12 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 1995 Senate, House narrow gap on Defense Dept. budget. fhe Washington Post WASHINGTON - Senate negotiators yesterday raised by $1 billion the amount of money they are willing to give the Pentagon to replenish Defense Department coffers drained by recent peacekeeping and humani- arian operations. The Senate move came after a week of closed-door talks with the House on a number of defense-related issues. The talks have nar- rowed differences between the two chambers over U.S. aid for rehousing Russian rocket forces residing in Ukraine and Belorussia, but left them still divided over the House's deter- mination to terminate the technology rein- vestment program, a Clinton administration initiative aimed at promoting technologies that have defense and civilian benefits. A final deal on the supplemental defense appropriation measure remained stalled over Senate insistence that most of the $2.94 bil- lion in its new replenishment proposal be offset by cuts in lower-priority programs within the Pentagon's budget. The House wants to add $3.2 billion to the Pentagon. Republicans in both houses, responding to the deficit-cutting climate, have been forced for the first time in recent memory to refi- nance the Pentagon in mid-year without wors- ening the overall federal deficit. House appropriators acknowledged that in the latest version of their proposal, some $600 million of added costs would be offset by reductions in non-defense programs. But they argued that it was unfair to use military accounts to make up for costs of the $1.5 billion operation to restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide as president of Haiti because it was more a foreign policy than a military mission. The clash over a relatively small amount of money in terms of the overall defense budget has brought out sharp differences be- tween the two houses and has sparked maneu- vering between President Clinton and his pos- sible presidential rival in 1996, Senate Major- ity Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.). Last week, Dole threatened not to send the defense measure to the White House until Democrats stopped stalling a larger package of cuts in non-defense programs now on the Senate floor. Administration officials have charged Republicans with denying the Pentagon funds needed to re- tain military readiness. Yesterday, Dole proposed stripping from the defense bill a provision giving the nation of Jordan $275 million in debt relief, and attaching it as a rider to the spending cuts measure. Rep. David R. Obey (D-Wis.) charged Clinton was "being jacked around on the issue* of aid to Jordan," and implied Dole was trying to embarrass the president by putting the Jordan aid in the big spending cuts package- which Clinton has threatened to veto. Researchers: Secondhand smoke causes heart disease Egypt pres. gives Clinton promise on nuclear treaty CHICAGO (AP) - Nonsmokers are much more sensitive to heart dam- age from secondhand smoke than smok- ers are because their bodies have not built up defenses against the onslaught of tobacco poisons, researchers say. "The cardiovascular system adapts to insults," said Stanton A. Glantz, a professor of medicine at the Univer- sity of California at San Francisco and an antismoking activist. The conclusion is not new but was drawn from the most complete re- view to date of studies on how sec- ondhand smoke affects the heart and blood vessels. It also heightens the debate over secondhand smoke, indicating that even small amounts can endanger nonsmokers. The tobacco industry claims that the link between second- hand smoke and heart disease is un- proven and that, in any case, non- smokers breathe in very little ciga- rette smoke. "When you take a nonsmoker who doesn't have all this garbage in their body, and you put a little bit of it in, you get a big effect," Glantz said. "Smokers are chronically poison- ing themselves with cigarette smoke. The smoker's cardiovascular sys- tem has done what it can to adapt - adding a little more doesn't make much difference," he said. GlantzandDr. William W. Parmley, chief of cardiology at UCSF, pulled together data from more than 80 previ- ous studies. Their review is published r in today's issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. About47,000peopleayeardiefrom heart disease caused by secondhand smoke, and 150,000 others suffer non- fatal heartattacks, according toan analy- sis prepared last year for the Occupa- tional Safety and Health Administra- tion. An estimated 3,000 people die of lung cancer annually because of sec- ondhand smoke, OSHA said. Though nonsmokers in smoky surroundings may breathe only 1 per- cent as much smoke as people who puff on cigarettes, their elevated risk of heart disease is much greater than 1 percent of smokers' added risk, Glantz said. "If you smoke, it about doubles or maybe triples your risk ofheart disease. A doubling of risk is a 100 percent increase. If you're a passive smoker, then your risk of heart disease goes up about 30 percent," he said. Walker Merryman, vice president of the Tobacco Institute, said the pa- per "does not represent mainstream scientific opinion," including views from government research agencies and findings from large population studies. AP PHOTO Police criminalist Dennis Fung points out areas at 0.J. Simpson's house where blood samples were recovered. Ito chastises Simpson prosecution Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES-Prosecutors in the O.J. Simpson double-murder trial struggled on two fronts yesterday, as Superior Court Judge Lance A. Ito chastised them for a series of errors and an important witness admitted under cross-examination that he had changed elements of his testimony. Forced to grapple with another dis- pute in the contentious trial, an exasper- ated Ito ordered the government team to prepare inventories of its evidence, twice told the jury to disregard testimony and exhibits introduced by the prosecutors, urged Deputy District Attorney Hank Goldberg to apologize for his admitted mistakes and wryly warned the govern- ment lawyers that theirpunishment could have been worse. The latest evidence fights twice interrupted testimony in the trial, first delaying the morning session and then forcing a brief recess in the afternoon. While on the stand, Los Angeles Po- lice Department criminalist Dennis Fung testified about blood evidence that he collected, showing the jury more than a dozen spots and smears that he removed from the inside of Simpson's white Ford Bronco. That testimony and the photo- graphs that accompanied it offered graphic -though bitterly disputed- support for the prosecution's conten- tion that Simpson committed the slayings, fled the crime scene in his Bronco and returned home to meet a limousine that took him to the airport. Simpson has pleaded not guilty to the June 12 slayings of his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. But while the blood drops helped prosecutors build their case against Simpson, defense attorneys began to take aim at the integrity of that Ito ordered the government team to prepare inventories of its evidence. evidence yesterday afternoon by sharply questioning Fung about the role that a less experienced criminalist named Andrea Mazzola played in collecting much of the evidence. The defense played a vid- eotape of Mazzola handling differ- ent items of evidence without chang- ing her latex gloves, an example of what the defense has said was sloppy work by investigators. Barry Scheck, a member of Simpson's defense team, confronted Fung with his testimony in previous hearings and suggested that he had omitted references to Mazzola during those sessions because he was con- cerned that an inexperienced criminalist played such an important role in such a high-profile case. Fung denied that he had intention- ally downplayed the importance of Mazzola, but conceded that his testi- mony about her role had changed over time. "That testimony wasn't accurate, was it?" Scheck asked Fung at one point. "That I personally did all that stuff, no," the criminalist answered. Outside the jury's earshot, mean- while, defense attorneys also found support from Ito, whose rulings and caustic remarks yesterday marred the government's presentation. Ito be- came progressively more irritated with prosecution lawyers as the day pro- gressed, especially after Goldberg displayed an exhibit that contained information Ito already had warned the jury to disregard. Earlier, Ito had chastised the pros- ecution for failing to turn over promptly a videotape made by police on the day after the slayings but not given to the defense until late last month. Prosecutors explained that de- lay by saying they were unaware of the tape until recently and by explain- ing that police only made the tape to protect themselves in the event that Simpson accused them of breaking anything or stealing anything during their search of his home. Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, after months of threatening to block U.S. efforts to renew indefinitely the inter- national pact regulating nuclear weap- ons, pledged yesterday not to with- draw from the treaty even if Israel refuses to sign. On the eve of talks with President Clinton, Mubarak's comments, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, diffused the most troublesome dis- pute between the United States and Egypt since before the Camp David agreement in 1978. Egypt had suggested it would lead a boycott by the 22-nation Arab bloc and other Third World countries against indefinite renewal of the 25- year-old Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and hinted that it might pull out unless Israel, the only Middle East nation known to have nuclear weapons, signed on. "We are not going to withdraw from the NPT, that is for sure," Mubarak said. He did not promise Egypt's vote to make the treaty permanent but he conceded that if a majority of the 171 nations that have signed the pact vote to extend it indefinitely "it is going to affect all countries." Aides said later that Egypt almost certainly will vote with the United States on the issue. The Clinton administration has made the permanent extension of the NPT, which comes up for renewal at a conference opening on April 17 at the United Nations, the centerpiece of its program to curb the spread of weap- ons of mass destruction. Although U.S. officials are be- coming increasingly confident that extension will command a majority, the White House wants an over- whelming vote to dramatize its non- proliferation goals. The defection of a close ally like Egypt would be extremely embarrassing to the ad- ministration. Clinton, Major settle dispute Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - President Clinton and British Prime Minister John Major, so estranged last month that Major refused to take Clinton's telephone calls, patched up their feud over politics and personality yesterday, declaring that the Wash- ington-London "special relation- ship" is alive and'well. "Throughout this century the United States and the United King- dom have stood together on the great issues that have confronted our people,"Clinton told reporters with Major at his side. "We have, as always,found much to agree about." "We've had the opportunity to- day for agood-humored, worthwhile, 4 productive and very far-reaching se- ries of exchanges on a whole range of matters," Major responded. Relations between the two men - strained from the start because Majorseemedto support formerPresi- dent Bush in the 1992 election - got much worse last month after Clinton entertained Irish republican leader Gerry Adams at the White House. * The British government believes that Adams, head of Sinn Fein, the legal political wing of the outlawed Irish Republican Army, has not yet done enough to make peace in North- ern Ireland to merit official hospital- ity in the United States. After the St. Patrick's Day reception, Major was so angry that he would not return Clinton's telephone calls, according to sources in both countries. The atmosphere was notimproved when Clinton announced he would celebrate the end of the European phase of World War II in Moscow next month, sending Vice President Al Gore to a rival ceremony in Lon- don. Dole walks fine political line in bid for presidency Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - At 71, Bob Dole is suddenly enjoying a second spring. More popular than ever in public opinion surveys, he leads his com- petitors for the 1996 Republican presi- dential nomination by giddy margins of three-to-one or more and regularly tops President Clinton in tests of the general election. Once derided as a political hatchet man for his caustic attacks, Dole's words often sound statesmanlike now next to militant voices such as Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, Dole's leading ri- val for the nomination. And in a city polarized by the competing visions of Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R- Ga.) - two men stamped indelibly by the 1960s-Dole often seems like the adult supervision: a stoic survivor of the World War II generation who offers stability, balance, maturity. "Isn't it amazing how I've become the voice of reason in the Republican Party?" he marveled earlier this year, when he dropped in for a courtesy call at a meeting of Senate Democrats. That status is the foundation of Dole's strength in the polls. It is also his potential Achilles' heel. After last fall's historic victory, much of the GOP's activist core - the partisans who largely will deter- U U mine the choice of next year's nomi- nee - are looking for a leader who will be unreasonable, in the sense that he rejects accepted wisdom about the scope of "reasonable" retrenchment of the federal gov- ernment. Dole, who sparred regularlyI with the party's most conservative elements over the past 15 years, bends toward that current now - sharpening his op- S< position to affirma- Dole tive action, hiring campaign organizers from the Chris- tian Coalition and promising the Na- tional Rifle Association that he will attempt to repeal the ban on assault weapons that Congress narrowly ap- proved last year. Those gestures to conservatives ultimately could endanger Dole's standing with the centrist voters who will decide the general election. At the same time, even these signals may not be sufficient to suppress lingering suspicion of Dole on the right during the primaries. Since Bush's defeat, Dole has emerged as the leading Republican voice on foreign policy, promoting a neo-Nixonian vision of hard-headed self-interest as the basis of America's engagement with the world and sharply criticizing Clinton for relying 4 too much on the United Nations. When Clinton took office, many conservatives feared - and some in the White House hoped - that Dole might be willing to meet the new president in the center. Instead, Dole quickly carved out a position of in- tense partisan resistance, beginning with the successful filibuster early in 1993 that killed Clinton's economic stimulus plan. Ignoring Democratic efforts to paint him as an obstruction- ist; Dole led an ever-hardening GOP opposition that doomed some of Clinton's major initiatives in 1994, from lobbying reform to health care. Dole heads toward the formal an- nouncementofhis candidacy on April 10 as the man on the tightrope: He stands far above everyone else, but must walk an exceedingly narrow line. MAKE $7,116 THIS SU MMER v5 This is a clone. Is does the same summer job as everyone else. It will never know the adventure of a roadtrip with friends across the country to work harder than it has ever worked and make more money than it has ver made hefore. It I I I m