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January 11, 1995 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-01-11

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Men's Basketball
vs. Iowa
Tonight, 8 p.m. (Ch. 20 WXON)
Crisler Arena



vs. Michigan State
Tonight, 7:30 p.m.
East Lansing

'M' looks to turn around
season against Hawkeyes


Lower weight classes
key in battle with State

Daily Basketball Writer
For the Michigan men's basket-
ball team, tonight's game against the
Iowa Hawkeyes is much more than an
early season Big Ten contest.
The team has struggled badly through-
out the season and is in dangerofdropping
its overall record below .500.
"It is a very big game," senior Ray
Jackson said. "We want to stay on top
of the race and regain our confidence.
We don't want to lose at home."
The Wolverines (1-1 Big Ten, 7-6
overall) have already lost sophomore
Olivier Saint-Jean by way of transfer
and rumors are circulating about two
other prominant members of the team.
Both Jerod Ward and Willie Mitchell
have denied any possibilities of their
leaving Ann Arbor in the near future.
"I ain't going nowhere," Ward
said. "I'm looking forward to staying
here as long as I need to be here. I'm
happy with my decision."
Michigan teams have tradition-
ally displayed a great amount of emo-
tion for the duration of a game.This
year's squad has been plagued by an
uncharacteristic lack of intensity.
Unfortunately for coach Steve
Fisher, the Wolverines will be trying
to regain its winning attitude against
a solid Iowa squad.
"We're going to try to turn it around

(tonight)," freshman Maurice Taylor
said. "If we can beat them at home it
will give us a lot of confidence for the
way we play the rest of the season."
The Hawkeyes (1-1, 11-2) have
been impressive in early conference
competition, beating Indiana by 19
and losing by one point in a heart-
breaker at Michigan State. The
Hawkeyes are led by Jess Settles, last
year's Big Ten Freshman of the Year.
Settles is averaging more than 20
points and six rebounds per game. He
won Big Ten Player of the Week after
the Hawkeyes came in second to highly-
rated Arkansas in the Rainbow Classic.
The 6-foot-7 forward tallied 28 points
in a 81-71 victory over Duke.
Taylor will likely be matched-up
against Settles to begin the game.
Jackson is expected to defend Michi-
gan native Kenyon Murray.
The biggest surprise for the
Hawkeyes has been sophomore Chris
Kingsbury. Kingsbury has hit nine 3-
pointers in one game twice this sea-
son. He leads the Big Ten in total 3-
point field goals.
Iowa's strength this season is its relent-
less press. The Wolverines have had turn-
over problems all year and will have their
hands full with the Hawkeyes' defense.
"You always have to worry about
their press," Jackson said. "We just
have to be smart and attack it well."

Urbanchek displays
sympathy against'Cocks

Daily Sports Writer
Imagine if the Michigan football
team was so dominant that it didn't
count Tyrone Wheatley's touchdowns
in order to avoid embarrassing the op-
position. As far fetched as that sounds,
the Michigan men's swimming team is
in a comparable position.
The No. 1=ranked Wolverines
exhibitioned many of their top swim-
mers in their meet Saturday against
South Carolina. When a swimmer is
exhibitioned, it means that his perfor-
mancedoes notcount towards his team's
score. Michigan head coach Jon
Urbanchek decided to exercise this
option after the Wolverines took the top
spot in the first five of the eleven events
on their schedule.
"It lets the swimmers swim but they
don't count for the score," Urbanchek
said. "Otherwise, the score would be
very lopsided."
lina meet marked the last time that
Michigan's seniors would represent the
school atCanham Natatorium. Included
in this group were Gustavo Borges,

world record holder in the 400-meter
free relay and owner of three top-20
world rankings, Steve Westwho holds
two top-50 world rankings in the 200-
meter breast stroke, and Marcel
Wouda, who holds four top-50 world
rankings, each in separate events. Also
included in the outgoing class are All-
American ScottDill and All-American
honorable mention Thomas Blake.
"It was special at the beginning of
the meet when they announced all of
the seniors and we lined up at the edge
of the pool being recognized," Blake
fans were some of the most influential
people in Michigan swimming history.
Frank Barnard, captain of the 1936
team, Gus Stager, who coached
Urbanchek among others during his 28
year career as Michigan head coach and
Dr. Bill Parkinson, a former Michigan
physics professor who invented the tim-
ing system that is used for most swim-
ming events around the world.
Parkinson gave the royalty on his in-
vention to the University and never
made money on it.

Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan wrestling team will
face Michigan State today to try and
bounce back from a Sunday loss to
No. 17 Lehigh.
To do that, though, the No. 20
Wolverines (0-1 Big Ten, 2-2 over-
all) will have to defeat a Spartan
squad ranked sixth in the country
and more importantly, first in the
"They're ranked sixth in the coun-
try and they're a good team," Michigan
coach Dale Bahr said. "They've got a
team that's primarily a junior and se-
nior team, while we have a lot of young
guys. It should be an excellent match."
The Spartans (1-0, 3-0) have six
wrestlers ranked in the top 20 compared
to five for the Wolverines. Some key
matchups will be No. 8 Jehad Hamdan
of Michigan verse No.2 Emilio Collins
of Michigan State at 190lbs.and No. I1
Jesse Rawls Jr. of Michigan against No.
8 Eric Harvey at 177 lbs.
The lower weight classes could
prove to be more crucial in deter-
mining the success of the Wolver-
ines. In what has become a trend for
Michigan this season, the lower
weight classes fell behind 15-0
against Lehigh leaving it to the up-
per weights to fight back before
losing 18-13.

"We need to win a couple of the
first four matches. If we can win a
couple of those first four, we can beat
anybody," Bahr said. "The meet is
really going to be won or lost in those
first four."
The poor start by the lower weights
put much of the load once again on
freshman heavyweight Airron
Richardson, who's loss was the de-
ciding factor in the match.
"Airron played football at
Morehouse last season. He's 18-9 this
season, so considering he didn't even
wrestle last year, he's doing really
well," Bahr said,"
"Matches aren't won or lost in one
match. They're won earlyso we have
to win some early matches."
Richardson and his teammates will
be facing some of the Spartans for the
second and third times this season
with both teams having competed in
the Eastern Michigan Open in Octo-
ber and the Midlands tournament in
December. Bahr feels the past meet-
ings will be a help.
"It's nice to be able to see them a
couple of times," Bahr said. "This is
the last time we'll see them before the
Big Ten's. Right now nine teams in
the Big Ten are rated in the top 20.
"We have to win these matches in
order to be seeded in the Big Ten






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