Tonight: Mostly cloudy,
low 0.
Tomorrow: Cloudy, high
in the mid-20s.
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One hundred four years of editorial freedom
March 1, 1995
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student Affairs further delays release code amendments
By Cathy Boguslaski
Daily Staff Reporter
Almost a month after student panelists met
to amend the Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities, the University's code of non-
academic conduct, the groups that proposed the
changes are still waiting to hear the results.
The amendments, approved by the student
Wel, were compiled by the judicial adviser's
office and submitted to Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Maureen A. Hartford.
On Feb. 16, Hartford said she planned to
release the amendments early this week.
However, Hartford is out of town, and the
amendments will not be released until she re-
turns, said Rory Mueller, an assistant to Hart-
ford. "She's gone now until March 8, and she
hasn't looked at them to approve them. I think
the soonest they may be released is a couple of
days after she gets back," Mueller said.
Groups that proposed amendments are not
pleased with the delay.
"This process is supposed to be under the
control of the students," said Prof. Daniel Green,
chair of the faculty's Civil Liberties Board.
"They had their meeting on Jan. 30 and made
their decisions, so why aren't we being in-
formed? It's strange."
Green, who proposed the board's amend-
ments, said one possible change would allow a
student to be represented by a lawyer during
code hearings. x
The code does not specify when amend-
ments should be released. It states only that
amendments, once approved by the panelists,
must be submitted to the University Board of
Regents. No amendments can take effect with-
out the regents' approval.
"I think by any stretch of the imagination
it's a perversion of the process to take what's in
the code and read into it that there is a month at
least between the hearing and when the amend-
ments are released," said Vince Keenan, chair
of the Michigan Student Assembly Students'
Rights Commission.
Hartford is expected to present the amend-
ments to the regents at their April meeting.
The code now stands as an interim policy and
will be reviewed at that time.
The code amendment process requires that
26 of the 50 panelists - students randomly
selected and trained to hear code cases - must
assemble to consider amendments. The Jan. 30
meeting attracted the required 26 panelists,
after three failed attempts.
Defense Dept.
outlines plan
to close bases
WASHINGTON (AP)-Texas, Alabama, New Mexico
and Pennsylvania take the hardest hits in the Pentagon's
recommendations for base closings released yesterday.
Defense Secretary William Perry said the "painful process"
will translate into nearly $6 billion in savings by 2001.
The Pentagon is proposing a total of 146 closings and
'realignments" in the fourth and possibly final round of base
closings since 1988. Of those, 16 involve closure recom-
mendations affecting more than 1,000 jobs while six re-
alignments would claim at least as many jobs at bases
remaining open.
"This has been a painful process for the Department of
Defense," Perry said at a Pentagon news conference. "It's
been a painful process for the communities involved. But it
is necessary."
The recommendations go to an independent Defense
Ise Closure and Realignment Commission, known by its
slightly inaccurate acronym BRAC, for review and possible
amendment and then must be accepted or rejected in their
entirety by Congress and the President.
In a letteryesterday to former Illinois Sen. Alan Dixon,
chairman of the commission, Perry said there was "'no
alternative" to closing more bases.
"If we fail to bring our infrastructure in line with our
force structure and budget, we will lack the funds to main-
tain our readiness and modernization in years to come,"
*rry wrote.
Even with this round of closures, Perry said, the military
will have more bases than it
inside needs to maintain its force of
10 Army divisions, 11 air-
TreMichigan bases craft carriers, 936 Air Force
are slated to closes fighters and three Marine
S~Pages3 Corps divisions.
Perry said he may ask
Congress to renew the base
*sure law and schedule another round within three or four
Asserting that politics played no role, Perry said he
accepted the recommendations of each of the military
services virtually unchanged.
In the months leading up to yesterday's announcement,
White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta issued two memos
ordering White House staffers not to interfere. Calls to the
White House from governors and other state and local
officials were forwarded to Deputy Defense Secretary John
Deutch, the Pentagon's No.2 official and the lead official in
*veloping the closure list.
"I don't know of anyone who will be able to find through
any statistical technique that there is a correlation here with
politics," Deutch said.
Closure recommendations include: Fort McClellan, Ala.;
Long Beach Naval Shipyard, Calif.; Fitzsimons Army Medi-
cal Center, Colo.; Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Divi-
sion, Indianapolis; Naval Surface Warfare Center, Louis-
ville, Ky.; Fort Ritchie, Md.; Naval Air Station, Meridian,
Miss; Bayonne Military Ocean Terminal, N.J.; Naval Air
*arfare Center, Lakehurst, N.J.; Rome Laboratories, N.Y.;
and Brooks Air Force Base, Red River Army Depot and
Reese AFB, all in Texas.
Three major sites recommended to be
"disestablished," meaning closed, for practical pur-
poses, are the Aviation Troop Command near St. Louis;
the Defense Distribution Center, Ogden, Utah; and the
Defense Distribution Depot, Memphis, Tenn. Other
notable closures involving fewer than 1,000 lost jobs
include the South Weymouth Naval Air Station, Mass.,
AdFort Indiantown Gap, Pa.
One senator short
(Dole delays vote on
budget amendiiient
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Senate Majority Leader
Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.) last night abruptly put off
a final vote on the proposed balanced budget
amendment after GOP leaders failed in a desper-
ate daylong bid to pluck the critical 67th vote from
among wavering Democrats.
Faced with almost certain defeat, Dole
delayed the vote - until this morning or
perhaps later in the week - to buy time while
Republicans stepped up efforts to win over
one of a handful of Democrats, particularly
North Dakota Sens. Kent Conrad and Byron
L. Dorgan, who have demanded changes in
the measure to protect Social Security as well
as other safeguards.
Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), a leading
opponent of the measure and a major figure in the
Senate, lashed out at Dole for postponing the vote,
charging that Republicans appeared to be engag-
ing in "a sleazy, tawdry effort to win a victory at
the cost of amending the Constitution of the
United States." Byrd charged that Dole's action
O flouted a unanimous agreement to hold the crucial
AP PHOTO vote yesterday, following more than a month of
intense debate.
"We've had our chances," Byrd said. "Why
don't we vote?"
But Dole refused to back down, saying there
was still a chance Republicans could recruit a least
one more senator to help pass the amendment by
the two-thirds majority required. He said that in
the wake of last fall's elections, when Republi-
cans swept to control of Congress pledging to
balance the budget and make dramatic changes in
the face of government, the Senate owed it to the
American people to make one more try.
"We still think there's some chance of getting
this resolved by tomorrow and getting 67 votes,"
Dole said. "If we fail, we fail."
Dole's decision came after an extraordinary
day of backroom dealing in which Dole, Senate
Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch
(R-Utah) and other leaders pleaded with and
cajoled every Democrat they could collar.
Republican leaders had assumed until early
yesterday that the key to winning passage of the
amendment was appeasing Sen. Sam Nunn of
Georgia, a highly influential Democrat who had
threatened to oppose the measure unless it was
changed to prohibit the courts from intervening in
See BUDGET, Page 2
Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) discusses notes with an aid yesterday.
Russian mayor: Constitution brought peace
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
St. Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak
spoke about Russia's newest constitution
and changes in the country to a crowd that
was spilling over into the aisles of the
Rackham Amphitheater yesterday.
A translator aided Sobchak in the deliv-
ery of his speech, "The New Russian Con-
stitution: Law as the Basis for Building a
Democratic Society."
Jane Burbank of the Center for Russian
and East European Studies introduced
Sobchak as "an extraordinarily effective
mayor." She cited St. Petersburg's unem-
ployment rate of 1.5 percent and the ab-
sence of criminal incidents during last year's
Goodwill Games hosted in the city as evi-
dence of his success.
Burbank said Sobchak actively promoted
the drafting of a new constitution and the
1993 referendum on that constitution.
"Without a firm constitutional order, it
is impossible to create a democratic society.
Russian history proves that," Sobchak said.
He said of initial Russian constitutions
of 1917, "None of them were very much like
constitutions, they were ideological docu-
Sobchak said the success of post-Com-
muist Russia required the drafting of a new
constitution. "We needed a new constitu-
tion like we needed air to breathe."
He said the Russian government passed
through many difficult times before the
constitution was drafted. Sobchak called
1992-93 an "endless struggle between the
president and Parliament."
Regarding his experience while sup-
porting the draft of the constitution, he said,
"Reform was very risky and dangerous for
reformers." Sobchak said the passage of the
constitution brought peace. "There have
been no huge demonstrations in the streets
like there were in '92 and '93."
Sobchak is optimistic about the future of
Russia. "I would say Russia has chosen the
future of its path, the structuring of a demo-
cratic government and a market economy.
That will be the reality of Russia in the next
few decades," he said.
The speech was one of several that
Sobchak delivered during his brief stay in
Ann Arbor.
The Honors Program invited Sobchak
as the DeRoy professor for this term. In that
role he conducted two seminars, "Russia
After Communism: From a Totalitarian Re-
gime to a Democratic Society" and "The
Post-Communist World and Security Is-
LSA sophomore and DeRoy seminar
participant Kate DeMeester said Sobchack
impressed her. "He struck me as a very good
politician, a man who could get things done
that needed to be done."
Mayor faces
tough student
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
Heated discussion followed yesterday's
public lecture by St. Petersburg Mayor
Anatoly Sobchak, the DeRoy professor,
when some members of the audience ques-
tioned conditions within Russia's borders as
well as the Chechen conflict.
After Sobchak' s speech about the insti-
tution of the new Russian constitution, he
agreed to a 15-minute question-and-answer
The first question addressed issues of
rising death rates in St. Petersburg and other
Russian difficulties that were reported by
The New York Times.
Sobchak told the questioner, "You
remind me of those who would read
Pravda and believe it as absolute truth."
Pravda is Russia's official national news-
Sobchak accused the Times of "never
giving their sources" and making unfair
St. Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak
addresses University students yesterday
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
predictions. He said, "Russia is flooded by
refugees from Africa, China, bordering states,
and Kurds; by criminals of the formerSoviet
Union" who skew the statistics.
"We cannot deal with them. We have
enough problems," Sobchak asserted.
Another member of the audience ques-
tioned the situation in Chechnya.
See SOBCHAK, Page 2
Alexander announces
campaign for President
Candidates propose on-line MSA
The Washington Post
MARYVILLE, Tenn. -Former
ennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander
ened his campaign for the presi-
dency here yesterday with a blunt
attack on "the arrogance of Wash-
ington," saying it was time to shrink
the federal government and let
states. cities and citizens decide how
danger Republicans have is this: Now
that we have captured Washington, we
must not let Washington capture us,"
he said.
He also argued that the country will
never fix many of its most serious
problems if people continue to rely
largely on government. "Nobody else
will do it for us," he said. "Washington
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to involve more stu-
dents in the Michigan Student Assem-
bly, the Michigan Party yesterday an-
nounced a campaign pledge promoting
easier access to student government.
LSAjuniors Flint Wainess and Sam
Goodstein, the Michigan Party candi-
dates for president and vice president,
have introduced MSA On-Line, an in-
t-rartive wvnnnt esmiiar to Wolverine
debate by all studenfs and representa-
tives. The Michigan Party hopes to
revitalize the confer forum and im-
prove communication, with other stu-
dent organizations.
"Confers can't provide as much
information as something like Wolver-
ine Access," Wainess said.
MSA Communications Chair Joe
Cox said an on-line system still forces
students to make the initial effort.
"I think it's a reat idea and if thev
munity have always been on the cutting
edge of change. It is high time MSA
took the lead in ensuring that the infor-
mation revolution doesn't leave stu-
dent government behind,"Wainess said.
While weekly MSA meetings are
open to the student body, MSA On-
Line would provide additional infor-
mation to students. Biographies ofMSA
representatives will be included, supple-
menting a report of the assembly's
weekly agenda Exnlanations of MSA
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