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March 06, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-03-06

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Tonight: Mostly cloudy,
high around 35%
Tomorrow: Partly sunny,
high around 45'.

One hundred four years of editorial freedom

March 6, 1995

' pres. battles for state doars

By Jonathan Berndt
and Ronnie Glassberg
Daily Staff Reporters
LANSING - In the battle for state higher-education
dollars, the opening rounds fired Friday centered around
Michigan State University, as presidents from the state's
major universities addressed a joint House committee
Gov. John Engler's budget proposal for next year
includes an additional $10.4 million appropriation for
Michigan State on top of the 3-percent across-the-
board increase for state schools.
Michigan State President M. Peter McPherson pledged
that the money would go to improving the school's tech-
nology environment and not to maintain his guarantee to
keep tuition increases below inflation.
"I see us as a campus, because of the technology and
equipment money we're talking about, to be a very differ-
ent university," he said. "We will look back in 10 years
and say this truly changed this university."
But University President James J. Duderstadt said the
additional proposed funding for Michigan State would be
inappropriate and urged instead that all schools get "catch-
up money."
"I think most of our institutions have been through

a very difficult time because they've lost state sup-
port," Duderstadt said. "I do believe we need across-
the-board restitution. ... My broader concern is to
suggest that we need a somewhat more sophisticated
Duderstadt has complained that the extra funds give
Michigan State a financial edge, while
noting the two schools' funding has
increased equally for the past 20 years.
"If you break this balance, you un-
leash these competitive forces and they
will come at the expense of coopera-
tion," Duderstadt told the University
Board of Regents at its February meet-
McPherson "The University of Michigan has
been treated extremely well in the bud-
get process over the years," said Engler spokesman John
Truscott, noting that the University's $288 million is still
the highest appropriation of any state institution. Only
Wayne State University in Detroit receives more money
per student.
Truscott said Michigan State's increase is an attempt
to correct discrepancies in per-pupil funding. Michigan
State is in the lower end of the research classification.

State Rep. Mary Schroer (D-Ann Arbor) said concen-
trating on per-student funds overlooks other issues.
"When we're looking at per-pupil funding, it certainly
doesn't recognize the differences in the missions of the
universities," she said. "We should be looking at the
institutions on the basis of need. Universities need to be
somewhat responsible with their money and I'm not sure
how we get at that."
At Michigan State, McPherson's promise to keep
tuition at the rate of inflation hinges on state appropria-
tions also increasing with inflation.
"Michigan State has to be accessible," McPherson
said. "The tuition guarantee was an important thing for us
to do.... We're committed to keeping that cap there."
Duderstadt said the University upholds the Jeffersonian
ideal of accessible education through financial aid.
"Tuition is not the key to access at a public university.
What is the key is financial aid. That is the way we provide
access to most students," Duderstadt testified. "The rea-
son tuition has increased is because our state appropria-
tions have decreased relative to (the Consumer Price
Index). If our state appropriations drop, someone has to
pay the cost of a Michigan education."
The University spends $66 million a year on financial

President James J. Duderstadt testifies before a joint
House committee in LansingFriday over state
appropriations for the University.

'U' physicists aid in
discovery of top quark

Hunting Down
Top Quark1
S cientists at Fermilab, a national
laboratory isolated, the top quark,
the largest known subatomic particle,'
last week, filling a hole in a theory
explaining matter's particles and forces.

1. Streams of
protons and anti-
protons are fired at
each other at nearly
the speed of light.

t:: J

® University researchers sift
through data to isolate
4, evidence of elusive sub-
atomic particle
By Matthew Smart
Daily Staff Reporter
Dozens of University physicists helped in
isolating the long sought-after "top quark" at
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
The super-heavy top quark was produced by
smashing protons into anti-protons in Fermilab's
giant underground accelerator, located in
Batavia, Ill., 30 miles west of Chicago.
Two teams of scientists independently dis-
covered the top quark. In total, about 900 physi-
cists worked on both the Collider Detector, or
CDF, and DZero projects.
The DZero collaboration gets its name for
the detector's location on the accelerator's pe-
"The top quark is required in the Standard
,~odel as the partner of the bottom quark," said
esearch Fellow David Gerdes, head of the
University's delegation to the CDF project.
The Standard Model is the current theoreti-
cal model that scientists use to describe elemen-
tary particles and the forces of matter.
"The University is extremely proud of this
accomplishment," said Vice President for Re-
search Homer A. Neal. "There are few issues
more fundamental than the understanding of
matter." Neal was one of the scientists working
n the DZero project.
The University was one of only a few insti-
tutions with a significant number of physicists
working on both teams, said Gerdes.
The University's involvement in the CDF

collaboration was mostly in reducing the infor-
mation produced by millions of collisions to a
useful set of data. University scientists built and
programmed custom computer hardware to de-
cide which of the collisions contained "useful"
results, typically only about a dozen.
Physicists announced the possible isolation
of the top quark last year but did not want to
claim discovery until they had more evidence.
At that point, there was only a one in 400 chance
that they were wrong, Gerdes said.
Since then, Fermilab has compiled three
times as much data. Gerdes said they will double
the current amount of data by the end of the year.
Next, physicists will try to determine why
the top quark has such a high mass - almost the
same as the nucleus of a gold atom.
"The fact that the top is so heavy is one of the
great mysteries of physics," Gerdes said. "Why
is this one quark so outrageously bigger?"
Physicists also will contjiue to study the top
quark's properties. Assistant Physics Prof.
Jianming Qian, head of the University's DZero
delegation, said the next step is to "study its
decay to see if there is room for new physics."
Particle accelerators, like the Tevatron at
Fermilab, work on the basic principle that oppo-
site charges attract and like charges repel. This
means that a particle with a positive or negative
charge experiences a force when it is in the
presence of an electric field.
Therefore, a large electric field will give a
charged particle a large acceleration. By using
strong magnets to confine the particles to a
narrow beam and others to bend the path, par-
ticles are accelerated in a circle, increasing in
speed with each revolution.

pato y p~tr
2. When they collide, the
particles annihilate each other
and create new particles,
including the elusive top quark.


path o rtn
What are Quarks?
.The fundamental building blocks of matter, quarks .in different
combinations make protons and neutrons, which are found in
the nucleus of atoms. For example, two up quarks and one
down form a proton, which has a charge of +1. Here are the six
quarks and their mass, measured in electron volts.

Quarks are
found in
pairs. The
quarks on
top have a
+2/3 'charge,
while those
on the
bottom have
the opposite
"spi" and a
.1/3 charge




positively charged subatomic particles - are
accelerated around the underground track. Be-
cause antiprotons have the opposite charge of
protons, they accelerate in the opposite direc-
tion. Operators then bring the beams together,
causing millions of high-energy collisions.
Particles are created from the tremendous
energy produced in the collisions, following
Einstein's equation relating energy and mass.
This allows particles to be created that are

heavier than the particles that are collided.
Dozens of particles are created with every col-
The- bottom quark was discovered at
Fermilab in 1977. Because the Standard Model
predicts each quark has a partner with opposite
"spin," a property of subatomic particles, scien-
tists have been looking for the top quark since
then. The discovery of the top quark provides
strong experimental evidence for the model.

to mediate
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
University faculty and staff mem-
bers will soon have a new service avail-
able to help resolve their disputes.
The pilot phase of the consulta-
tion and conciliation program, spon-
sored by the Department of Human
Resources and Affirmative Action,
begins April 1.
The program aims to reduce the
number of formal grievances filed by
faculty members in an alternative, non-
confrontational setting.
"In conciliation, we are looking at
not assigning right or wrong, but find-
ing the right way out of a problem and
finding ways for people to work peace-
fully together," said Sally Johnson,
the human resources director of alter-
nate dispute systems.
Senate Assembly chair Jean Loup
said the program may be a first step to
informal dispute resolution.
"We could use it to resolve dis-
putes before they get to the formal
grievance process or to the courts,"
Loup said.
Currently, the University has few
non-formal procedures.
"This service is a new one for
faculty and staff who have not in the
past had access to informal dispute
resolution," Johnson said.
Individuals with professional-
level mediation training will be avail-
able on request for faculty and non-
union staff, including secretaries and
technical workers, who -want assis-
tance in dispute resolution.
Depending on the type of griev-
ance, Johnson will share with the fac-
ulty member the names of people
who have the technical mediation
skills, and they will meet subsequently
with an appropriate mediator.
Once the mediator understands the
issues, there will be a meeting with
the parties involved.
"This may mean that mediator
works with each individual involved
to help identify the issues and then
eventually brings all parties together,"
Johnson said.
The 15-20 chosen mediators will
include human resources profession-
als and selected faculty members.
Johnson said the department is look-
ing to "determine who is truly trusted,
and who can be impartial and fair."
The mediators will participate in a
formal training during spring term. A
national mediation firm, which has
yet to be named, will conduct the 40-
hour intensive training.
"We hope that with alternate dis-
nlute resolution we can work in muu-

Fermilab's Tevatron is
particle accelerator in the,

the most powerful
world. Protons -

A2 employment
outlook positive for
college graduates

Employment predictors
Opportunities look to be down slightly
from last year in the Ann Arbor area
despite an upswing in the Midwest.
Here are area employers' predictions
for their workforces during the last few
No Change 0 Larger M-Smaller'

LSA students receive
cheating policy changes

By Lenny Feller
For the Daily
Good news for college graduates:
The job picture in Ann Arbor is better
han it has been in almost two de-
cades, according to a recent survey.
Increased employment opportuni-
ties are expected in the Midwest area
this spring, reports Manpower Inc. in
its Second Quarter Employment Out-
look Survey. Throughout its 18-year
history, the survey has been a signifi-
cant indicator of employment trends.
Thirty percent of local executives
lled said they anticipate staff en-
largements in the spring, while 7 per-
cent foresee reductions and 63 per-
cent expect to maintain their current
levels, said Gail Reamer, district man-
ager for Manpower Inc.
"In our office. there is a big de-

few months," said Corinne Gottman,
human resources representative at
Ann Arbor Township's Project Advi-
sors' Consortium.
Jim Krugler, president of Carlson
Construction in Ann Arbor, said the
company plans to raise staff levels by
33 percent in the spring. Another con-
struction firm, Willis Building Co. of
Saline, also intends to hire more em-
ployees during the coming months.
Some areas with cutback plans in-
clude transportation and public utilities
firms. Those looking for jobs in educa-
tion will have the toughest time finding
employment, according to the survey.
"What must be kept in mind is that
public schools get out early in the
summer and that these reports reflect
only the second quarter of 1995. Edu-
cation nrosnects should nick un in the

Spring 1995
Winter 1995
Spring 1994
Source: ManpowerInc

By Lisa Michaiski
Daily Staff Reporter
In an attempt to better educate
students about academic integrity, the
Office for Student Academic Affairs
announced recent changes in the poli-
cies for dishonesty in the classroom.
A Jan. 11 letter written by Eugene
Nissen, LSA assistant dean for Stu-
dent Academic Affairs, and sent to all
LSA undergraduates emphasized that
"students must have a clear under-
standing of what is meant by cheat-
ing, plagiarism, unacceptable collabo-
ration and other actions which under-
mine academic integrity."
The letter included a list of sanc-
tions imposed on students found guilty
of misconduct in 1994. Of the 40
cases heard, 35 students received pen-
alties - 15 for cheating, 15 for pla-
giarism and five for other forms of
Nissen noted two changes, effec-
tive since Jan. 1, for acting on cases of

The second policy change simpli-
fies hearing procedures, Nissen said.
If a hearing is held in a case of alleged
academic misconduct, the accused
student can choose from two different
As in the old procedure, the stu-
dent may decide to appear before a
hearing board consisting of four
people - two faculty members and
two LSA undergraduates. The in-
vestigating officer will also be
Most of the students who have
appeared at a hearing since Jan. 1,
however, have chosen the new, more
informal, option of an administra-
tive hearing, Nissen said. This hear-
ing involves the student, a hearing
officer and the investigating officer,
he said.
Nissen said both processes pro-
mote educational sanctions for all
"It's always been the hope of the


vey. In the Midwest, the general em-
nlovment nicture is better than it has



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