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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 15, 1995 - 3
New students
use, own more
According to a survey of more than
4,000 incoming students at summer
orientation, undergraduates who en-
rolled last fall at the University have
more experience using computers and
brought more computers with them
than their predecessors.
*97 percent said they had used a
computer to write a paper.
93.2 percent said they would
ether use a computer to complete
projects than use a typewriter.
65.1 percent said they had used a
computer to prepare a lab report.
56.3 percent said they had used a
computer to create graphics.
E50 percent said they planned to
bring a computer to campus.
This year's new students also re-
ported greater interest in and enjoy-
ent of computers than did incoming
tudents in past years. Eighty-eightper-
cent said they find it worthwhile to
learn new features of the computer
programs they like.
'U' prof. wins Dept.
of Energy award
Nuclear engineering Prof. Edward
W. Larsen is one of eight scientists
lected to receive the 1994. E. O.
awrence Award from the U.S. De-
partment of Energy. The winners will
receive a gold medal, a citation and
Larsen will receive the award in the
nuclear technology category for his
work on numerical methods of model-
ing the transport of atomic particles
and radiation. Applications forhis work
-rnge from the design of nuclear reac-
r safety to nuclear weapons.
Larsen, a University faculty mem-
bersince 1986, is afellow of theAmeri-
can Nuclear Society and the recipient
of the College of Engineering's 1989
Excellence in Teaching Award and
1993 Excellence in Research Award.
Astronomers listen
or evidence of life
Science fiction writers have long
theorized the existence of alien civili-
zations, and astronomers have been
listening for evidence of intelligent
life using radio telescopes for the past
35 years.
A University professor is a part of
the quest for life on other planets.
"To date there have been some 60
rograms of radio telescope observa-
on, all in the United States and former
U.S.S.R.," University astronomer Ri-
chard Teske said in a statement. "Most
scientists agree that the efforts are
worthwhile, although sentiments vary
widely about how much money ought
to be spent on the projects."
Astronomers have found no con-
clusive evidence, but occasionally re-
peive bursts of radio "noise" that can-
t be explained by natural sources.
ificial radio emissions are also ex-
pected to be stronger than normal back-
ground signals, Teske said.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Matthew Smart
LSA-SG to hold forum on ROE requirement
Requirement under
review by dean's
office, committee
By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
As next week's elections rapidly
approach, the LSA Student Govern-
ment is taking action on the race or
ethnicity requirement, a hot election
The academic affairs committee
of LSA-SG announced last night that
it will hold a forum to discuss the
ROE requirement in three weeks. The
forum will focus on ways to improve
the requirement, which was imple-
mented in the fall of 1991.
James Winschel, a first-year stu-
dent and the committee chairman, said
the forum would not be about whether
the ROE requirement should exist.
"This is to make sure the requirement
is as useful to the students as pos-
sible," he said.
Under review since last year by
the dean's office and a review com-
mittee, the ROE requirement directs
LSA students to take one class deal-
ing with race or ethnicity within their
four years at the University.
Although students still must ful-
fill the requirement, course choices
may be expanded to include more
non-Western cultural classes,
Winschel said.
The ROE review committee,
headed by Assistant Dean for Under-
graduate Education David Schoem.
will release its findings in two weeks.
Once the proposal is given to LSA-
SG, the academic affairs committee
will prepare a statement on the day of
the forum, Winschel said.
A panel of four or five committee
members will respond to concerns about
ROE, Winschel said. He said the stu-
dents must stay on topic and adhere to
items mentioned in the review
committee's findings. Otherwise, he
said, "there could be a big mess."
LSA-SG President Ryan Boeskool
said he saw "real potential for change
on the ROE issue."
Winschel agreed and cited the need
for more student input. "We will go to
minority groups and get their opin-
ions," Winschel said. "We can in-
crease attendance at the meeting by
going to students who may be more
involved in the issue. I want to find
out what they think is negative and
positive about the findings (of the
Winschel said students should be-
prepared to make suggestions for im-
provement when they recognize a
At last night's LSA-SG meeting,
representatives discussed the impor-
tance and possibility of taking a stu-
dent poll on the issue.
The ROE forum will be held in the
Wolverine Room of the Michigan
Union at 7 p.m. on April 10.
Prosecutor criticized in
'Jenny Jones' slaying
DETROIT (AP) - The Oakland
County prosecutor is overlooking
homophobia by focusing criticism on
a talk show in which a man expressed
his affection toward the man now
accused of killing him, a gay rights
group charged.
Producers of "The Jenny Jones
Show" also squared off Monday
against Prosecutor Richard Thomp-
son, saying they would not immedi-
ately provide additional videotape of
a segment featuring Jonathan Schmitz
and Scott Amedure.
Schmitz, 24, is charged with first-
degree murder in Thursday's slay-
ing of Amedure. Police say Schmitz
shot Amedure three days after the
two Orion Township men taped an
appearance on "Jenny Jones" in
which Amedure, 32, admitted he
had a crush on Schmitz.
Thompson told reporters last week
that the show "ambushed (Schmitz)
with humiliation. In retaliation, the
defendant ambushed the victim with
a shotgun."
The Triangle Foundation said
Monday that Thompson's comments
"raise serious questions about his abil-
ity to successfully and aggressively
prosecute this case."
Jeffrey Montgomery, president of
the advocacy group, said he would
like the case reclassified as an anti-
gay hate crime and wanted Thomp-
son to apologize to Amedure's friends,
family and the gay community.
Thompson said he had no inten-
tion of doing either.
"I'm not apologizing for anything,
certainly not for things I said about
the 'Jenny Jones' show," Thompson
said. "This involves prosecuting a
man for first-degree murder. It's not a
campaign to get humanity to accept
Schmitz told investigators he had
been led to believe he would be meet-
ing a woman on the "Jenny Jones"
segment about secret admirers.
He was trying to put the incident
behind him but, after finding a note
from Amedure, bought a shotgun,
drove to the victim's mobile home
and killed him, police said.
A source with "Jenny Jones" told
the Detroit Free Press in a report to-
day that Schmitz was interviewed ex-
tensively before being selected for
the March 6 taping. He was asked
specifically how he woTld react if his
admirer turned out to be a man, the
source said. adding that Schmitz
wouldn't have been selected if he'd
said that would upset him.
"We want guests that will be fun-
and who will have fun with it," the
source said.
Also Monday, attorneys represent-
ing the talk show's producers said
they, too, were unhappy with
Thompson's comments and would not.
immediately provide additional vid-
eotape of the meeting between
"I'm not
apologizing for
-- Richard Thompson
Oakland County prosecutor
Schmitz and Amedure.
Thompson said he would seek a'
subpoena to obtain a complete copy.
of the episode before April 4, when.
Schmitz' preliminary hearing is
"We want the stuff from the edit-:
ing floor," Thompson said. "We want
everything to give us a thorough pic-
ture of what occurred. It may make
our case better or worse.
Barbara Brogliatti, a "Jenny Jones"t
spokeswoman, told the Free Press that
attorneys for the show would decide
by Wednesday if they would give
Thompson more than the six minutest
of tape he said he has received.
"We're not saying we wouldn't;
deliver the tape. We said we question
what he's going to do with it,",
Brogliatti said.
Producers initially said they would.
not air the Schmitz-Amedure segment
at the request of prosecutors and "out
of decency to the family," Brogliatti
said. But Amedure's family since has
told the producers they "would like
the tape shown," she said. No deci-
sion has been made to air it, she said.
Services for Amedure were sched-
uled yesterday. Schmitz remained held
without bond in the Oakland County
Pi Kappa Alpha member Paul Miller, a Mr. Greek Week participant, salutes his hero, Michael Jordan, yesterday in
the Power Center. Each contestant had to dress up as his favorite hero.
Mr. Greek Week contest thrills crowd
By Mona Qureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
It took a trick learned from "The
Late Show with David Letterman" to
sweep the honor of Mr. Greek Week.
Theta Chi's John Baudino's'talent
routine at the Mr. Greek Week pag-
eant last night at the Power Center
gave the audience thrills and a a couple
of chills as he inserted a strand of
spaghetti into one of his nostrils. The
loudest applause and shouts came
when he pulled the end out of his
mouth and began sliding the ends of
the strand with his hands.
Yet Tau Epsilon Pi's Josh Mariner
stole the role-model portion of the
show with his Mr. Roger's imitation,
complete with blue sweater, flooding
yellow pants - and a pair of cozy
Cookie Monster slippers.
"It's a beautiful day in the neigh-
borhood," Marmer sang. Later in the
talent portion of the pageant, Marmer
sang a selection from "Grease." He
was the first runner-up last night.
"I'm definitely pumped," Marmer
said. "I just wanted to see my house
out there saying, 'There's my brother."
Marmer apparently was not the
only person pumped. His coaches,
Delta Delta Delta's Susan Pescatello
and Bridget Couillard assisted him
and Baudino through their plans for
the role-model and talent competi-
tion, as well as the toga competition.
Couillard said Baudino's toga was
actually one of Delta Delta Delta's
ritual robes, and her house mother, an
elderly woman with a lot of youth,
broke into tke closet where it was
stored for them.
"(Marmer and Baudino) were
fabulous to work with," Pescatello
Earlier in the pageant, Baudino imi-
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
GROUP MEETINGS 3200, 4:10-5:30 p.m. spon
Q AIESEC Michigan, general member Q "Atlas Shrugged, Part I Chapters 5 Volta
meeting, 662-1690, Business Ad- and 6," sponsored by Students of Have
ministration Building, Room 1276, Objectivism, Michigan League, Q "'Tong
6 p.m. Conference Rooms 3 and 4, 7 p.m. Justn
Q Coming Out Group for Lesbian, Gay Q "Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship," nity p
and Bisexual People, 763-4186, soup and study, sponsored by Luth- by L
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, 7- eran Campus Minietry, 801 S. For- Hall,
9 p.m. est, 6 p.m. Q "Wind
U Discussion Group for Lesbian, Gay Q "Career Pathways in Anthropology," spon
and Bisexual People, 763-4186, sponsored by CP&P, Student Ac- Socie
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, tivities Building, Room 3200,5:10- upsta
5:15-7 p.m. 6 p.m. Q "Work
U Hindu Students Council, weekly Q "Catalytic Metal-Mediated ism,
meeting, 764-0604, Michigan Carbocyclizations," organic semi- Wom
Union, Kuenzel Room, 8 p.m. nar, sponsored by Parke-Davis Phar- tion,
Q La Voz Mexicana, weekly meeting, maceutical Research, Chemistry Room
995-1699, Michigan League, Room Building, Room 1640, 4 p.m.
0, 8 p.m. UQ"DNA Sequencing and Application STUDEN%
Q Overeaters Anonymous, 769-4958, to Genetic Diseases," analytical Q 76-GUI
Michigan Union, Room 3200,12:10-1 seminar, sponsored by Department selinE
pm. of Chemistry, Chemistry Building, U Camp
Q Rainforest Action Movement, Dana Room 1300, 4 p.m.QCmp
Building, Room 1040, 7:30 p m. U"Generation at the Crossroads: MicI
Q Reform Chavurah, Megillah Read- Apathy and Action on the Ameri- ever
ing, Hillel Building, 7:30 p.m. can Campus," viewpoint lecture, UM*
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and sponsored by UAC, Chemistry Build- Q North1
women, beginners welcome, 994- ing, Room 1800, 7 p.m. North
3620, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30- Q "Madame Reference," sponsored NCIC
9:30 p.m. by School of Information and Li- Q Northr
St Tnkwonda Club.. heinners and brary Studies, Michigan Union, Lnhhv
dence of Catherine and
iire," sponsored by CREES,
n Hall, Room 4633,8-10 p.m.
gues United' and 'Color Ad-
nent,'" conflict and commu-
public film series, sponsored
SA Theme Semester, Angell
Auditorium B, 4 p.m.
ows Special Interest Group,"
sored by Ann Arbor Computer
ety, next door to Zingerman's,
airs, 7:30 p.m. .
er/Student Tribunal on Rac-
" sponsored by National
en's Rights Organizing Coali-
Michigan Union, Pendleton
, 6 p.m.
IDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
g phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
us Information Center,
igan Union, 763-INFO;
its info 76-EVENT or
Events on GOpherBLUE
Campus Information Center,
Campus Commons, 763-
7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m.
walk, 763-WALK, Bursley
iv. 8 nm.-13 0am.
tated the Michelin Tire baby for the
role-model competition. Wrapped in a
cloth diaper with his Theta Chi sash
around his behind, Baudino crawled
onto the stage and watched as a make-
shift Michelin Tire rolled out.
Also rolling out onto the Power
Center's stage last night were the likes
of Wonder Woman on roller blades
and Kermit the Frog.
Fiji's Ty Gold and a group of his
friends performed their version of the
Bud Light Ladies' Night and the Pool
Hall Commercial. And John
Boezinger of Sigma Nu entertained
the crowd with his imitation of O.J.
Simpson case witness Brian "Kato"
Interspersed between the parts of
the competition, the Michigan Dance
Team, the Harmonettes and the With-
out an Act comedy troupe charmed
the audience with their talents.
Organizer Sunita Dutta of Zeta
Tau Alpha - the sorority that coordi-
nated the event - said now that her
job of working on Mr. Greek Week is
over, she can now face her professors
once more.
"I had to miss a lot of class this
week," she said.
Dutta said coordinating the event
also gave her the opportunity to be an
active participant in the Greek sys-
tem. "I'm not very active in the Greek
system," she said. "I feel more a part
of it now. ... It was just a lot of fun."
Proceeds from Mr. Greek Week
will go to the Susan G. Koman Breast
Cancer Foundation, the charity to
which Zeta Tau Alpha donates.
Girl Scouts
survey male
female views
The Associated Press
Girl Scouts from Bach Open El-
ementary asked questions about
women's rights in an informal poll of
128 adults on various social issues as
part of a science fair project.
SDue to the approaching end of the academic year,
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your cooperation.
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