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March 07, 1995 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-03-07

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 7, 1995

I oL/,r

hasn't gone this fur since you lived
wth your

High-revving, 120-horsepower,
fuel-injected engine (hey,
this car's for driving, not
just looking at)
Tubular rear axle with spring-
over shock sport suspension
and progressive ride tuning -
(means it's great on curves
- you'll understand once you
drive it)
Anti-lock brakes - why should
only big, fancy, expensive
cars have all the
cool stuff?

5-speed transmission - you
expect that on a real set
of wheels, but one for around
$12,500? (yep)
Great sporty looks, inside & out,
that say "Hey, ya wanna have
fun?" (say yes)
Safety-cage construction - hey,
we like you

Oh, Courtesy Transportation -
that's part of PONTIAC CARES
too (see? we really do care)
Air conditioning - Air condi-
tioning?? for around $12,500??
(we told ya it was a cool car)
Single-key locking - one key
locks & unlocks doors, trunk
and all the fun of Sunfire

Your choice of a great-looking
coupe (shown) or sporty
four-door sedan (both so good-
looking, you might have a tough
time choosing)
Clearcoat paint - paint you
can't see keeps the paint you
can see looking good (see?)
Dual airbags - two things
you don't need until you really
need 'em
(and always
wear those safety
belts, even
with airbags)

Battery rundown protection -
you accidentally leave the
interior lights on, the Sunfire
will turn 'em off - so you
don't walk home (remember
to say "thanks")
AM/FM radio - what, you mean
it's not standard on every car?
(nope, it's not) (you wanna
spend a little more, you can have
a built-in CD player)
A HUGE glovebox -
big enough for a 12-pack of
sodas (or some really, really
big gloves)

Fold-down rear seats - in
case you win some 9-ft.
teddy bear at the carnival (hey,
it could happen)
800 number, get free Roadside
Assistance - for flat tires,
dead battery, even if you run
out of gas or lock yourself
out (Pontiac* wants to see you
and your SunfireTm driving)
Corrosion protection - tells
rust to go chew on someone
else's car


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