2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 16, 1995
Continued from page 1.
higher education appropriations.
"Rep. Hood said enough is enough
here,"Gilmer said. Hood could not be
reached for comment.
Under the proposal, state funding
would actually decline for the 1996
year. This year's appropriation was
$280,336,875, but the Hood proposal
would send $280,136,557 to the Uni-
versity - more than a $200,000 cut.
Vice President for University Re-
lations Walter Harrison said he was
surprised by the action.
"Basically what they've done is
wiped out the increase," Harrison said.
"We'd have a zero increase in appro-
priations. Inflation goes up 3 percent.
That means we'd have to cut things by
3 percent or increase tuition accord-
ingly, neitherof which we'd like to do."
Harrison said he does not think the
amendment will be in the bill when it
finally passes.
The University would receive the
funds if it submits a plan on how it
will reduce non-resident undergradu-
ate enrollment to 30 percent or less
for the 1995-96 academic year.
But Harrison said the University
has already admitted most of the stu-
dents for the next academic year.
"You admit large groups of stu-
dents and you have to wait to see what
kind of acceptances you get," Harrison
said. "It would probably look roughly
like this year."
If approved, the cut could bring a
steep tuition hike for students next year.
"We would be reluctant to raise
tuition, but $8 million is a lot of money
and the alternative to raising tuition
would be firing people," Harrison said.
The University requested $9 mil-
lion in additional funding for next year.
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman
(R-Ann Arbor) said the move would
end up hurting students.
"I don't think Morris Hood should
be telling the University of Michigan
what percentage of in-state versus
out-of-state students it should have,"
Newman said. "You've got to won-
der who's representing the Univer-
sity of Michigan up there."
Harrison said the University wants
to admit students who have a good
chance of succeeding and graduating.
'Two out of three Michigan appli-
cants (are) accepted, but it's closer to
one out of three for out-of-state stu-
dents. It's much harder to get in here if
you're an out-of-state student," Harrison
said. "What happens is you have a
marked difference on average between
in-state and out-of-state students."
Because of the declining number
of Michigan high school graduates,
the University now accepts a larger
percentage of in-state applicants than
it did in years past.
Harrison said the University views
30 percent non-resident enrollment
as a guideline. He said the University
has accepted more non-residents as
the number of in-state high school
graduates has declined.
Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor)
also said Hood's amendment would
penalize students. "I think it's reason-
able to have some kind of cap on non-
resident students at the U-M, but I
think the idea of penalizing the Uni-
versity is not a good idea and that just
hurts the students," she said.
However, Brater said she is confi-
dent the administration "will be able
to adapt to this requirement."
Engler spokeswoman Patricia
Masserant said the governor did not
have a comment on the amendment.
Five of the six subcommittee mem-
bers voted for Hood's amendment.
Abraham pushes legal reform bill
WASHINGTON - With legal reform bills already passed in the House,
Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) is pushing his bill in the Senate to cut
lawyers fees, cap punitive damage awards and encourage out-of-court settle-
Abraham and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have
introduced a bill to limit attorney fees, encourage settle-
ments and limit punitive damages against defendants to
$250,000 or three times compensatory damages.
Punitive damages are designed to punish a defendant"
and deter misconduct in the future. Compensatory dam-
ages are designed to make up for lost wages, medical bills
and similar expenses.
Abraham said individuals receive only about half of
the money when damages are awarded because much of Abraham
it is eaten up in lawyers' fees and court costs.
Abraham's push for his tort reform bill comes a week after the House.
passed three bills aimed at changing the nation's legal system.
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Continued from page i1
the University Community."
The new indictment presented by
a Wayne County grand jury mentions
the stories Baker posted to the Internet
in the fifth count against him only as
context, but it is not the basis of any
Federal Judge Avern Cohn on Fri-
day released Baker on a $10,000 per-
sonal recognizance bond and with a
set of conditions, one of which for-
bids Baker from entering Ann Arbor.
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A psychological evaluation that a
doctor presented to Cohn did not find
Baker a threat to society.
Cahill said the case is now very
different, and the superseding indict-
ment raises many questions.
"The government realized that the
story was not a part of this case,"
Cahill said from his Ann Arbor home
last night. "It raises many issues as to
how the e-mail was obtained and
whether or not there is even ground
for the new charges brought against
"The University investigated Jake
in regards to his story and obtained
the e-mail to Gonda through that in-
vestigation," he said. "They were in-
vestigating something that is now
deemed not a threat, so it is question-
able whether or not the e-mail can
even be used against him."
Cahill also said that while Baker
cannot return to the University this
semester due to the conditions of his
release, he may be able to return next
year, pending the outcome of the case.
"It could be that the University
has to ask itself whether or not it
wants to suspend Jake now that the
goverhment does not perceive him as
a threat to the student in his story,"
Cahill said. "Maybe the University
should reconsider. It is possible that
he could return next year."
Both Cahill and Douglas Mullkoff,
who is representing Baker in federal
court, said they are hopeful that the
case will be dismissed before it comes
to trial April 3 in Detroit. Mullkoff
said Friday he is working on a motion
to dismiss the case and will file papers
within the next few weeks.
"It is very possible that this case
will never make it to trial," Cahill
Neither the FBI nor the Ontario
Provincial Police have been able to
locate Arthur Gonda in Canada and
are continuing their investigations.
Mullkoff and the U.S. Attorney's
Office could not be reached for com-
join the fun!
California mops up,
assesses flood damage
skies turned sunny yesterday after a
week of rain, but the state's natural
wonders exposed muck-drenched
residents to more peril.
If rain resumes at altitudes where
the mountain snowpack this year has
twice the normal amount of moisture,
the resulting meltdown could deluge
already swollen lakes and rivers.
The next rain will probably be this
weekend, said National Weather Ser-
vice forecaster Steve Smart. But the
rainy season still has a month to go.
Seven days of storms dropped up
to 10 1/2 inches of rain in some areas,
killed at least 14 people and caused an
estimated $2 billion in damage.
Americans can expect higher prices
for fruits and vegetables because of
the damage to winter crops.
The 50,000 residents around Clear
Lake, 100 miles north of San Fran-
cisco, became the latest sufferers as
water from the 31-mile lake pushed
American, comrades currently there don't return to Earth
until March, so six people be jammed
close to space station inside. The last time that happened,
RSEwas during a crew change last year.
Circling the Earth in a Russian space Pressed on abuses
capsule, an American astronaut ea-
gerly drew closer with each passing Castro agrees to visit *
orbit to today's historic docking with
the Mir space station. PARIS - Facing criticism over
Norman Thagard, along with Rus- human rights abuses and pressure from
sian cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov France's first lady, Fidel Castro agreed
and Gennady Strekalov, spent yester- yesterday to let an outside mission
day checking their spacecraft's sys- look into cases of alleged political
tems. They blasted off from oppression in Cuba.
Kazakhstan on Tuesday. The Communist leader, in his first
Thagard will be the 44th person to visit to France, also said he would
visit Mir and the 13th foreigner-but check on a list of people identified by
first American. He is also the first international rights groups as politi-
American to be launched on a Rus- cal prisoners.
sian rocket. First lady Danielle Mitterrand
A NASA flight surgeon monitor- headsFrance-Libertes,ahuman rights
ing Thagard's flight from Mission advocacy group.
Control outside Moscow said the as- She came under fire earlier this
tronaut was in good health and eager week for insisting Castro "is not a
to get to his destination. The Soyuz dictator." She said she asked about 43
capsule is expected to reach Mir some- prisoners listed by Amnesty Interna-
time between 2:46 and 2:58 a.m. EST. tional.
Mir will seem spacious compared Castro has rarely allowed outsid-
to the tiny capsule, even though the ers into the country to carry out inves-
stats jammed with equipment and sup- tigations of rights abuses. He did al-
plies don't leave much room for the low a low-profile visit by a U.N. hu-
crew. man rights representative lastNovem-
Mir will be especially crowded ber.
this week. Three Russian cosmonauts -- From Daily wire services'
into homes and businesses.
About 1,700 flood victims re-
mained in shelters around the state,
and Jaime Arteaga of the state Office
of Emergency Services estimated that
10 times that number are staying with
friends or relatives.
Fuhrman sys he did'"*
not utter racial slur
LOS ANGELES - Under oath"
yesterday, Detective Mark Fuhrman
denied uttering even once in the last
10 years the racial slur that O.J.
Simpson's lawyers say their witnesses
stand ready to pin on him.
Furthermore, the detective in-
sisted, any witness who testifies that
he used the word is a liar.
Fuhrman, facing flak from
Simpson lawyer F. Lee Bailey for a
third day, flatly denied the defense
accusation that racism motivated him
to frame Simpson for the two murders.
"Do you use the word 'nigger?"'-
Bailey asked.
"No," the witness said firmly.
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