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February 28, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-28

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Tonight: Snow showers,
low 20%.
Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy,
high 30'.

One hundred four years of editorial freedom


February 28, 1995

'U' called state's least safe campus Campus Crime High but Falling
While a recent study showed the University to be The 1,687 larcenies
the most dangerous campus in the state, overall accounted for more
By Vahe Tazian She added that the University's overall crime surprised at all," Yob said. "This campus and Ann crime has been decreasing. The total crimes than 85 percent of
Daily Staff Reporter rate has decreased over the past 3 1/2 years. Arbor, especially with the serial rapist, are some- committed on campus the last all campus crime in
A recent report on crime on Michigan's college There were a total of 33 rapes reported at the 18 what notorious for crime and being dangerous - four years: 1993. The
campuses indicates the University has the most largest colleges in the state. MSU had the highest although I would have expected Wayne State, since Fbreakdown of other
dod rn " nth cna;nrfnnn na it do n < nneoTf k t; nmes:,ff {o+, irtn."- : 110 Acie:

dangerous campus in the state.
The study, recently released by WDIV-TV, was
compiled from crime statistics reported to the Michi-
n State Police, the FBI and campus police agen-
Michigan State University in East Lansing and
Ferris State University in Big Rapids were ranked
second and third, respectively.
"I would be more concerned if our violent crime
rate-was higher than it is," said University spokes-
woman Julie Peterson. "The University may be
considered the most dangerous in the study due to
the high incidence of larceny from buildings, which
are very accessible. However the statistics can be
*erpreted in a number of ways."

incidence of rape, with nine rapes reported to the
state police. Eastern Michigan University in
Ypsilanti had the second-most reported rapes on
campus, with five.
According to the FBI, a total of 53 robberies
were reported at state colleges. Wayne State Uni-
versity in Detroit led with 21 reported robberies.
However, the overall campus crime rate for all
state colleges and universities is considerably less
than half of the rate for metro Detroit.
Several University students said they were un-
moved by the findings of the report.
John Yob, an LSA first-year student, is not
surprised that the University is reported to be the
most dangerous campus in the state. "I'm not

It is n Detroit, to be the highest.
Ryan Loosvelt, an LSA sophomore, also found
the findings unsurprising. "I think with so many
students, and the surrounding environment, there is
bound to be a lot of crime," Loosvelt said.
Both students said they feel something needs to
be done to ensure students are safe. "Obviously
something needs to be done to make this campus a
safer place, but I don't know what or if anything
will really work," Yob said.
Peterson said a task force is in place to recom-
mend safety improvements. She added that more
police foot patrols have been recently added, as
well as improved lighting on campus.

[- Arson: 22
EIVehicle Theft: 39
IIBurglary: 184
Violent Crimes
Assault: 30
D Robbery: 7
ERape: 6

source: Department of Pubic Safety

Party to run
reps for MSA
txec. offices
Former Michigan Party
member to run for
president, external
relations vice chair to run
for vice president
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Following announcements from two other
Michigan Student Assembly parties, the Wol-
verine Party unveiled its first executive office
slate yesterday. LSA Reps. Mike Christie and
Brooke Holley will run
on the ticket for president
and vice president, re-
The Wolverine Party
currently holds one seat
on the assembly.
Christie, a former
Michigan Party member,
is a senior who will gradu-
ate this spring, but he has
.applied to the Univer-
Chrstie city's Business and Law
"Right now I'm pretty
sure I'm getting into the
B-School, but if that
doesn't work out I'm still
going to take classes
here," Christie said. "Ei-
ther way, I'm going to
stick around here."
Christie currently
chairs the Academic Af-
6olley fairs Commission and
serves as state liaison,
while Holley is the vice chair of the external
relations committee.
"Although we have a lot of experience
externally, the focus here won't be entirely
external. We'll be able to work both with
people inside and outside the University,"
Christie said.
Christie and Holley say the assembly lacks
adership and vision, attributing many of the
oblems to partisan bickering.
"If we are unable to work together in
establishing goals for the assembly, we will
be ineffective in our efforts on campus and
lobbying," Holley said.
"Both (the Michigan Party and the Stu-
dents' Party) have continued to spend more
time fighting each other than fighting for
students," she said.
Engineering Rep. Brian Elliott, the presi-
*ntial candidate on the Students' Party ticket,
agrees that the assembly needs to strengthen
internal unity.
"I would absolutely love to see unity among
the assembly members increase. I don't know
that another party is the way to increase the
unity, however," Elliott said.
Another issue Christie and Holley will
address is the existence of Leadership 2017, a
program run by the Office of Student Affairs,
ich is designed to help student leaders
ome more effective.
"By accepting a paid position from the
Vice President of Student Affairs office, (MSA
President and Michigan Party member) Julie
Neenan greatly undermined the integrity of
MSA," Christie said.

Balanced budget
amendment vote
looks to be close

Read us a story
Author Rosita Arvigo reads from her latest book, "Sastun," about her apprenticeship with
Belizean healer Don Elijo Ponti at Shaman Drum Bookstore last night.
Chem." student was friend
to -many, re Nspected by all

WASHINGTON (AP) - After a 13-year
struggle, a precedent-shattering vote in the
House and a month-long Senate debate, the
fate of a balanced-budget amendment hinged
yesterday on five uncommitted Democrats.
Star players in the sort of drama the Capitol
thrives on, they were being coy.
"Never before have we been this close to
passing the balanced-budget amendment,"
said GOP Sen. Mike DeWine of Ohio.
Both sides read their final lines in advance
of today's vote.
Supporters held a news conference in the
Capitol parking lot. Their backdrop was a
gigantic tote board calcuiating the federal
debt to 13 digits.
"The debt is the threat," said Sen. Larry
Craig (R-Idaho). "We must stop building this
monstrous debt that can imprison our future
generations as nothing else can."
Opponents relied on behind-the-scenes
lobbying by
I Inside President
Clinton and oth-
I Gov. Engler urges ers to firm up the
Michigan's legislators 34 votes needed
to be the first to ratify to defeat the
. the balanced budget measure.
amendment "We're not
--- -- - ---- throwing in the
towel by any means," said White House press
secretary Mike McCurry, even as he made
clear the amendment wasn't the same as hav-
ing one of Clinton's "top legislative priori-
ties" up for grabs.
But the five Democrats everyone most
wanted to hear from - North Dakotans Kent
Conrad and Byron Dorgan, Sam Nunn of
Georgia, Wendell Ford of Kentucky and John
Breaux of Louisiana - said through aides
that they weren't ready to announce a final
Supporters said they needed three more
votes to prevail, and some harbored last-
minute hopes they could persuade Oregon
Mark Hatfield, the lone GOP opponent, to
reverse his position.
But Hatfield's press secretary, Julie
McGregor, put a damper on such hopes, say-
ing, "He won't change his mind."
Supporters considered Breaux and Dorgan
most likely to swing behind the measure; Ford
and Conrad the least. That made Nunn the
focus of attention, after his speech last week
demanding a provision that would bar federal
judges from becoming involved in tax and
spending rulings in the course of resolving
lawsuits arising from the amendment.
In a debate laced with partisan politics,
several wavering Democrats also sought pro-
tection for Social Security.
With several proposed changes scheduled
to be voted on before Tuesday's roll call on
final passage, Republicans said they weren't
agreeing to any amendments to the amend-
Instead, they faxed to Nunn pledges from
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and House
Speaker Newt Gingrich to deal with his con-
cerns in follow-up legislation. "We think we
can get him everything he needs," said Sen.
r-rin Hth (R-1Ttaiha chirman of the Sente

senators split
on ratification
By Zachary M. Raimi
Daily Staff Reporter
After days of debate, the U.S. Senate is
scheduled to vote today on a balanced
budget amendment to the Constitution.
Michigan's senators are split on the
issue. Democrat Carl Levin said he is op-
posed, while Republican Spence Abraham
plans to vote for amendment.
Kathleen McShea, Levi's press secre-
tary, said the senator opposes the bill be-
cause of its possible effects on government
programs like Social Security, and the pos-
.- sibility of it costing
Michigan billions of
dollars in federal
grants. Also, she said
that in times of eco-
nomic hardship the
law could turn a reces-
sion into a depression.
"It's an econ6mic
dagger pointed at the
ra am w heart of the economy,
McShea said.
Abraham's press secretary could not be
reached for comment.
Despite his opposition, Levin would
like Congress to specify what would hap-
pen if the budget were not balanced. He
proposed adding this to the amendment.
"Don't just kick the can down the road
to the next Congress," Levin said. "Let's
pass the enforcement legislation now.
"The least we ought to do is adopt the
enforcement mechanism .which must be
passed, by just about everybody's assess-
ment, for a Constitutional amendment to be
effective," Levin said in a written state-
"(Levin's amendment) does not have
specific rules in it," McShea said of the
senator's proposal.
Levin also said even if his amendment
to the bill is adopted, he would not vote for
the balanced budget amendment because it
currently requires a three-fifths vote in
both houses to run a deficit or increase the
federal debt. That would allow a minority
of 40 Senators to block legislation to raise
money for states in a recession.
"I don't believe in minority rule in this
kind of situation," he said.
President Clinton's $1.6 trillion budget
proposal for next year includes $200 bil-
lion in deficit spending. Last week, he
continued to express his disapproval of the
However, many Republicans, includ-
ing presidential hopeful Sen. Phil Gramm
of Texas, campaigned for it. Gramm has
said publicly that if he did not balance the
hudget n Preident in hi first term he

By Tali Kravitz
Daily Staff Reporter
Friends and classmates remember Marc
Feldmann as a motivated and passionate per-
son. Feldmann, 21, crashed into a tree while
skiing on an expert ski slope in Summit
County, Colorado and died Feb. 20 of mas-
sive head injuries.
The University senior, a South
Glastonbury, Conn. native, was an honors
student as well as a teaching assistant in the
chemistry department.
Chemistry Prof. Brian Copolla,
Feldmann's faculty su-
pervisor, said studentsj
were "stone silent" when
he told the Chemistry 210
honors sectionof thedeath.
"Feldmann was won- ~Y
derful, he was doing ank
outstanding job and he
was well-liked by the stu-
dents. They respected him
a lot," Copolla said.
"He always made Feldmann
(chemistry) fun - even a
Friday afternoon lab was bearable because of
him. He made us feel as though we were his
;__ , _a - -- - 1 - fi-:tc"c~d ta" -

4-RExperiencing the
pressures of academic
life, Marc reminded
me to live, laugh,
smile and experience
- Rachel Messinger
first-year Dentistry student
Feldmann her closest friend. "He was someone
who loved life and was the kind of person that
made everyone laugh," she said. "Everything he
needed to tell me was in his smile."
Feldmann was an active Theta Delta Chi
fraternity member. He held various executive
board positions within the organization dur-
ing the past four years, including philan-
thropy and pledge chair.
After returning from memorial services in
Connecticut, Engineering junior Colin Rand,
Feldmann's roommate, said "(Marc) had a great
desire to do the best at whatever he could. He
would never leave something unfinished and
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