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March 10, 1995 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-03-10

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t' tro irr rirntyt i .

High school star suspended
Torrance Roberson, a finalist for the Mr. Basketball Award in the state
of Michigan, was dismissed from his Saginaw Buena Vista team by coach
Norwaine Reed Wednesday. The 6-foot-7 senior was recruited by Michigan
and Michigan State. Last week he was one of 20 players selected for
Magic's Roundball Classic All-Star game, April 9 at the Palace of Auburn


Page 11
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March 1@,1995


'M' blocks
road to Big
Ten title
for Purdue
By Scott Burton
Daily Basketball Writer
4 Michigan men's basketball
coach Steve Fisher figures that his
Wolverines already have an NCAA
tournament bid wrapped up after
Wednesday night's victory over
Penn State.
But, just to make sure, Fisher is
readying Michigan (I1-6 Big Ten,
17-12 overall) for one last regular
season battle. The Wolverines travel
to West Lafayette for a Sunday con-
test with Big Ten leader Purdue (14-
3, 23-6).
"We're not
going to go down
to Purdue think-
ing that all we
have to do is play
a game to get in
the tournament,"
yA Fisher said. "But
tn I think we are go-
ing to be in it."
A Wolverine victory would un-
doubtedly seal their tournament fate
and further cushion their seeding.
Even with a loss, Michigan can fin-
ish no lower than fourth in the con-
ference and would be a tough team
for the NCAA's selection commit-
tee to pass up.
Since the tournament expanded
to a 64-team field, every Big Ten
team with at least 10 conference
victories has gone to the big show.
Michigan beat Purdue Jan. 3,71-
61, atCrisler Arena. However, Boil-
ermaker star forward Cuonzo Mar-
tin was just returning from knee
surgery and was in less than peak
condition. He scored 13 points on 3-
of-I 1 shooting.
But since that game, Martin has
brutalized the conference, establish-
ing himself as a legitimate first-
team All-Big Ten selection. He is
fourth in the conference in scoring
(19.6 points per game) and first in
three-point field goal percentage
(47.6 percent).
As a team, the Boilermakers are
quite a far cry from what Michigan
msaw in the first week of conference
play. After dropping two of its first
three Big Ten contests, Purdue has
gone 13-1.
What has been especially sur-
prising about the defending Big Ten
champions is that their offense con-
tinues to sparkle without departed
superstar Glenn Robinson. Despite
engaging in a defensive bloodbath
in its first meeting with Michigan,
Purdue averages 75.4 points a game.
"Since the first game, Purdue
has skyrocketed," Fisher said. "It is
going to be a very emotional game."
Indeed it will be, because the Boil-
ermakers have as much on the line as
the Wolverines Sunday, if not more.
After last night's 72-59 victory over
Minnesota, Purdue is one game up on
Michigan State for first place in the Big

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Playoffs beginfor icers

Last-place Buckeyes face
By Tan 9"Iety
Daily Hockey Writer
Last Sunday, the Michigan hockey team com-
pleted its regular season schedule with a 10-2
victory over league doormat Ohio State. Tonight,
the Wolverines begin the CCHA playoffs, and
one might think that with postseason play comes
a higher level of competition.
Think again.
The Buckeyes are back and begin a best-of-
three series against Michigan at Yost Ice Arena in
the first round of the conference playoffs.
Tonightand tomorrow night's games are slated
for 7 p.m. starts, while Sunday's game, if neces-
sary, will also get underway at 7 p.m.
The Buckeyes advanced to face the top-seeded
Wolverines by defeating Alaska-Fairbanks, 7-2,
in Tuesday's preliminary game. Ohio State fin-
ished the CCHA regular season 3-22-2 in the
conference, while Michigan racked up a 22-4-1
record against league opponents.
However, while Sunday should provide
the Wolverines with an opportunity to catch
up on their studies, the team is aware that
regular season records are virtually meaning-
less in the playoffs.
"It's a new season," Michigan coach Red
Berenson said. "They're not a 10th-place team

Wolverines in new season
anymore, and we're not a first-place teamany-
"We have to start all over again proving our-
Recently, the Wolverines have had little trouble
with Ohio State. Michigan swept a three-game set
with the Buckeyes this season and extended its
winning streak against them to 23 games. The last
time the Wolverines lost to the Buckeyes was
early in the 1989-90 season when Ohio State
knocked them off, 7-3.
"(The streak) doesn't mean a thing,"
Berenson said. "Now that they're in the play-
offs they've got a chance to do some damage.
If I'm them, I'm thinking upset, and I'm sure
we'll see their best shot, especially in the first
couple of periods."
With a pair of wins, Michigan would advance
to next weekend's semifinals at Joe Louis Arena.
Last year, the Wolverines came away with their
first ever CCHA playoff title when they defeated
Lake Superior State, 3-0.
"It's tough to get on top and win the champi-
onship, but it's just as tough to stay there," sopho-
more forward Brendan Morrison said. "We want
to prove to everybody in our league and in the
nation that we're going to be a team to be reck-
oned with in the playoffs."

Mike Knuble and the Wolverines battle the Buckeyes tonight in the first round of CCHA
playoff action.

Moeller looking for quarterback as spring practice starts

By Darren Everson
Daily Sports Editor
Perhaps none of Gary Moeller's
teams have needed spring football prac-
tice as much as this one.
When the 1995 Wolverines begin
practicing tomorrow, they'll be starting
theirdrive to recapture the Big Ten title,
just like last year's team.
However, Michigan didn't have to
look far to find a leader on offense then.
Under Moeller, the Wolverines never
have had to search for a quarterback; or
at least, not until now.
"The big question mark is finding a

quarterback," Moeller said. "Four guys
will be working in there."
Jason Carr, Scott Loeffler, Brian
Griese and Scott Driesbach are the can-
didates for the starting job vacated by
Todd Collins, the No. 1 quarterback the
last two years.
Carr, the only senior, has had the
most snaps and the most experience.
Griese should benefit from getting
"more snaps last year than he's ever
had," according to Moeller, but Loeffler
and Driesbach are still mysteries.
"We have to check to see how
(Loeffler's) arm is," Moeller said.

"That's the key thing with him.
Driesbach (a redshirt freshman) is the
youngest kid. We just have to see what
he can do."
Moeller would like to pick his sig-
nal-caller this spring, but not if one
doesn't distinguish himself
"We're not going to make a
choice just to make one," Moeller
said. "If we have to wait until the
fall, we will."
The defensive backfield is
Michigan's next biggest concern.
Woodrow Hankins and Tyrone Noble
figure to take over the cornerback posi-

tions Ty Law and Deon Johnson used to
own, but freshman Andre Weathers
could also be a factor. Clarence Th-
ompson and Chuck Winters return at
the safety spots.
Moeller said that his Wolverines
may "play more defense like we did at
the end of the year," when Michigan
used a setup resembling a 4-3 align-
Damon Denson was a part of the
defense last season, but he won't be this
year. Moeller, whose Wolverines had
their problems on the offensive line last
year, hopes the junior lineman can pro-

vide some help at offensive guard.
"We're going to find that out," said
Moeller, who hinted thatDenson would
probably be a starter. "If he's not going
to play there, I'm going to move him
back to defense."
Perhaps one reason for the move
could be Michigan's injury problems
on the offensive line. Tackle Jon
Runyan is on the shelf because ofafoot
injury and center Rod Payne had sur-
gery on his shoulder.
The Blue-White scrimmage con-
cludes spring practice April 8 at Michi-
gan Stadium.

Track teams race to hdy for NCAAs

Sullivan to compete in two events
By Chaim Hyman
Daily Sports Writer
With a season full of triumphs, disappointments, injuries
and losses almost behind it, the Michigan men's track team
heads to Indianapolis today to compete in the NCAA Cham-
Although many runners qualified provisionally, the
Wolverines qualified nationally in only four events. Michi-
gan will be represented in the high jump, 4000-meter dis-
tance medley, 55-meter hurdles and 1600-meter run.
Despite the fact that only a few of his runners will be
competing, Wolverine head coach Jack Harvey isn't
disappointed with his team's performance so far this
"All in all, I'm pleased," Harvey said.
Sophomore All-America Kevin Sullivan will be the only
member of the Michigan squad to be competing in two
events; the mile and the distance medley.
"Our best bet is with Kevin in the mile," Harvey said.
"The distance medley teams' performance will also depend
largely on how Kevin feels after running the mile."
Other Wolverine competitors include Neil Gardner, who
is seeded 16th in the 55-meter hurdles, and Jon Royce, who
will compete in the high jump. Royce is seeded second in the
event and feels his performance will be based on how he is
feeling at the time.
"If I feel good, I should do well," Royce said. "It will be
a fun race no matter how I do."
Such sentiments are felt by Harvey as well, who is
looking at this most prestigious meet as a way for at least part
of his team to compete at ahigher level than they often get the
chance to do.
"This should be an interesting meet," Harvey said. "No
matter how it turns out for us."

Four women head to championships
By Dan Stillman
Daily Sports writer
While the Michigan women's indoor track and field
team has performed well as a group, what is most fascinat-
ing about the four Wolverines who will make the trip to
Indianapolis for this weekend's NCAA Championships are
the individual stories.
Senior distance runner Karen Harvey will run in the
3000-meter preliminaries this afternoon. Whether or not
the 13th-seeded Harvey places in today's race will not
make or break her indoor season.
"Harvey has had an outstanding season and is the most
competitive athlete on the team," Michigan coach James
Henry said.
Next, the story of the Arnill twins who have surpassed
expectations in qualifying for NCAAs as freshmen. Al-
though Henry still has difficulty distinguishing between
Pauline and Deanna, he is sure of one thing.
"(The Arnills) have shown veteran performances in
rookie bodies," Henry said.
Deanna will join Harvey in the 3000-meter prelimi-
naries and Pauline will compete in the mile run pre-
liminaries tonight. Neither has run since Big Ten
Championships due to knee injuries.
"It's been a tough few weeks for them, emotionally
and physically, not being able to run," Harvey said.
"Just qualifying (for NCAAs) as freshmen is a
contribution to how good they are," Henry said.
The final story is of Wolverine high jumper Monika
Black. She represents Michigan's best chance of winning
an event, as she has dominated the conference this season.
"She's due to improve on her six-foot performance,"
Henry said. "If she tops six feet, she'll probably finish
in the top three or four."

Four members of the women's
track and field team will compete
this weekend at the NCAA
Championships in Indianapolis.

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