2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 16, 1995
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Group reports congressional waste
'^ . k L PO R T ICR
WASHINGTON - Many mem-
bers of Congress last year ran for re-
election on pledges of cleaning up
government waste and reducing the
federal deficit. But as the elections
approached, a watchdog group re-
ported yesterday, lawmakers went on
a porkbarrel orgy that ended up cost-
ing taxpayers more than $10 billion.
That was about $3 billion more
than 1993, a non-election year.
Yesterday, at a news conference
that included two live pigs eating at a
trough of play money, the non-parti-
san Citizens Against Government
Waste released its fifth annual "Pig
Book," listing what it calls the most
egregious examples of local projects
that lawmakers insert in spending bills
with little debate or accountability.
The list included $23 million that
Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-N.Y.) deliv-
ered for a new federal courthouse in
New York; $15 million for a footbridge
from New Jersey to Ellis Island, a pet
project of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-
N.J.); and $17 million charged to the
Pentagon for civilian sporting events,
such as the Olympics.
Tom Schatz, president of the
group, which is mostly funded by
dues of 600,000 members, said the
billions in pork spending underscored
the need for giving the president the
line-item veto to eliminate specific
projects. He was joined at the news
conference by Sen. John McCain (R-
Ariz.), a primary sponsor of a line-
item veto proposal in the Senate.
"The American people have fig-
ured it out," McCain said. "They send
money to Washington and not all of it
comes back."
The House of Representatives has
adopted rules that may make it easier
for lawmakers to target pork projects
for elimination, and the freshmen
members claim to be especially eager
to avoid supporting pork. But the pros-
pects for passage of a line-item veto
appear to be fading. Senate Republi-
cans, in fact, have split into warring
camps over the precise wording of the
veto law.
Schatz conceded that some of the
88 projects listed in the Pig Book may
be worthwhile, but he objected to the
manner in which they were funded -
usually without hearings, a presiden-
tial request or even congressional
As one example, he pointed to the
spending bill for the Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
The House approved the bill without
any special purpose grants, but the
senators added $135 million in unau-
thorized and non-competively-
awarded grants. By the time the bill
emerged from a joint House-Senate
conference to iron out differences,
even more grants had been added, for
a total cost of $290 million.
D'Amato sat on the HUD sub-
committee of the Appropriations
Committee, and the Pig Book says
that more than $5 million went to
grants in New York.
D'Amato was unapologetic. "Sen.
D'Amato is proud of fighting for New
York's fair share of programs that are
essential for a better quality of life for
New Yorkers," a spokesman said.
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Democrats blast GOP plan to limit
presidential peacekeeping powers
WASHINGTON-The House bitterly debated the Clinton administration's
national security policies yesterday, as Democrats mounted a full-scale attack
on a GOP proposal to limit the President's authority to send U.S. troops on
U.N. peacekeeping missions.
Brandishing letters of opposition from President Clinton and a group of
former top generals and admirals, Democrats led by Rep. Lee H. Hamilton (D-
Ind.), accused Republicans of trying to impinge on the President's constitu-
tional powers and abrogate U.N. peacekeeping efforts.
They also prepared amendments to dilute the proposed restrictions on
peacekeeping and to weaken other provisions, which call for speeding deploy-
ment of anti-ballistic missile defenses and for accepting Poland, Hungary,
Slovakia and the Czech Republic into NATO.
Partisan rancor was so intense that, even before debate started, Democrats
began procedural maneuvers intended to force the chamber to adjourn before
any floor action. All were defeated on largely party-line votes.
Buchanan moves for ionalappeal to the party's most conser-
vative elements - including the bur-
presidential bid geoning ranks of conservative Chris-
tians-itremains to beseen whether he
WASHINGTON - Commentator can attract sufficient financial and po-
Patrick J. Buchanan, a pugnacious pro- litical support to emerge as more than a
ponentof conservative economic popu- vehicle of protest.
lism, plans to take the first formal steps
toward entering the 1996 Republican Simpson's blood on
presidential race today, advisers say.
Buchanan, who challenged then- eX-wife's condo gate
President Bush in the 1992 Republican
primaries, will announce that he is form- LOS ANGELES -O.J. Simpson's
ing an exploratory committee that will blood was found on the-rear gate of the
allow him to begin raising money for condominium where his ex-wife and a
the 1996 contest, the sources said. Poli- friend were slain last June, the prosecu-
ticians typically form such committees tion said yesterday.
as a prelude to formally entering a race. The bombshell disclosure by
In a statement scheduled for release Deputy District Attorney Rockne
today, Buchanan says he is moving Harmon, combined with previousrey-
toward the race because the GOP needs elations linking Simpson to the crime
a candidate who "will complete the scene, provides further incriminating
conservative revolution that began in evidence against the football legend.
1992 and 1994." Preliminary DNA tests "are show-
In 1992, Buchanan drew a strong ing that is Mr. Simpson's blood,"
vote against Bush in economically Harmon said during a hearing outside
pressed New Hampshire, but saw his the jury's presence in which he argued
appeal flag as the primary season went against giving the sample to the defense
on. Though he has a powerful emo- until additional testing is completed.
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South Korea to hold That was the
two sides.
forum on sex slaves North K
South Kore
SEOUL, South Korea- A forum SofcaKoni
on World WarII sex slaves may pro-
vide the first contact between rival U.S. tr(
North Korea and South Korea since
1993. to drug
Kim Deok, South Korea's unifi-
cation minister, told the National As- HOWAT
sembly yesterday that Seoul has ap- - As if se
proved a plan to let northern del- haystack, ai
egates attend the Seoul conference, tery of radar
scheduled for Feb. 27 to March 1. the scores of
Historians estimate as many as America toc
200,000 Korean women were forced Once a p
into sexual servitude at front-line is made -
brothels for Japanese troops during with no flig
World War H. Women from China, without ligl
the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan drugtraffick
and the Netherlands also were en- is passed on
slaved, they say. craft might I
Many of the women have de- can be inter
manded direct compensation from the The U.S
Japanese government. ' gional coim
Although the forum is non-gov- and South A
ernmental, the North Koreans' travel the front lin
across the border could help break the hemisphere
current deadlock in bilateral relations. is shifting s
The rival Koreas are not talking to The mov
each other directly. Two South Ko- role of the U
rean activists attended a similar fo- an effort to
rum organized in Pyongyang, the the comman
North's capital, in November 1993. -
e last contact between the
orea has rejected recent
an proposals to resume
OOps shift aim
arching for needles in a
irmen hunch over a bat-
screens, sorting through
f aircraft flying over Latin
detect any with narcotics.
preliminary identification
- suspects include those
ght plan, flying at night
hts or using well-known
ing routes -intelligence
to the countries wherethe
be heading, in the hope it
dicted or followed.
. Southern Command, re-
mand center for Central
America that was long on
aes of the war against the
's Marxist insurgencies,
ights to the drug war.
ve illustrates the changing
J.S. military and is part of
redefine the mandate of
nd center.
-From Daily wire services
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