The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 10, 1995 - 7 AFTERNOONS; MATURE person needed PERSONNEL OPENING - PART-TIME VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES at SOS- ZEN MEDITATION course 5 Thur. for afterschool care for 2 girls, 6-10 hrs./wk. IN SCHOOL YEAR, FULL-TIME IN Lend a hand in responding to personal & evenings, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Starts Jan. 12, in our Scio Township home. Non-smoker, SUMMER family problems, homelessness, hunger, 761-6520. references, your reliable car required. 663- suicide & substance abuse. Call 485-8730. 8390.- ANIMAL HUSBANDRY jobs for serious work study students, Winter '95. For information, call Linda at 764-0277. BABYSITTER NEEDED. Mondays 3:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Wednesdays 3:30 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Own trans. Call Elayne. Evenings. 747-7333. BABYSITTER. WARM & experienced care giver wanted for our 5 & 8 yrs. old. One weekend evening per week. Additional hours flexible. Non-smoker w/ own transportation & references. 769-2875. CHEMISTRY TUTOR NEEDED for high school student. Near campus. 2 - 4 hrs./wk. $10/hr. Call 994-5646 or 764-1585. CHILD CARE WANTED For 5 and 6 yr. old girls. After school, some eves. and *wknds. Own trans. Call 995-2814. CHILD CARE NEEDED - Family needs warm, responsible & experienced babysitter for our 2 & 5 yr. olds. Sun. 10-noon & Wed- nesdays 2:30-6:30 p.m. 662-3062. COMPUTER HELP wanted: Part-time programmer, experience in dBASE, Excel, Word, and C++ desired. Contact Diann at 936-0054 or bring resume to 3082 ISR. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For more informa- on call 1-206/634-0468 ext. C55984. DATA ENTRY positions available with flexible hours in our Ann Arbor office. We are a leader in Medical Billing, and we are looking for those who are dedicated, meticulous, quick thinking and can type - ac- curately - 60 w.p.m. OR MORE. Knowledge of medical billing and coding helpful but not necessary (willing to train the right person). WE OFFER GREAT PAY ($7.50/hr. minimum) AND EXCELLENT BENEFITS - WHAT CAN YOU OFFER??? We're only a 10 minute bus ride from campus. Interested: fax your resume to 313/677-7407 or send to M G, Personnel Coordinator, P.O. Box 108, Ann Arbor 48106. We are seeking an individual who is enthusiastic, has an upbeat and professional outlook and enjoys working in a flexible ; environment to support our personnel function during our busy season. This position will provide computer and administrative support as needed, such as preparation for our annual personnel evaluation process, data entry and other clerical support as needed. Looking forj someone who is comfortable working as a team player but can also work independently, and enjoy a challenge. Macintosh (WordPerfect and Excel) and administrative experience ideal. This position will be 20-25 hours per week from now through April (CAN BE FLEXIBLE TO CLASS SCHEDULES) and then full-time (40 hours) from May through 1 August.1 Please send your resume to: Vector Research, Incorporated, Attn: Director of Recruiting (SF-MD), P.O. Box 1506, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. An Affirmative Action Employer VRI encourages minorities & women to consider this opportunity. WANTED 100 STUDENTS lose 8 - 100 lbs. New metabolism breakthrough. Guaranteed results! Ilost 15 lbs. in 3 wks. RN assisted. 1- 800/579-1634. $35 charge. WELCOME BACK U-M STUDENTS! International corporation has full & part-time openings with xible hours. Earn $10-12 per hour starting. Advancement opportunities & scholarships available. Training provided. Call 971-6122 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.mE WOMEN WANTED for case study- must be age 21-40, in- good health, n-smkr., normal body weight, not living in dorms. Call Nick at 747-0216. WORK FOR ACADEMIC credit or volun- teer at U-M's Pound House Children's Cen- . N &a ter during winter or spring term. Join hundreds of past students in a quality ex- Dp perience in working with young children. Lo- cated at Hill and E. University. Please call 764-2547 for more information or to arrange a visit. WORK OUT WEST Summer '95 MAKE $7,700 The Southwestern Company is interested in interviewing UM students that are ready to have a challenging summer experience. Our program offers students an opportunity to travel, make $7,700 and gain invaluable career experience that will give them an edge upon graduation. Informational interviews available on campus with appts. Call 668- 3101. WORK STUDY. OFFICE position. 10 hrs./ wk. $6.50/ hr. Neuroscience Program. 763- 963 8. CONGRESS Continued from page 1 over the provision, which would raise about $22 billion over five years. Despite a breathless beginning, expect no legislation on the floor of the House for about 10 days. And Senate and House GOP aides said yesterday that it will be summer be- fore some of the year's major work - the tax and spending cuts - are sent to President Clinton. Congressional procedures, the need to hire staff and innate differ- ences between the House and Senate all tend to stretch out the timetable. "We're doing what the Constitu- tion says you should do," Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York said over the weekend in a tele- vision interview. "Which is that the House of Representatives gets car- ried away with great enthusiasm. They go this way, they go that way, they have two-year elections, the people think this, they think that. Things come over to the Senate and cool off a little bit." Whatever the final timetable, House Republicans profess satisfac- tion with their start-up. "We have a pretty active hearing schedule starting last week and it's continuing this week," Blankley said. "So I think we're exactly on sched- ule," which calls for votes on 10 key "Contract With America" measures within 100 days. He spoke as the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony on the proposed balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, in advance of a planned midweek vote to send the measure to the floor. Other key com- mittees plan a heavy schedule of hear- ings. In some House offices, lawmak- ers don't yet have a full complement of staff. At the Judiciary Committee, spokesman Sam Stratman said, "We're going to get about half of the contract out without being fully staffed up. Political considerations also in- trude. Gingrich had announced a vote for Jan. 19 on the balanced budget amendment. But Republicans post- poned that yesterday for several days, with a vote first on a measure to shelter states and local governments from having to bear the cost of pro- grams imposed by the federal govern- ment. Governors, who will be influen- tial in amendment ratification votes by state legislatures, have expressed concern that a balanced budget amend- ment could damage their own bud- gets. WORK STUDY OFFICE asst. Basic office skills to assist in processing research pr sals. Hours flexible, $6.25/hr. Call Jo ne 764-7230. M. . tiktsravel EARN CASH stuffing envelopes at home. All materials provided. Send SASE to P.o. Box 10075, Olathe, KS 66051. ENDLESS SUMMER Tanning Centers part- time staff needed. Apply in person at 216 S. State or 1896 W. Stadium. EXPERIENCED CHILD ORIENTED per- son to care for 5 yr. old, 2 days a week. 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Own. trans. Liberty & Zeeb area. $5/hr. - References. 665-3157. FAST FOOD FUN! Subway North campus. 1701 Plymouth Rd. Part-time, good wages, reat hours. Apply in person, all shifts. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800- 263-6495 ext. F55983. GUARDS NEEDED on campus. Flexible scheduling. Self-motivation important. Good promotion possibilities. State Security Ser- vices Inc., 611 Church Suite 305, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. 668-0447. E.O.E. MUST HIRE 20 PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY! House H o u s e CH ST. - ; Now hiring full & part-time " Pizza Makers " Counter " Phones " Delivery Drivers " Day Prep Experience preferred but not necessary Flexible schedules - days, evenings (late shift starting pay - $6.50) GREAT PLACE TO WORK Apply at: 624 Church Street Ann Arbor *HELP! MOTHER of two young -children needs daily sitters - potential for permanent positions. Day or Evenings. Own trans. Please call Karen 741-8132. INTERNATIONAL MUSIC booking agen- cy is looking for interns. Will consider all. Must be dependable & willing to work hard. Call Jay at 995-5777. JOB OPPORTUNITIES at the Daily!! Great experience, flexible hours, fun working environment. Call Rebecca at 763-3246 or stop by 420 Maynard fro more information. LANGUAGE EXCHANGE ative English speakers needed to join -Michigan Language Center's Conversation Partner Program. Spend as little as one hour each week (more i you wish) speaking with an international student. For more information, call Lisa at 663-9415 or stop by the Michigan Language Center at 309 S. State St. MESSENGERS (2): Deliver campus mail on set route. Other misc. duties. Prefer UM student.' Familiar with campus & valid license. $6.50/hr. 20 hrs. 8-12 or 1-5 Mon.- Fri. Call Joanne at 764-7230. MICHIGAN TELEFUND is hiring for inter term. $6/hour for talking on the telephone. Learn communication skills and build your resume. Raise money for the University and for yourself talking to U-M Alumni. Call 998-7420 or stop by 611 Church St. #304 for more info. PROMOTIONAL MODELS NEEDED- Female, must be at least 21 yrs. old, 2-10 hrs. per wk. Excellent pay. Please call 913-5588 & leave message. RECEPTIONIST/PROJECT asst. Part-time WS start Jan. '95. Work with international & U.S. clients, some accounting, answer phones, wide range of activities. $6/hr.+. Call 764-5143. RECEPTIONIST POSITION avail. for reliable, self-motivated person. Mon.-Wed. Fri. afternoon-evening shifts. Some weekends. Ideal for student seeking part-time job during school year & summer. Mac. ex- perience desired, previous retail sales helpful. Friendly & casual environment. Call Body Works 668-8681. RESEARCH INTERVIEWING: DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT CENTERS DAYTIME WORK OPPORTUNITY The University of Michigan Survey Research Center Telephone Facility is recruiting people with excellent communication skills to conduct telephone interviews with managers/directors of substance abuse treatment centers. Work hours are scheduled part-time, Mon. - Fri., 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Must be available to work 16-20 hours per week. The successful candidate will possess a HIGHLY professional and persuasive telephone manner. Attention to details is a must. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Opportunities for advancement are available. Apply in person weekdays, January 3-13, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Institute for Social Research, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor. For additional information, call 764- 7109. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. RESEARCH INTERVIEWERS wanted. Public health survey research firm needs telephone interviewers. $6.25/hr. or more if experienced. Flexible hours. No sales. Good working environment. If interested call Mar- lene or Tom at 994-0003. Rh NEGATIVE semen donors are needed and will be paid $120 per acceptable specimen because of their rare blood type. Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, 48106. RIDING INSTRUCTORS/CABIN coun- selors needed at summer horse ranch for girls. 10 weeks plus certification clinic at ranch. $2000 for full season. 810/642-3170 or 810/679-2505. SEEKING PHD STUDENTS to teach, live and advise in the Pilot Program for 95-96 year. Tuition waiver, salary, room, & board. Apply now. Call Pilot, Alice Lloyd Hall, 764- 7521. AIRLINE TIX, round trip. Detroit to Miami 1/19 - 1/24 $200 ea. or best. 763- 9638. ALL TICKETS WANTED Indiana away, St. John's. Hockey. Ken or John 741-0368. BASKETBALL TICKETS for sale. Scott or Gene 741-0426. SPRING BREAK '95- Guaranteed lowest prices In USA 1(pJamaica Aga Bahamas Special Group Rates & Free Travel ! +Sun Splash Tours C.HEAP ONE-WAY ticket, Detroit to Newark on Continental, $70/best. 764-5001. FOR SALE: 2 SETS of full season student b-ball tix. Best offer. 662-9840. LOW FARES! London from $369, Paris from $528, Frankfurt from $504. Regency Travel 209 S. State St. 665-6122. NEED HOCKEY TIX Jan. 28. Need bas- ketball tix Jan. 29. Call 1-800/333-7707 ext. 8892. SPRING BREAK - Nassau/Paradise Island, Cancun and Jamaica from $299. Air, hotel, transfers, parties and more! Organize small group - eam FREE trip plus commissions! Call 1-800/822-0321. SPRING BREAK HIDEAWAY. Cute, cozy, log cabins on lake surrounded by forest. Incl. outdoor hot tub and more. Traverse City area. 616/276-9502. SPRING BREAK - S. Padre on beach. 2-3 bdrms. at famous Radisson. Parties, price dis- counted by owner. 212/472-1414. SPRING BREAK Reps. wanted nowl Acapulco from $499, Cancun from $399, Jamaica from $459. Call Dan 665-6122. Regency Travel 209 S. State. STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on Continental $179 or $239. Bring your Con- tinental voucher & AMEX card. Martha at Regency Travel, 209 S. State, 665-6122. , WANTED: ONE MSU-UM student basket- ball ticket. Call Andy at 994-9356. WHY BEACH IT? Spring Break Specials = London * Paris * Athens * Ski Package. Call Student Travel Breaks at Stamos Travel 663- 4400. We honor student discount coupons for HERB DAVID GUITAR Studio 302 E. Liberty, 665-8001. Books, lessons, books, lessons, instruments. Not just guitar. I Read the Daily. I I I SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male student or professional 20-40 years of age we need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac- ceptable specimens. For further information please wnte APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SUMMER MANAGEMENT positions- Ar- thur Victor painting, Inc. is searching for am- bitious students to fill management positions in A2 & Metro Detroit. Comprehensive train- mg program, possible inernship for related majors. 1-800/775-4745. SUMMER POSITIONS Student Sprinklers now has openings in MI, OH, IN. Get real ex- perience running your own business and earn $10,000 plus. Call immed. 800/265-7691. THE AMERICAN CANCER Society telemarketing program is looking for callers Mon. -Thur. evenings, to recruit volunteers. $5/hr., no sales. 971-4300. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. She was just two months away from her delivery date when an ultrasound showed that the baby she carried had a hole in his heart. The condition, Tetrology of Fallot, was carefully monitored throughout her pregnancy, and upon delivery, corrective surgery was immediately performed. Three weeks later, she and her new family left the hospital - together. Stories like this are what Acuson is all about. As one of the most progressive names in highly-advanced ultrasound imaging hardware and software, our engineers develop technology with a greater purpose. And in the process, enjoy the satisfaction that comes from knowing that they have made a difference. Consider a career that offers the very best in technology - and in all that it inspires. Our Ann Arbor location has career opportunities for BS/MA level students in CS or CE for the following positions: Database Software Engineer NURSING STUDENT: Child care for adorable infant w/ special help needs. TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK. Make up to $2,000-$4,000+/mo. teaching basic I . .,sa