Tonight: Mostly cloudy,
low in the mid-40s
Tomorrow: Partly sunny,
high in the 60s.
One hundred four years of editorial freedom
March 14, 1995
Sf .
Native American
students may lose
tuition waiver
By Zachary M. Raimi
Daily Staff Reporter
Pamela Bowser's college educa-
tion may end a year early if Gov. John
Engler's proposal to eliminate funding
for Michigan's 19-year-old Indian Tu-
ition Waiver program passes the state
Bowser, a Native American and
lrsing junior, said she could not afford
college if she were forced to pay tuition.
"I think (Engler's proposal) is a
terrible idea because it's my only source
of financial aid for attending college,"
Bowser said. "I would not be able to
continue in the fall without this pro-
Any student with at least one-quar-
ter Native American blood who is reg-
;red with a tribal association can
end any of the state's 15 public insti-
tutions without paying tuition under
the program, which grew out of an
1836 treaty negotiated when the tern-
tory of Michigan took Indian lands in
exchange for promises to give Native
Americans adequate education and
health care.
Engler's plan faces stiff opposition
in the 'state Legisature. State Rep.
Onald Gilmer (R-Augusta), who
chairs the House Appropriations Com-
mittee and its subcommittee on higher
education, said the subcommittee fa-'
vors continuing the program,not aban-
doning it.
"I think the (subcommittee) will
pass a recommendation that will con-
tinue the program," Gilmer said.
The Appropriations Committee is
aeduled to vote on Engler's proposal
arch 23 or 24. Should it pass, the
proposal would go before the House
in early April.
Last year, the program gave tuition
waivers to 72 University students, out
of 249 who identified themselves as
Native Americans. Statewide, it granted
waivers to about 2,750 students, cost-
ing the state about $3 million.
Engler proposed ending the waiver
Slicy for two reasons, said Patricia
Masserant, his press secretary. "At the
start of 1970, there was a perceived
need for it," she said. "It's the '90s now
and based on census data we don't see
a need for it."
Without the waiver, Masserant said
Native Americans would be put on a
"level playing field" with other stu-
dents, by allowing them to apply for
iular financial aid.
WShe added that there is no account-
ability in the system. "There's no way
of measuring what Native American
students are going to school (for), or if
they had degrees," she said, adding that
the money "was automatic."
Native American Student Associa-
tion (NASA) President Mary Cotnam
said the program is important for the
entive that it offers Native Ameri-
high school students. "It serves not
only as a vehicle for Native Americans
to come to school but serves as encour-
agement," she said.
Bobb Beauchamp, co-chair of the
Native American Law StudentAssocia-
tion, said the program may need to be
de cite histoiy
By Zachary .M . Rami
Daily Staff ReporterQ
Gov. John Engle-'s proposal to
eliminate funding for the Indian
Tuition Waiver program, designed
to address concerns over equality
and accountability, has opponents
pointing to history.
The waiver program - Public
Act 174 - was signed into law in
1976 by Gov. William Milliken, a
Republican, but dates back over 150
In 1836. the government signed
a treaty with the Native Americans
- who gave up land - promising
to provide them with adequate edu-
cation and health services.
Then in 1934, the federal gov-
ernment began closing American
Indian schools, including the Mt.
Pleasant Indian School in Michi-
gan. Under the Comstock Agree-
ment, the government gave these
lands to the state of Michigan and
told the state, in turn, to educate the
Native Americans.
Some opponents of Engler' s
proposal point to this agreement to
justify the tuition waivers. But
Patricia Masserant, Gov. Engler's
press secretary, discounts the agree-
ment. "A letter from the governor
is. not a treaty," she said.
In 1965, the state set up the
commission on :Indian Affairs,
which focused on education, lead-
ing to the 1976 act.:
Today, legislators are debating
the legality, of the treaty. State Rep.
Donald Gilmer (R-Augusta), whose
House subcommittee on higher edu-
cation is handling Engler's pro-
posal, said, "In this case, I believe
there are complex legal issues that
are unresolved."
State Rep. Liz grater (D-Ann
Arbor) said the Legislature should
respect the 1836 treaty. "I think it's
important to honor these treaties
and contracts," she said. "It's still
our responsibility to honor the trea-.
ties made in the past."
Gilmer said that because a treaty
was signed, the government is ob-
ligated to uphold it. "It's a treaty
and a mixture of state responsibil-
ity and federal responsibility," he
reviewed, but not canceled. "Maybe
the program needs to be reevaluated,
but the law is based on treaties," he
Beauchamp, who does not receive
a tuition waiver, said his association
plans to lobby against the proposal in
See WAIVER, Page 2
MAK1 Y U A/a1nr lCJlff YLO
The fence posts marking off the newest area of construction on Central Campus fall right in the middle of one of
the most well-used paths on campus.
Fences mark off neMw
Dean of
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
As part of a general physiology test
given within the Medical School a few
years ago, students were shown a pic-
ture of the dean at the time and asked to
identify him. Not a single student an-
swered the question correctly.
Because of situations like thi,many
faculty members have expressed con-
cern that students are unaware of the
roles of various administrative depart-
ments, especially the Office of the Vice
President of Student Affairs.
For this reason, President James J.
Duderstadt, along with the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs, formed a committee to review the
Office of the Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs and examine its various
Because the office covers an exten-
sive range of programs, the committee
decided to focus on the Office of the
Dean of Students, a part of Student
"The vice president has a rather sig-
nificantly large portfolio of operations.
In order to get a handle on it, we are
narrowing it. One committee couldn't
look at everything without doing a su-
perficial job," committee chair Bruce
Karnopp told SACUA yesterday.
SACUA chair Jean Loup said this
was a good way to look at the office. "I
think that they will be able to get more
in-depth. I am not surprised that they
are narrowing it down."
Karnopp said the majority of stu-
dents do not know about the office. "I
am willing to bet that if you ask any
student on North Campus who the dean
of students is, they would probably never
say it was Royster Harper," he said.
The committee will look at the role
of the office and how well it is accom-
plishing its mission.
"The question is not only if they are
doing their job, but if they can do a
betterjob," Karnopp said. "It is a ques-
tion of finding out about a unit that was
formed quite recently."
The Office of the Dean of Students
was re-formed about two years ago.
Karnopp said looking at a relatively
new office will prove beneficial in the
"It is new, but it has also been in
place long enough for us to have a sense
ofwhere the Office ofVice President for
Student Affairs is moving," he said.
Karnopp said one concern is
whether the faculty could serve more
of a role in this division.
"The real question is whetherornot
the office might be more effective if it
were closer to faculty," he said. "A
problem is that there is not a single
person there who is faculty."
Vice President of Student Affairs
Maureen A. Hartford said there may
not be an appropriate role for a faculty
member in the office.
"We 'value faculty input in most
administrative offices, but I do not know
what faculty would do.... Most faculty
have too many time constraints to spend
time in administration," she said.
By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Eight-foot poles and orange fences
line the walkways between Angell
Hall and the Michigan Museum of
Art, staking out the University's lat-
est improvement project.
Scheduled for completion in the
spring of 1996, the Angell/Haven Hall
Connector Project will be a closed-in
site, said project engineer Dennis
The project is expected to cost
$7.8 million, said Construction Man-
agement Director Tom Schlaff. The
Walbridge Aldinger Co. will construct
the four-story, 43,000-square-foot
building between the two halls.
The new addition will stand on its
own, separated from Angell and Ha-
ven Halls by 10-foot-wide walkways.
The north face of the building will
connect to the back of the Angell Hall
auditorium area and will provide ac-
cess for the handicapped.
There will be glass windows on all
sides of the building except at the
connecting area.
With fences surrounding the site,
only one eight-foot-wide path on the
north side of the art museum will be
maintained for Diag access from State
Street, Schlaff said.
"I don't believe it will cause any
problems. The layout of the fence was
carefully planned with pedestrian traf-
fic in mind. We've been in contact with
Art Fair (officials) and tried to antici-
pate summer activity," Schlaff said.
Even so, students on the Diag com-
plained of the disturbance.
"It makes the school ugly. You
have to look at orange fences and it
Connectdion Construction
A $7.8 million addition to the Angell Hall complex will add 43,000
square feet for offices and classrooms. The four-story building will
have windows on all sides. The fence posts'surrounding the
construction area will allow an eight-foot wide path to the Diag from
State Street.
spoils the beauty of an otherwise gor-
geous day," said School of Music
senior Whitney Allen.
First-year LSA student Nicole
Dawson watched as a backhoe piled
up dirt and uprooted a tree outside
Angell Hall.
"They are trying to improve fa-
cilities, but creating a lot of inconve-
nience and unsightliness," she said.
"They should keep students better
informed of their construction plans."
Schlaff said the project "has been
in planning for years. It has to do with
the LSA expansion in West Engin,
East Engin, and other buildings." He
was not aware of any further plans for
renovation on Angell Hall.
LSA sophomore Russell Hebetz
was concerned about all the construc-
tion on campus. "The University is
taking away our open areas piece by
piece," he said.
Schlaff said the building, which
will be constructed of brick and lime-
stone, would be used for LSA class-
room and office space.
Although LSA sophomore Rob
Melman said the construction makes
the school "look like a dump," Schlaff
said the entire area will be landscaped
to make it attractive once construc-
tion is completed.
Plans call for brick paving, new
sidewalks and new exterior security
See SACUA, Page 2
Searches progress for 5 new deans
By Ronnie Glassberg
Daily Staff Reporter
Nearly one-third of the leadership
for the University's schools and col-
leges will change over the next year,
with three deans leaving office this
summer and interim deans currently
serving in two other schools.
School of Natural Resources and
#vironment Dean Garry D. Brewer's
announcement on March 1 that he
would step down as head of the school
made his seat the fifth opening for the
University's 17 schools and colleges.
thing isn't in the control of any one
person or group of people," she said.
Advisory committees, composed of
faculty and students, conduct the
searches for deans. The committees
normally recommend several candi-
dates to the provost, who names a can-
didate for the University Board of Re-
gents' approval.
Biostatistics Prof. Michael A.
Schork, chair of the advisory commit-
tee for Public Health, said his commit-
tee has completed its search. "We're
done. We made our final report to the
nra, nc-f "' ha c'a
Since Banks' departure, nuclear
engineering Prof. Glenn Knoll has been
serving as interim dean.
Aerospace engineering Prof. Gerard
Faeth, chair of the advisory committee
for Engineering, said his committee
has been charged to complete the search
by the end of summer term.
"The earliest possible time is going
to be after the current academic year,"
Faeth said. "At this stage of the game,
we've done all the normal advertising
kinds of things."
In Rackham and Pharmacy, the
ainnn, n twan tco f Dl, rt,, rv ,T't-an A ra
Opena Dean Seats
School of Natural Resources and
Environment: Garry Brewer,
stepped down March 1
Horace H. Rackam School of.
Graduate Studies: John D'Arms,
not seeking reappointment
Pharmacy: Ara Paul, not seeking
reap'pointment .
School of Public Health: June
Osborn, resigned May 1993
College of Engineering: Peter
Banks, resigned in January'
Unlike the other dean searches, the
Rackham search will look for a candi-
A atp whn~r hac wxrkri i nt th~ T Tnivpitiy
Judge issues gag
order in rape case
By Frank C. Lee
Daily Staff Reporter
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Donald Shelton, who will pre-
side over the robbery trial of accused
serial rapist Ervin D. Mitchell Jr., is-
sued a gag order Thursday prohibiting
attorneys, police and witnesses involved
in his case from publicly discussing the
charges against the defendant.
In hk ~c-nrdt-r i-Ch~trn-, ii Pthat n,'u
He was also charged March 2 with
one count of first-degree murder and
four counts of first-degree criminal
sexual conduct for a series of Ann
Arbor rapes dating back 2 1/2 years.
The preliminary examination for
the murder and rape charges is sched-
uled for March 15. First-degree mur-
der carries a mandatory sentence of
life in prison without parole. First-
di-arp e- a-,mnnl cPvtial rrrnir't rn idd