Freiburgs specialize in authenticity The Michigan' Daily - February 10, 1995 - 9 ... _ _ _ _.. ,. _....1 . ..1 mlly Lambert S.Arts Writer "It was luck, I think. Such a situa- ion dpesn't come back a second time," aid concertmaster Gottfried von der ioltz of the Freiburg Baroque )rchestra's beginnings. During aphone nterview from Germany, he explained ow the small group of students at the 'reiburg College of Music came to be e red as one of the world's finest amusic ensembles. "We met at our studies in 1985, and e were quite lucky that we were in a osition where we didn't need to earn honey with it. Wejust met and tried out fieces with Baroque techniques ... In 987 we started to play. We had quite uccessful concerts and a successful tart. And then, after a time, we decided Smake this our main job." the name implies, the Freiburg aroque Orchestra specializes in the uthentic performance of Baroque pertoire, although Classical and omantic works often find their way nto programs, as well. The orchestra oes not have a conductor, which ives each musician a great artistic sponsibility. Von der Goltz and homas Hengelbrock share the posi- of concertmaster. Mhe musicians play on authentic strtments and continuously evaluate eir performances in relation to the ieces' historical contexts. They re- ch firsthand sources that give in- ctron on instrumental idioms, phras- g, rhythm, and other aspects of Ba- ue music. Von der Goltz's emerging fascina- on with historic performance coin- i with the group's inception. Now, it ten years of experience behind im, he is able to analyze his progress nd understanding of the music. "I'was very interested in the sound f the old instruments, in ways of play- g threm, and in views of Baroque usic through historic sources. I got ore and more interested... The more play, the more my taste and my view music develops. Sometimes you :rize that you mademistakes.This happens, but it's not so bad." The Freiburg Baroque Orchestra performs regularly around Europe, and has given tours in the United States and Southeast Asia. Most audiences appre- ciate and are receptive to the ensemble's dedication to historically accurate per- formances, but Von der Goltz noted that resistance, however uncommon, is HE FREIBURGO Y BAROQUE ORCHESTRA When: Sunday, February 12 Where: Rackham Auditorium Tickets: $28, 26, 20 and 16 not unheard of. "It happens sometimes when you have a very difficult or exotic program. Last year we played a lot of Zelenka, a very, very special composer. Not ev- erybody likes him. Some people were very enthusiastic about the concert and his piece, and some people didn't like it. In general, if it is good music and if it is well played, people will like the old instruments." Von der Goltz enjoys playing pieces by Zelenka and other talented, but often forgotten,composers. In the orchestra's Ann Arborconcert, Purcell's suite from the famed opera Dido and Aeneas will be paired with a concerto by the little known L.G. Zavateri. As Von der Goltz pointed out, this tour could mark the first time an audience has heard Zavateri's concerto since it was pre- miered. The touring ensemble, consisting of thirteen string instruments, a harpsi- chord, a lute, and a flute, will be joined by the celebrated countertenor Drew Minter. Minter, who was awarded both Fulbright and MarthaBaird Rockefeller study grants, has sung with many of the world's leading opera companies, or- chestras, and early music ensembles. The Freiburg Baroque Orchestra infuses new life into familiar pieces on period instruments, while it introduces lesser known works to its audience. With every inspired performance, pre- ceded by much research and rehearsal, Von der Goltz and his colleagues delve further into the past while retaining their influence on the present. "It's very important to combine these two elements: to search in historic sources and to research how this music has to be played, but also to let it sound modern. The music should sound mod- ern to the audience, as if they are hear- ing it for the first time." Mutter is a violinist who matters By Nik Chawla For the Daily Renowned German violinist Anne- Sophie Mutter returns to Ann Arbor for a recital with pianist Lambert Orkis at Hill Auditorium, tomorrow night at 8 p.m. On the program are sonatas by Beethoven and Schumann, Stravinsky's Suite Italienne and American composer Sebastian Currier's Aftersong. Anne-Sophie Mutter began her musical studies as a pianist at the young age of 5. She quickly changed to the violin, and after her first teacher died when Mutter was 10, she taught herself. Now 31, married, and well- established as one of the leading con- cert violinists in the world, Mutter is busy with a concert schedule of solo appearances, recitals and chamber mu- sic. She is also strongly committed to contemporary works by such com- posers as Currier, Witold Lutoslawski, Norbert Moret and Wolfgand Rihm. KrzysztofPenderecki's "Violin Con- certo #2" is dedicated to her. In addi- tion to her concerts, Mutter finds time to teach, and in 1987 she established the Rudolf-Eberle-Stiftung founda- tion in Europe, to promote young, gifted string players. Award-winning violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter plays Hill tomorrow night. Daily Arts' Morrissey Quote of the Week: "I don't try and inflict the way I feel upon other people, because that's quite boring." NEED HELPGETTINGOVERTHEMID-TERM HUMP? The Freiburg Baroque Orchestra bring the music of Germany to life. Sex is a welcome guest in this 'House' y Brian T. Armbrust r the Daily "Frankly, this is about women want- g to get laid." So said Camilo Fontecilla, director "The House of Bernarda Alba," by Guglielmetti) also find themselves en- meshed in the family's conflict. "I don't mean to sound sensational- istic, but this is a world in which a 34- year-old woman has never been al- lowed to touch a man," said Fontecilla. "One of the things that really interests me about the play is that it's completely and overtly about one of our most basic instincts, which is to have sex. "It's different from voluntary absti- nence. For these women, it's like deny- ing them the food of life. They're starv- ing for sex because all they do day after day is sit in a hot room and embroider," he said. Fontecilla, a BFA Theatre senior, first came across the story of "Alba" in Spain, where he lived until age 18. He noted that Lorca wrote the play in 1938-39 and died almost immediately afterwards in the Spanish Civil War. "A lot of people have tried to take a very political stance on this play. Lorca makes a very clear distinction of what is political and what is social commentary," said Fontecilla. Although accustomed to walking on the boards himself as an actor, Fontecilla nevertheless found direct- ing "Alba" an exciting challenge. "What I found most difficult was to try and introduce the actresses to a style that's alien to them," he said. He commented that the cast, all of whom are BFA Theatre majors, receive train- ing in acting for such playwrights as Shakespeare, Shaw or even Brecht, but not Lorca. Fontecilla expressed pleasure with the experience of teaching this new acting approach to the cast. "I think they're all fantastic. They're willing to work with thlis entirely different style. I think we've achieved it," he said. The play demands a lot of its actors as well. Elif Celebi found new ventures in taking on the role of Bernarda. "It's a very challenging piece, because Lorca was a poet before he was a playwright - the play is straightforward, simple, and raw. It requires something differ- ent; it's like working on poetry and a play-combining genres," said Celebi. Fontecilla feels that "Alba" holds relevance for everyone. "Its audience is universal. Idon't think we can approach it as a play about repressed femininity in a political sense, because the story is completely fictional. But the needs of the characters are so essential that on a gut level everyone will be able to relate to them," he said. "Also as a play it flows wonderfully - incredible moments of peace and quiet disrupted by irruptions of chaos. It's impossible to get bored watching this play," he said. " r w a r i t 4 k i + Wnr*y ACIIAW Co 1 VIEWP 1 aderico Garcia Lorca. "Alba" runs is weekend as part of the Basement rts series in the Arena Theatre. The story of "Alba" takes place in Lrly 20th-century rural Spain,and don- sts of eight female characters. A con- lling mother, Bernarda (Elif Celebi), iries her husband, and turns her atten- her five grown daughters (Ingrid gerstein, Stacy Aronoff, Stacy Mayer, llyn Woghin, Kim Gainer), whom te domineeringly scrutinizes, for fear iy of them might establish contact ith aman. Longtime confidante Poncia 'adi Sutter) and a maid (Heather with MC Horace H. B. Sanders omedian Smments ~n culture Eugene Bowen iy Arts Writer The University Activities Center's lugh Track and Viewpoint Lectures visions present stand-up comedian a Chappelle at the Power Center .m. tomorrow. Tickets can be ught in advance at the Michigan nion Ticket Office for $8, or they n be bought at the door for $10. A 20-year old Washington D.C. tive, Dave Chappelle began working e comedy circuit at the age of 14. He perhaps best-known for his part in el Brooks' 1993 movie "Robin Hood: en in Tights" where he plays Robin's i sidekick, Achoo. Chappelle has so performed his stand-up routines on e Arsenio Hall and David Letterman jows, Comedy Central's "Stand-Up and-Up" and the "Showtime Com- y Club." He's been featured in a vv \ r. .. I v X IX daiv 8n Seen on EBO, Arsenio, Letterman, Dmedy Central and in )bin Hood: Men in Tights I k y,2 {tS " I . 1