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January 11, 1995 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-01-11

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4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday,_January 11, 1995

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'We're done.'

420 Maynard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan

Jessie Halladay
Editor in Chief
Samuel Goodstein

Flint Wainess
Editorial Page Editors
Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All
other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.

- Ben Finestone, treasurer-elect of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity
iAY NAME 15.
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L ast in the Big Ten

The quest for a student seat at the University
Board of Regents table came a step closer
to fruition at the December Board of Regents
meeting. Michigan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Julie Neenan discussed a proposal with
the regents and executive officers, after now-
Emeritus Regent James Waters broached the
issue of the Board of Regents recognizing the
MSA president as an official liaison between
the regents and the student body. The topic was
then tabled until the February meeting, when a
new proposal will be considered and likely
voted upon.
In addition to Neenan's discussion with the
board, other student leaders advocated a stu-
dent liaison during the regents' public com-
ments period. Even more impressive, around
20 MSA members and other student leaders
came to the meeting to further demonstrate the
student body's support for this cause. Such a
student presence at a Board of Regents meet-
ing is very rare, so it certainly did not go
Now that Neenan and Waters have pushed
this long-overdue issue to open discussion and
imminent action, the other regents must seri-
ously consider the proposal and vote to accept
it at the February regents' meeting.
There are many vital reasons that a student
serving as an non-voting member of the Board
of Regents would be valuable to the student
body, the regents and the entire University
community. First and foremost, the primary
purpose of the University is to educate stu-
dents -it is for the benefit of the student body
that the University was conceived. Therefore,
if the University is truly to fulfill its mission, a
student voice must be heard at the highest
levels of University decision-making, so offi-
cials can better know how to serve their pri-
mary constituents.
Furthermore, contrary to what many say,
every regental and University issue is a student
Student representation: a
Institution Student Rep?

issue in some way. While many issues the
board handles - such as incomprehensible
bond issues or negotiations with a union -
seem to be removed from the realm of student
concern, this is not the case. Every issue the
University deals with has ramifications for
students and student input could help the
regents legislate better on all issues. For ex-
ample, the board's decision to rebuild Fuller
Bridge and reroute University traffic on Fuller
Road does not seem to be a student issue -yet
hundreds of students traveling to North Cam-
pus were affected every day due to the delays
and new traffic patterns.
Perhaps, if the regents had had a student's
insight on the matter, they might have been
able to make the effects of this important
decision more friendly to the entire University
community. The list of such issues could
certainly continue.
Finally, it would be commendable if the
newest regents, Andrea Fisher (R-Birming-
ham) and Daniel Horning (R-Grand Rapids),
worked to ensure that the University caught
up to the rest of the Big Ten. It should embar-
rass the regents that the University is the only
public Big Ten school that doesn't have a
student regent; Michigan State University, for
instance, has four such positions. Regents
Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) and
Laurence Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills), who
diligently worked with the student body early
in their terms, should join Fisher and Horning
in a move that would be noticed and appreci-
ated by the entire student body.
It is past time for the regents to extend an
olive branch to the student body and allow a
student to serve in an ex-officio capacity on
the board. Such a measure has precedent at
other institutions and the overwhelming sup-
portof the studentbody. Furthermore, it would
also elevate the status of student leadership on
campus. There is no reason for any further
iTbk at the Big Ten*
Voting Non-Voting # of student liaisons

An apology:

Dear readers, the one thing I never intended in my cartoons is offending any race,
religion or creed. If my cartoon on Jan. 9 offended any Catholics, I deeply apologize
for any harm it might have caused.
Thank you for your concern.
Jim Lasser
LSA sophomore

Daily misfires UNH case relevant to 'U'

University of Illinois Yes X
Indiana University Yes X
University of Iowa Yes X
University of Michigan No
University of Minnesota Yes X
Michigan State University Yes X
Ohio State University Yes X
Penn State University Yes X
Purdue University Yes X X
University of Wisconsin Yes X
* Northwestern University - also a Big Ten school - is a private instit
therefore is subject to different governing rules.
S ave Ssame Stre

ution and

in gun-control
To the Daily:
I would like to comment on
your editorial "Giving away
guns" (12/1/94). As usual the
Daily seems to have a mis-
guided notion of how things
work in this country. They seem
be under the misguided notion
that criminals obey laws. Such
original thinking on the part of
the Daily is astounding.
The Daily first says that law-
enforcement officers are quali-
fied to decide one's compe-
tency on carrying a concealed
weapon. I would just like to,
point out that no law-enforce-
ment official believes that any
ordinary law-abiding citizen
should be carrying a concealed
weapon in the first place. They
fell they are the only ones
trained and qualified to carry a
weapon. This is questionable,
however, if they felt differently,
they wouldn't feel like theirjob
is necessary.
Next they say Macomb
County Prosecutor Carl
Marlinga has "noted" (what-
ever that means) that "most"
concealed weapon permits are
not denied. This is patently un-
true. Few concealed weapon
permits are granted, as told to
me by an ATF official. The few
that are granted are given to
those who are in law-enforce-
ment and those who need to
because of their jobs.
In typical Daily fashion, the
editorial staff says that some
"applicants will spew racial or
ethnic epithets. It is clear that
granting an concealed weapon
permit would be an invitation
to danger." Brilliant! Why
aren't they on the board? Better
question is, when does this hap-
pen? Ontheir application? Over
the phone? Where do they make
this stuff up?
Cropsey's bill may increase
the number of questionable
people with guns. But it will
also increase thenumberof law-
abiding citizens carrying guns
for protection. Studies have

To the Daily:
A matter of substantial in-
terest to the faculty and stu-
dents (and administrators) of
our University deserves more
attention than it has received.
The recent controversy involv-
ing Prof. Donald Silva of the
University of New Hampshire
will be familiar to most of us.
Having used two innocuous
sexual allusions in a class on
technical writing, he was ac-
cused by several students of
"sexual harassment," where-
upon, after ahearing, Mr. Silva
was removed from his teach-
ing post without pay by univer-
sity officials.
He was told to get psycho-
logical therapy at his own ex-
pense - and he sued the uni-
versity instead. In court Mr.
Silva has been fully vindicated,
as one would expect, the uni-
versity has been ordered to re-
instate him and to give him full
back pay. Civil damages may
follow. All this is widely
What is not so widely
known is that the federal court
found that in using "sexual ha-
rassment" charges abusively,
the public officials involved
-the administrators who fired
him, and the faculty members
and students who served on the
board that"jidged" his case-
were not immune from per-
sonal liability in this matter.
The court pointed to Supreme
Court precedents holding that
public officials may be held

personally liable if they act in
disregard of "clearly estab-
lished statutory or constitu-
tional rights."
Now Mr.,.Silva was fired
because the content of his
speech offended some students
and university officials. But fir-
ing him for that reason is
plainly, manifestly, a violation
of his rights under the First
Amendment of the U.S. Con-'
stitution. And university offi-
cials, as well as university fac-
ulty members and students,
have every reason to know,
and may in such proceedings
be expected to know, that rights
under the First Amendment are
"clearly established constitu-
tional rights." So it may turn
out that the abuse of sexunal
harassment charges - abuse
not unknown here at Michigan
as well-may subject the abus-
ers to substantial personal li-
ability in court.
This very real possibility
may give pause to those who
would use university policies
in the effort to silence those
whose speech they do not like.
The University of New Hamp-
shire has complained that this
ruling on personal liability may
frighten faculty, students and
administrators from serving on
harassment boards. It may.
That is an outcome that may
serve the interests of all mem-
bers of the University from now

Stomp in': a
Something festive and frolicsome
to begin the New Year? Something
about 800 words or so. Joyful and
gay? That's it: The Amherst Stomp!
As some of you faithful readers
may know, Literate Hippo is of Ca-
nadian extraction. Although most of
the "Clan Marshall" are scattered up
and down the Lake Ontario shore,
the greatest concentration is in and
near the rural community of Amherst
Island. It is aquiet and peaceful place,
about 12 miles west of Kingston.
Some 400 souls make their homes
Aside from he usual weddings,
funerals and wakes, the island hosts
two major social events each year:
the Horse Racing Club' s New Year s
Eve Party, and the Summer Street
Dance, held in ... you guessed it! ...
the street. (Yes they could hold it in
Victoria Hall, but you don't mess
with tradition.) And here is where we
do the Amherst Stomp.
Canadians love to Stomp. I am
convinced that it is part of our rich
cultural heritage, along with Goose
Potatoes (a natural culinarylaxative),
Mounties, and the late John Candy.
One of the best Stompers is a country
singer named "Stompin' Tom
"Stompin' Tom" is an unlikely
star, a tallthin, Jean-Luc Picard clone
in cowboy togs, who caterwauls
mournfully as he strums his "gee-
tar" and raises and lowers his right
foot in a rhythm that only vaguely
resembles the song's. He is a na-
tional icon, and will probably be
stuffed and displayed in the Museum
of Mankind on his demise.
Another one-time Stomper was
k.d. lang, my favorite lesbi-vegan
chanteuse. She does Cole Porter, now,
but in her C and W days was a sight
to behold as she leaped and pranced,
skirts and Doc Martins flyin' in the
wind. She once appeared on TV with
Stompin' Tom, and I assure you it
was an amazing performance.
Butthe bestI haveever seen ismy
cousin, Bruce Caughey. A dairy
farmer in his 40s, he is a large man.
But he is possessed of a nimbleness
that belies his size and bulk. Capable
of a formal and elegant step, usually
with his wife, Sue, he is in best form
leaping and hopping, huge and heavy
farmer's boots rising, than crashing
to the floor in a manner that surely
registers 2.5 on the Richter Scale.
The boots are almost mandatory to a
proper Stomp, as k.d. shows. No one
else does it so well, nor would dare to
try, especially at more formal events,
like a clan wedding near Niagara
Falls several years ago.
Most of the guests were from the
eliteof Ontario Society: doctors, law-
yers, war heroes, judges, even a na-
tionally known TV anchorman and
his author-wife. And then, therewere

us: The Clan Marshall. The dancing
had been fairly restrained, even on
our part, for the first few hours. But
after midnight, we got to Stompin'
and Rompin'. And the Upper Crust
cleared the way, either outof shocked
bemusement, or for their own safety.
Even the bride, a cultured lady
with a law degree, and with very,
very British manners, joined in with
me Bruce, Sue and the rest of the
cousins and assorted in-laws and out-
laws. Lawws, but he wuz somethin'!
It is a very physical dance, less
violent than slam-dancing, maybe.
But just as active. And not to be
attempted by the faint of heart or
lung. Fiveminutes are usually enough
for me to need to reach for the nearest
chair, my asthma spray and a good
slug of Old PeculiarOak-Aged Single
Malt. But then, I rarely have achance
to perform, let alone work up the
maniacal free-style that marks the
true-blue Stomper-Romper.




T he country knew that a new Republican
rCongress would scour the budget like
hawks, seizing on any program that could be
classified as welfare or handouts as a candi-
date for elimination. Foreign aid, Aid to Fami-
lies with Dependent Children, even the Na-
tional Endowment for the Arts -- these were
to be fair game in the mad rush to balance the
budget. But "Sesame Street"? "MacNeil/
Lehrer"? "Masterpiece Theatre"? "Car Talk"?
Was this the downsizing of government that
the American people envisioned?
By placing the Corporation for Public
Broadcasting near the top of its list of pro-
grams the GOP believes the federal govern-
ment should no longer fund, the new Repub-
lican Party has revealed its true stripes: Funda-
mentally, it has become a single-minded party,
valuing privatization at the expense of any
program, regardless of its benefit. That is,
unless that program happens to benefit corpo-
rations or employers. As it has been through-
out history, from Andrew Mellon to Ronald

to a drop in the bucket of the federal budget.
Without these dollars, non-commercial televi-
sion might survive in some of the larger cities,
cities where cable channels are abundant and
"Sesame Street" would have a chance at get-
ting picked up by the private market. But in
small towns and communities, where public
television and radio do the most good, survival
would be almost impossible.
Still, many have argued, why shouldn't
these programs die? Don't they seem to have
a liberal bent that taxpayers shouldn't be forced
to subsidize? On an individual level, this could
well be true. Perhaps National Public Radio
does give more play to liberal points of view.
However, it is not often noted that the longest-
running show on PBS is the arch-conservative
William Buckley's program,"Firing Line." A
slate of other conservative shows graces the
network daily.
In the bigger picture, there is an even more
important reason to protect the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting. Funding non-com-

Carl Cohen
Professor of philosophy

To the Daily:
I am writing in regard to a
letter titled "'U' claims of ra-
cial justice ring hollow" (1/9/
In order to-assure the pri-
vacy of the individuals involved
in employment disputes, per-
sonnel matters are not dis-
cussed publicly by the Univer-


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