4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 10, 1995 (7io 4t Citi tt t Butl 'Hours after we took our oath under the Constitution of the United States, we trampled it.' - U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Menominee), on proposed cuts in the tax rate many Democrats consider unconstitutional 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess WHY T'oN'T7 C-\iRL§ SEEM -ro Editorial Page Editors 0ness otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. _~ / ,, . j C °f t" - ...: l .~' ; 1/ND Co M pA5A ~i ! ..E 13t THEy ILWAY6 AVOID I / e t nority faculty U' must strive to hire, retain minority faculty recently released report concluded that the number of Black faculty at the Uni- versity has fallen 1.2 percent over the past year. While this decline is relatively small, considering the fact that a decline of a few percent could mean a loss in the single digits, it does reflect a failure on the part of the University to retain the Black faculty members who are currently employed here, and a failure to attract new Black faculty. President James J. Duderstadt has taken a commendable stance by recognizing these failures and vowing to reverse them. But words, however well- intentioned, are cheap. The report should spur the University into action. The presence of minority faculty mem- bers is vital to the University. Minority faculty inembers bring diverse viewpoints to the stu- dent body, broadening undergraduate educa- tion. Students who have had less contact with minorities can come to appreciate the perspec- tives that people from diverse backgrounds can bring to the University. Furthermore, mi- nority faculty members can help increase the graduation rates of minority students. Minor- ity faculty can serve as a model of academic success to those who might become discour- aged with the educational process, and thus the faculty can inspire these students to continue with their education. The question persists, then, as to why the University has allowed the number of minority faculty at the University to decline. As Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. noted, the hir- ing of qualified minorities for teaching posts is very competitive, and it is often difficult to lure minority academicians to Michiganwhen com- peting with Ivy League schools. However, if the University can claim to be one of the leading educational institutions in the coun- try, it must attract minority faculty with the same effort as peer schools. The University has made much headway in hiring minority academicians. During the past five years, the number of minority faculty members has increased by 37.2 percent. Mi- norities now comprise 14 percent of the total faculty, compared with 10.7 percent in 1989. Even during the past year, while there was a drop in the number of Black faculty, there were increases in the hiring of Hispanic and Asian American faculty. Duderstadt has re- peatedly emphasized his commitment to hir- ing minorities and has expressed concern at the decrease in the number of Black faculty. Provost Whitaker's establishment of a task force to study minority hiring - in hopes of fostering diversity - is a definite step in the right direction. However, much work remains to be done in this area. Duderstadt noted that new faculty are hired by search committees chaired by the faculty members themselves. The University administration should direct the search pro- cess to ensure that minorities are considered for faculty positions, Once minority faculty members are hired, the University should work to keep them. Over the past year, Black faculty members left the University for other positions. University administrators should focus their efforts on retaining faculty, and on creating an environ- ment that is attractive to minority academi- cians. ' . STAR' t r" w s } WE SHC'UL1 Y,2, Wir~ 4_ _r, if' .A t ' __ i l 4 /4610 .._, --- . _ /_ + l . , ,AN A + Y J . z- .w' -- ' i 5P i i ' , e r ' ' ...., s% Fun minus the lampshade: End the binge My friend Jack hasn't had a trash can in his dorm room since September. Some guy he didn't know threw up in it after getting sloshed at a cocktail party. Jack headed to the bathroom to wash it out, but after tripping over another guy who'dpassedout in the middle of the hallway, he gave up. According to a national survey released last month, problems re- lated to drinking on college cam- puses go far beyond such minor frustrations. The survey,published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that nearly half of all U.S. college stu- dents are binge drinkers (defined as having four or more drinks on at least one occasion in the past two weeks). Binge drinkers, the study found, cause a number of serious prob- lems for both themselves and oth- ers. Sixty-one percent of binge drinkers have missed a class be- cause of drinking, 41 percent have engaged in unplanned sex, 23 per- cent have gotten physically hurt, 22 percent have had unprotected sex. These binge drinkers also managed to make life miserable for those around them: Of students on campuses where more than 50 percent of the students are binge drinkers, 68 percent had their study or sleep interrupted, 54percent had to care for a drunken student, 34 percent were insulted or humili- ated, 26 percent experienced un- wanted sexual advances. 6 0 .- - 1% 0 -1-AWk, r% I Indignation over Proposition 187 is unjustified To the Daily: Iam a resident of the state of California -and I am against Proposition 187 after an edu- cated decision about it. How- ever, my decision is based on an understanding of the prob- lems that gave rise to Proposi- tion 187, and I urge the people of other states to take an in- formed look at this controver- sial issue in order to make an educated decision. California is struggling eco- nomically, strained by the rapid influx of people searching for the golden dream in the golden West. Mexican citizens also were part of this quest, often entering illegally in an effort to obtain this "American Dream." However, the population ex- plosion of the '80s was quickly followed by the recent reces- sion, driving many of the same dream-seekers to better pas- tures. Now there are fewer tax- payers to support the large group of illegal aliens (hundreds of thousands) already in Califor- nia and constantly pouring in due to lack of funds needed for better border enforcement. Proposition 187 denies non- emergency and educational benefits to illegal aliens within the state of California. It was passed by the 67 percent ma- jority needed to enact a law in California primarily because there seems to be no other way for California to feasibly solve the negative cash flow prob- lemofillegal aliens. Loopholes in the system allow aliens to avoid paying taxes and yet ob- tain free or low-cost medical care and education of all kinds. An illegal alien was recently quoted back home as being against Proposition 187 be- cause she would no longer be able to attend medical school for $25 a year. Misinformation and lack of knowledge inflate the misun- derstandings that people have concerning Proposition 187. Fliers that were handed out at the rally interchangeably used the words immigrants and ille- gal aliens as if they meant the same thing, along with several statistical strategies designed to make the problem look in- significant. Illegal aliens were quoted as less than 1.5 percent of the population of the United What good for MSU ... Writer's barb ignores reality Michigan State's pledge t first glance the pledge by Michigan State University President M. Peter McPherson to keep tuition raises to the rate of inflation seems admirable. However, the plan is based on an overly rosy picture of higher- education funding, and is more appealing as a public-relations device than as a fiscal for- ,mula. This promise would only be a dream here. While tuition increases are a hardship on the student body, this University's economic goals must remain realistic. MSU is able to make this pledge only because it has raised its tuition at exorbitant rates in recent years. The promise also hinges on state participation - tuition will not in- crease more than the rate of inflation as long as state appropriations also increase at the rate of inflation. One must question how long MSU will be able to keep this promise up. As University President James J.Duderstadt pointed out, the University "play(s) in a much different league and it's amuchmore competi- tive league. (MSU is) under different con- straints, different pressures than we are." He is correct. The University provides a type of education distinct from MSU's program, one with different funding needs. Very few would be willing to sacrifice academic quality for lower tuition - a possible side effect of a McPherson's pledge. The fact is that higher-education costs are excessive across the country. Those who can afford to pay go to school. In some cases those who cannot pay are completely unable to pursue a quality education. Many American unrealistic for 'U' thereby prolonging their stays - and the cost to both students and government- in the halls of knowledge. In light of this situation, the new Republi- can Congress is threatening to put an end to subsidized loans, removing the option of hav- ing the government pay interest on loans until a student finishes school. This is far from what students need. Apparently our new leaders believe college students to be a mangy bunch of freeloaders, living off government hand- outs. On the contrary, many students are work- ing diligently to stay in school. It must be noted that subsidized loans go to students who qualify for financial aid accord- ing to the federal formula. They are not handed out to rich kids who want joy money. Also remember: These are loans, not grants. They will be paid back, with interest. The government does not lose out on this deal. Students pay for their educations a few times over by the end. As the price of education increases, the cost grows higher for students. Without student loans, many students would not be able to attend the University or any other institution. It would be ideal to rein in tuition by limiting increases in the rate of inflation. And MSU is correct to encourage the state to com- pensate for inflation. This is one step toward making highereducation affordable forevery- one; student loans are another. Legislators and university officials should recognize the financial hardships many stu- dents endure - maintaining subsidized loans To the Daily: It is clear from Eric Berg's letter published Dec. 4 that his four or five years here failed to expand his view of society be- yond that of a high school level. Had Mr. Berg learned some- thing here, he would have dis- covered that each discipline is valuable. Mr. Berg, your statement that LSA courses require no work and have a difficulty rat- ing of zero, make it clear that you do not grasp what LSA is. Instead, you reveal the degree to which your education is lack- ing, as it is oblivious you have not acquired the skill of articu- late discourse, nor the ability to research that with which you claim familiarity. Instead, you opt for the grunt-like reasoning of "Engineering Rules!" When slamming disciplines that are not engineering, it would be advisable to consider the following: who are the writ- ers, journalists, scientists, film makers and politicians? The majority of these people have LSA backgrounds, because such backgrounds arm LSA grads with the ability to evaluate mass information, identify and predict trends, and problem solve. Such things are not the stuff of sine curves and thermodynamics. I'm not discrediting the value of engineering. What I am attacking is your provin- cialism, and the unfortunate fact that you leave Ann Arbor as narrow-minded as you came. Deborah Weinstein LSA senior States; what's 1.5 million out of 280 million people? And my own law school class, in sup- posedly one of this country's top law schools, voted "as a group" to take a stance against Proposition 187 after no dis- cussion of the subject. From remarks made by my class- mates, they were not even sure what they were voting on, other than the face values issue, de- scribed in 30 seconds. California can no longer afford to pay for the illegal free ride. People far removed from this situation are too quick to condemn what they do not un- derstand, have not lived through, and are themselves unwilling to pay for. Until the citizens of this nation are will- ing to put their tax dollars where their mouths are to aid the en- tire Southeast and West with this problem, there is little that the agitation of non-Califor- nians can do to keep California from taking measures to solve a problemthat the rest of the coun- try ignored until now. Tanya Sizemore First-year Law student Cartoon is a witless sham To the Daily: In the four years I have gone to this university, I have read countless letters calling for the head of Greg Stump, then Jim Lasser, for what people felt was a total lack of intelligence and humor in their work. Person- ally, I didn't care. But the car- toon on Jan. 9 went a little too far. A political cartoon is sup- posed to present current events in a witty, sometimes humor- ous way, that presents us with the political view of the car- toonist and maybe shows us a different way of looking at things. The cartoon that Jim Lasser tried to push off as witty and/or humorous on Jan. 9 fell far short in both respects. Ifyou want to knock the social pro- grams of the Republican Party, go ahead. That is the purpose of a political cartoon. If you want to write off all priests as child molesters and throw stones at an establishment that has done a world of good in the commu- nity, all without any basis in fact or logic, push that garbage off elsewhere. At the top left hand corner of every Daily editorial page, it says "Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan."Iam a student at the University of Michigan and I am ashamed of the fact that I am included in the same group as someone who would do something as tasteless as this. I These numbers add up to a lot of problems caused by drinking to excess. Everybody has a great funny story about the time he or a friend got drunk-there's the ones who get silly, the ones who embar- rass themselves and the ones who ride around on their bikes indoors (and usually fall off). College cam- puses are one of the last places where it is acceptable to drink to get drunk, and it's seen as just anotherpartof life. But mostpeople also have a story about the bad things that happened to them or a friend because of drinking - an acquaintance rape, a car wreck or simply the old classic Technicolor yawn. These consequences of binge drinking are fueling a growing movement of students on campus who are fed up with drunkenness and its problems. Substance-free dorms have appeared, and non- drinking students are learning to stand up for their rights. Students should "be encouraged to speak up and not to tolerate the impairment to the quality of their colleges," said Henry Wechsler, the Harvard researcher who authored the binge- drinking study. Wechsler doesn't call for an end to drinking -just to drunken- ness. It's tempting to see adrunk as funny, but the myriad problems they experience are serious. Stu- dents who binge drink are seven times more likely to have unpro- tected sex, 11 times more likely to fall behind in school and 10 times more likely to drive after drinking. So why is getting schlacked associated with having agood time? One binge drinker interviewed on CBS News claimed that the stu- dents in the substance-free dorm on his campus were "doing a whole lot of nothing." "There's more to college life than studying,"he said. There's also a lot more to college life than getting wasted, and there are plenty of fun social events that do not involve wearing alampshade on your head. The University and other colleges should also institute more substance-free dorms-most students who live in them say they *I W i 'U' unfairly denies benefits To the Daily: It was recently reported in the Daily (12/9/94) that health- care benefits would be made available to same-sex couples by the University. Apparently, this enactment was intended to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation. Person- ally, I find this ludicrous and a bit disturbing. According to your article, homosexual couples who are living togethercan now receive benefits if they fulfill certain requirements put forth by the University and the city of Ann Arbor However heterosexual cause of our sexual orienta- tion. In your article, University spokeswoman Lisa Baker is quoted as saying that thew University encourages "no dis- crimination based on sexual orientation." If this is true, then why has the University passed a bylaw that blatantly extends benefits to one group and not another? This bylaw, like so many others, has gone above and be- yond equal rights. I thought we were trying to balance the scale, not tip it in the other direction. I understand the need for some tvne of benefits program for 0