'' . '
The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 7, 1995 -- 3
No decision on
Baker 's appeal
A panel of 6th Circuit Courtjudges
has yet to rule on LSA sophomore
Jake Baker's bond appeal as Baker
remains in what his mother calls "the
hole" at the Milan Federal Correc-
tional Institute.
The appeal has been under review
for more than a week, but Baker's
lawyer said there is nothing unusual
about the process.
"We expected to hear a decision
last week, but there are no rules for a
* proceeding like this," said Douglas
Mullkoff, Baker's attorney. "We are
awaiting the decision and hope that
he is released."
U.S. Attorney Ken Chadwell and
Mullkoff will meet in Detroit today
for a scheduling hearing before Fed-
eral Judge Avern Cohn at 4 p.m. The
trial is currently slated to start Mon-
day, April 3.
Mullkoff said yesterday that "a
motion to dismiss the case is in the
In a letter to The Michigan Daily,
Baker's mother said Jake's 21st birth-
day is Thursday and she hopes "he
won't have to spend it in jail."
Thefts and damage
reported in dorm
Multiple incidents involving resi-
dence hall lounges were reported to
Department of Public Safety officers
over the weekend, including thefts
and reports of malicious destruction.
Just after midnight Saturday, two
chairs were vandalized in an Alice
Lloyd residence hall lounge.
The officer who reported to the
scene estimated the damage at more
than $300, reports say. No suspects
were placed at the scene and the dam-
age was allegedly done earlier that
In East Quad, a glass window was
broken in a main-floor lounge by un-
known students.
DPS reports say a window was
smashed in Green Lounge of East
Quad at about 3 a.m. yesterday and
estimate its value at $50. There are no
suspects in the case.
Theft in West Quad
costs student jeans
While a student Who ives in West
Quad showered Saturday morning, a
thief snuck into the bathroom and
stole his belongings, according to DPS
The student said his jeans, identi-
fication card and $28 were taken from
the bathroom.
Girl Scouts booted
from Union
Girl Scouts participating in their
annual nationwide cookie sale were
* told they could not sell cookies in front
of the Michigan Union Saturday.
A DPS officer was alerted to the
situation by an unknown caller and
reported to the scene.
The officer "advised them not to
sell the cookies and they moved
along," reports say.
Senior Pledge Day kicks off with a Moonwalk
'U' Office of
Development hopes
to raise $35,000
through senior
By Kiran Chaudhrl
For the Daily
Passersby on the Diag or near the
North Campus Commons yesterday
couldn't miss the huge, inflated, or-
ange Moonwalk.
The University's Office of Devel-
opment sponsored the Moonwalk,
along with a "duck pond," to promote
Senior Pledge Day, which kicks off the
annual Senior Pledge Program.
"It was the most fun I've had in
months," LSA senior Matthew
Messana said as he exited the
Moonwalk. "I think this is a better way
of drawing attention to (the program)
than getting a letter in the mail."
At the "duck pond," students got a
chance at a free T-shirt or Frisbee
bearing the 1995 Senior Pledge Pro-
gram logo.
All this fanfare is intended to get
seniors into the gift-giving mood. The
program is an effort to raise private
funds for the University from depart-
ing seniors.
"The Senior Pledge Day Program
is designed to educate students about
why supporting the University with
money is so important," said pro-
gram coordinator Janel Jordan. "It's a
"My hope is that
(the program) gets
people to think
about donating to
the university."
--Tim Hibbard
Senior Pledge Day co-chair
fun day designed to get the word out.
It's exciting and visible."
Last year, the program generated
approximately $32,000. This year, the
committee aims to raise $35,000. Pro-
gram volunteers have already begun
to call seniors for pledges, and thus
far have a 48-percent pledge rate
"which is fabulous," Jordan said.
When a senior donates to the an-
nual fund, the money goes to the
student's college or division and helps
support scholarships, computing cen-
ters, guest lecturers, laboratory and
classroom equipment, student research,
and study-abroad programs.-
The day's events captured the fancy
of LSA first-year student Josh Kaplan.
He said the festivities "get people in a
good mood. It makes people happy
and they'll contribute more."
In addition to seniors, the program
targets the more than 300,000 Univer-
sity alumni through an intense phone
With tighter state budgets in re-
cent years, the University has comnie to
rely increasingly on private donations.
'I don't think people realize this."
said Engineering senior Tim Hibbard,
a program co-chair. "My hope is that
(the program) gets people to think
about donating to the University."
Jordan was pleased with the stu-
dent response. "I think it's been very
successful. We've had a lot of stu-
dents asking questions," she said. Such
interest supports the program's greater
objective beyond monetary contribu-
tions. "Our biggest goal is that stu-
dents will realize that after they leave
the University of Michigan, they still
have a connection to the University as
alumni that lasts throughout their life-
time," Jordan said.
Mark ""rieman/Daily
Tracy Bonham performs at The Blind Pig
T-shirts curtosey of Mongolian Barbecue, the Main Street restaurant where the band ate dinner.
Bruegger s Bakery ends a hectic
first week at North U. location
Michigan Party
proposes bllo
ights for students
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter Th Michigan Party
The Michigan Student Assembly, Student Bill of Rights
like state and national governments,
is based upon a written constitution. . Access to a responsive
As part of a campaign push, Michigan student government.
Party candidates have proposed add-
ing a student bill of rights to the cur- U Representation on the Board
rent constitution. of Regents.
Opponents called the bill a series U Freedom from restrictive
of "platform statements," which UnFre romes rbtv
should not be included in the consti- University policies.
tution. U Safety on and off campus.
"Right now there's no over-arch-
ing guide to student needs and wants,'' Affordable prices for expenses
said LSA junior Flint Wainess, the ranging from textbooks to tuition.
presidential candidate on the Michi- U inclusion in an open University
gan Party ticket. "Right now MSA is community.
just a hodgepodge of ideas which
change as soon as a new administra- "We already have a bill of rights
tion takes over." that protects the freedoms of students
The proposed bill of rights states on campus. These are just more plat-
that every student should be guaranteed form issue statements and there's no
six things: Access to a responsive stu- need to change the MSA constitution
dent government, representation on the to achieve those things," Christie
Board of Regents, freedom from re- said.
strictive University policies, safety on For each point under their bill of
and off campus, affordable prices for rights, Wainess and Goodstein have
expenses ranging from textbooks to proposed policies that support the
tuition, and inclusion in an open Uni- broad goal. The MSA On-Line out-
versity community. reach program, for example, is aimed
"The point isn't to come out with at a more accessible student govern-
ideas that are going to shake the world, ment, while revising the University's
it's to say that if elected, this is what statement of non-academic conduct
we're going to stand behind and sup- is supposed to limit University poli-
port," said LSA junior Sam Goodstein, cies the party views as restrictive.
the Michigan Party's vice presiden- "The important thing isn't getting
tial candidate. these put into a constitution,"
Candidates say the six points high- Goodstein said. "The important thing
light the beliefs and goals of the Michi- is that we're telling everyone what
gan Party. the Michigan Party stands for and
"Any system of governance needs what we believe."
a framework in which you can fit the LSA Rep. Fiona Rose, the vice
policies you push forth into," Wainess presidential candidate on the Students'
said. "This is the umbrella the poli- Party ticket, said she wants to see
cies fall under." action instead of more rhetoric.
LSA Rep. Mike Christie, the Wol- "The problem is they can claim
verine Party presidential candidate,- and propose all they want, but I have
said the MSA constitution doesn't yet to see any evidence of actively
need to be changed. ensuring these points," Rose said.
a nd yo u th trayio r g an i zat i on.
800m77=011 STA TRAVEL
Free bagels attract
hundreds to shop
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
With the opening of Bruegger's
Bagel Bakery, there are now bagel
stores to the north and south of the
Diag allowing students to get their fill
of round delights.
Michael Kruczek, aBruegger's shift
supervisor, said the North University
Avenue eatery's first week has been
"rather hectic."
"Before we opened we were con-
cerned whether we would be busy or
not, with all the other restaurants in the
area. People have been standing in line
outside the door. Now we expect to be
busy," Kruczek said. I
"Whether that means we're the best
thing since sliced bread or not, I don't
know," he said.
"I'm downright excited about
Bruegger's presence on the Ann Arbor
bagel scene," said LSA sophomore
Tilney Marsh. "Compared to the Bagel
Factory, Bruegger's is a definite thumbs-
up. The staff is friendly, energetic and
helpful, and it's high time that the Bagel
Factory got a kick in the pants."
Not every student has headed to
Bruegger's for their bagel fix.
"Our customers have been very
loyal," said Katie Dersnah, a manager
of the Bagel Factory on South Uni-
versity Avenue.
"We always have coupons out.
We're part of the pilot program for
Mcard. With that and the quality of our
business we'll be right in the competi-
tion," she said.
Dersnah said the Bagel Factory was
as busy as always over the past week-
end. "Some customers commented that
they were surprised we were so busy
with the other place being newly
opened," she said.
Breugger's Kruczek said even
though his restaurant seats 100, there
are still people who cannot find a seat
during certain times of the day. He
said additional seating will available
outside Bruegger's in the spring.
"Unfortunately we're not staffed
to deal with these massive amounts of
people. We currently have about half
the staff we need," Kruczek said.
"We're very thankful for
everybody's patience," he said.
Kruczek credited the overwhelm-
ing success of Bruegger's first week in
town to a variety of factors.
"We have a relaxed atmosphere
and a good product variety, as far as
what you can get on it or with it. Our
customers can listen to music and sit
in here for as long as they want. Our
service is very personalized. We want
to get to know everybody too."
Kruczek said that customers have
been very receptive to the coupons
circulated last week. He said people
who came in with the coupons have
been coming back consistently.
"We're looking to satisfy every-
body 110 percent," he said.
"We're also in a superb spot,"
Kruczek said.
The most frequent question cus-
tomers have asked Bruegger's manag-
ers regards old Drake's Sandwich
Shop paraphernalia. The Bruegger's
location was the site of the former
Drake's restaurant. The original de-
cor plan for Bruegger's was to in-
clude various items from Drake's.
"Unfortunately, the Health Depart-
ment banned everything from Drake's
old restaurant," Kruczek said.
To compensate for the lack of Drake's
materials available, Bruegger's has put
up a series of photographs ofhistoric Ann
Arbor, including one of Drake's.
"We want to show how Ann Arbor
has progressed. Every little business
has a part of how Ann Arbor has
grown," Kruczek said.
Engler budget
to tri $81m
from state aid
LANSING (AP) - Local govern-
ment leaders are criticizing Gov. John
Engler's plan to cut $81 million from
state aid to local governments.
"We don't know what the state
does, but people look to cities for the
real services: to see a park or library,
a street taken care of, a police car or
fire truck," said Sterling Heights City
Manager Steve Duchane.
The Detroit suburb of 120,000people
would lose $569,000 if the Legislature
passes the governor's budget proposal
for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
Detroit would lose $30 million. That
is twice what the city spent last year to
raze abandoned houses and about what
- Compiledj
by Daily Staff Reporter
Josh White
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
U Alianza, 764-2677, Trotter House,
Mail lobby, 7 p.m.
U Ann Arbor Moderation Manage-
ment, 930-6446, Unitarian
Church, 1917 Washtenaw,
Gaede Room, 7-8 p.m.
U Amnesty International, Michigan
Union, 7:30 p.m.
U Gospel Chorale Rehearsal, 764-
1705, School of Music, Room
2043, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
SLSA StudentGovemment, LSA Build-
ing, Room 2002, 6 p.m.-
U Michigan Students for Peace,
764-5943, Modern Language
Building, Roon B118, 7 p.m.
O New Italian Club, weekly Italian-
speaking get-together, 668-1402,
Casablanca Cafe, 7 p.m.
U SMES, general body meeting,
764-1129, Dow Building, Room
1013. 6-8 n.m.
ning and Placement, Michigan
League, Koessler Room, 6:30-
8 p.m.
Q "Contraceptive Options: For You
and Your Partner," sponsored
by University Health Services,
207 Fletcher Road, Third Floor
Conference Room, 3-4:30 p.m.
Q "Employing Your Language
Skills," sponsored by CP&P,
Student Activities Building,
Room 3200, 6:10-7:30 p.m.
U "Greek Concepts of Space as Re-
flected in Ancient Greek Architec-
ture," sponsored by Archaeologi-
cal Institute of America, The Kelsey
Museum, 5:10 p.m.
U "IASA Yost Skate,"sponsored
by Indian American Students
Association, Yost Ice Arena, 10-
11:50 p.m.
Q "Israel's Nuclear. Option'?"
sponsored by American Move-
sored by Phi Beta Kappa Chap-
ter, Rackham Amphitheatre, 4
p. m.
Q "Was There an Alternative to
Stalinism in the USSR," Rus-
sian lecture, Michigan Union,
Pendleton Room, 7 p.m.
Q 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Campus Information Center, Michi-
gan Union, 763-INFO; events info
76-EVENT or UM*Events on
Q ECB Peer Tutorial, 747-4526, Angell
Hall Computing Site, 7-11 p.m.,
Alice Lloyd, 7-10 p.m., Bursley, 7-
11 p.m.
Q North Campus information Center,
North Campus Commons, 763-
NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m.
U Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
Pair of Handknit Gloves
(from Turkey & Afghanistan)
with every purchase of a
Wool, Alpaca, Cotton
Ecuadorian, Fishermans, Cardigans