10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995
Continued from page 1
in jest.
"(Freehan) would give us pizzas
for shutouts and he announced that at
the beginning of the year," said a
player who wished to remain anony-
mous. "But it really wasn't incentive-
based. It wasn't something players
would work for or anything.
"The car thing was like a joke he
had with one of the infielders. 'If you
play better than last year,' he would
say, 'you can take it out for an hour.'
It was all in fun, and no one ever did
(take the car out)."
The alleged rewards could be in
violation ofNCAA regulations if they
were offered as incentives.
NCAA litigation officer Steve
Mallonee said "pre-game or post-
game meals provided by an institu-
tion are allowed. If any incentive was
involved with awarding meals, we
would have to get the facts before we
look into it.
"This year (the NCAA rules com-
mittee) changed (a rule) to allow rea-
sonable local transportation. But loan-
ingofa coach's car forpersonal use is
not included (in the rule change)."
Freehan was hired to replace
former coach Bud Middaugh, who
was hit with penalties by the NCAA
in 1989 due to his recruiting tech-
niques, interest-free loans he provided
to players and illegal payments he
gave to players from football pro-
gram sale profits.
It was the first NCAA code viola-
tion resulting in penalties in the his-
tory of Michigan athletics. Sanctions
consisted of scholarship restrictions
and banishment from post-season play
for four years.
Freehan accepted the head coach-
ing position in 1989, hoping he could
clean up the program.
"I knew what I was getting into
and that was one of the reasons I
chose to do it," Freehan said in the
March 3, 1995 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily. "But there's a proud tradi-
tion and to have any program put
under sanction for the first time was
Players and O'Brien said that
Freehan is extremely cautious as a
result of the 1989 incident.
"We were very careful because
we were very aware of the probation
(Michigan) had been on," O'Brien
said last night.
"You have to remember how re-
cently the team was on probation,"
"I was hired to
be an assistant
coach at ichigan .
That's what 'v
tried to do."
--- Dan O'Brien
Former Michigan assistant
baseball coach
the player added. 'TTreehan is socare-
ful. He wouldn't even watch us play
catch outside the 22 weecks (that
coaches are allowed to be present
during workouts). O'Brien knew that,
and knew that anything like this (in-
volving violations) would hurt him."
Sources speculate that O'Brien
went to the Athletic Department with
allegations against Freehan with the
intention of elevating his own posi-
tion in the baseball program.
"That is definitely untrue,"
O'Brien said. "It could not be farther
from the truth."
However, some players disagree.
"Why would the assistant coach
bring up allegations against a head
coach?" the player said. "What does
he gave to gain? He'd get to be head
coach and he'd get to do things the
way he wanted.
"If (O'Brien) had anything stron-
ger he would have used it. He wanted
Freehan out. (O'Brien) felt he was on
his way out and he wanted to get
Freehan first."
Senior outfielder Sean Coston said,
"(O'Brien) may have felt like he was
going to be fired or he may have been
unhappy with the situation he was
Freehan declined to comment on
this incident, as he considers it "an
internal matter."
Sources also said O'Brien had a
number of unfulfilled ambitions,
which they speculate made him want
to further his career by making alle-
gations against Freehan.
"He told me he was looking for
head coaching jobs all the time," Van
Qeveren said. "V cry summer he sent
out resumes to 'I don't know where."'
"He always talked about his few
days in the major leagues," another
player said. "He wanted to make it
somewhere in b ase ball and he
thought he'd better do it soon. He
didn't get to do what he wanted as a
player, so he was trying to di it as a
O'Brien said he never tried to ob-
tain the position.
"No. I never had any designs on
any post other than assistant (base-
ball) coach at Michigan." he said.
Allegations that O'Brien intended
to sabotage Freehan have more than a
professional twist. O'Brien is
Freehan's brother-in-law as well as
his colleague, and some sources say
this had an effect on the incident.
"(His being Freehan's brother-in-
law) certainly didn't have anything to
do with him (leaving)," a sour said
"If anything, (Ficehan) kept hire
around longer than he would havc
Coston said, "I think that any man
who rats out his team, his players, his
program, his brother-in-law, forsome-
thing like pizzas, doesn't deserve to
O'Brien denied that his personal
relationship with Freehan affected his
professional situation.
"I was hired to be an assistantO
coach at Michigan," O'B ien said.
"That's what I've tried to do."
O'Brien started his fourth sea-
son as a member of Freehan's staff'
this year. The Florida State alum-
nus, All-American and former ma-
jor-leaguer handled the third base
coaching duties for the Wolverines
and was an infield-outfield instruc-
Biggert ends successful career
By Jed Rosenthal
Daily Sports Writer
IOWA CITY - Hard work and perseverance paid off
for Michigan wrestler Chad Biggert this weekend at the
NCAA Championships. The 167-pounder fought off
strained ligaments in his right knee to complete the goals
he set at the beginning of this season.
"I was undefeated in dual matches and won the Big
Tens," Biggert said. "I'm an All-American, but I wanted
to do better at the nationals overall."
But the road to becoming an All-American proved to
be more difficult than expected. Biggert, the No. 3 seed,
struggled in first- and second-round losses before con-
fronting unseeded Lou Cerchio of Seton Hall.
Cerchio took advantage of Biggert's injury to win a 4-
2 decision.
The Wolverine senior was then sent to the consola-
tion bracket, where he needed to win three more times
before gaining the prestigious All-American status,
and he did.
"In the third match, I went to sudden death overtime,"
Biggert said. "That was kind of scary because if you lose,
you're gone."
However, by advancing, Biggert got a chance to face
Cerchio again.
Cerchio ended up winning the match, 3-2. Biggert
appeared to take down the Pirate with little time re-
maining, but the referee deemed that time had expired
and Biggert settled for eighth-place.
ON THE REBOUND: Also receiving All-American hon-
ors was co-captain Jehad Hamdan. The senior was one
of the Wolverines' most consistent wrestlers all season,
yet he was rarely recognized for his efforts. Hamdan
participated at the nationals for the first time since his
freshman season and placed sixth.
"I'm just in awe right now." Hamdan said. 'I'm just
floating. I was there.''
Hamdan considered quitting the sport when he sul-
fered two consecutive season-ending knee injuries. But
after watchingz his teammates from the sidelines at last
season's tournament in Chapel Hill, N. C.. he knew he
would return.
"I saw what was going on there and all with the
crowd and excitement," Hamdan said."Iknew I wanted
to be there and wrestle. I said, 'That's going to be me."'
A SAt GOOD-BYE: Both Biggert and Hamdan are fifth.
year seniors, and so their reign at Miehigan has come to
an end.
"I'm sad it's over, but I put my time in," Hamdan
said. "I'll miss being so nervous. The whole year, I had
an anxiety attack everyday because I was telling myself
that this is it. I've got to be an All-American, and I did
(make All-American), I'll miss it, but it's over, and it
was hell."
The two seniors will leave a deep void as they were
the most reliable wrestlers all season for the Wolver-
"It's kind of neat how they (Biggert and Hamdan)
came in here five years ago together, and they're going
to go out of'here as All-Americans together," Michigan
coach Dale Bahr said. "We'll definitely miss them."
Junior Jesse Rawls will take over the captain and
leadership position for the Wolverines next season,
wrestling at 177-pounds.
"Jesse's going to do Hamreat,"Hardan said. "He was
an inspiration to me, and he'll do the same for everyone
STREAK SroPPFRS: Iowa was the favorite to win the
NCAAs, and they did. What was startling was how
many upsets occurred.
Hawkeye junior and two-time Big Ten and NCAA
Champion, No. I seed Lincoln Mcilravy was shocked
in the finals at 150-pounds by Illinois senior and No. 2
seed Steve Marianetti, 13-10. Mcllravy stormed off
the mat crying, pushing aside Iowa head coach Dan
Gable, and ran to the lockerroom.
Penn State junior heavyweight and defending na-
tional champion Kerry McCoy was beaten by No. 5
seed Justin Greenlee of Northern Iowa, 4-3. Greenlee
knocked off the No. I closer in the country in McCoy,
snapping an unprecedented 91 consecutive match win-
n ing streak by the N ittany Lion.
Finally, No. I seed favorite Joel Sharratt, Iowa's
190-pounder and defending national champion was
defeated by No. 3 seed J.J. McGrew of Oklahoma
Michigan baseball coach Bill Freehan and his brother-in-law, former assistant Dan O'Brien, have parted ways.
Th tniversitx of \Michigan
De'.partmnent of Rteceattinal Sports
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Summer Softball
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Men's -- D (Single game leagues only)
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Women's -- C/D (Single game leagues only)
(NOTE Women's league will be formed only if six or more teams register/enter]
MANDATORY FOR ALL TEAMS - Returning and New!
Thursday March 23. 1995 6:00 p.m.
U of M Intramural Sports Building -- IMSB (606 E. Hoover Street)
Thursday March 23, 1995 -- Following Mandatory Manager's Meeting
All Teams ---- Returning -- approximately 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
New -- approximately 8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.n.
[NOTE: In order for a team to be registered. that team must be represented at the Mnd atory Mgr's Mtgl
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[NOTE: 20 Round Robin League games and t Playoff game]
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