* NoJI 6 Thefts common over break Department of Public Safety re- ports for the week of winter break indicate that the most common crime on campus while students were away was theft from school buildings. Twenty-fourcalls reporting larceny were made to DPS last week. DPS also received 15 reports of trespassing last week, including more than 25 people illegally sleeping or wandering in Uni- versity buildings. According to reports, a majority of the trespassing calls came in regards to homeless people sleeping on heating grates, mainly in front of East Quad- rangle, Mary Markley and Stockwell residence halls. Computer taken from North Ingalls A caller told DPS officers that his co-worker's computer was stolen from the North Ingalls Building late in the afternoon last Wednesday. According to reports, the caller said that the computer was "bagged up" on his co-worker's desk and that a "suspi- cious Black male wearing a tan jacket" was in the area. The caller stated that the co-worker had left the building and may have had something to do with it. West Quad knives, watermelon stolen More than 50 knives were reported stolen from West Quad's kitchen Fri- day morning. A cook at West Quad reported to DPS that the knives were taken from drawers, which were reportedly un- locked, in the dining hall's kitchen. "Also taken was a slice of water- melon and sponge cake," the report said. Police say they have no suspects. Bikes target of theft Two incidents last week involved bicycles and bicycle racks, and DPS reports said damage was sustained in at least one of the instances. Last Monday morning, DPS offic- ers were alerted to severe damage to racks outside of West Quad. "Resident reports damage to the bike rack on the south side of the build- ing," reports said. "Eight racks were pulled out of the cement causing $300 in damage." Tuesday at 10 p.m., a DPS officer hoticed two subjects involved in "sus- picious circumstances trying to get bikes loose from racks," reports said. According to the report, two men attempted to break a lock off of a bicycle on South University Av- enue. The officer reported that one of the men said that he had lost the key to his lock and was trying to get his bicycle off the rack. Three drug violations reported DPS received two reports of mari- juana use, one coming from South Quad and another in the Medical Center parking lot. Another violation occurred a week ago Monday when a suspect was ar- 3ested for trespassing and was found to be in the possession of crack cocaine. The cocaine was confiscated and ,he suspect arrested. -Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Josh White. S/r -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 28, 1995 -3 MSU trustees approve Detroit law school merger EAST LANSING (AP) - Calling it an exciting and historic moment, the Michigan State University board of trustees voted unani- mously yesterday to bring the Detroit College of Law to its campus. Michigan State President M. Peter McPherson said many details in the merger remain unresolved, but "I see this as being done." "This truly is a momentous occasion for Michigan State," said Trustee Robert Weiss. "We have fought long and hard, wrestling with the feasibility of a law school at MSU." The eight-member board approved a resolu- tion directing a formal agreement between the schools be drafted. The board set a 12-month deadline for McPherson and Provost Lou Anna Simon to report back on the agreement, but McPherson said the deal will be done before the deadline expires. "There are a bunch of details that need to be worked through," he told reporters after the "We have fought long and hard, wrestling with the feasibility of a law school at MSU." - Robert Weiss Michigan State trustee vote. "But MSU and the Detroit College of Law have agreed to this." In its vote, the board said several points must be in the agreement, including a provision that the "Detroit College of Law will remain an independent entity and financially viable ... without MSU or state of Michigan funds." That point was loudly argued by lawmakers and groups opposed to the merger. The 102- year-old Detroit College of Law is a private institution and does not get state funding. Lawmakers, who had little say in the pro- posal, said they were concerned that the move would cost the state or the state-funded univer- sity. Others, including Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer, opposed the move because it takes the school out of Detroit. McPherson and DCL Board President George Bashara assured lawmakers and oppo- nents that the move would not require any state tax dollars. And, McPherson said it made sense to include that provision in the agreement to satisfy opponents. The board also appointed economics pro- fessor and former president Cecil Mackey to oversee the agreement between the two schools, coordinate the search for a law school dean, and develop bylaws and other regulations within the law school. The DCL board of trustees approved the move last week. The board announced last year that it intended to move out of the city. School leaders said they were under fire from the American Bar Association to improve their facilities. They said that was possible only by affiliat- ing with another school and moving out of Detroit. "We sincerely regret leaving the City of Detroit," Richard Suhrheinrich, U.S. Court of Appeals judge and chairman of the Detroit College of Law University Liaison Committee, said last week. "However, we honestly believe the affilia- tion with Michigan State University is the only reasonable solution to the school's continuing to provide an excellent legal education, while assuring its long-term survival," he said. DCL officials didn't attend the Michigan State board meeting yesterday and couldn't be reached for comment. McPherson said with the merger approved, attention would move to working out final de- tails, finding a building site for the school and recruiting a dean. Legislators want, Mich. to ratify amendment first MOLLY STEVENS/Daily How much are those stuffed animals in the window? A stuffed bear and German Shepherd wait in the window of a bus owned by the New York City Opera Company. A Council countersues YMCA LANSING (AP) - The U.S. Senate's final vote on the balanced budget amendment will come today and hopeful state lawmakers want Michigan to be one of the first states - if not the first - to ratify it. Yet it's not clear if the proposed amendment will clear the Senate. After a month of debate, backers say they have 66 votes in that chamber, one shy of the 67 needed. The amendment, which would re- quire a balanced federal budget by 2002, easily cleared the House last month. It's all but guaranteed passage in the GOP-run Michigan Legislature, if it gets that far. Rep. Terry London (R-Marysville) already has introduced a resolution that mirrors the language approved by the U.S. House. If the Senate changes the wording, London said he'd then have to draw up a substitute. Yet, that could be done quickly, he added. "We would like to pass it as quickly as we could." Legislative leaders haven't decided how to proceed, although they want Michigan to be the first to approve the amendment. Gov. John Engler also has said repeatedly that he wants Michigan to have the honor of being the first state to ratify the amendment. It would have to be ratified by 38 states to become the 28th amendment to the Constitution. A spokesman for Speaker Paul Hillegonds (R-Holland) said House Republicans will meet today to decide how to go forward. They will con- sider all options, including staying in session into the evening to wait for the U.S. Senate's vote. In the state Senate, which normally starts work in the morning, Majority Floor Leader Dan DeGrow said there are no plans for a late session. "We've talked about being the first in the nation," the Port Huron Republi- can said. "It has a lot of appeal. The appeal lessens if I have to tell people they have to stay (in session) at night." DeGrow said the Senate could take steps to move its version of the resolu- tion by tomorrow. "What we're trying to do is get one poised on the edge of the precipice, if you will," said Sen. Michael Bouchard, (R-West Bloomfield) sponsor of the Senate resolution. "I am more inter- ested in Michigan being first" than having his resolution be the one that is used to do that. By Maureen Sirhal Daily Staff Reporter The lawsuit triangle surrounding a defaulted loan got stronger last week when the Ann Arbor City." Council, through its outside counsel, filed a countersuit against the Ann Arbor YMCA In the city's response to a lawsuit filed by the YMCA, the law firm Pollard and Page included the countersuit - which alleges that the YMCA made fraudulent claims that it could payback a loan granted by the Great Lakes Bancorp. YMCA Executive Director Bill Blewitt said the city knew exactly what it was getting into when it chose to support the loan. "The numbers were reviewed by the Michigan State Housing Devel- opment Authority. Supposedly the numbers were knowingly low," Blewitt said. "The mayor was aware." Mayor Ingrid B. Sheldon said that it was "a lack of good communica- tion" of information on both sides that accounted for the Y's inability to repay the loan. "MSHDA brought to light the de- ficiencies. People thought that MSHDA overemphasized the defi- ciencies because of a previous situa- tion," Sheldon said. "We were so in- tent on making the project work that we proceeded." Sheldon also said that construc- tion costs were higher than antici- pated. A proposal to withdraw the suit failed to muster the necessary six votes at the Feb. 21 meeting. The city backed out of its loan guarantee when the Y was granted a loan from Great Lakes Bancorp and because the Y defaulted on the loan, it called upon the city to pay off the loan. The city subsequently withdrew its offer claiming that there was no legality to the guarantee. "I did not support this," said Councilmember Peter Nicolas (D-4th Ward). "I think this damages the city's reputation for public-private partner- ship," he said. Report: More nonviolent prisoners filling cell space' Former education prof. dies at 84 I From Staff Reports Former Education Prof. C. Robert Hutchcroft died after a sudden illness last Wednesday at the age of 84. Hutchcroft worked in industrial arts education and retired in 1976. He earned degrees from Colorado State College after graduating from Sperry High School in Sperry. Iowa. He earned his teaching certificate from Columbia University. He also taught at Colorado State College and Oswego State College in New York before coming to Ann Ar- bor Hutchcroft also served four years in the military with the National Guard, Navy and Army, and retired as an Air Force Lt. Colonel in 1946. Hutchcroft was born to Lewis G. and Cora Hutchcroft in Lamed, Kan. He is survived by his wife, Eliza- beth; a son, Alan of Rockford, Ill.; two brothers; one sister;and two grand- children. Cremation rites will be accorded with arrangements made by Anderson- Long-Klontz Funeral Home in Rock- ford. Memorials may be given to the Humane Society of Huron Valley. LANSING (AP) - Michigan has spent 10 years and $1 billion to pro- vide more space for convicted crimi- nals. A published report said more and more of those new beds are going to nonviolent offenders. The Lansing State Journal reported yesterday that the fight against drugs appears to be putting more people in prison than any other crime. The news- paper did a computer analysis of prison populations between 1983 and 1993, during a $1 billion prison expansion in Michigan. At the end of 1993, 5,663 prison- ers were doing time because of drug crimes, the newspaper said, more than 10 times as many as a decade earlier. Murderers, who made up 14 per- cent of the prison population in 1983, now make up 12 percent. Robbers went from 20 percent to 14 percent of the prison population. The number of drunken drivers in prison jumped with tougher laws and enforcement. It went from 23 in 1983 to 780 in 1993. Although nonviolent crime is down, the Corrections Department's own statistics show 69 percent of pris- oners were incarcerated for property and drug crimes. That compares with 57 percent in 1979. Now, Gov. John Engler has asked the Legislature to spend $205 million to add 5,500 beds, which at the current rate will be filled by the end of 1997. Critics say the state's hard-line approach to crime, stressing punish- ment over treatment and prevention, has done little to stem the tide of violent crime. "What people are concerned about is being hurt, and we haven't made much of a dent in that," said Elizabeth Arnovits of the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency. "If we want a $200 million investment, it oughtto be on children and education." "We clearly lock up more people than any of the other northern indus- trial states," Corrections Director Ken McGinnis told the newspaper. Officials cite tougher laws, longer sentences and fewer paroles as prme reasons prnsons are near capacity.: _' 2 st. GROUP MEETINGS Q Alianza, 764-2677, Trotter House, Mail lobby, 7 p.m. Q Ann Arbor Moderation Manage- ment, 930-6446, Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw, Gaede Room, 7-8 p.m. U Amnesty international, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. Q Gospel Chorale Rehearsal, 764- 1705, School of Music, Room 2043, 7:30-9:30 p.m. O Haiti Solidarity Group, Election Observer Information Meeting, 971-8582, First United Method- ist Church, 120 S. State Street, Pine Room, 7:30 p.m. Q LSA Student Government, LSA Build- i ri Cn. rflt'i L. n- E happening is Ann Arbor today Lecture, 10-12 p.m. Room, 12 noon :VENTS STUDENT SERVICES I "Chechnya: In perspective," spon- Q 76-GUIDE, 7648433, peer coun- sored by international Center, In- seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m. ternational Center, 603 E. Madi- Q Campus Information Center, Michi- son Street, 12 noon gan Union, 763-INFO; events info I "Contraceptive Options: for You 76-EVENT or UM*Events on and Your Partner," sponsored GOpherBLUE by University Health Services, Q ECB Peer Tutorial, 747-4526, Angell 207 Fletcher Road, Third Floor Hall ComputingSite, 7-11 p.m., Alice Conference Room, 3-4:30 p.m. Lloyd, 7-10 p.m., Bursley, 7-11 p.m. ] "Professional Development Pro- J North Campus Information Center, gram for International North Campus Commons, 763- Spouses," sponsored by Inter- NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m. national Center, International 0 Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley Center, 603 E. Madison Street, Lobby, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Room 7, 2-4 p.m. U Psychology Academic Peer Advis- Hutchcroft . ,, . ,.. . . f. W,; } .. r "'S: . .. = -_ L ' vJ - - --- ,. ,. ,' , ,_ No natter what your plac looks fike - you can finda s bletter!