Baker hearing
today at 2 p.m.
LSA sophomore Jake Baker will
appear in U.S. District Court at 2 p.m.
? today in what could be the final stage
of his detention process, and he may
be released as early as this afternoon.
Federal Judge Avern Cohn will
hear testimony regarding a psycho-
logical evaluation of Baker that a doc-
tor was to have compiled yesterday.
Cohn ordered the evaluation after U.S.
Attorney Ken Chadwell requested that
it be done before the detention pro-
cess continued.
Chadwell said the evaluation
"will probably be the extent of new
evidence presented" in Baker's
fourth detention hearing since the
FBI arrested him Feb. 9 on charges
of transmitting a threat to injure or
kidnap in interstate or foreign com-
Two judges denied bail to Baker
on Friday, Feb. 10 and the 6th Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati
upheld those decisi6ns in a ruling
last Tuesday. Baker has spent more
than a month in jail, and celebrated
his 21st birthday behind bars in
Milan Federal Correctional Insti-
tute yesterday.
Douglas Mullkoff, Baker's attor-
ney, said he remains "hopeful and
optimistic" about Baker's possible
$25,000 in damage
linked -to power
A caller reported to the Depart-
ment of Public Safety on Tuesday
that a laser was damaged in the Randall
r Laboratory due to a power outage.
Upon arrival, a DPS officer deter-
mined that the power had gone out at
I1 a.m. According to reports, damage
of more than $20,000 was done to the
Another and possibly related
power outage at about the same time
caused more than $5,000 in damage
to equipment in the Chemistry Build-
Reports say a "turbo molecular
pump was damaged when the power
.went out."
Graffiti reported in
various locations
DPS received five reports of graf-
fiti located on various University
buildings Wednesday and reports in-
'dicate that a few of the incidents may
be related.
Officers reported "new graffiti" in
the Thayer, Thompson, Church and
Fletcher carports in a five-minute
period Wednesday morning just be-
fore 9 a.m. DPS received calls about
the graffiti and officers subsequently
found other spray-painted locations
in the vicinity.
Coffee stolen
Wednesday, a caller reported to
DPS that "a case of coffee" was stolen
from Room 1006 in the C.C. Little
Science Building.
DPS reports say there are no sus-
pects and there was no sign of forced
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporter Josh White
The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 10, 1995 - 5
Former hospital
employee sues
'U' over racism
Prof. Gordon MacAlpine (left) poses with the Cassegrain reflector telescope and Student Astronomical Society
President Sarah Winfrey and Vice President Ken Banas.
Point-and-a clc eecp
tops Angel Hrai o servatory
By Lisa Michalski
Daily Staff Reporter
A technological wonder on the roof of Angell Hall
will help students and faculty members get a better look
at heavenly bodies.
A 16-inch Cassegrain reflector telescope, installed in
December as part of the University's renovation of Angeli
Hall's rooftop observatory, provides a user-friendly,
"point-and-click" method for observing celestial objects,
said astronomy Prof. Gordon MacAlpine.
The new telescope replaces the observatory's two
previous large telescopes, a 10-inch
refractor and a 15-inch reflector, which
are now in storage. The renovationY
also included the installation of new
mounts on the roof for the University's lput
eight existing eight-inch Celestron gives Ay
reflector telescopes.J
The two types of telescopes work o
in different ways. Refracting tele-
scopes use a lens to gather and con- observa
centrate light while reflecting tele-
scopes have mirrors to perform this time ana
function, MacAlpine said. -G
Although the old, manually oper-
ated telescopes "were excellent for astr
looking through," MacAlpine said the
new, fully automated telescope also will allow students
and staff to gather data for research projects.
Both the telescope and the new dome are run by
computers in the control room.
"You set the computer and it gives you a display of
everything observable for this time and location,"
MacAlpine said. "Just click on what you want the tele-
scope to go to and it moves right there."
The new telescope will make training procedures
more efficient for graduate students preparing to work in
national and international observatories, MacAlpine said.
Students planning to use similar University telescopes
on Kitt Peak, Ariz., or in the foothills of the Chilean
Andes will now have the opportunity to learn operating
methods in Ann Arbor before they leave.
MacAlpine said the new telescope is also more com-
patible with a range of accessory instruments.
This semester, a group of undergraduates will install
a new charge-coupled device on the telescope that will
allow them to save images in the computer, MacAlpine
The CCD, which functions in the same way as the
CCDs in a video recorder, "will be able to get objects
thousands of times fainter than the naked eye," he added.
MacAlpine said he also hopes the new telescope and
the other renovations will increase enrollment in introduc-
tory, non-science major courses in astronomy.
He said he is planning a technological upgrade so
students who register in a lab section can work directly
with the new equipment.
"We want to redo those labs so that the students use
their own data and measuring will be done completely on
the computer," MacAlpine said. "I'm also hoping to bring
the discussions, labs and lectures
closer together so they will have
A& more relation to each other."
- LSA senior Ken Banas, vice
'an itpresident of the Student Astro-
nomical Society, said that the new
r a dim~ ay telescope can improve education
ftindas well as research at the Univer-
sity. "I think this makes Michigan
le for this one of the best undergraduate as-
tronomy programs in the coun-
c t itry," he said.
rdon MacAlpine Members of the public inter-
ested in the telescope also have the
Homy professor opportunity to use the new facili-
On the first and third Friday night of every month,
weather permitting, the Student Astronomical Society
holds an open house in the Angell Hall observatory where
visitors can look at some of the brightest objects in the sky.
Those who attended the first open house with the new
telescope last Friday had the opportunity to view, among
other celestial objects, the moon, the Orion Nebula, and a
polar ice cap on Mars.
LSA junior Jim Brauher, an SAS member, said one of
the goals of SAS is to heighten the interest around campus
because "a lot of people are curious about what, exactly,
astronomy is."
"I think there's a lot of public interest in astronomy.
People just need to know where to go," Banas said.
SAS President Sarah Winfrey, an LSA senior, said her
organization also plans to co-sponsor an upcoming lecture
with the Students for the Exploration for the Development
of Space.
On March 13 at 7 p.m., University research scientist
John Clarke will host a talk in 182 Dennison about last
summer's collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into
Jupiter's atmosphere.
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
A former educational nurse spe-
cialist filed suit against the Univer-
sity last Friday, charging racism.
The suit was filed less than a week
before an assistant professor described
the atmosphere for minorities at the
University as "deplorable" to the state
House, and in the wake of suits filed
by Dental School and fellow Univer-
sity Hospitals employees.
"I believe that if you earn some-
thing, you should be able to get it. It
shouldn't be based on your color,"
said Barbara Stoutermire, who quit
her job last September because she
felt her work environment was racist.
She had worked in various depart-
ments in University Hospitals for al-
most 16 years.
Assistant pharmacology Prof.
Thomas Landefeld told a state House
subcommittee earlier this week that
racism was prevalent at the Univer-
sity. He echoed his claims yesterday
in response to Stoutermire's actions:
"Some people are very concerned
about coming forward because of re-
taliation. ... People get a little braver
when they see people come forward."
The University denies
Stoutermire's claims of racism. "She
was treated fairly and she was treated
appropriately and there was no dis-
crimination," said Gloria Hage, assis-
tant to the University's general coun-
sel. "She was not fired,"
Stoutermire began her tenure with
the hospital in 1979 and proceeded
through a normal course of employ-
ment, including promotions, until
1990, when she held the position of
educational nurse coordinator.
Stoutermire said she was rated
highest in the field of 50 candidates
who applied in 1990 for the position
of educational nurse specialist, a Level
IV position in the hospital.
However, she was not given the
position at that time: She said she was
the victim of racial discrimination.
After arbitration, which she said lasted
two years, Stoutermire was given the
position of educational nurse specialist.
Hage declined to disclose details of
Stoutermire's personnel record.
Stoutermire said the arbitrator did
not address her claims of racism, but
simply said that her qualifications
were "substantial" for the position.
"So we didn't deal with the dis-
crimination part, but I thought, 'lf
they're willing to work with me, then
I'm willing to work with them.' But
the harassment started the day I got on
the job," Stoutermire said.
Last week's suit was Stoutermii'e's
second against the University - the
first was dismissed because she did
not appear at three depositions in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court.
Stoutermire said the University
offered to rehire her in March 1994
when the suit came close to trial.
In June 1992, Stoutermire took a
sick leave and at her physician's rgc-
ommendation, asked to be moved to a
different department. Stoutermire
claims she was demoted upon her
return in March 1994 to cardiac
stepdown nurse, a Level I position.
"I had practiced nursing for -al-
most 30 years now," Stoutermire said.
"My credit was just wrecked."
Stoutermire said she took a signifi-
cant pay cut.
"It wasn't a demotion," Hage said.
"She had certain restrictions when
she returned from the leave and she
was placed in accordance with the
Stoutermire is now working in
nursing education at Veterans' Ad-
ministration Hospital in Detroit.
"I don't want to see this happen to
other people," she said. The Univer-
sity has 30 days to respond to the suit.
Stoutermire studied in the School
of Public Health for 5 1/2 years, and
is now completing her doctorate at
Wayne State University.
Continued from page 1
But YMCA Executive Director Bill
Blewitt maintains that there was no
fraud and that the city was fully aware
of the conditions of the agreement.
After construction costs exceeded
estimates by about $400,000, the
YMCA defaulted on its Feb. 15, 1994
payment. The bank was notified that
the city was investigating the legality
of the agreement.
The city had planned to sell an Ann
Arbor Economic Development Corp.
bond to Great Lakes for $1,700,000 to
cover the loan, but that fell through
when the YMCA and the city failed to
reach a management agreement for the
bond payment. The agreement would
have forced the YMCA to pay its ex-
cess revenues to the city.
Throughout last year, the city has
indicated it might renege on the loan
agreement based on another legal
opinion it obtained from the law firm
of Hardy, Lewis, Pollard and Page.
"It was never voted on in a meet-
ing," Sheldon said. "(Great Lakes
Bancorp) was advised by the Demo-
cratic majority (of the situation)."
Great Lakes filed suit against the
three parties Jan. 9, 1995.
Councilmember Peter Nicolas (I-
4th Ward) listed the lawsuit among
his reasons for switching from Demo-
cratic to Independent last Monday.
"When the YMCA recently in-
formed the city of its need to invoke
the loan guarantee, the majority tried
to weasel out of the city's promise,"
Nicolas said.
Business student group wins awards
By Joshua Ginsberg
For the Daily
Business as usual has paid off for
the University chapter of AIESEC,
which recently won five awards, in-
cluding the best chapter award for
AIESEC, a French acronym for
the International Association of Stu-
dents in Economics and Business
Management, is the largest student-
run organization in the world, with
chapters in 83 countries, including 55
in the United States. The main focus
of the organization is a traineeship/
exchange program, through which
members can find international in-
This year, the University chapter
received awards for the best alumni
program, best company service, best
public relations, in addition to the
What's happening In Ann Abor today
best-chapter award.
"It's best to view AIESEC as a
business itself," said chapter Presi-
dent David Naczycz. "We provide
positions for international interns in
U.S. companies."
"Last year was the best year in its
32-year history," Naczycz said. He
said the recognition was largely ex-
He said the chapter's success is
due to a number of factors, including
a focus on strengthening the relation-
ship with other chapters and the lead-
ership of former President Sarah
Endline attributed the success to
"motivation towards our mission of
international cooperation and under-
"AIESEC is an organization that
not only benefits the students work-
ing in it, but also our corporate part-
ner," she said.
"Last year we hosted the first in-
ternational conference with 80 del-
egates from 12 North American coun-
tries," Naczycz said.
"Sarah Endline alone moved 20
interns up in their positions. That's 10
more than anyone else in the country
earned," for which she earned a sepa-
rate award, Naczycz noted.
This year Endline was selected for
a position on the AIESEC national
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3 "Communal, Corporate, and Indi-
vidual Ownership of Land in An-
cient Mesopotamia," sponsored
by Department of Near Eastem
Studies, Frieze Building, Room
3050, 12 noon
Q "Goodness of Fit and Model Valida-
tion in Semiparametric Models,"
sponsored by Department of Sta-
tistics, Chemistry Building, Room
1400, 4 p.m.
Q Ninjitsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, IMSB, Room G 21,6:30-
8 p.m.
Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley, 8-
11:30 p.m.
Q "Race and the Healing Relation-
ship," sponsored by CCCMH,
Rackham Building, East Conference
DnnlIA...4ln m-_14nnn
J Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome, 747-
6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30
J WOLV Channel 70 Programming:
Key to A2, 7-8 p.m.; CCHA Hockey
Tournament, 8-11 p.m. and 11
p.m.-2 a.m.
J "Bowling with the Reform
Chavurah," sponsored by Hillel,
Hillel Building, 7 p.m.
J Multi-racial/Multi-cultural Group,
763-0031, Mason Hall, Room
G410, 1-3 p.m.
J Northwalk, 763-WA LK, Bursley, 8-
11:30 p.m.
j "Pre-Medical Students' Sympo-
sium," spnosored by Career Plan-
nino anti Picment_ Michiga~n
J Alpha Phi Omega, 663-6004, Michi-
gan Union, Kuenzel Room, pledge
meeting 6 p.m., chapter meeting 7
J Ballroom Dance Club, 663-9213,
CCRB, Main Dance Room, 7 p.m.
J "Closing Activities," sponsored by
Student Labor Action Coalition,
Modern Languages Building, Room
8116, 9 a.m.-12 noon
J "Discussion of African-American
Women and Hip Hop," sponsored
by Council for the Advancement of
Minorities at MoJo, Mosher Jor-
dan, Nikki G. Lounge, 7 p.m.
j ECB Peer Tutorial, 747-4526, Angell
Hall Computing Site 1-5 p.m. and
7-11 p.m., UGLi, second floor, 1-5