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April 05, 1995 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-04-05

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'U' chemists set
record for DNA
searation time
University chemists have discov-
ered a way to sort and separate seg-
ments of DNA in a fraction of the time
taken by current methods.
"We hold the world's speed record
for long-chain DNA separations,"
cheiistry Prof. Michael D. Morris said
in a statement. "With ourcapillary tech-
niques, we can map large segments of
DNA, up to 1,500,000 base pairs, injust
& der four minutes. Using traditional
hnology, itcantakeuptoeighthours."
The simple and inexpensive tech-
niques could lead to small, instant-
diagnosis devices for medical and
DNA forensics testing.
Morris said he may be able to cut
the separation time even further within
six months. He expects to cut the time
it takes to separate a short strand of
DNA from four minutes to one minute.
* Sorting DNA fragments by size is
the first step in DNA forensics testing,
gene mapping and diagnosis of genetic
diseases. Enzymes cut the chains of
DNA into sections containing individual
genes. The pieces then go through a
sorting process called electrophoresis.
Pushed along by an electric cur-
rent, genes make their way through an
electrophoresis gel - a thick solu-
tion resembling Jell-O, filled with
*terlocking threads of molecules.
'It's like swimming upstream
through molasses," Morris said. "The
shorter the piece of DNA, the faster it
can pass through the soldtion."
Morris and his graduate students
discovered that a solution containing
just a few widely dispersed molecules
separates long DNA fragments just as
well and much faster than the thick gel.
* "Being able to cut the time it takes
to perform these basic procedures by
one or two orders of magnitude could
have a major impact in all areas of
biotechnology, genetic engineering
and molecular biology," Morris said.
CAEN software
offers pizza delivery,
*shuttle launching
Students are noticing something
strange about this month's CAEN
Newsletter, published by the Com-
puter Aided Engineering Network.
ThenewslettercontainsApril Fools'
articles marked by headlines in pink.
Only a small editor's note at the bottom
of the second page explains the hoax.
The lead article tells of the intro-
#ction of a fictional, virtual comput-
ing center. One of the ironic benefits
it claims is that "CAEN will be able to
upgrade workstation hardware with-
out actually purchasing the worksta-
tions." Another is that it will allow
users to "simulate workstation hard-
ware that has not yet been shipped,
fabricated, or even conceived."
"CAEN used to run April Fools'
editions," said editor Jennifer Nobel.
Ohe added that the 'Fools' edition
was done as an experiment.
Nobel said that people have been

surprised but have reacted positively.
"Most of the time the newsletter is so
technical and dry," Nobel said. The
special edition allows the writers to
be creative and have fun, she said.
Other articles included informa-
tion about a lottery to win up to 4.3
4gabytes of computer storage space
and a software upgrade for a word
processor that can perform pizza de-
livery and shuttle launching. "After
typing in a few short lines, the word
processor will complete the document
for you," the article promises.
- Compilied by Daily Staff
Reporter Matthew Smart

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 1995 - 3
3Brady law is
applied in Mich.

DETROIT (AP) - Michigan's
gun control laws may actually be jeop-
ardizing lives instead of saving them,
some critics contend.
The Brady law, which took effect
Feb. 28, 1994, was passed by Con-
gress to ensure background checks on
handgun purchasers nationwide by
instituting a five-day waiting period.
However, Michigan was exempted
from the five-day waiting period be-
cause it already had a system of requir-

pay $5, take a short, true-false test and
get a permit to purchase a handgun -
in less than 30 minutes.
Those who complete the process
can buy a handgun from a licensed
vendor immediately afterward.
In Ann Arbor, applicants are noti-
fied by letter a day or two later. But
gun store owners and Detroit police
said the wait in Detroit can take three
months or longer.
General Laney, executive director
of the Motor City
Sportsman's As=
sociation, a gun

ing background
checks when the
Brady law was
passed. That
means the wait-
ing period for
obtaining a gun
in Michigan
ranges from 15
minutes to three
months, depend-
ing on where the
buyer lives.
"For situa-
tions, whether it's

" think i

most people think
there is a waiting
period I'm

club, said the de-
lay in Detroit fu-
els sales on the
black market
since people who
fear crime cannot
quickly get a gun

A mariachi musician plays for guests yesterday at the dedication of the Mosher-Jordan Cesar E. Chavez Lounge.
MO-Jo dediates lounge to Chavez

- State Rep.
domestic violence

By Kiran Chaudhri
Daily Staff Reporter
In a formal dedication last night,
the former Mosher-Jordan Multi-Pur-
pose Lounge was officially declared
the Cesar E. Chavez Lounge. This
marks the first University residence
hall lounge named for a Mexican
"It's a step in making the Univer-
sity more Latino-friendly," said LSA
junior Marco Azucena, the coordina-
tor of the event. "It's a small way of
showing everyone that we're here."
Azucena worked with La Voz
Mexicana, a Mexican American stu-
dent group, and Mosher-Jordan resi-
dence hall in planning the dedication.
The event coincided with Latin Ameri-
can Week, which began Monday.
The students and the residence hall

chose to dedicate the lounge to Chavez,
who founded the United Farm Workers
in 1962, because of his work for recog-
nition of farm workers' rights.
"Chavez came from the people
and rose up through the people. That's
what made him different and spe-
cial," Azucena said.
Chavez also is known for initiating
an ongoing boycott of grapes. The boy-
cott targets grape pesticides, which are
believed to cause cancer in workers.
Last December, the University Resi-
dence Halls Association supported his
cause by voting to boycott California
table grapes in residence dining halls.
The program began with a formal
ribbon-cutting and welcome by
Azucena. Following the introduction,
Paulo Gordillo, the Michigan repre-
sentative for the Cesar E. Chavez

Foundation, addressed the audience.
"It's really nice to see young people
out there ... doing these things,"
Gordillo said. "When I heard about the
lounge being dedicated (to Chavez), it
really brought joy to my heart."
After Gordillo's speech, more than
30 students present mingled while
enjoying refreshments and music pro-
vided by the live Mariachi Alma de
Mexico band.
LSA junior Marisela Martinez said
the event was inspirational. "It will
probably get a lot of people talking,"
Martinez said. "Some people may ask,
'Why are you dedicating a lounger If
people want to make it an issue, people
will make it an issue. But if they
respect (the Latin American students)
... they will thank us for making them
more culturally educated."

or not, the need for a cooling-off pe-
riod is critical when anger controls
everything," said state Rep. Maxine
Berman (D-Southfield).
Only 28 states and U.S. territories
must use the five-day federal rule,
according to the federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The
remaining states are allowed alterna-
tive ways to check the background of
potential handgun purchasers.
That makes both gun control back-
ers and opponents uneasy.
"I thought there was a waiting
period," said state Rep. Mary Schroer
(D-Ann Arbor), who supports gun-
control laws. "I think that most people
think there is a waiting period. I'm
In Michigan, many people can
walk into the local police department,

Mar Schroer legally.
ary r "When people
(D-Ann Arbor) feel they don't
have protection,
they're going to protect themselves any
way they can," he said.
There is no evidence, however, to
prove or disprove that, according to
Vera Fedorak, spokeswoman for the
ATF's Detroit office.
Some say the national patchwork
of waiting periods for handgun per-
mits and ownership restrictions is not
"There ought to be some'standard-
ization," said Rick Jameson, assistant
executive director of Michigan United
Conservation Clubs. "Certainly the
process shouldn't be an impediment
to law-abiding citizens."
Jameson said the three longest
waits are in Detroit, Dearborn and
Garden City. He said the MUCC has
complained to the police agencies in
those cities, urging them to speed up
their permit-issuing process.

Michigan House starts debate on proposed $8.5 billion budget

LANSING (AP) - The head of Michigan's
Department of Corrections would be limited to
a 3 percent pay increase under a bill approved
by the House yesterday.
House lawmakers started work on the state's
proposed $8.5 billion budget. That's for spend-
ing starting Oct. 1.
The chamber approved $1.3 billion for the
Department of Corrections, on a 90-13 vote, but
lowered the possible pay increase for department
Director Ken McGinnis. The budget was sent to
the Senate, which is on vacation until April 18.
Lawmakers haggled over Gov. John Engler's

proposed pay increase for department directors,
which for some could amount to a 19.5 percent
increase. Lawmakers called that outrageous
before voting 69-31 for up to a 3 percent in-
crease for McGinnis.
The fight was expected in each budget bill
that included a department director's pay in-
crease. Lawmakers in the Senate reduced de-
partment heads' pay increases from the pro-
posed 19.5 percent to 10 percent.
An amendment to do the same in the House
failed, with many lawmakers calling 10 percent
too much.

"I think it's absurd to talk about raises this
high," said Rep. Nick Ciaramataro (D-
Rep. Don Gilmer (R-Augusta), head of the
House Appropriations Committee, said the is-
sue was about giving Engler the management
ability to decide how much to pay his depart-
ment heads. But Democrats said everyone has
to live within reasonable limits.
"Nobody forced them to take these jobs,"
said Rep. Tom Mathieu (D-Grand Rapids). "If
they don't like the pay, then goodbye."
Most department directors make $87,300 a

year. The 19.5 percent increase would have"
boosted their pay to about $104,300.
Engler tried late last year to boost pay levels
by 15 percent. Lawmakers balked at that at-
tempt as well. The second-term governor has
said he needs the increases to maintain quality
The House also added a few other changes to
the budget proposal. One amendment would.
require any former prison inmates to repay the
cost of their incarceration if they win the state's
Lotto jackpot. Opponents said ex-convicts have
served their time. The amendment passed, 65-34.

Tomorrow in the Daily.
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What's happ ning In Ann Arbor today

U AISEC Michigan, general member
meeting, 662-1690, Business Ad-
ministration Building, Room 1276,
6 p.m.
U Coming Out Group for Lesbian, Gay
and Bisexual People, 763-4186,
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, 7-
9 p.m.
U Discussion Group for Lesbian, Gay
and Bisexual People, 763-4186,
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge,
5:15-7 p.m.

9:30 p.m.
Q Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome, 747-
6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30
Q "Faith in the Extreme: Bonhoeffer's
Letters and Papers From Prison,"
soup and study, sponsored by Luth-
eran Campus Ministry, 801 S. For-
est, 6 p.m.
Q "The Construction of the Social

U 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Adademic Peer Counseling for Non-
traditional Undergraduates, spon-
sored by Center for Education of
Women, call 998-7210 for appoint-
Q Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info 76-EVENT or
UM*Events on GOpherBLUE



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