- cause we feel it is important to criti- cally analyze motives and sources of funding behind student actions. If we are more aware of student organiza- tions and their goals, then hopefully we can prevent our tuition dollars from being spent on smiley stickers. Julie Lubeck RC junior Payal Parekh LSA senior Join effort to reduce waste at the Union To the Daily: In the coming weeks a proposal will be introduced to reduce waste in the MUG, the food court in the Michi- gan Union. It proposes that the cur- rent bag per order, whether eat in or eat out, be replaced with a tray system for those customers eating in. We feel that the current policies of the eateries that serve food in the Union is waste- ful and does not provide an environ- mentally friendly image for the Uni- versity. As part of the proposal a large industrial dishwasher would need to be purchased for all the restaurants to use. This dishwasher would hope- fully be purchased by the University. A petition has been drawn up and in approximately 2 weeks over a thou- sand signatures have been collected by the five group members. We feel that this represents a sincere concern by the students of this University's environmental practices and should be considered seriously. If you wish to give your support to this cause and have not signed a petition please write Andrew Fishburn at 405 E. Jefferson Apt. #7, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 or send e-mail to Andrew Fishburn LSA junior Students should utilize bus systems To the Daily: We encourage students to take ad- vantage of the excellent public trans- portation available on campus, namely the University buses and the AATA. For many students, we believe, taking the bus to Meijer's or to North Campus is hardly considered. We do not believe, however, that this lack of action is due to selfishness or disregard for the environment. Frankly, for many of us, ignorance plays the major role. Information re- garding bus schedules, routes, and fees is often buried in a student hand- book or displayed poorly at bus stops. It is the case that the difference be- tween choosing one option over the other can boil down to which one is more familiar to the student. For this reason, we have contacted AATA and the University to make user-friendly information readily avail- able to students. Realizing that stu- dents living in dorms are without per- sonal transportation, we requested AATA to provide dorm residents with literature detailing The Ride's ser- vices. You can help, too, by getting in touch with AATA and the University and suggesting that their services would be better utilized if students were in the know. The advantages of public trans- portation need little explanation. Hy- drocarbon, carbon monoxide, and ni- trogen oxide emissions from short- distance trips would be reduced (these contribute to the greenhouse effect and acid rain); parking worries would be alleviated; and safety and reliability would be heightened, notcompromised. Public transportation in Ann Arbor is certainly a viable option, and we need to learn how to take advantage of it. Rick Bernstein LSA junior Mark Blumberg David Miller Joe Shereda LSA seniors .. gday.Il tsihedu~g "THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS IN APPLYING TO LAW SCHOOL AND HOW TO AVOID THEM" A Seminar on the Law School Admission Process and the Successful Student's Approach Featured Topics Include: * How Law Schools Evaluate Applicants * How to Select Law Schools * Strategy and Timetable for Admission + Free Comparative Guide to Law Schools Presented by EXCEL Test Preparation Wednesday, April 12th 7:30 PM Michigan Union- Pendleton Room ALL STUDENTS WELCOME - NO CHARGE Trade in your milk crates GRAWATE, w/4.fL~ a4 ripr b M M You've suffered through milk crate furniture. You've survived macaroni and cheese. Soon, however, it will be time to come home. But "home" does not have to be back to Mom and Dad (and their rules). xi Q u or m rf 4 s t G THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN-DEARBORN TY Q You Are Cordially Invited The University of Michigan-Dearborn cordially invites you to be a guest student for the Spring/Summer semester. We have three terms to accommodate students who are home for summer vacation. Spring half term May 8 - June 30 Spring/Summer term May 8 - August 29 Summer half term July 5 - August 29 Pick up a guest application at your Registrar's Office and call the Office of Admissions and Orientation today at (313) 593-5103 for a Spring/Summer schedule. Walk in counseling and registration begin April 1 7. "Come Home to Village Green Apartments" Village Green means apartment living that sets the standard in Michigan. Resort-class amenities and social activities at 40 different apartment communities in Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids and throughout the Detroit Metropolitan area. SChoice of snacious floomlans