4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 2, 1995 (14Jewttb4llv 4or -A- Ah 'A L tu;Etn Wmq;;plqwpwlw w ailv gym. , .w.:., , , , ..9, JASON LiCHrsN JASON'S LYRIC 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 1 MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES NASH Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. MSA: The rush is on Candidates must keep to high standards T he Michigan Student Assembly presi heated, candidates have the responsibility to dential elections are quietly drawing stick solely to the facts and concentrate on near. Students will cast their ballots for a new proposed solutions. In keeping track of the assembly president and vice president as candidates, students must pay more attention well as several seats March 22 and 23. And as to how the candidates plan to deal with issues in every election, the candidates will strive to at hand, and much less attention to minute separate themselves from the crowd--mostly details which exist in candidates' personal in differences of style, as their positions on lives or pasts. The intelligent University stu- most issues are quite similar. All of this is dent should note that when one candidate perfectly within the realm of healthy debate, slams another on anything other than legiti- however, elections at the University level mate policy issues, that candidate is trying to certainly have the potential to become unpro- conceal his or her own shortcomings. fessional and downright distasteful. Students have historically been poorly When viewing actions taken on the elec- represented in MSA elections. Turnout in tion trail, one must consider some of the last March's election was a mere 9 percent - inherent similarities among the major par- an improvement from the previous year, but ties' platforms. Each party wants to see the still a sorry example of student involvement code reworked or discarded, each seeks to in their most local government. Such a low expand student influence on administrative turnout means that each vote has an propor- policies and each would like to assist the tionately strong influence on the outcome. greatest number of students. Each of the Therefore, no student has the excuse for not parties, obviously, believes itself to be the voting that "it doesn't make a difference." most appropriate to attend to these goals. The Each student has the responsibility to be differences, as students will soon be exposed aware and vote in the upcoming elections. to, concern the approaches the parties use in If University students desire an able leader accomplishing their goals. to represent them to a sometimes-hostile This is where candidates and parties must administration and other student govern- watch their step lest they stomp on their ments, rather than a political hack suitable beloved students' feet on the race to the polls. for a Geraldo episode, they must insist that Mudslinging, though exciting to watch, only the elections run with the utmost standards of degrades the election and alienates voters. In respectability and professionalism. And the the debates that are sure to be lively and candidates should respect the students' wish. Download your vote: Coming soon? F4 Things I did and did not do, but really wanted to, while I was in Florida over "spring" break (a mouthful to say): Contemplated swimming out to the buoy. Felt the water - too cold for my Florida blood. Na ga do it. Sat in my chair and drank a Slushee. Witnessed hordes of nameless, brightly colored tourists burn their skin to a pulp and watch it peel out like paper from a banyan tree. Why? Don't ask why. Ate lots of good critters from the crustacea family line. Ymm ... Booed some middle-aged scabs at the Braves' Training Camp in West Palm Beach with penetrating lines like these: "Union busters!" "Old dried-up hacks!" "You look like a prune!" ® Was stuffed into an ungodly com- muter transport, whose driver seemed to be a chromosomal relative of the Parking Violations Bureau staff, to Detroit Metro. It took us a full hour to make it out of Ann Arbor city limits. Could've killed some- one. On the way back, I felt like I was heading straight into purgatory. Took my dog "B" for a walk. There's nothing like a good walk around our neigh- borhood, a so-called "private community" - Preston residents are armed with re- mote control devices to spring the gates of class warfare - where entrance is denied to people like Noot, Jake Baker and the rida postcard: A whole of nothing going on recent escapees from the maximum-secu- rity prison to the west. In truth, our subdi- vision is about as much of a community as the Gaza Strip. My fellow Prestonites even called the residential police out on me a couple of years ago because I didn't look like I belonged there. (It was my hair.) Thought about the effervescent Michigan weather awaiting my return to the home where all my stuff's at. Not a nice thought. Made me sick, really. Pain- ful experience. Cheered on the boys from North Dakota and the stately Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Byrdlock, ha! Down with the Contract! Down with Haman! Ate a juicy cheeseburger and washed it down with a tasty vanilla milkshake. One of the pleasantries of life that keeps me going, like receiving a letter in the mail that says "Par Avion" on it. Mail carriers are definitely underappreciated in our so- ciety. Jumped in a Go-Kart at the legend- ary Grand Prix Race-o-Rama off 1-95 and ran some teeny-boppers off the track, into the fence. Felt good. Drove to culturally rich Ft. Lauder- dale, Daytona, Miami Beach and Key West so I'd have a bit of conversational material to share with the folks in the basement of Cava Java. Had my face picked and my teeth bloodied with a metallic weapon by a dental hygienist all in the name of my physical well-being. Argued with my cousin about the Balanced Budget Amendment and block grants for a couple of hours. Predicted a Clinton loss in '96. U.. All in all, Florida's all right if you only stay a little while, and avoid the roads, eateries and airports. The restaurants are packed full of Ontarian wanderers and loud New Jerseyites, and I-95's right lane average age hits 65. But you can wear shorts and sneakers, so it's not too bad. For me, spring break this year was the time of year to catch up on some light reading, like Salinger's classic and the new Clinton bio. Holden Caufield is one messed up boy. Time to catch a high school basketball game. Watch some Knicks game with Dad. Rent some movies from Wayne Huizenga, Inc. Stick a worn-out Seinfeld tape in the 'ol recorder. Read the entire newspaper each morning. Think about April and the summer to come. Drive by a Miami Subs and not even think about going inside. More thinking. Basically, it's a time to do a whole lot of nothing, which is pretty relaxing if you ask me. Life is a lot more enjoyable if all you have to do is nothing. Like Jerry Seinfeld would say, "Nothing is good." 0 9 JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST 5AXOPHON A- ( r7 It was bound to happen. With Newt Gingrich and Ross Perot preaching a com- puter-driven political culture, the Michigan Party has followed suit with "MSA On-Line." The program would make information on the assembly available at the click of a button. The idea has merit but deserves further study. However, "MSA On-Line" is significant as a bellwether of change in the assembly: As the University cruises ahead on the Informa- tion Superhighway, students shouldn't be left in the dust. The assembly should seriously consider on-line voting for MSA elections. Students could simply enter their vote by clicking the names of candidates they prefer. Now that students can access financial and academic information at any Campus Computing Site, why not introduce the virtual ballot box? Although computer voting on a national scale is fraught with potential security glitches, election integrity could be ensured at the University if the Information Technol- ogy Division uses adequate safeguards. Results would be available in an instant, the problematic process of ballot counting would disappear, and student participation would undoubtedly increase. With candi- dates embracing technology, on-line voting is an idea whose time has come. LEz-ns Logic in the crosshairs Congress should uphold Brady Bill A s the one-year anniversary of the sign- ing of the Brady Bill approaches, the forces that stonewalled the bill throughout the Reagan and Bush administrations are working overtime to repeal the Brady Bill law and the assault weapons ban. The in- creasing numbers of House representatives - both Democrats and Republicans -- op- posed to firearm regulation have already begun efforts at dismantling these corner- stones of President Clinton's anti-crime pack- age. The claim is the same as it has been during the last decade: laws that impose waiting periods on new gun -buyers are the first steps in depriving citizens of their right to bear arms. Similarly, the assault weapons ban, which prohibits only 19 types of auto- matic weapons, has been deemed by the NRA as a major infringement of the rights of hunters and gun collectors. Congressional efforts to repeal existing gun laws are misguided and serve no con- structive purpose in deterring crime or ensur- ing the rights of legitimate, law-abiding gun owners. For Congress to justify the repeal of either law, there would have to be substantial evidence of their unconstitutionality or proof that these laws have been detrimental to society. In this case, Neither of these arguments hold any water. Though the Brady Bill has metropolitan areas, according to the Depart- ment of the Treasury. Furthermore, though gun ownership is a legitimate, albeit ambigu- ous, right under the Second Amendment, there is no case for the private ownership of state-of-the-art military weaponry aimed only for purposes of killing large groups of people in a short time span. The gun lobby has failed to produce any evidence that the rights of law-abiding citizens have been seriously abridged by last year's legislation. It is also clear that neither the Brady Bill nor the assault weapons ban have worsened the ex- isting gun problem in this country. The NRA claimed for years that such a ban would only place guns in the hands of criminals and would leave gun owners powerless. This simply hasn't happened. Both the Brady Bill and assault weapons ban need to be given a longer chance for success before any efforts at repealing them are considered in Congress. The past 20 years have seen an explosion in the number of gun-related deaths and injuries in correla- tion with the ever-increasing number of guns in circulation. Given that the problem was ignored so long, one year is not sufficient to undo the nation's murder crisis. For Con- gress to overturn these laws -which have earned overwhelming public support nation- ally -- before they have a chance to have a mni - -- - - - f- - 2itra2nn .AAn- Ei e%,1At, Get a clue about Baker To the Daily: Argh! I'm so sick of the Jake Bakercase. Why is it that with all of the facts floating about, the people who write to the Daily rarely have a clue of what they are talking about? This isn't that complicated. Everyone seems to think that the major flaw in Jake Baker's stories that got him arrested was the use of a fellow student's name. They all say that the Uni- versity had no reason to immedi- ately suspend Baker in the way that it did because they should have followed the code. Every- one feels that he wasn't really a threat to anyone because so much time passed between the original posting and his arrest/suspension. This is crap. Doesn't anyone remember reading the quotes from his e-mail messages to the man in Canada? Doesn't anyone feel that Baker describing his plan to attack a woman late at night near his dorm room, stuff her into a big duffle bagand haul her off to do God-knows-what to her is a big concern? My guess is that the University suspended Baker, not because he was a threat to the woman named in the story, but because he was a threat to women in general on campus. In another e-mail message, he said how he was tired ofjust fantasiz- ing and how he needed to do something about it. I for one would consider this to be an ad- mission of his danger to the Uni- because Baker did represent a threat to the community and Duderstadt's immediate action to suspend him should be ap- plauded, not condemned. Peter Wilhelm LSA first-year student How I spent spring break: helping others To the Daily: I didn't spend my spring break lounging in the sun in Cancun nor skiing down the slopes of Vail. I didn't even go home. Yet what I did over spring break was more rewarding and amazing than any of the above. I spent my break learning about life, or rather, about learning how to live and love life with 11 other re- markable University students. We participated in an Alterna- tive Spring Break trip to Big Tal- bot Island, Fla. All the positive adjectives I can think of would not be able to fully describe this trip. When people ask what I did over break, it's so difficult to convey the wonderful feelings and experiences that I had. It's so hard to relay the warmth I felt after spending a week volun- teering at a bird sanctuary. How can others understand the sad- ness of seeing a baard owl blinded from pesticide use or a pen of pelicans covered with toxic fire-fighting foam or a bald eagle shot in the eye? How can others see the dedication of a throughout America during their spring breaks knowing that their presence and hard work changed someone or something's life is commendable. I deeply thank Project Serve for giving me and approximately 200 other Univer- sity students who shared similar experiences this wonderful op- portunity. I urge anyone who remotely cares about their world or fellow citizens to participate in Alternative Spring Break and Project Serve. Support for this program, from administration and students, needs to thrive in order for our generation to be- come responsible and caring leaders. Mona Hanna SNRE first-year student Writer ignorant about gays To the Daily: I am writing in response to the letter from John Yob (3/1/ 95). In particular, I would like to comment on some misleading and narrow-minded statements he made about homosexuality and the Kiss-In on the Diag. Mr. Yob states his concern aboutprograms that"encourage" homosexual activities. Sadly, this is a common excuse for dis- crimination against homosexu- als. The assumption here is that we are in danger of young het- erosexuals being turned into ho- mosexuals unless we enact laws to restrict homosexual rights. Mr. Yob, if you would take the time to get to know a few NOTABLE QUOAILE "It's a perversion of the process to take what's in the code and read into it that there is a month at least between the hearing and when the amendments are released." - Vince Keenan, chair of MSA 's Student Rights Commissiop crimination against people based on sexual preferences. Mr. Yob argues that homo- sexuality should not be advo- cated because of its tendency to spread the HIV virus. I should clarify that it is not homosexual- ity per se that spreads HIV, but rather unsafe sexual activity. As such, heterosexual couples are also indangerof contracting HIV. Should we then discourage het- erosexual behavior and lifestyles? No, but we should encourage condom use and AIDS testing. Another possi- bility is to legalize homosexual marriages. This would encour- age monogamy, which makes sex much safer. Another fact to consider is that oral sex is less likely to spread HIV than anal or vaginal intercourse. Perhaps we should advocate lesbianism as a form of safer sex for women. Mr. Yob calls the Kiss-In "dis- gusting and demeaning" and "indecent exposure." I do not see how anyone can call a dis- play of affection between two people "disgusting and demean- ing." And how can kissing be considered "indecent expo- sure"? It seems that Mr. Yob's biggest hangup was having to be "subjected"'to affection between people of the same sex. It appears that you didn't pay attention to the purpose of the Kiss-In, Mr. Yob. Homosexuals are constantly subjected to heterosexual affec- tion and sexuality in movies, TV and around campus. Is itreally so unreasonable to allow homosexu- als the same nrivilee ofexnress- " 0