The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 15, 1995 - 3 Virus hits Angel Hall computers Information Technology Divi- sion computer consultants discov- ered several types of computer vi- ruses at the Angell Hall computing site Feb. 3. Consultants found viruses on al- most all of the new Dell Pentium-90 computers. Bruce Burrell, an ITD user ser- vices consultant, said the affected computers have been fixed and modi- fications were made to prevent future infections. "Essentially, everything is stable." Burrell said ITD is concerned that disks used in the infected computers could spread viruses to personal com- puters. ITD has set up a station in the Angell Hall site for detecting and removing viruses. ITD urges any- one who used Dell Pentium-90 com- puters between mid-January and Feb. 3 to check their disks for vi- ruses. $4 million awarded to Merit Network Merit Network, Inc., which pro- vides dial-in access to the University's computing network, will receive $4 million from the state over the next 18 months to expand its network by creating lo- cal Internet dial-in sites for second- ary schools. Merit is a non-profit corporation in Michigan that operates MichNet, a statewide computer network that con- nects Michigan organizations to each other and to the Internet. U' prof. elected to *-National Academy of Engineering Fawwaz T. Ulaby, an Engineering professor, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest honors an American scientist or engineer can receive. Ilaby is internationally known for his research on the use of space-borne * imaging radar systems for monitor- ing the earth's environment and natu- ral resources. He is director of the University's NASA Center for Space Terahertz Technology and the University's Ra- diation Laboratory. Information about recycling now on-line Information about recycling on campus is now available through the University's GOpherBLUE sys- tem. Guidelines about the University's recycling program, waste manage- ment services, statistics on campus recycling, the text of the "Recycling Matters" newsletter and tips on waste reduction can be found under the "U of Michigan and Ann Arbor" menu of the gopher service. All information is provided by the University's grounds and waste man- agement department. - Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Matthew Smart She's asred a aValentine u~~~~~~ "'~~~' van Meghan Deacon is embarrassed as the Headnotes sing her a Valentine at the beginning of her class In the Law School yesterday. MSA members to help test Mcard By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter As the University plans to unveil its answer to off-campus Entr6e Plus this fall, the Michigan Student As- sembly will be involved with testing the new card in upcoming months. Approximately 1,000 random stu- dents have been selected to pilot the card, beginning in March. Some MSA members will be issued test cards to try at specified stores. Representa- tives will then offer input and criti- cism about the card. "We need to look at how user- friendly this card is going to be for students," said LSA Rep. Jonathan Freeman, a sophomore. A final product is planned for spring and summer terms. Mcard will be available for incoming students next fall. The new card will feature a bank stripe to be used for purchases at participating merchants and provide access to ATM machines. Entre Plus perks will remain on the new Mcard, allowing students continued access to vending machines and photocopiers. Mcard, unlike Entree Plus, will ask students to deposit money in ad- vance into a First of America bank account. The amount of money on the card will no longer be added to tuition bills. "The attraction of Entree Plus was that it allowed students to charge the amounts directly to their parents," Free- man said. "The Mcard is less user- friendly because the banking laws pro- hibit us from directly doing this." LSA Rep. Brian Elliott, a junior, agreed that the new card still has a few glitches. "There's a lot of problems associ- ated with the card and they all fall under the fact that it's difficult for students to set up. First they have to open the account with First of America," Elliott said. Another problem arises with the transfer of funds from Entr6e Plus accounts - which are charged to tuition bills before purchases are made - to the new Mcard. "What we're trying to work with now is what happens when you have money stuck in Entrde Plus and you want to have an Mcard," Freeman said. The program has received many positive reviews because it includes off-campus establishments, though each business will have to sign-up for the service. "I think this is a really good idea and I hope they release it soon to the University," said LSA Rep. Paul Scublinsky, a junior. Freeman said the card would offer advantages not only to students, but also to participating businesses. "This offers free competition among busi- nesses in this community. The University's finally following the free- market idea," he said. Elliott predicts the new card will not attract as many students as Entrde Plus. "Entr6e Plus was not something you had to physically front money for. The only advantage here is that you will be able to use it all over Ann Arbor, but I think usage will go down," Elliott said. DNR hears deer baiting concerns: ban possible DETROIT (AP) - To some hunt- ers, it's a matter of efficiency: Dump a pile of carrots and beets in the woods, and deer are sure to come. For others, it's a violation of the outdoorsman's code of conduct, re- flecting modern society's demand for instant gratification. As deer baiting has grown in popu- larity, so have the objections. The state Department of Natural Resources is considering several proposals to outlaw or drastically curtail the prac- tice. "Baiting stinks," Colin Farmer of Flint, who has hunted for 30 years, told the Detroit Free Press. "Because of baiting, we have a whole generation of hunters who know nothing about deer biology or woods craft, except that if you throw out a pile of vegetable trash in the woods, deer will eat it." Baiters don't see it that way. "There's no difference between me putting out a few bags of carrots or apples and somebody else waiting for deer next to a corn field or by an oak tree that dropped a big pile of acorns;" said Vincent Heldt of Traverse City. "Things have changed in society. A lot of us work really long hours, and between that and family demands, we don't have the time to spend a week or two in deer camp like our grandfa- thers." DNR has scheduled six public hear- ings on the issue across the state. There is so much interest that today's open meeting in Marquette will be telecast live across the Upper Peninsula. Two members of the Natural Re- sources Commission, chair Larry DeVuyst and Jerry Bartnick, have sug- gested limiting the amount of bait hunt- ers can put out to five gallons at a time. Baiting has always been legal in Michigan, but relatively few hunters did it until recent years. Now, with no restrictions on the amount of food they can pile in the woods to draw deer, some hunters dump tons each fall. Many people believe baiting was spurred by the advent of the com- pound bow about 15 years ago. The easier-to-use compound bow is used by more than 90 percent of the 300,000-plus hunters who buy Michi- gan archery licenses. Because a bow is a close-range weapon, archers were more likely to use bait to draw deer close to them than were rifle hunters, who can kill at ranges of200 to 300 yards. Many of those archery hunters also hunt in rifle season - the 15-day firearms season is in the middle of a 90-day archery season - and the practice of baiting carried over. As the number of bait piles grew, so did the number of hunters who felt they had to bait to compete. "I'm not for it, but I do it in self- defense," said Will Cooley of Livo- nia. "If we didn't, we wouldn't have any deer on our property. They'd be drawn (away) by people who do bait," Former White House chef speaks at 'U' Haller shares experiences of cooking for presidents for more than 22 years By Sarabeth Miller For the Daily It sometimes got hot in the White House, but behind the scenes of his- tory, Henry Haller's kitchen kept cooking. The White House's former execu- tive chef, who served his dishes to Presidents for more than 22 years, shared the triumphs and tribulations of being a White House staff member yesterday with an audience of about 200 in the Michigan League. Haller trained in his native Swit- zerland before emigrating to Canada and eventually coming to the United States. In New York he gained the attention of Vice President Lyndon Johnson, who later selected him to replace President Kennedy's chef. Haller learned the No. 1 rule his first day of work, Feb. 1, 1966. He said Mrs. Johnson told him, "Always keep the President happy." From the Johnson era to the Reagan administration, through Democrats and Republicans, Haller said he never Former White House chef Henry Haller spoke at the Michigan League yesterday morning. forgot that rule. "The Democrats keep everyone busy with their parties, the Republi- W. . 'tht's $ nii i An 0NRArbior tda cans are more selective," said a jok- ing Haller, who described a 1,400- person buffet he served during the Johnson administration. Haller said he never let the chal- lenge of preparing elaborate dishes for distinguished people with very different tastes phase him. In commenting on his culinary success, Haller said, "Perfection is no accident." As chef, Hailer was able to de- velop unique relationships with the five Presidents he served, and he said he developed a strong attachment to all of them. "My relationships with the Presi- dents depended on who they were as people, not as Presidents," Haller said. If they were friendly and outgo- ing, they were more likely to be his friend than if they were reserved, he explained. "I can say with a clear conscience that President Ford I liked the best," Haller said. "He didn't owe anybody anything, he was just interested in doing his job." Not only did Haller's career intro- duce him to five Presidents, but it also gave him the opportunity to meet queens, kings, ambassadors, emperors and celebrities from all over the world. The highlights of his career were the 1973 POW dinner for the pilots who fought in Vietnam, and the bi- centennial celebration of the United States in 1976, Hailer said. He also mentioned enjoying the weekends during the Reagan adminis- tration when Nancy Reagan was gone. "That's when the President and I let the good times begin," he laughed, explaining how he would cook all of the foods that Nancy Reagan did not allow. Haller emphasized that politics were never discussed among the staff members. "You never knew what would leak out or who you'd offend," he explained. Still, Haller said he often knew about the United States' affairs be- fore the public. He added that every- GROUP MEETINGS U AIESEC Michigan, general member meeting, 66241690, Business Ad- ministration Building, Room 1276, 6 p.m. U Asian American Association, mass meeting, 764-8840, Stockwell Hall, Blue Lounge, 7:15 p.m. U Coming Out Group for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People, 763-4186, Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, 7- 9 P.m. U Discussion Group for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People, 763-4186, Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, 5:15-7 p.m. U Hindu Students Council, weekly meeting, 764-0604, Michigan Union, Kuenzel Room, 8 p.m. U La Voz Mexicana, weekly meeting, 213-1240, Michigan League, Room B, 8 p.m. U New Italian Club, weekly Italian- speaking Get-together, 668-1402, Casablanca Cafe, 12 noon U Overeaters Anonymous, 7694958, Michigan Union, Room 3200,12:10-1 p.m. thing he knew he kept a secret. Working for the White House gave Haller a unique perspective on Ameri- can politics and government affairs, he said. "I got a better inside look into the matter. I could judge the person be- hind the event, and that made all of the difference," he said. Haller retired from his position in 1987 and published a book, "The White House Family Cookbook." He still keeps in contact with members of the first families he fed. His speech was sponsored by the Margaret Waterman Town Hall Ce- lebrity Lecture Series, which invites four celebrities to speak at the Uni- versity throughout the year. All profits from the ticketed events go toward scholarships for Univer- sity students. other new members welcome, 747- 6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30 p.m. Q WOLV Channel 70 Programming: Michigan Student Assembly, 7-9 p.m.; Comedian Dave Chapelle, 9- 11p.m. EVENTS U "Atlas Shrugged, Chapters 9-10," sponsored by Students of Objectiv- ism, Michigan League, Conference Rooms 1-2, 7 p.m. Q "Faith in the Extreme: Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers From Prison," soup and study, sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry, 801 S. Forest, 6 p.m. Q "Interviews, Job Offers and Deci- sions," sponsored by Career Plan- ning and Placement, Student Ac- tivities Building, Room 3200,5:10- 6 p.m. Q "PBS Video Documentary on Is- lamic Fundamentalism," spon- sored by IMPAC, Hillel Building, 7 Merchants," brown bag lecture, sponsored by CREES, Lane Hall Commons Room, 12 noon Q "Stress and Health of African- American Women," seminar, sponsored by Michigan Initiative for Women's Health, Rackham Building, East Conference Room, 12 noon-1 p.m. U "You Can Quit!" sponsored by Uni- versity Health Service, UHS, 12 noon-1 p.m. STUDENT SERVICES Q 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun- seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m. Q Campus Information Center, Michigan Union, 763-INFO; events info 76-EVENT or UM*Events on GOpherBLUE Q North Campus Information Center, North Campus Commons, 763- NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-5:50 p.m. Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley Lobby, 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Q Psychologv Academic Peer Advis- JOIN THE MOST PROMISING PROFESSION OF THE 21ST CENTRY! BECOME A TEACHER! Applications are available at the School of Education, office of Student Services, Room 1033. Call 764-7563 for more information. Deadline: March 1,1995 EARLY DISPLAY DEADLINES due to Spring Break, 1995 PULIBUCATIONDATE DEADLINE Monday, February 27 Thursday, February 16 Tuesday, Februray 28 Thursday, February 16 Wednesday, March 1 Thursday, February 16 The Michigan Daily will not be published the week of February 20 -24, 1995 The Michigan Daily is looking for graphic designers for the advertising oroduction department. If you have extensive 'yOg 0,a