The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 1995 - 5 'U' med school discourages women To the Daily: For a number of years now I have been actively involved in recruitment of, and advocacy for, students to our graduate and medical schools here at ichigan. Moreover, these efforts ye had a major focus on students from under-represented minority groups. As such, I have enjoyed grati- fications, such as the successful ad- vocacy of a student's appeal resulting not only in the continuation of their matriculation but ultimately their graduation. Conversely, there have been numerous frustrations such as the many problems encountered by dose students due to the "student- nfriendly," sometimes hostile envi- ronment within the school. One way that I (and others) have chosen to address some of these frustrations is to "publicize" the problem, not for the reason to "bash" the University but rather to expose the problem so that it can be acknowledged and then ad- dressed. Unquestionably, racism has been the topic of a plethora of articles in recent months (i.e. dental workers, parking attendants, MLK Day, BAM panel, etc.) and with the importance of the Michigan Mandate, it is the hope that President Duderstadt will truly recognize the pervasiveness of the problem and act accordingly. In this letter, I want to address a similar issue, in fact one that Presi- dent Duderstadt has recently also iden- tified as a priority, and that is the "women's agenda." Unfortunately, here again, as with racism, the medi- cal school has some major problems. For example, on sheer numbers alone, it was recently reported that the per- centage of.women in the 1993 medi- cal school class at the University (35 percent) was about 20 percent lower than several "peer institutions" (e.g. Johns Hopkins, Yale, Harvard) and the other medical schools in the state of Michigan (i.e. MSU and Wayne State). All of those schools had a percentage of women in that class in excess of 50 percent (except for Wayne which was 46.8 percent). Granted, a number of factors enter into those numbers including recruit- ment efforts, application pools, cre- dentials, etc. However, in this letter I want to present the experiences that two women had with our medical school that may be all too representa- tive as to why the numbers are indeed low. The first experience was during the student's interview with a woman Admissions Committee member. The student described the woman inter- viewer as rude, insensitive and un- professional. In fact the almost bel- ligerent attitude by the interviewer actually caused the student to cry dur- ing the interview. (Incidentally previ- ous female interviewees have reported similar problems with this inter- viewer.) As a result of this "experi- ence," the student withdrew her ap- plication to this medical school, even before learning if she had been ac- cepted! The second example was a student who had applied to several schools including the University and had decided to talk to one of the University counselors, specifically assigned to advise students about medical school. Her discussion with the medical school counselor, also a woman, was described as condescend- ing, very impersonal and as it turns out, quite misinforming. Specifically, the student was told that the biomedi- cal research that she had performed would not help her at all in her appli- cation to medical school! I can say unequivocally as an Admissions Com- mittee member for six years and a biomedical researcher who has had many undergraduates work in my laboratory before entering (and gradu- ating from) medical school, nothing is further from the truth. Research is a very important "experience" for po- tential medical students, here as well" as most major medical schools, and certainly, all strongly research-ori- ented medical schools. It is unconscionable that desig- nated medical school officials, in ex- tremely key positions, are represent- ing the University in this manner. In doing so, they have not only "turned off' two excellent woman applicants but have presented an image that is only going to cause the already low number of women in the class possi- bly to decrease even more. President Duderstadt needs to recognize and applaud individuals who work hard to embrace his Mandate and the Women's Agenda and at the same time he needs to "slap" those who do as these individuals have done, as well as the unit administrators who either ignore this type of attitude/ behavior or actually encourage it! Thomas Landefeld Pharmacology assistant prof. Editorials on 'U' Housing Division contain inaccuracies To the Daily: I want to clarify significant factual ors in two recent Daily editorials. In a Feb. 28 editorial evaluating Uni- versity Housing's rate increases for 1995-96 ("Housing rates"), the Daily attributed a portion of the increase to costs resulting from opening residence halls five days earlier than fall term 1994. According to this completely inaccurate assertion, we were open- g the residence halls two weeks fore classes so students could at- tend the Aug. 26 Pigskin Classic. What are the correct residence hall move-in dates? Leases for new freshmen and transfer students begin on Aug. 29 (a Tuesday, one day earlier than fall 1994) and for returning students on Aug. 31. The football game is the weekend before our opening and has *thing whatsoever to do with when students are to move in or the rates they are being charged. It's unclear how the Daily arrived at this errone- ous conclusion since it appeared no- where in the documentation related tot the rate increase and a Daily re- porter quite accurately reported the time frame of when the residence halls will open in a news article shortly after the editorial appeared. The Daily seriously erred again in its March 10 editorial on "Getting out the Vote" when it asserted that cam- paigning in residence halls by MSA candidates is prohibited by Univer- sity policy. Although there have been some unfortunate problems this month experienced by MSA candidates, the problems were a function of inad- equate communication between Hous- ing, the MSA Elections Office and candidates. University Housing does prohibit door-to-door commercial so- licitation but it has a clearly spelled out written policy permitting candi- dates for any election - whether it is for federal, state, city or student posi- tions - to speak directly with their constituents and prospective voters. We consider residential corridors non- public areas for safety and security reasons, and consequently we require candidates to let us know in advance that they will be in specific buildings in order that we can inform them of our expectations and policies. So, while the process went partially awry during this current MSA election sea- son, the Daily was totally wrong when it claimed that MSA candidates fall under a solicitation ban. The Daily news coverage of Uni- versity Housing recently has gener- ally been accurate and responsible. It is disconcerting to see a breakdown in concern for getting the basic facts right when it comes to making edito- rial statements on important topics. Alan Levy Director, Public Affairs and Information University Housing Danice for M~other Earth. z' 1 Arbo ..i. a . . .. ._ $,ro w wow Friday, Saturday & Sunday March 24, 25 & 26 TiM erisler rena jinn rbor, Michigan 1 . x: j ja act d n tineaPr e march 23-25 8:00 pm mendelssohn theatre tickets $4.00,55.oo at door Friday Night Grand Entry 7:00 pm - Specialty & Social Dancing NATIVE AMERICAN LAW DAY Saturday Grand Entry 1:00 & 7:00 pm Friday, March 24 Sunday Grand Entry 1:00 pm UM Law School, Hutchins Hall Contest all Categories including Seniors 45+ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Limited Drum Space - All Drums Secured in Advance Reception to follow '94 Prizes and Gifts totalled over $50,000 Topic: Repatriation Traders by Invitation Only For more Information: All Specials Approved in Advance (313) 764-9094 For more Information: (313) 763-9044 call 763.1107 for more info SPN3 ON TOUR WITH LIVE. :: -;: ;