Fraternity hosts 1st annual bone marrow drive By Gall Mongkolpradit Staff Reporter Asian/Pacific Islander students may be able to save lives as bone marrow donors to fatally ill patients of similar ethnic backgrounds. Lambda Phi Epsilon, an Asian/Pacific Islander frater- nity, is sponsoring its first annual Marrow Registration Drive tomorrow. The drive is open to all volunteer donors, but its main focus is to increase the number of minority donors - more specifically Asian/Pacific Islanders - in the registry. *"Our goal is to register as many minority students on campus as possible," said Lambda Phi Epsilon service chair Bruno Bui. "We are seeking mainly Asian/Pacific Islander volun- teer donors because there is an extremely low percentage of them in the Registry," Bui said. Statistics show that only 4 percent of the more than imillion volunteers in the National Marrow Donor Pro- gram Registry are Asian/Pacific Islanders. According to the NMDP, several thousands of Asian/ *ific Islander adults and children die from leukemia, anemia and other fatal blood diseases. Many of these deaths could be prevented and the patients cured through a bone marrow transplant. The NMDP also states that each individual's marrow is genetically inherited. Therefore, when no matches are found within the family, the chances of finding a matched stranger are best within racial groups. Potential donors must be between the ages of 18 and 55. Volunteers must also be in good general health with- jit a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease or heart ck. Registered nurses from the American Red Cross will be conducting the blood tests. The Marrow Registration Drive will be located in the Parker Room of the Michigan Union from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Lambda Phi Epsilon is hosting the drive to fulfill its National Philanthropy Project and plans to make this drive an annual event. A~ytrr The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 30, 1995 - 5 'U' shows latest technology at Cyber Arts Fair After difficulties, fair runs smoothly By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Staff Reporter Students walking through the atrium of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building yes- terday morning were the first to view the computer graphics that comprised Cyber Arts Fair '95. Several computers and posters dis- played the approximately 15 entries as part of the fair. Sponsored by Apple Computer Inc., the show was able to use high-tech equipment for viewing the graphic art, animation, multime- dia and music. Apple student representative Dan Abrams said the fair was an opportu- nity to show off students' work. "A lot of art students are getting more into mixed artwork, with graph- ics. There are not a lot of outlets for it," the LSA senior said. As one of the largest users of Macintosh computers in the nation, "the University has been very good about keeping students on the cutting edge of graphics,"Abrams said. "There are programs you can run in Angell Hall that used to take $40,000 equipment." A multi-colored print of a woman with computer chips imprinted be- hind her was on display. One student passing by said, "Work like that could make thousands of dollars at Art Fair!" Students viewed several animated programs, including an interactive I you want to go The Cyber Arts Fair '95 will also be on display Friday, at the Campus Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union basement from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. S M Heavy metal art Brazilian sculptor Ivan Ferrano, currently living in Berlin, poses art work "Garbage and Automobile" in downtown Bonn yesterday. His work criticizes the construction of the automobile and labels it an environmental hazard. PRO POSALS Continued from page 2. emnment subsidizes the students' loans by paying the interest while enrolled in school. About 4.5 million students nationwide use this program. Elimination of the interest exemp- tion would cost University students ewhere between $2.6 million and .9 million, depending on the inter- est rate. This year, 7,500 University students receive the subsidy, Hermsen said. If the interest exemption is elimi- nated, the federal government would save about $12.2 billion over five years, said David Merkowitz, direc- tor of public affairs for the American ncil on Education. However, he it "would cost students over $20 billion over the next five years." And the Department of Education has estimated that the elimination of these subsidies would increase students' monthly payments by 17-20 percent. Rep. John Kasich (R-Ohio), chair of the Budget Committee, supports a proposal to eliminate this subsidy or exemption. A spokeswoman with the ttee defended the proposal, and s-id that the worst-case scenario would increase payments by only about $45 per month. But Rivers said she believes that many students would not be able to afford loans if the program were elimi- nated. "I think it's going to push the costs of the loans so high, it's going to eliminate the viability of these kinds rograms for students," she said. Direct Lending There are two main proposals floating around the House regarding direct lending, the delivery mecha- nism for student loans. This program, which began in 1993, allows students to borrow money directly from the federal government, instead of going through banks. One of the proposals, sponsored l ep. Bill Goodling (R-Pa.), would not allow more colleges to join the program after next year. Thomas A. Butts, University as- sociate vice president for government relations, from the University's Wash- ington office, said that this would "take away the institutional freedom of choice to participate among the new schools." 'It is still unclear how a cap would a ect the University. Hermsensaid, "It could result in increased admin- istrative costs on our part because the Department of Education (would have to reduce) their efforts in the I think (eliminating this subsidy or exemption is) going to push the costs of the loans so high, it's going to eliminate the viability of these kinds of programs for students."P - Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) direct lending altogether. "For the last 30 years, private financial aid institutions have more or less suc- cessfully loaned to students," said Istook's press secretary, Steve Jones. Istook wants the program eliminated because he thinks it costs the govern- ment too much money, Jones said. "The direct lending program is not better than what we've had. Add- ing hundreds of new employees in the Education Department, hiring new IRS agents to collect bad debts and relaxing fraud and abuse safeguards does not in the end save taxpayers money," Jones said, adding that Istook wants the program phased out by the end of next year. Campus-Based Aid Kasich also supports a proposal to eliminate federal government fund- ing for campus-based aid programs, including the Perkins Loan, work- study programs and supplemental educational opportunity grants. Hermsen said that if campus- based aid were eliminated the Uni- versity would lose $5.3 million of federal aid, which would in turn hurt students who need this. About 6,500 University students benefit from these programs. However, the Uni- versity already has its 1995-96 aid allotment. Rescission Cuts The House has already approved cutting $1.7 billion in education fund- ing as part of its $17 billion rescis- sion cuts package, which passed a few weeks ago. The Senate is ex- pected to vote on its bill in the next few weeks. These cuts include the elimination of the State Student Incentive Pro- gram, in which the federal govern- ment gives states money to allot to different students. Butts said the Uni- versity is expected to lose between $400,000 and $500,000 in aid from this program. However, this cut is not in the Senate version of the bill, so it is not likely to ultimately pass. Another program, the Javits Fel- lowship, was eliminated under the House bill. Seventeen University stu- dents this year have been awarded the fellowship, which provides funding for study in the arts, social sciences and humanities. This was also not included in the Senate version of the bill. Looking to the Future As the debate heats up, supporters and opponents are preparing for a tough fight. Butts said the University will be among the lobbyists in Washington. "We have been in communication with (Michigan's congressional) del- egation and letting them know what the adverse effects of the proposals would be," he said. Merkowitz, of the Education Council, said, "We've done a lot of analysis on this and we've been put- ting together a nationwide grass- roots effort to oppose cuts in stu- dent aid." And President Clinton has vowed to fight for the programs as well. In a speech last month to the American Council on Education, Clinton said, "I will fight these proposals every step of the way. ... The fight for education is the fight for the Ameri- can Dream. It is the fight for America's middle class. It is the fight for the 21st century." resume and a moving photo montage. Students inverted images and altered colors in several images. Abrams praised the technology that makes it possible for students to do graphic arts, industrial design and advertising using the computer as a medium. "You can do literally anything you can conceptualize, without the con- straints of physical mediums, and with the added benefit of being able to undo mistakes," Abrams said. Although there were technical dif- ficulties in the early morning, due to older computers, the rest of the day went smoothly, Abrams said. B-School group races for Humanity By Carly Sorscher For the Daily The Business School's Habitat for Humanity Project is holding a five- kilometer race Saturday at 9 a.m. Race director Geoff Dugan said the "Run for Housing" is to benefit the project, which is responsible for raising the funds and providing the labor for building a home in coopera- tion with Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley. "I'm very excited about the race," Dugan said. "This is the first year and we expect this to be an annual event. "Habitat for Humanity is a non- profit organization dedicated to pro- viding affordable home-ownership opportunities to low-income fami- lies," he added. Dugan also said that the group hopes to bring members of the Business School, the University community and the Ann Arbor community together. Not only is the race beneficial to the Habitat for Humanity project, it has also been helpful to students in- volved with the organization of the race, said Holli Harris, a Business School graduate student. "I'm really excited about it," Har- ris said. "It has been a good project to draw us all together and draw upon our skills we have been learning at B- School this year." The race will take place April1, at Gallup Park, located on the corner of Fuller Road and Huron Parkway. For questions or further information, con- tact Geoff Dugan at 663-4728. AP PHOTO Members of the enviommental law society walk through the Law Quad. 'U' Law students buy right * o pollute air but then refrain The Associated Press A group of University students has bought the right to pour five tons of sulfur dioxide into the air. Now they plan to sit on it. University student Timothy Macdonald, president of the school's environmental law society, is behind the club's newest acquisition. On Tuesday, it paid $1,000 for the right to put five tons of the acid rain-caus- ing chemical into the air. Now, the club plans to hang on to those pollution rights, keep the air five tons cleaner and possibly cause an increase in the price that utilities and factories must pay for a permit to release sulfur dioxide gas. The students' purchase will not make a big difference, but Macdonald said he sees it as a symbolic step in the right direction. "It's an attempt to show that each one of us can make a small differ- ence," he said. "You do what you can." Macdonald said he learned that the federal government each year auc- tions "shares" of pollution rights to companies. The shares, sold on the Chicago Board of Trade, aim to make corporations pay for their pollution up front, rather than set government limits. The government then distributes the proceeds to utility companies na- tionwide. This month, Macdonald organized law society members to raise money to buy sulfur dioxide shares, printing up their own certificates and selling them from tables in the best bake-sale tradition. Students and professors paid at least $5 a share. When Board of Trade officials announced the auction results Tues- day, 27 companies or organizations had spent $6.7 million to buy the right to discharge 50,600 tons of sulfur dioxide beginning this year. THE MICHIGAN DA/LY CLASSIFIEDS DEPARTMENT e SPECIAL: Towe Free Microwave Oven to first 15 joint Two-Bedroom 536 S. Forest Ave. Apartment Leases Signed * . w