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The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 6, 1995 - 3
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Coffer wins
Golden Apple
The group Students Honoring Out-
*standing University Teaching last
week announced History Prof. Tho-
mas Collier as this year's recipient of
the Golden Apple Award. Collier,
who was chosen from hundreds of
nominees, will deliver his "ideal" last
lecture in April.
Kim Dillon, a first-year Engineer-
ing student, said she was very pleased
to hear of Collier's award. A student
in his 20th Century American Wars
class, Dillon said Collier "cares a lot
about his students. He tries to make
lecture interesting and applicable to
what we see around us today."
Collier, who also teaches a first-
year seminar and a class on the Viet-
nam War, said he was "very much
honored, very much gratified that the
very people I'm trying to reach are
telling me I'm reaching them."
*Collier said he had not decided on
his lecture topic, but it would defi-
nitely be about some aspect of his-
The presentation is scheduled for
Monday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. in
Rackham Auditorium.
Work Abroad Week
begins today
For students who aren't sure they
can manage another summer in Ann
Arbor, the International Center's
Work Abroad Week offers global
employment options.
The week's programs begin today
with a presentation of options in Brit-
ain and Ireland. Tomorrow will fea-
ture Volunteer Abroad programs such
as Earthwatch, the Peace Corps and
*Anigos de las Americas. Wednes-
day's focus is Work Abroad World-
wide, including programs in Jamaica,
the Czech republic, France, and Rus-
"It's got the benefits of study
abroad, but without the high cost,"
said Bill Nolting, director of Interna-
tional Opportunities at the Interna-
tional Center. "It's one of the last
bargains in the field of international
For more information, contact the
International Center at 764-9310.
'U' Prof. honored for
international work
Political Science Prof. Harold
Jacobson, director of the University's
*Center for Political Science, was hon-
ored Feb. 18 for his achievements in
the field of international relations.
The American Association for the
Advancement of Science honored
Jacobson "in recognition for his
achievements in establishing interna-
tional collaborative programs that
provide solutions to crucial environ-
mental problems."
While at the University, Jacobson
*has established the Human Dimen-
sions of Global Environmental
Change program, and is a member of
the Board on Global Change.
He has also co-chaired two National
Science Foundation workshops, includ-
ing one with the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences and the Chinese State
Commission on Education.
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporters Patience Atkin, Jodi
Cohen and Stephanie Jo Klein
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Expressing concern over
of low turnout in Michigan
Assembly elections, the l
Party will propose to the
tomorrow night a non-parti:
Only 9 percent of the stu
cast votes last March, and d
November elections turnout
The Michigan Party wil
that MSA strongly encour
party to post at least 20 not
fliers around campus.
"MSA should enact this
because it is a way to decre
sanship throughout the can
may oem
is an effort that all candidates should
wholeheartedly support and see
a history through," said LSA junior Flint
n Student Wainess, the presidential candidate
Michigan on the Michigan Party ticket.
assembly The proposal encourages each
san drive. party to fund its own non-partisan
dent body fliers. In addition, the posters would
luring the have to be approved by the MSA
t fell to 6 election staff.
MSA Vice President Jacob Stern, a
1 propose Michigan Party member, supports the
age each unprecedented proposal. "I would hope
n-partisan that there would be a consensus in favor
of this idea. There's never been a formal
proposal plan like this before," he said.
ase parti- Engineering Rep. Brian Elliott, the
npaign; it presidential candidate on the Students'
non-partisan voter drive
Party slate, said he agrees that a voter
turnout effort is necessary, but he dis-
agrees with the Michigan Party plan.
"I just don't know how useful 20
fliers are going to be. I certainly don't
see it as having any negative ramifi-
cations, but fliers aren't the most use-
ful way to increase voter turnout,"
Elliott said. "Going out and talking
face-to-face and answering questions
is the way to get voters."
Mike Christie, an LSA representa-
tive and the presidential candidate on
the Wolverine Party ticket, endorsed
the effort to boost voter turnout.
"I think any get-out-the-vote ef-
fort is a good idea, but if you have to
donate your own fliers to the project
then you get into the cost issue,"Christie
said. "As long as it's not some really
high number of posters then we'd be
willing to support this idea."
Michigan Party members said the
proposal aims to set aside recent par-
tisan bickering for a collective effort
to improve MSA.
"I've only seen MSA candidates
work for their own political purposes;
this Michigan Party proposal is fi-
nally a way for candidates to show
whether they truly care about MSA's
success as a student government, re-
gardless of their political fortunes,"
said Tracy Gallinari, a first-year En-
gineering student and a Michigan
Party candidate for representative.
Election Turnout
MSA elections are notorious for their
low turnout. The percentage of students
voting in the last four elections.
1c) OPresidential Elections
2 -
0 ;4
Spring '93 Fall '93 Spring '94 Fall '94
2 'U' landfills among
thousands of sites taken
from EPA clean-up list
By Daniel Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Two University landfills are among 39 sites
in Washtenaw County being removed from a
national Superfund list of land contaminated
with toxic chemicals.
The move is part of an Environmental Pro-
tection Agency plan to nix
25,000 sites nationwide -
including 1,400 in Michi-I
gan - from the list. The -w 5.
sites being removed from
the list do not qualify for the pro te 1
Superfund program's na-
tional priority list. health a
The Superfund program
was established in 1980 by endironi
federal legislation allotting = ff
about $50 billion to clean M O WN
up the nation's most toxic
sites. The pool of sites that SNRE do
received consideration for
clean-up were ranked, with
the high-scoring locations placed on the na-
tional priority list.
Other sites, including the ones being re-
moved from the Comprehensive Environmen-
tal Response Compensation and Liability Infor-
mation System List, received a "no-further-
action" designation.
"(CERCLIS) has been an important tool for.
cleaning sites," said Andrew Hogarth, a Michi-
gan Department of Natural Resources officer.
"Being on the list can create a stigma for parcels
of property. However, discouraging would-be
developers who might be afraid of potential
liability and clean-up costs."
The list is being shortened to encourage
development of urban sites that have been stig-
matized by their listing. In addition, sites
contaminated by fuel, salt and brines, or be-
ing handled under state jurisdiction are also
exempt from consideration for Superfund
"When the list was first generated, about any
place and everything was put on the list," said
Cindy Fairbanks, a DNR environmental quality
analyst. "There are some sites that should never
have been placed on the list."
Environmentalists object to the loss of a
quick guide to contaminated areas, however.
"They are in no way saying that these sites
are clean ... although some of them have been
determined to not be polluted," said DNR of-
ficer Joe Walczak.
"It seems premature to delist some of these
sites," said Tracy Easthope, director of the
Ecology Center's Environmental Health Project.
"We're wondering why there was this linguistic
detoxification ... this was done unilaterally and
I think without public process."
There are 39 sites in Washtenaw County that
are being removed from the national list. These
sites include, in addition to University landfills
one and three, the Gelman Sciences plant, the
Ann Arbor Municipal Landfill and Ford Motor
Co. in Ypsilanti. The clean-up of some of these
sites is being handled under Act 307 Michigan
Environmental Response - also known as the
"polluter pay amendment."
"We've got more sites than we've got
money," Walczak said of the more than 2,800
areas subject to Act 307.
Clean-up that is not
tOMt lne handled by the Superfund
program could be state-
funded or funded by the
uman company responsible for
the pollution with DNR
One of the sites to be
e a removed from CERCLIS
is the Armen Cleaners
plant on South Ashley
-- David Zaber street in Ann Arbor. The
toral candidate plant was targeted for
clean-up by the DNR
after releasing perchoro-
ethylene - a substance added to petroleum to
reduce its flammability - into the area sur-
rounding the plant.
"When there was waste in the past, dry
cleaners just threw it in the backyard," said
Harold Kim, manager and one of the corpo-
rate owners of Armen Cleaners. "Now, it
(perchloroethylene) was found to be cancer-
After being targeted for clean-up under Act
307 in 1985, the former owners of Armen Clean,
ers spent the next two years working on the site.
The clean up was deemed insufficient by the
DNR in 1993.
The clean-up will continue in April when
a consulting firm will determine the severity
of the remaining contamination, Kim said,
adding he was relieved to be off the EPA's
"We're very glad that it happened; our busi-
ness is now up to all environmental standards."
Kim said.
"We will be happy when the DNR gives a
clean closure letter, saying that it has been
completely cleaned up."
Easthope asserted that state legislators ainm
to weaken Act 307 and that this is part of a
national trend to attack environmental protec-
"The taxpayers of the state should be con-
cerned about it, because it means that less fed-
eral dollars are available for clean-up," Easthope
Hogarth suggested that investigations of con-
taminated sites can help develop the site safely,
depending on the intended land use and nature
of the contamination.
"The bottom line is we have to protect hu-
man health and environmental quality," said
David Zaber, SNRE doctoral candidate. "If that's
taken care of, then they can reduce the standards
for clean up of certain sites."
The et of power-
Andrew Utrup gives a group of fourth-graders from Rochester Hills a tour of the governor's
office at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing on Friday,
omen, mir0i ies want morev
influence in state DemP
DETROIT (AP) - Women and minorities,
long relied on for their loyalty to Michigan's
Democratic Party, want more involvement and
more power in a system they say has been
excluding them.
"They have to come back down off their
high horse and meet with the grassroots folk,"
said the Rev. J.J. Perry, president of the Baptist
Missionary and Educational State Convention.
"If they don't, then we'll do it our own way.
We'd rather do it with them, but it's been
proven we can do it without them."
Rep. Lynn Rivers, who represents Ann Ar-
bor, was one of few Democrats to win a seat in
Congress last year. But when she talked to a
Democratic Party official about running, he
told her she had "let those women's groups get
(her) all worked up."
Many who feel shut out of the traditional
Democratic Party workings say they lack power
because high-profile labor leaders still hold all
the clout.
"The union picks people who can promote
their agenda, rather than the best interests of the
people," said the Rev. James Holley of Detroit's
Little Rock Baptist Church. "If you're not part
of the selecting process, you're electing some-
one somebody else has already selected."
So some groups are forming political action
committees to raise money for their own candi-
dates and causes.
A group of Democratic women organized a
PAC at the state convention this month and have
hopes for another. The leaders of a statewide
coalition of 65 mostly Black churches, Clergy
United, has agreed to do the same.
U Archery Club, everyone welcome,
Sports Coliseum, Hill Street, 7 p.m.
U Ninjitsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, IMSB, Room G21, 7:30-
9 p.m.
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
3620, CCRB, Room 2275,7-8 p.m.
U Society For Creative Anachronism,
North Campus, EECS, Room 1311,
7 p.m. workshop, 8 p.m. meeting
U Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome, 747-
6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30-
10 p.m.
happening in Ann Arbor today
International Center, Room 9, 4 sponsored by International Center,
p.m. Michigan Union Lobby, 10 a.m.-4
J "Intrazeolite Organometallic Cata- p.m.; Kuenzel Room, 5:30-7 p.m.
lysts," inorganic seminar with ma-
terials, sponsored by Department
of Chemistry, Chemistry Building, STUDENT SERVICES
Room 1640, 4 p.m. Q 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
J "Organizing Institute Information seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Session," sponsored by Career Q ECB Peer Tutorial, Angell Hall
Planning and Placement, Michigan Computing Site, 747-4526, 7-
Union, Room 1209, 7-9 p.m. 11 p.m.
J "Surfacing and Escalating COnflict Q Campus Information Center, Michi-
for Social Change," LSA Theme gan Union, 763-INFO; events info
Semester Lecture, Modern Lan- 76-EVENT or UM*Events on
guages Building, Auditorium 3, GOpherBLUE
7:30-9 p.m. Q North Campus Information Center,
I "TechnologyandtheCreativelmagl- North Campus Commons, 763-
nation," talk by poet Robert Pinsky, NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m.
sponsored by College of Engineer- Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Burslev