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March 15, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-03-15

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Tonight: Dry, low in the
mid 30s.
Tomorrow: Partly sunny,
highs in the upper 50s.

One hundred four years of editorial freedom

March 15, 1995

11 h..-li il1ia i

By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
passed a resolution last night oppos-
ing executive officers' participation
in Leadership 2017, a University-
sponsored training program for stu-
dent leaders.
* The resolution passed 24-2 with
three abstentions. It condemned the
attendance of elected student leaders
at University programs that pay par-
ticipants, calling this a violation of
trust and faith.
"Students did vote already that stu-
dent leaders should not accept money
from the administration," said LSA Rep.
Seth Altman, referring to a referendum
on paying MSA members that was voted
Own in the lastelection. "Having MSA
officers being paid to attend the pro-
gram questions the legitimacy of this
The 2017 resolution was resub-
mitted after MSA President Julie
Neenan ruled it out-of-order at last
week's meeting. Neenan had called
the previous resolution unconstitu-
tional because it infringed on the
*wer of the president.
"Tonight this resolution was in
order, and I had no problem discuss-
ing it," Neenan said.
The new resolution mandated that
any sitting member of MSA "should
not" participate in Leadership 2017,
rather than stating that an MSA repre-
sentative "will not" attend the program.
The statement also resolved that
SA will work with the administra-
ndto find alternative funding for
Leadership 2017.
LSA Rep. Jonathan Freeman, one
of the representatives who drafted the
resolution, said MSA executive of-
ficers must serve the students.
"We're agovernment, whichmakes
us different than other groups because
we're responsible to our constituency.
We have to say we will stand above and
*parate ourselves from these other
groups," Freeman said.
While the majority of the assembly
was in favor of the resolution, other
representatives argued that Leadership
2017 gave financially disadvantaged
students a unique opportunity.
"A number of students have par-
ents paying for everything here, but a
lot of students involved in 2017 don't
4 ve the opportunity for a summer
gram. It's not fair to limit those
leaders who can't afford this," said
LSA Rep. Joe Cox. "Make sure you're
being fair to all the student leaders
and you're not being biased against
poor students."
Neenan, who attend the conference
last summer, said the program offered
her a chance that would not have been
ssible without the University-paid
lary. "I couldn't have been here this
summer without 2017," she said.
Neenan also said the programtaught
valuable leadership skills. "I think that
people are suspicious by nature, both of

each other and of the administration. I
hate to hear the assembly condemning
something that was such a positive ex-
perience for me," she said.


Israel, Syria
agree to return
to peace talks

Heat wave
First-year Law student Jeremy Silverman turned the small porch
enjoy the warm weather yesterday.


outside his second-story room into a porch to

Russel lecture, awards honor
Massey, junior professors

By Sam T. Dudek
For the Daily
Three University faculty members
were honored yesterday at the annual
Henry Russel Lecture held in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Chemistry Prof. Vincent Massey
was awarded the Henry Russel Lec-
Associate anthropology Prof.
Brinkley Messick and associate engi-
neering Prof. Khalil Najafi each re-
ceived the Henry Russel Award pre-
sented to assistant or associate pro-
fessors chosen for distinguished schol-
arship and excellent teaching.
President James J. Duderstadt called
the award Massey won "an important
moment to recognize faculty with an
extraordinary distinction."
After Massey received his award,
he gave a lecture on "The Many Faces
of Riboflavin." The lecture, filled with
chemistry terminology and tabora-
tory-like demonstrations, entertained
the 250 people who attended.

Leslie Kish, the 1981 Henry Russel
lecturer, was pleased with Massey's
"He is enormously popular with
his students," Kish said. "Not only is
he well-liked, but he is well-appreci-
ated. ... His work - I don't truly.
Cynthia Marcelo, a research sci-
entist and lecturer in the Medical
School, said she understood the lec-
ture and found it to be very interest-
ing. "It was nice that he did a show-
and-tell," she said.
Political science Prof. David J.
Singer is president-elect of the Uni-
versity Research Club, a group that
helps choose the Henry Russel honor-
ees. Singer said he was happy with
the selection but was somewhat criti-
cal of Massey's speech.
"A good scientist really carries
you through the discovery and verifi-
cation process," he said. Singer said

When Messick and Najafi re-
ceived their awards, Duderstadt said,
"The Henry Russel Award is the
most prestigious award the Univer-
sity can bestow to junior faculty
Messick has focused his research
on the nature of Islamic law and its
relationship to the idea of an Islamic
Najafi's research includes provid-
ing a means for restoring muscular
control in paralyzed individuals and
other health care advancements.
Singer outlined the plans for next
year's award.
"Next year we'll have a roundtable
discussion and get the physics and
biology people to sit still and hear the
social scientists explain how and why
we do what we do," he said.
Singer said he hopes to unify sci-
entists in the physical, biological and
social sciences. Singer said it would
be "appropriate" for next year's lec-
turer to be from the social sciences.

From Daily Wire Services
DAMASCUS, Syria - Israel and
Syria yesterday agreed to resume face-
to-face peace talks after an interrup-
tion of three months, although the two
sides remain so distrustful of each
other that it took more than 12 hours
for Secretary of State Warren Chris-
topher to tie down every detail.
Christopher said the two nations'
ambassadors to the United States -
Israeli Itamar Rabinovich and Syrian
Walid Moualem - will conduct the
talks in Washington, probably start-
ing before the month's end.
Christopher announced the agree-
ment at the end of a nine-day trip to the
Middle East that he described as "the
most satisfactory" of his 11 visits to the
region. As a result of his efforts, he said,
a "sour" atmosphere has been replaced
by renewed negotiations on both the
Syrian and Palestinian peace tracks.
Although the deal was cut hours
before he arrived on the scene, Israel
and the Palestinians agreed last week to
complete their negotiations over Pales-
tinian rule in the West Bank by July 1,
restarting a long stalled process.
"This underscores the importance
of continued U.S. involvement in the
region," Christopher said.
Taken together, the renewed talks
between the Israelis and their two
major adversaries appeared to be
something of a breakthrough, although
they really do little more than return
the peace process to where it was late
last year. But American officials say
they hope the latest rounds of nego-
tiations will also be able to tackle
some of the substantive disputes that
blocked earlier efforts.
In contrast to the earlier rounds of
talks, in which the ambassadors did
little more than read formal state-
ments to each other, Christopher said
Rabinovich and Moualem will have
wide latitude to engage in give-and-

take bargaining.
"Both ambassadors ... have the
full confidence of their leaders," he
said, noting that each envoy attended
meetings he conducted this week with
their respective leaders, Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Syrian
President Hafez Assad, so "they have
a better understanding of the param-
eters" their governments are putting
on the negotiations.
Dennis Ross, the principal adviser
to Christopher on the Middle East,
will participate, making suggestions
to the two sides, and go to the region
in about two weeks for further talks.
Also, a U.S. official said, a secu-
rity committee will be formed, in-
cluding U.S., Israeli and Syrian rep-
resentatives, in another move to bring
the Clinton administration more di-
rectly into the search for a peace treaty.
It has eluded negotiators for more
than 40 months while Israel struck
agreements with the Palestine Lib-
eration Organization and with Jor-
"I am satisfied there will be give-
and-take bargaining,"Christopher said.
However, he gave no indication
Israel and Syria had agreed on the
issues dividing them. Primarily, these
are the extent of a pullback Israel
would be willing to execute on the
Golan Heights and the kind of peace
Syria would extend in return.
The talks are expected to concen-
trate on measures that could be taken
to replace the Israeli troops whose
presence has sealed the border for
more than two decades and shielded
Israeli villages from the kind of cross-
border attacks that were common be-
fore the 1967 Six-Day War.
"It's turned out to be one of the
most satisfying trips I've made to the
Middle East," Christopher said. He
has made 11 in more than 25 months
as secretary.

Massey failed to
these points.

follow through on

S tory of Purim
he story begins with the Persian king
Ahasuerus banishing.his wife for
disobeying a command.
Ahasuerus decided to hold a beauty contest
among all the women in the land to search for
a new wife. He chose Esther, a.Jew, but she
decided to keep her religion a secret.
Soon, Haman, the villain of the story, was
promoted above all the other princes in the
realm. He camneto hate Esther'~s uncle,
Mordechai, because he refused to bow before
Because of this hatred, Haman went before
Ahasuerus andI asked for permission to kill all
the Jews in the land. Through guile and
deceit, Haman convinced
Ahasuerus to agree.
Mordechai, when told of
Haman's plans, went-to-
Esther and asked her to
.speak to the king. ID the
face of death, she
revealed her identity and
convinced the king to save
the Jews and hang Harman.,

Jewish students dress up for Purim

By Lenny Feller
Daily Staff Reporter
Judaism has survived attacks by Hitler,
the Romans and the Egyptians. Today, dur-
ing the holiday of Purim, the Jewish people
celebrate their victory over an ancient anti-
Semitic leader, Haman.
Purim is not a major festival on the calen-
dar of the Jewish people, but its message is
important, West Bloomfield Temple Israel's
Rabbi Harold Loss said in a statement.
"ln times of peace and contentment remem-
ber your past and recall the names of your
enemies, but do not allow their wickedness to
color the way you respond to others," Loss said.
The story of Purim is told in the Book of
Esther, called the "Megillah," in the Old
Testament of the Bible.
Purim celebrates the Jewish victory over
Haman, who plotted to annihilate the Jewish
population of ancient Shoshan, Persia. Esther
and her uncle, Mordechai, prevail as the
story's heroes.
Purim is marked by a carnival atmosphere
and masquerades. "It's probably the most fes-

lIt's not the most
celebrated or
observed, but it is the
most festive"
-- Scott Nagel
LSA sophomore
tive Jewish holiday. It's not the most cel-
ebrated or observed, but it is the most festive,"
said Scott Nagel, an LSA sophomore and
member of Hillel's Reform Chavurah.
The holiday is also observed by giving
gifts to loved ones and those in need, a
custom called Shalach Manot.
"Chanukah has turned into a sort of Jew-
ish Christmas," said LSA sophomore Jeff
Berger. "Traditionally, the more religous
Jews have given gifts on Purim."
The reading of the "Megillah" marks
Purim religious services. Even in the temple
or synagogue, unusual levity prevails dur-

ing the holiday.
"At services, every time the name of
Haman is read, everybody shakes their
gregors and boos-and basically drowns out
his name," Nagel said. "When Mordechai
or Esther's name is read, everybody cheers."
LSA sophomore Julie Smith also enjoys
Purim. "It's a really great holiday that shows
the strength of the Jewish people through
the ages. But it is also one of the only Jewish
holidays that shows the strength of the Jew-
ish woman," Smith said.
Hillel is hosting a Purim party tonight.
"There'll be a 'Megillah' reading and we're
going to eat hatentashen (fruit-filled cook-
ies). People are going to get dressed up too.
I guess in some ways, Purim is somewhat
like a Jewish Halloween," Nagel said.
Purim is the Hebrew word for lots.
Haman drew lots to decide on the date for
the Jewish executions. The date chosen
was the 13th of Adar the Hebrew calen-
dar. The Jews celebrated on the following
day, which always occurs in late winter or
early spring.

Sinn Fein opens U.S. office, starts fund raising

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Gerry Adams,
leader of Sinn Fein, the political wing of
the Irish Republican Army, opened an of-
fice here yesterday as he collected another
payoff from President Clinton's wager that
e IRA really wants peace in Northern
Over the past year, Clinton has pursued
what might be called a carrot-and-carrot
approach to Adams and the IRA, gradually
elevating the level of Adams's acceptance
in Washington as the IRA moved away

a mainstream politician.
In extending the invitation, the White
House completed the elevation of Adams
from pariah to legitimate interlocutor faster
than any other foreign leader except Pales-
tine Liberation Organization Chairman
Yasser Arafat.
Despite the stated reservations of Brit-
ish leaders, who say they are not yet con-
vinced that the IRA has permanently re-
nounced terrorism, the Clinton administra-
tion has accepted Adams as the only man
capable of turning the IRA away from

British reduce troops in N. Ireland

The Washington Post
LONDON - Britain announced yes-
terday its first troop reduction in North-
ern Ireland since the Irish Republican
Army declared a cease-fire six months
ago, an 'action 'small in' size but large in
The removal of 400 of the 18,000
'soldiers stationed in the province signals

all the political parties in Northern Ire-
land for a permanent settlement there.
Britain. first'sent troops to Northern
Ireland in 1969, when widespread sectar-
ian violence left the police incapable of
restoring order. They have been there
ever since, carrying machine guns and
patrolling the- streets of Belfast in ar-
mored vehicles.

9- - ~'~I


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