The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 2, 1995 - 3
Duke students
pressure pres.
Last week, more than 50 students
at Duke University, took turns sitting
outsdePresidentNannerl O' Keohane's
office to protest the dismissal of the
Vice president/vice provost position re-
sponsibleforminority affairs. Thepresi-
dent said he planned to restructure the
vice presidential post into an executive
Student and faculty protesters
voiced concerns that eliminating the
post would diminish the importance
.1 e university placed on minority is-
ues. Unlike a vice presidential post,
an executive position does not have a
direct line of communication with the
"It's a symbolic issue. The posi-
tion needed to be refigured, and the
broad focus of the office needed to be
dipninished. But the title of vice presi-
denicy need to be retained," said John
E Burness, senior vice president for
&ublic affairs.
O'Keohane said the vice presi-
dential post, which was vacated by
Leonard Beckam, was too broad in
its. mission and that minority issues
in this instance employment -
were not being dealt with suffi-
ciently. The reconfiguration of the
office was meant to strengthen, not
eliminate, minority relations'
sources say.
* O'Keohane publicly apologized
and decided that a vice presidential
position needed to be retained. Duke
will now have a vice president for
minority employment.
Atty. General sues
Jordan College over
fvorkers' wages
State Attorney General Frank
Kelley filed a lawsuit Tuesday against
Jordan College in Cedar Springs,
claiming it owes employees $133,824
in back pay and interest.
Forty-eight employees filed com-
plaints with the state Department of
Labor, which investigated the matter
and found the college was respon-
sible for the wages, The Associated
Press reported. The institution admit-
ted it owes about 150 employees
"We do owe them and they are a
priority," Lexie K. Coon, Jordan Col-
lege president, told AP.
Coxon added, though, that the col-
lege does not have the money to pay
&he employees. The only way to come
up with the money is to sell the col-
lege, he said.
University officials have indicated
they want to sell the college within
the next 60 days. Classes are still in
session at the Cedar Spings and De-
troit campuses. In January, classes
ended at the college's Grand Rapids
and Flint campuses.
The suit seeks $127,291 in back pay
*and $6, 533 in interest, AP reported.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Kelly Feeney
Doctoral student lands $20K research fellowship
By Megan Schimpf
Daily Staff Reporter
Saving corporations money has earned Lil
Mills some of her own.
Mills, an accounting doctoral student in the
Business School, was named one of 10 recipi-
ents nationally of the Doctoral Fellowship in
Accounting Awards, given by the Deloitte and
Touche Foundation last month.
Mills will receive $20,000 over two years to
further her research in public finance and tax
"I feel excited to know that my faculty have
confidence in me and look forward to my
research having a great impact in the future,"
she said.
"This award is considered a real feather in
one's cap," said Victor Bernard, a University
accounting professor and a member of the selec-
tion committee. "When the Ph.D. student is apply-
ing for jobs, it helps to have this in one's resume."
Mills' research involves corporate tax com-
pliance costs, which are incidental expenses
such as planning, research, bookkeeping and
litigation incurred when filing a tax return.
"They are the costs of determining what is
the right amount of tax to pay and the keeping
the proper records for collection agencies such
as the IRS," Mills said.
Mills deals exclusively with corporations,
not individuals.
"I'm trying to find out the extent that firms
are successful at saving tax costs by spending on
tax planning," she said.
Any university accounting program nation-
wide can nominate one person for the award.
"Part of what weighs beyond academic cre-
dentials is the relevance of the research to ac-
counting practitioners," she said. "Both my prior
work experience and research strengthened my
application beyond my academic credentials."
Mills, a certified public accountant, worked for
Deloitte and Touche for one year and Price,.
Waterhouse for eight years. She taught for two
years at the University of Detroit-Mercy and in the
continuing education program at Price Waterhouse.
All of these credentials helped Mills win the
fellowship, Bernard said. The committee looked
at work experience, teaching ability, and, most
of all, the research.
"Her research proposal was considered quite
impressive," Bernard said. "She had more sig-
nificant work experience than almost any other
applicant nationwide. She had already taught as
a faculty member, so she had documented teach-
ing experience, and she got excellent recom-
Mills, who holds an undergraduate degree
and a master's degree in accounting from the
University of Florida. began in the doctoral
program at the University of Michigan in Sep-
tember 1992 and expects to finish her degree in
summer 1996. She hopes to begin in a univer-
sity faculty position in September of that year.
The fellowship will help her byI freeing up
some time from her position as a research
assistant to complete her own research.
"It puts the Ph.D. student in a situation
where they're working on the dissertation full-
time instead of being in a part-time teaching
position," Bernard said. "Hopefully, it will al-
low for a better dissertation."
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Faculty hail 1st
new handbook
since '78 edition
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By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
University faculty members re-
ceived the most recent version of the
faculty handbook last month - 17
years after the previous edition was
published in 1978.
"It has of course been out-of-date
for many years," said Kay Dawson,
director of academic human resources.
Faculty members use the hand-
"I am sure that if it is not out-of-
date today, then there will be a page
that will be out-of-date soon," Loup
said. "That's the risk of doing this."
Dawson said faculty members
seem to have had a positive reaction
toward the handbook. "I have heard
that people are very appreciative and
are happy to have it," she said.
However, some faculty members
have said they see problems with it.
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--_.. __. __....AP PHOTO
Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer Paul Laurin looks at part of a seizure of $16 million of counterfeit bills.
Former Nat'l Science Foundation,
director criticizes research funding
book as a refer-
ence for infor-
mation and re-
sources con-
cerning Univer-
sity policies. "In
the handbook, it
is all pulled to-
gether in one
spot," Dawson
The hand-
book includes
procedural and
general informa-
tion about tenure,
if it is not out-of-
date today, then
(it) will be out-of
date soon"
- Jean Loup
chair of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
Biology Prof.
Thomas Moore,
a Senate Assem-
bly member,
said he was con-
cerned that fac-
ulty were not in-
volved in the de-
velopment of the
'1 am a little
bit disappointed
that there. wasn't a
more identifiable
faculty group
from the Senate
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
A former director of the National
Science Foundation said higher edu-
cation has suffered at the hands of
research spending as part of a lecture
series on national research policy yes-
Erich Bloch, who headed NSF from
1984 until 1990, told an audience of
about 80 students, professors and ad-
ministrators that research funding com-
promises the educational quality of
many public universities and cannot
continue to increase at current levels
due to budget-balancing efforts.
"It is neglect of education in favor
of research, and I know this is a touchy
subject here," Bloch said with cau-
tion yesterday afternoon in Rackham
Bloch is the distinguished fellow
of the Council on Competitiveness.
In 1985, he received the National
Medal of Technology for his work
developing the IBM/360 computer.
University Vice President for Re-
search HomerA. Neal introduced Bloch,
the third speaker in the Distinguished
Lecture Series on National Research
Policy. Neal emphasized the impor-
tance of the federal government as a
facilitator between universities and in-
dustry and the transfer of research and
technology to the private sector.
Bloch said some proposals before
Congress aimed at balancing the federal
budget cut defense, agriculture and dis-
cretionary spending while increasing
research funding. "This does not support
the accusation of neglect that we hear
from so many researchers," he said.
A proposed balanced budget
amendment to the Constitution could
be voted on today by the Senate.
"Over the next two or three years,
$500 billion would have to come out
of the federal budget if the promise of
balancing the budget is to be ful-
filled," Bloch said, asserting that Con-
gress would not be able to accomplish
this. "I wish I had something encour-
aging to say but I don't."
Bloch also criticized the "slash-
and-burn mentality and ideology" of
members of Congress, nearly half of
whom have occupied congressional
seats for less than three years.
"Whatever we have built up over
the years has been decimated," Bloch
said. "A lot of the members don't
understand science and a lot of them
don't want to."
Some students who attended the lec-
ture were surprised by its content. The
lecture was titled "Technology Policy in
the New Congress," but focused on fi-
nancial aspects of technology.
"I thought they were going to dis-
cuss technology and responsibility -
with any technological development
the issue of responsibility has to be
discussed," said Business senior Andy
"I wanted to find out about what
they were researching, not what they
were spending," said Engineering jun-
ior Ken Grayson.
appointments, promotion, policies re-
garding working conditions and vari-
ous other academic policies.
Faculty members can also look up
information about benefits and ser-
vices, policies governing teaching and
research, and compensation.
"I am sure faculty will use it to
point out to deans and department
chairs that they are wrong," said Jean
Loup, chair of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
"And vice versa."
The handbook was primarily de-
veloped by the Office of Academic
Human Resources and applies to both
instructional and primary faculty in-
cluding research scientists, archivists,
curators and librarians.
Loup said that although the new
handbook is an improvement over the
previous one, there will always be dif-
ficulties keeping information current.
Assembly asked to review this edition,"
he said.
Another possible problem Loup
mentioned lies in the interpretation of
some items in the book. "Many things
in here are subject to interpretation
but it is at least a place to start and then
you can negotiate what it means," she
Loup said although there may be
some differences of opinion, faculty
do consult the handbook. "Every now
and then, I have referred to it for
justification of something that was
happening. It is something you also
refer to for specific documents," Loup
The book was published in De-
cember and was delivered .Feb. 9.
Dawson said the publishing delay
since the last edition was due to changes
in personnel in the offices responsible
for getting the handbook out.
Russian reporter headhnes brown-bag lunch
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_y Christy Glass
Ddily Staff Reporter
Sergei Danilochkin, who spent
sven years covering international poli-
tics from Moscow, shared his insider's
perspective on both Chechnya and the
Russian press with University faculty
and students yesterday.
Danilochkin said the government
still plays a major role in Russia's
r ,
press and that each newspaper must
rely on grants from the government
because "it is economically impos-
sible to run a newspaper" indepen-
dently in Russia.
As a result, he said, there is a
"struggle of government over mass
media control" and many newspapers
have been temporarily shut down due
to lack of funding.
Danilochkin was a reporter and
editor for the Novosti Information
Agency from 1987-91 and served as
an international news editor and mem-
ber of the editorial board for the na-
tional weekly Rossiya from 1991-94.
Working from Rossiya's offices
in the Russian White House in Mos-
cow, journalists of that era had a
unique vantage point from which to
t Bible Study and Fellowship, spon-
sored by ICM, 763-1664, Baits II,
Coman Lounge, 6-8 p.m.
0 Eye of the Spiral, informal meeting,
747-6930, Guild House Campus
Ministry, 802 Monroe, 8 p.m.
U Intervarsity Christian Fellowship,
764-5702, Dana Building, Room
1040, 7 p.m.
0 WOLV Channel 70 Programming:
Wolverine Wrap-Up, 7-7:30 p.m.; S
and M, 7:30-8 p.m. and 8:30-9
shappening In Ann Arbor today
Q "Democratic and Republican Fas- seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
cism," sponsored by Ann Arbor Q ECB Peer Tutorial, Angell Hall Com-
Libertarian League, Michigan puting Site, 747-4526, 7-11 p.m.,
Union, Kuenzel Room, 7:30 p.m. Mary Markley, 7-10 p.m.
Q "Health Insurance for Interna- Q Campus Information Center, Michi-
tional Students," sponsored by gan Union, 763-INFO; events info
International Center, International 76-EVENT or UM*Events on
Center, Room 7, 2 p.m. GOpherBLUE
J "Living Lightly Program," sponsored J North Campus Information Center,
by ENACT, Stockwell, Conference North Campus Commons, 763-
Rooms 1-3, 7 p.m. NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m.
u "Medical School Info Fair," spon- Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley Hall,
sored by Career Planning and Place- 8-11:30 p.m.
ment Michian Union. 10 am.-2 Q PcvrhnInogv AcadAmic Peer Advis-
observe the growing factionalization
in the Russian government,
Danilochkin said.
He added that events in Chechnya
"only sped up this process, and
brought those factions further apart
from each other."
Danilochkin said the war in
Chechnya will have dire consequences
for the status of the Russian Federa-
tion. "This is the first major wound to
democracy in Russia because the gov-
ernment showed that it still considers
military means as a way of solving
political conflicts in society," he said
He added that by intervening in
Chechnya, Yeltsin "dismantled the
remaining bridges of democracy in
Russian society."
Danilochkin gave three possible
explanations for Russia's military in-
tervention in Chechnya.
First, he said Yeltsin was "trying
to mobilize people for future reforms
which have been slowing for a while
and which have now come to an end."
Danilochkin also called Chechnya
a "major contributing nation to the
shadow economy." By intervening
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