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February 28, 1995 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-28

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 28,_1995
Israeli group plots
to give PLO controlI

1 3

Los Angeles Times
JERUSALEM - In an effort to
break the stalemate in Israeli-Pales-
tinian negotiations on the future of
the West Bank, a leftist Israeli group
yesterday proposed the dismantling
of 27 Jewish settlements in a move to
give the PLO control of two-thirds of
the territory and more than 90 percent
of the Arab population.
Meeting with Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, the Peace Now move-
ment urged Israel to remove the small,
scattered settlements, which have a
population of only 7,000, as a way to
begin Israel's military pullback in the
region and launch Palestinian national
Tzali Reshef, a Peace Now leader,
argued that this would restore mo-
mentum to Israeli-Palestinian peace
efforts, bolstering the position of Pal-
estine Liberation Organization Chair-
man Yasser Arafat, thus enabling him
to take tougher action against radical
Islamic opponents of the agreement
on Palestinian self-government.
"If Israel doesn't take some steps

to assure the Palestinians that it is
giving them back land, it will be very
difficult for Arafat to deal with the
serious opposition to the peace pro-
cess and for us all to move forward to
the next stage," Reshef said.. "We
think this serves Israel's interest. It's
a way to clarify we really mean busi-
ness, and as such it will change the
whole atmosphere. Arafat has lost
much of the support he had because
Palestinians feel Israel will not carry
out the agreement it made."
The Peace Now plan - the latest,
most concrete proposal for implement-
ing the Israeli-Palestinian agreement
on self-government on the West Bank
- was intended, Reshef said, to "show
there is a policy that a courageous gov-
ernment could adopt to restoremomen-
tum to the peace process."
But Rabin told the group that Is-
raeli security is his primary concern
and that he must be convinced that
Arafat is doing all within his power
before Israel proceeds with Palestin-
ian autonomy, according to a govern-
ment spokesman.


Clinton in Germany
An effigy of President Clinton yesterday in Germany, dressed as cartoon character Fred Flintstone, drags a caged
vulture down a Cologne street - intended to symbolize the U.S. economic situation.
New vaccine may help prevent TB

offer keys to
aid welfare
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - The keys to
welfare reform, in the view ofconser-
vative policy analysts, are to give
more authority to local governments,
end the programs' entitlement status,
expand the role of private charities,
reconsider orphanages as a way to
save children from the ravages of
poverty, and restrict benefits in order
to encourage self-sufficiency.
"Our three principles - work,
personal responsibility and state con-
trol - are the keys to unlocking the
welfare prison that has kept our fel-
low citizens trapped;" said Rep. E.
Clay Shaw Jr. (R-Fla.), chairman of
the House subcommittee overseeing
welfare reform.
Could such an approach work?
Clues to the answer may lie in the
nation's past. Today's conservative
prescription for welfare reform is in
some ways similar to what once ex-
isted in the United States. Until the
coming the New Deal in the 1930s
and the Great Society in the 1960s,
there was no federally administered
national welfare system.
Instead, towns and counties doled
out assistance to families that had
come upon hard times and operated
"poor farms," "county homes" and
other such institutions for those with
no place else to turn. Churches and
fraternal organizations funded orphan-
ages. And, especially in rural areas,
individual families often took in poor
relatives or provided sustenance in
exchange for labor.
The system had its advantages: It
provided a measure of protection
against outright suffering. And the
rampant drug addiction, violence, fa-
therless families and other nightmares
that plague today's welfare culture
were relatively rare.
At the same time, the quality of
many local institutions was considered
scandalous. Disease and exploitation
were commonplace, families were
sometimes torn apart. Local resources
were periodically overwhelmed by
waves of immigration and such calami-
ties as drought and recession.

Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES - Researchers
have developed a prototype vaccine
that prevents tuberculosis in animals
and that they say has great promise
for use in humans.
The development comes at a time
when the United States and other coun-
tries are increasingly facing the emer-
gence of TB strains that are resistant
to the drugs now used to control its
spread. There have already been 12
outbreaks of multiple-drug-resistant
TB in the United States, according to
John D. Foulds, tuberculosis and lep-
rosy program officer at the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious
"The bottom line is that we need a
vaccine to help us in the fight against
emerging drug resistance," Foulds
said. The University of California,
Los Angeles, team - which devel-
oped the new vaccine - "is doing
really sentinel work on this."

The new vaccine contains no live
bacteria and thus has many advan-
tages over the existing vaccine, called
BCG. BCG is not routinely used in
the United States because it repre-
sents a major health risk for AIDS
patients and others with a compro-
mised immune system and interferes
with public health programs for track-
ing tuberculosis infections.
Dr. Marcus A. Horowitz and his
colleagues at the UCLA School of
Medicine report today in the Pro-
ceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences that they have developed a
vaccine based on purified proteins
from BCG that is at least as effective
as the existing vaccine in preventing
tuberculosis in guinea pigs, but that
should have none of those risks.
Although further animal testing
will be required, Horowitz said he
hopes to begin human trials of the
vaccine in as little as two years.
Horowitz's report is "a very impor-

tant development," according to bio-
chemist Thomas Shinnick of the U.S.
Centers forDisease Control and Preven-
tion in Atlanta, because it is the first
demonstration that a vaccine containing
no bacteria can actually be effective.
Tuberculosis commonly destroys
tissues in the lungs, but affects other
organs as well, including the liver,
kidney, lymph nodes and brain. It is
the world's leading killer of adults,
with 28,000 new cases detected an-
nually in the United States and 8
million worldwide. Three million
people die of it every year when
their organs fail. The disease spreads
rapidly because it is carried by air-
borne bacteria.
As recently as the early 1980s,
public health authorities thought that
tuberculosis had been eradicated in
the United States. But in 1986, the
number of new cases of TB rose in
this country for the first time since



If You're About 20 Years Old And Jewish

You're in the Army. You constantly live "on the edge."
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You have choice. You can take your Judaism for
granted or you can take a minute to contribute to the
UM-UJA campaign, a campaign that helps Jews in
need in Ann Arbor, in Israel and around the world; a
campaign that helps the elderly and helps to free Jews
around the world.
At the University of Michigan...

:. nn thiiWh lbor cf T11iiutWIP.

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