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April 06, 1995 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-04-06

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 6, 1995 - 3

Police fire on
UCLA hoops
" LOS ANGELES - After the
UCLA Bruins clinched the NCAA
men's basketball championship Mon-
day night, Los Angeles police used
rubber bullets and batons to restore
order when a raucous celebration by
thousands of fans turned into a bottle-
throwing melee. Fifteen people were
arrested and two were injured.
"People were just throwing bottles
into crowds and one guy turned around
and got it right in the face and without
a doubt lost all of his teeth," police
Cmdr. Tim McBride told The Associ-
ated Press. The other injury was to a
police officer who suffered broken
ribs, authorities said.
Officers fired 20 rounds of rubber
and bean-bag bullets to disperse what
they said was a relatively small number
of the 4,000 revelers who turned violent
after the win - their first NCAA bas-
ketball championship in 20 years.
Police said the trouble began when
the crowd moved through Westwood
Village throwing rocks and bottles
and overturning a radio station's van.
At least 200 officers marched into
the street to confront the crowd.
Some revelers were angry with
the action, like UCLA junior Mat-
o hew Zujovich, who said he was shot
by a policeman's pellet gun as he tried
to push the crowd back.
"The shot knocked me on my face.
It hurts like hell," he said.
Ontario residents
to get tuition
break at UP school
board of Lake Superior State Univer-
sity announced this week that it will
give Michigan tuition status to all
Ontario residents. It is also boosting
tuition rates 3.4 percent and room and
board charges 2.5 percent.
The rates and regulations were
approved recently by LSSU regents.
Current policy grants the status only
for northern Ontario residents.
The step is being taken to offset a
sharp drop in enrollment of Canadian
students at Lake Superior State and to
strengthen the university's position
as a "bi-national" institution, the state-
rhient said.
Students rally
against Congress,
for environment
WASHINGTON - More than
100 college students from 40 states
rallied Monday on Capitol Hill against
congressional efforts to weaken a host
of U.S. environmental laws.
Campus Green Vote, a nonparti-
san student organization organized
the Earth Day Campus Summit in
Washington, urged students to lobby
0 Congress in conjunction with the 25th
anniversary of Earth Day on April 22.

"It is our generation that will bear
the burden of the anti-environment
actions of the new Congress," one
student told The Associated Press.
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporter Jennifer Harvey with wire

Regents object to guidelines
in bill on closed pres. search

LSA senior Jim Wise shops for art in the Michigan Union yesterday.
Women raise health
iss esindiscussi V~sis no ns

Some board
members claim
conditions would
violate constitution
By Ronnie Glassberg
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite a vote by the state Senate
last week to allow closed searches for
university presidents - a move sup-
ported by members of the University
Board of Regents - several regents
expressed concerns with the bill's
"I can't imagine a less-desirable
outcome," said Regent Rebecca
McGowan (D-Ann Arbor). "This bill
removes from the regents legislatively
their most important responsibility
and that is the selection of the presi-
dent. That is their constitutional duty."
The bills, which will come before
the state House in the next few weeks,
would exclude presidential searches
from the state's open meetings and
freedom of information laws.
The Senate bill would allow closed
searches under the condition that the
search committee is comprised of at
least one student, one administrator,
one member of the governing board
and one representative of the public;

that the number of members of the
governing board on the committee is
less than a quorum; that the names of
the three final candidates must be
made public 30 days before final se-
lection; and that final deliberations
must be public.
"I don't know what this solution is
an answer to. I really don't,"
McGowan said. "I can't imagine how
they came up with it."
In the past, university boards have
avoided the open meetings law by
appointing subcommittees to pick a
president. But a Sept. 28, 1993 deci-
sion by the Michigan Supreme Court
said that practice violated the law.
The decision came in a lawsuit
filed by The Ann Arbor News and the
Detroit Free Press against the
University's Board of Regents in the
1988 search that culminated in the
selection of James J. Duderstadt as
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) said the change does not solve
the problems the universities face.
"In the form passed by the Senate, it
makes the issue more complicated,"
he said.
Baker, who was involved in the
selection of the past two University

presidents, said the bill's guidelines
overly restrict the Board of Regents.
"In 1850, the people of the state of
Michigan called a constitutional con-
vention because the University was
being ruined by politicians. It set the
University apart as a 'constitutional
corporation,"' Baker said. "It said that
the University regents will elect the
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman
(R-Ann Arbor) expressed similar con-
"I think the one that passed the
Senate is, in my judgment, not ac-
ceptable," Newman said. "The rea-
son I don't like it is the Legislature
has directed who will sit on the selec-
tion committee for a new president.
I'd rather go back to being within the
confines of the Open Meetings Act."
Baker said those who apply for
university presidencies are well es-
tablished in their careers. "They put
themselves at risk when they look for
a position elsewhere," he-said.
Newman also said a fully open
search could be detrimental for the
candidates. But, she said, "I do think
the media and the public should have
a fair opportunity to review the final-

By Lisa Poris
Daily Staff Reporter
Fifty people, nearly all women,
convened yesterday afternoon in the
Michigan League to deliberate
women's health issues.
They participated in eight
roundtable discussions as a part of "A
Day Dedicated to Women's Health."
The day's events began at noon in
the Rackham Auditorium with a
"Town Meeting" with University
President James D. Duderstadt on the
University's Agenda for Women, and
concluded with Barbara Tarbuck's
theatrical interpretation of Germaine
Greer's book "The Change" at
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Originally, the annual Michigan
Initiative for Women's Health's
Symposium was the only event
planned for yesterday. However,
Melinda Forthofer, a coordinator on
the symposium planning commit-
tee, said, "It kind of snowballed as
we went along."
The day grew from the traditional
lecture into several forums in which
many people's views on a variety of
issues were heard.MIWH, the Women's
Studies Program, the Theater Depart-
ment and the Commision for Women
contributed to the day's slate.
The most interactive exchange of
ideas occurred during the eight
roundtable sessions, at which partici-

pants could voice their worries, opin-
ions and personal experiences. Many
of these tables held two separate ses-
A well-informed facilitator at each
table led discussion of a different
women's health issue. Topics included
"Conflict between Work and Fam-
ily," "Sexuality in Families," "Vio-
lence in the Family," "Childbearing
Choices and Challenges," and "Teen
Many of the participants' concerns
and goals came out during these dis-
cussions. The need for flexibility was
one of the recurring ideas: flexibility
in the work place, in health care and in
societal opinions about child care.
Sponsors increased publicity for
the event through posters, e-mail
messages and written communica-
tions informing the University com-
munity of the events.
Forthofer said she thought the in-
creased publicity would serve to in-
crease awareness about these issues.
"People will see this really big event
on women's issues and see that this is
really important," she said.
Ann Stephenson, a graduate stu-
dent at Eastern Michigan University,
found the event beneficial. "It showed
the common goals that all of the
women that were here share. It gave
strength to some of these goals," she

Fountain pen
An LSA first-year student sketches the fountain in front of Burton Bell Tower for her architecture class,

Truck overturns; load burns

DETROIT (AP) -- A gasoline
tanker truck exploded when it over-
turned on an interstate ramp yester-
day and spilled burning fuel into
Detroit's sewer system. Police said
the driver died.
No one else was injured.
The accident happened about 1
p.m. as the tanker was on a ramp from
eastbound 1-94 to northbound I-75 in
Detroit, state police said.
The driver jumped out but was
unable to run from the flames, said
State Police Trooper Dana McKee.
She identified the driver late last
night as Kevin Morgan of Romulus.
Morgan, a trucker for Petro Chemi-
cal Transport Inc., in Carrollton,
Texas, was driving from Taylor to
Troy. carrying about 8,500 gallons of
gasoline, McKee said.
About two-thirds of the load ei-
ther burned or spilled onto the ramp,
he said.

McKee said the truck appeared to
have burst into flames after it rolled
over. Morgan's body was found about
10 feet from the truck. An autopsy
was planned for today.
"Just fragments of the vehicle re-
mained," State Police Sgt. Diane
Oppenheim said. The railings on the
ramp were completely melted, she said.
The burning fuel leaked into the
city sewer system, causing several
manhole covers to pop off in explo-
sions, police said.
A nearby nursing home and the
Eighty Golightly Elementary School
were evacuated because of gas fumes
spewing in several buildings, said
Detroit Fire Commissioner Harold
The students were sent to the De-
troit Public Library, the Museum of
African American History and the
Schools Center Building until parents
could pick them up.

Devon Bodoh's name was misspelled in yesterday's Daily. Also, Bodoh is a Business School representative on the
Michigan Student Assembly.
MSA condemned Andrew Wright for compromising the integrity of the assembly. This was incorrectly reported in
yesterday's Daily.
* What's happening in Ann Arbor today

The Passover seder is a time to
be together with family. If you
can't get back home, you have
family here that would love to have
you join them as we celebrate our
festival of freedom.
Just call Hillel (769-0500) by
Monday, April 10 and you will be
matched with a famil in the
community for a seder on April 14
and/or 15. Andof you're going
home for the seder and want to

U Bible Study and Fellowship, spon-
sored by ICM, 763-1664, Baits 11,
Coman Lounge, 6-8 p.m.
0 Eye of the Spiral, informal meeting,
747-6930, Guild House Campus
Ministry, 802 Monroe, 8 p.m.
0 intervarsity Christian Fellowship,
764-5702, Dana Building, Room
1040, 7 p.m.
I Queer Unity Project, 763-4186,
Michigan Union, 10 p.m.
a Students Against the Code, plan-
ning meeting to protest the code,
764-5682, Michigan Union, Tap
Room. 7 n.m.

On America," Lana Pollack, spon-
sored by Honors Program, West
Quad, Wedge Room, 7 p.m.
J "Conflict in Chiapas," sponsored
by Latin American Solidarity Com-
mittee, Michigan Union, Crofoot
Room, 8 p.m.
1 "Not Guilty: The Artscape Lives
On," the 1995 Harlow Whittemore
Lecture, sponsored by School of
Natural Resources and Environ-
ment, Rackham Amphitheatre, 7
J "On the Ground at Kaundinyapura:
Fieldwork in Central India," brown
bag lecture, sponsored by Museum

Stucchi's, 8 p.m.
Q 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Q ECB Peer Tutorial, Angell Hall Com-
puting Site, 747-4526, 7-11 p.m.,
Mary Markley, 7-10 p.m.
Q Campus Information Center,,Michi-
gan Union, 763-INFO; events info
76-EVENT or UM*Events on
Q North Campus Information Center,
North Campus Commons, 763-
NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m.
Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley Hall,


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