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January 10, 1995 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-01-10

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 10, 1995

Continued from page 1
"Anotherpotential problem is how
do you manage the conflict between
doing anything to raise revenue and
some sort of academic standard?"
Jackson said that without the spe-
cific plans for implementation, it is
difficult to foresee the possible prob-
Nursing Dean Ada Sue Hinshaw
said she is not certain how the change
will impact her school.
"We all know that in cases where
organizational changes of this magni-
tude are made that 'the devil is in the
detail,"' Hinshaw said. "We will no
doubt encounter unforeseen areas of
difficulty, but may also uncover ad-
The new budgeting process,
known commonly as responsibility-
centered management, will be dubbed
Value-Centered Management (VCM)
at the University.
Under the present budgeting sys-
tem, the central administration col-
lects all funds - including tuition,
state appropriations and indirect costs
recovered from federal grants - and
allocates them to the various Univer-
sity units. An annual across-the-board
increase is provided to the individual
units, which last year amounted to 2.5
"Right now, for example, a de-
partment that increases or decreases
its enrollment will not see any effect
of that in their budget. There is no

revenue feedback," said Associate
Provost Robert Holbrook. "That is
one of the key changes that would be
in VCM."
In VCM, the individual schools
and colleges will receive funds from
tuition and indirect costs recovered
from federal grants. Under this sys-
tem, the units will pay facility and
central administration expenses. This
change will place more responsibility
in the hands of the University's deans.
Tuition funds will be distributed
based on what courses students take
in addition to the school or college the
student is enrolled in, Holbrook said.
To deter units from admitting more
non-residents to increase their own
revenues, funds generated from tu-
ition will be averaged throughout the
University between non-residents and
residents. "What we are proposing
calls for is an averaging of tuition at
the undergraduate level so it will make
no difference to an individual unit,"
Holbrook said.
But thecentral administration will
not lose influence in the new process.
By setting the amount of state appro-
priations each unit will receive, the
central administration will have a
greater influence. In VCM, the pro-
vost will determine the state appro-
priations allocated to each unit.
"It leaves the provost free to focus
on things that don't fund themselves,"
Holbrook said. "The allocation will
be focused on encouraging those
things that can't take care of them-

The Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
is now taking applications for
Student Program Hosts
positions for the King/Chavez/Parks
College Day Spring Visitation Program
Afroii'bEadine is J ay 20, 1....
Student Program Hosts' responsibilities include
supervising and developing work schedules for
teams of student leaders who will work with students
from middle schools visiting the University during
KCP College Day Spring Visitation Program.
Applications and job descriptions can be obtained at
The Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
1042 Fleming Building, first floor.
For additional information contact
Felton Rogers at 936-1055

Holbrook mentioned interdiscipli-
nary and other programs that do not
support themselves financially, but
add to the University's reputation, as
areas that could receive additional
Under both systems, funds are first
collected by the central administra-
tion. But in VCM, units will receive
their funding directly from tuition,
while under the old system the central
administration allocated funds.
In a written outline of the changes,
Provost and Executive Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Gilbert R.
Whitaker Jr. outlined some of the
various concerns.
Whitaker mentioned the possibil-
ity that units could create low-qual-
ity, large-enrollment courses to gen-
erate revenues at the expense of
higher-quality programs in otherunits;
the possibility that units would limit
enrollment of their students in other
schools or colleges to maximize their
own revenues or that units would not
allow faculty to participate in inter-
disciplinary activities because they
will be unable to generate revenues
for their own units.
"It is both tempting and true to say
that we have these same dangers in
many aspects of our current systems
of budgeting," Whitaker wrote. "Fur-
thermore, we can say that we recog-
nize these dangers and act to prevent
them from occurring or at least from
occurring with great frequency."
Continued from page 1.
raising questions about who is con-
trolling the battle in the small, south-
ern region. Reports from the ground
suggested a buildup of Russian forces
in the last 24 hours.
Similarly, it was impossible to find
out early Tuesday whether the
Chechen side would go along with
the Russian proposal, which included
some conditions that the rebels in the
past had rejected, such as laying down
their arms while Russian forces were
still on Chechen territory.
Chechen leader Dzhokhar
Dudayev whose whereabouts have
been unknown for some time, ap-
peared last night on local television in
a military uniform, but because of
technical difficulties there was no
sound to accompany the picture, As-
sociated Press reported from Grozny.
Chechnya, a Muslim region on
Russia's southern rim, unilaterally
declared its independence in 1991
shortly after the collapse of the Soviet
Union. After ignoring the situation
for threeyears, Russiaon Dec. 11 sent
in troops to end what it said was a
threat to the integrity of the nation.
Thousands of people have been killed
and wounded since then, and as many
as 350,000 civilians have been forced
to flee as refugees.
Earlier, there were reports from
Grozny that the Chechen side was
proposing a truce in the fighting to
allow both sides to collect their war
dead and injured, but had received no
positive reaction from the Russians.
The government apparently be-
gan considering the idea after a tele-
phone conversation yesterday be-
tween Chernomyrdin and Russian
human rights commissioner Sergei
Kovalyov, who has spent most of the

four-week war in Grozny monitoring
events and trying to persuade the gov-
ernment to halt its assault.
Kovalyov had met with Yeltsin last
week to try to persuade him to allow a
truce, but the human rights activist re-
ported afterward that Yeltsin had said it
was "too early" for such a move.
Since then criticism of the gov-
ernment has mounted, both domesti-

LSA first-year student Mel Myers rows for the crew team's row-a-thon yesterday in Angell Hall. The fundraiser runs
24 hours a day until next week.

Continued from page 1
nity -other problems included park-
ing and sanitation violations and serv-
ing alcohol to minors.
"They're not very good neigh-
bors," Savageau said. "Quite a few
neighbors have filed complaints
against them, I'm not the only one.
I'm not unique.
"If they think they were closed
because of an unsubstantiated com-
plaints from a faculty member, then
they've been deluded."
SAM members said they were told
by their national chapter that Hart-
ford gave the national an ultimatum:
close the University's SAM chapter
or the University would.
"We suggested to the national that
there were major problems with this
fraternity and that they needed to take
major action to fix them," Hartford
said. "We've been in contact with
their national every time there has
been a major problem."
Interfraternity Council (IFC) rules
mandate that if a national closes a
house, it may restart at a later date.
Now, members of the fraternity
claim they were abandoned by their
national chapter for yielding to pres-
sure from the University.
"The nationals backed out because
hopefully they'd get restarted in a few

years," Stein said.
Some members also feel slighted
by the University. They claim they
were not contacted about the prob-
"The University deprived us of
our due process and our nationals
were forced into closing us down,"
Finestone asserted. "We've been re-
fused meeting after meeting (with Uni-
versity and IFC officials)."
Hartford said she has had numer-
ous meetings with past officers of the
fraternity, but none last term.
"They had one session where we
(Student Affairs) were called down to
city hall," Hartford said.
Many members said they were
shocked at the timing of the news and
had not previously been contacted by
either the University or their nation-
However, many said they were
not surprised that the charter had been
revoked after years of complaints.
"It's unfair that we never had a
chance to defend ourselves," said
SAM member and LSA sophomore
David Levi.
"I don't think this came as a sur-
prise for the men," Hartford said.
Stein and others claimed their only
violations have been noise-related,
and although they had been on proba-
tion in the past, they were not on
probation last fall.

Hartford said the house was on 4
reduced probation, lightened from
more severe probationary terms in the
"They sort of continued to get in
trouble when they were in trouble,"
Hartford said.
Levi asserted that the house ful-
filled all terms of its probation, in-
cluding housing a live-in adviser.
SAM members said they were not
reprimanded last semester.
"Except for our noise violations,
which are unconstitutional in itself,"
Finestone asserted.
Citations are commonly issued to
fraternities, and are punishable by
only a monetary fine.
Stein said only one violation was
issued to the house this fall.
"Their troubles run deeper than an
occasional noise violation," Savagea*
Hartford said the fraternity has
been plagued with problems for the
past three years.
"It's just been a problem, we think,
with location," Stein said. "There is
absolutely no benefit for fraternities
in a residential area."
SAM members said they will live
the remainder of the term in their
current house, and many will try to
live together next year also.
"It doesn't affect our friendships
- we'll still be friends," Levi said.


Continued from page 1
hugs and tears.
As a promise to his father, Matt
performed at the Holiday Bowl. Before
his death, Matt's father had insisted that
he still perform in the Holiday Bowl no
matter what happened to him.
"I wouldn't have missed it and my
dad wouldn't have wanted me to miss
it," Matt said. "I have done perfor-
mances with a fever of 102 degrees, and
I wasn't going to miss my performance,
and my dad wouldn't have let me."
Matt performed not only for his
father but for the band as well.
"That was the job I had to do. It
was the job the band picked for me to
do. I had to perform that night."
Matt received his undergraduate
education in Natural Resources from
the University. He is a graduate student
in the School of Public Health and will
earn his degree later this year.
Matt turns 25 on Thursday. A
memorial service was held yesterday
for his father at Temple Beth Emeth
in Ann Arbor.

Drum Major Matt Pickus poses with his late father Pete during band season.
The senior Pickus worked at the University throughout his son's seven years
of study. Matt Pickus now holds three degrees.


Because learning is GOOD!

Winter '95 Course List

Amer Culture 275
Amer Culture 205
Amer Culture 240
Amer Culture 308
Amer Culture 490
Anthro, Bio 161
Anthro, Cult 101
Lang in Soc 272
World Religion 220
Astronomy 101
Astronomy 112
Biologv 100

Class Studies 222
Class Studies 102
Class Studies 375
Class Studies 462
Comm 103
Comm 310
Comm 400
Comm 417
Comm 420
Comm 425
Compar Lit 241
Comp Science 181
Comp Science 183

History 122
History 160
History 161
History 201
History 218
History 366
History 386
History 434
History of Art 103
History of Art 222
Linguistics 210
Linguistics 211
Linguistics 272

Polit Science 353
Psychology 111
Psychology 112
Psychology 313
Psychology 330
Psychology 340
Psychology 350
Psychology 360
Psychology 380 -
Psychology 390
Psychology 436
Religion 203
Religion 310
Religion 481

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September. via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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NEWS David Shepardson, Managing Editor
EDITORS: James R. CIho. Nate Hurley. Mona Quireshi, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Robin Barry, Danielle Belkin Jonathan Berndt ,Cathy Boguslaski, Jodi Cohen. Spencer Dickinson, Lisa Dines, Sam T. Dudek,
Kelly Feeney, Josh Ginsberg, Ronnie Glassberg, Jennifer Harvey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson, Amy Klein, Maria Kovac, Frank C. Lee,
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GRAPHICS: JonathanBemdt (Editor). Laura Nemiroff. Andrew Taylor, Julie Tsai, Kevin Winer.
EDITORIAL Sa Goodstein, Flint Wainess, Editors
STAFF: Eugene Bowen Allison Dimond, Jennifer Fox, Jed Friedman. Greg Gelhaus, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Lauren Goldfarb. Craig
Greenberg, Adrienne Janney, Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser. Jason Uchtstein, Partha Mukhopadhyay. Jean
Twen e.
SPORTS Chad A. Safran, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest. Antoine Pitts, Michael Rosenberg.
STAFF: Paul Barger, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton, Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Sarah DeMar, Marc Diller, Jennifer
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Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson, Ryan White.
ARTS Tom Erlewine, Heather Phares, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Benardo (Theater), Matt Carlson (Fine Arts), Kirk Miller (Books), Andy Dolan (Music), Liz Shaw (Weekend etc.),
Alexandra Twin (Film), Ted Watts (Weekend, etc.).
STAFF: Matt Benz, Jennifer Buckley, Mark Carson, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Andy Dolan. Ben Ewy, Ariel Gandsman, Brian Gnatt,
Josh Herrington, Kari Jones. Shirley Lee. Scott Plagenhoef, Fred Rice. Joshua Rich. Dirk Schulze. Sarah Stewart, Prashant Tamaskar,
Brian Wise, Robert Yoon.
PHOTO Jonathan Lurie, Evan Petrie, Editors




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