4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 17, 1995 1lle Lidigan &il g I _ T MICHAEL ROSENBERG ROSES ARE READ 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan r° MCHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES NASH Editorial Page Editors Graduate in four years ... then go on to kindergarten Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofa majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. ng on ps/fal Ejiminating option not a proper solution Nearly every LSA student knows what it is like to suffer through the college's four-semester. foreign language requirement. Students take pains to lessen the burden: Testing out of the requirement or opting for pass/fail are two of the most popular meth- ods. Why do students dread this require- ment? Often the classes are dry and boring, dragging along at a snail's pace. Hardly any- one speaks in class, does homework or cares about verb conjugation. Some believe that the low quality in for- eign language classes, particularly in the fourth and final semester of the requirement, is caused by the pass/fail option. They argue that the students are unmotivated because they are not graded, and are thus hindering students who do want to learn the language. In response to this problem, the LSA curriculum committee has formulated a pro- posal to eliminate the pass/fail option for fourth-term language classes. While con- cerns about the language requirement cer- tainly need to be addressed, this limiting of students' options is unacceptable. Other non- concentration requirements - ROE, distri- bution, writing requirements - have the pass/fail option available, as well as the other three semesters of language. Students should have to meet these requirements -but should not have to worry about GPAs in the process. Those worried about the quality of the foreign language classes have a legitimate concern -many of the classes leave much to be desired. Degree of difficulty varies from language to language. In some classes stu- dents barely pass; in others students breeze through even without the pass/fail cushion. The University needs to re-evaluate the foreign language requirement in terms of consistency and achievement. Classes need to be challenging -- but not oppressive - across the board. The University needs to look into ways of improving this require- ment without infringing upon the basic aca- demic option of pass/fail. Also, it must real- ize that removing one semester of pass/fail will not improve the program. Class partici- pation, attendance and motivation will not show great increases unless the University improves the language programs as a whole. Furthermore, this program claims to leave students "proficient," but does not make them fluent. Students would have a better attitude toward the language requirement, tedious as it is, if they could come away from it with a skill. Fluency should be the ultimate goal of the program. However, despite the drudgery of fulfill- ing it, the foreign language requirement must continue to exist. Today it is important that students learn another language, and with it another culture. Fluency in a second lan- guage can open many doors of opportunity. The University must find a better solution than the proposed quick-fix measure. An overhaul of the requirement, as well as the foreign language programs, is appropriate. A recent University graduate walked into a job interview in a major metro- politan area. The interviewer immediately noticed that the graduate was wearing a beret and decided to use it as a conversa- tion starter. "C'est un beau chapeau," the inter- viewer said. "Parlez-vous frangais?" "Oui," the applicant answered eagerly. "J'adore la langue frangaise." "Quand 1'avez-vous apprise?" 'A .'Universit6 du Michigan. Je l'ai 6tudi6 pendant quatre semestres." The interviewer smiled. "You really like French, don't you?" she asked. "Like yeah," the graduate replied. "They totally learned us it in college." -0- - OK, so the story is, technically speak- ing, not true - nobody wears berets these days. But the conversation is frighten- ingly possible. The University seems intent on teach- ing students a foreign language, at the expense of more useful curricula. To graduate from LSA, a student must take four semesters of a foreign language. (That is, unless you major in something called General Studies, and if that doesn't scream out "BULL MAJOR!" then nothing does.) In comparison, no econom- ics classes are required. A student could conceivably go through four years at this school and never know the difference be- tween supply and demand. Of course, the student would have to know how to conju- gate, which is about as worthwhile as being able to lick your toes. Knowledge of economics isn't the only skill being overlooked. Writing is all but dismissed here. An astonishing number of University students can't frame a simple sentence. Part of the reason is that the only required writing class (besides the easily fulfillable Junior/Senior Writing Require- ment) is English 125, which, while helpful, really doesn't teach you to write clearly and concisely. And writing concisely is helpful - even necessary - in almost any job. Think of it. When was the last time you heard a successful Older Person say, "You know, I never need to know anything about economics. And writing-who needs com- plete sentences? The secretto my success is my ability to speak German." Speaking a foreign language is a valu- able skill. But four semesters? The University is considering a pro- posal to eliminate pass/fail for the fourth semester of a foreign language. The "think- ing" behind the proposal is that students who take the fourth semester pass/fail tend to do a full grade worse than their GPA-affected colleagues. The reason for this gap is as simple as Dan Quayle - many students have no desire to take the fourth semester of a language, so they take it pass/fail to avoid doing any extra work. Forcing the students to take the fourth semester for a grade would certainly make them work harder. But is that the goal? To make students work hard at something they do not enjoy and have no great need for or interest in learning? A simpler way to solve the problem would be to diversify the requirements. Instead of a four-semester foreign-lan- guage requirement, the University would be better served by having students fulfill three of the following four requirements: 1) Two semesters of a foreign language. 2) Two economics classes - 201 (mi- cro) and 202 (macro). 3) Two writing classes - English 125 as well as a class with a more structured format. News writing (Communication 290) would be an excellent choice, as it teaches impor- tant skills with hands-on experience. With the communication department disintegrat- ing before our eyes, news writing is one course that must be saved. 4) Two political science classes one on the United States (probably Il1) and one on world politics (probably 160). With this format, students would actu- ally have more requirements. But they would also have more opportunities, and would be able to avoid one of the four requirements if they so desired. The result would be a more well-rounded education. Isn't that why we have requirements in the first place? 0 Jim ASSER SHARP AS TOAST After the Minimum Wage increase: PAXRK I N C1 I r 1'~P PA8ID NC- NOTABLE QUOTABLE "The University claimed that it put much stronger fiscal control on the department. ... If that is stronger and this happens it just makes us look silly." --- Jonathan Friendly, director ofthecMasters in Journalism program, on the co-mingling of public and private funds by a former Communication Department lecturer In-state appeal 'U' must review residency applications fairly 01 Approximately six lawsuits per year are brought against the University contest- ing residency status of a student, according to University spokeswoman Lisa Baker. The University has yet to lose a suit. This could indicate that the vast majority of claims to residency are unfounded, though these six people a year feel strongly enough to take it to court. Or it could mean that the University, in all its power, has the final say in residency cases - fair or unfair. The University's residency requirements are among the strictest in the nation. Careful screening of residency applicants is under- standable, as Michigan taxpayers rightfully have priority access to this state school. If it were easy to obtain in-state status, the entire nation would be clamoring to go to this quality institution for a bargain price. How- ever, the University may overlook legitimate cases in its zeal to weed out residency fraud. Not every student is scheming to cheat the University out of its exorbitant out-of-state tuition rates. One of residency applicants' major com- plaints is the shroud of mystery surrounding the process. Students are given a list of fac- tors that might count toward residency sta- tus, and a lengthy paper trail to compile. They are also asked to write an essay explain- ing that they came to Michigan for reasons other than "educational purposes" - i.e. the University - and that they intend to stay here after completing college. One of the most troubling aspects of the residency issue is the one-year requirement. Last year a federal appeals court ruled that universities cannot base a decision to charge a higher tuition rate solely on the length of time a student has lived in a state. The panel of judges asserted that universities violate the equal-protection clause of the 14th HOW TO CONTACT THEM Amendment by basing residency status on the time students have lived in-state. Yet it is explicitly stated on the residency application that students cannot apply for residency for a specific term until they have lived here one year to the day preceding the first day of classes of that term. A student with a substan- tial and immediate claim must wait a year to prove it. With this policy, the University stretches - if not violates - the ruling. Furthermore, student applicants are un- aware of what constitutes residency. Appli- cations are returned, marked accepted or denied - with no explanation. The decisions are made subjectively, with sketchy criteria. One must wonder about the process of re- viewing the applications - are they care- fully inspected or categorically denied? Robert Silverman, a University student, is suing the University for the difference be- tween in-state and out-of-state tuition. His case has been bogged down by technical proceedings. The University contested the court in which Silverman filed his suit, creat- ing a delay and costing him more money. Legally the University is correct to pursue these minor issues - but ethically it should know when to back off. The University's power to tie up proceed- ings in bureaucracy is disproportionate to the power of the individual trying to secure his or her legal rights. Many people would choose not to contest the University because they cannot afford to pit themselves against a big institution. In considering residency applications, the University must remember that its decisions have real impact on the lives of its students. It must not take advantage of its powerful position to block students from fair consider- ation. The issue at the heart of residency disputes must not be money, but fairness. LETTERS Free speech not at issue in Baker case To the Daily: I have been generally encour- aged by the improvements the Daily has been making in MSA coverage. However, before it goes down on the permanent record that I advocated restric- tions on free speech, I would like to correct a misquotation ("MSA condemns suspended student, 'U' in resolution," 2/8/95). My state- ment was that student rights are paramount, but that a clear-and- present-danger doctrine should be applied to the repercussions of such speech. This is not some authoritarian idea; it is legal pre- cedent in the United States. Free speech is not something that should be restricted. To say that free speech is undesirable or harmful in itself would be ludi- crous. Ourcountry has a long and famous tradition of freedom of expression. However, to the ex- tent that such speech presents a possible hazard to someone's safety, or society's safety, it is normally subject to criminal or civil prosecution. The doctrine of clear and present danger pro- posed by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is exem- plified by the example of shout- ing "fire" in a crowded movie theater. In the case of Jake Baker, he was perfectly free to say what he said. There should be no pros- ecution on account of the words themselves. three-ring circus. First, Jake Baker violates the dictates of common sense and decorum and posts a message of that nature. He carelessly (or intentionally) decides to give the victim in the story a real name and address, of a living person. Next, an alum in Russia picks up the story and expresses outrage (notwithstand- ing the fact that the Usenet sec- tion involved includes much worse "literature" than that.) That person forwards the mes- sage to Maureen Hartford, who then shows a copy to Julie Neenan, president of MSA, in a gross violation of confidential- ity. Then the University acts in violation of its own disciplinary policy. The only person not at fault in this imbroglio is the victim. Childishly shouting "free speech" is not the answer in this case. One would be hard pressed to find someone arguing against such freedom. I don't argue Baker's right to say or write what- ever he chooses. I do not support the University's sudden and unprecedented actions against him. The proper arena for such debate is in a law court, not a kangaroo one. Dante A. Stella LSA senior MSA representative Misreadings in the Jake Baker debate To the Daily: son, named or not. If you don't believe me, go to an airport and say the word "bomb." The fact that Baker used a newsgroup only means that he published his threat worldwide. And to counter this by saying that Baker's privacy has any part of this is ludicrous. To say that the Internet is private because you have to gain access is the equiva- lent of saying that the newspa- per is private because you can't read. Baker willingly signed away the right to restrict his personal correspondence, which is the only thing that he could arguably consider private. The second misconception is that no harm was caused by this. If you are convinced that mere threats do not constitute harm, please talk to any woman in Ann Arbor who has had to consider the reality of a serial rapist in the past few years. Now consider that the story of your intended rape and murder was published, and that you knew someone in your community had considered this, even in a fantasy. Find that woman and tell her to her face that no harm has been done. My own experience as a witness to an incident of sexual harassmenthas shown me how measurable and real the damage can be. This brings me to the final, and most absurd, problem I have encountered in the Daily. We all know your editorial staff hates the code. You have effectively beaten that to death. Stop reach- ing to make that relevant to the situation with Baker. The code and without breaking my agree- ment of confidentiality, I can say that in my experience the hearing was carried out with great pro- fessionalism, thoroughness and a very obvious concern for hear- ing the concerns and questions of both sides in the incident. This format, however, takes consider- able time, and precludes the code from use in emergencies. So com- plain about it if you want, but unsupported ad hominem attacks on Mary Lou Antieau and at- tempts to include your agenda in unrelated issues are not the stuff of professional journalism. Be- cause of your whining, we actu- ally have letters to the Daily which imply that Duderstadt, Antieau and the Kremlin are all involved iri a massive con- spiracy to restore the Evil Em- pire in Ann Arbor! Thanks. Your mission should be to clarify the campus issues , rather than trying to obscure them with your petty agendas. Try some- thing like this: The Internet, whatever it is, is not private, conspiracy to commit kidnap- ping and murder, if this is what Baker has done, is not protected under the First Amendment, Bylaw 2.01 and Baker's case have nothing to do with the code, and Mary Lou Antieau and Duderstadt are probably not Communist operatives. Cynthia Jeanne Manson Business School graduate student Finding irony Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs 6015 Fleming Administration Building 764-5132 I