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February 10, 1995 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-10

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Thief takes milk
Department of Public Safety of-
ficers were dispatched to University
Hospitals on Wednesday on a report
of a 58-year-old patient stealing milk
0 and juice from the nourishment room.
Officers arriving on the scene lo-
cated the suspect in parking lot M-13
with milk and juice that he had alleg-
edly stolen from a room on the sev-
enth floor of University Hospitals.
DPS is investigating the case.
Vending machine
0 damaged
A South Quad residence hall staff
member reported that he had found a
vending machine on the west ground
floor that had an "out of order" sign
posted on it, according to DPS re-
Officers said that the staff mem-
ber found the plexiglass on the front
of the machine missing and reported
t that $5 worth of candy had been taken
from the machine.
According to reports, a custodian
saw the machine intact at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday and discovered the dam-
age at 8:50 p.m.
"South Quad staff secured the
machine and stated he should notify
the vending company," reports say.
Threat in Mary
DPS officers reported to Mary
Markley residence hall after receiv-
ing a call about disorderly people
Wednesday, just before midnight.
A student who was calling from
his room on the fourth floor of Markley
said that four students were outside of
* his room "threatening to break down
the door looking for his roommate,"
reports say.
DPS is investigating the case.
Cabinet stolen
After receiving a call at 8 a.m.
Wednesday, DPS officers were dis-
patched to South Quad on reports of
larceny from the residence hall.
According to DPS reports, offic-
ers discovered that a cabinet valued
at more than $1,000 was stolen
sometime between Jan. 3 and Jan.
The cabinet, which a staff mem-
ber reported missing, was taken from
the basement area of South Quad,
near the maintenance shop.
Bed catches on fire
Police responded to a fire in Mary
Markley residence hall Wednesday
morning. A student on the fourth floor
advised police that the 4200 corridor
smelled of smoke from a mattress
Police described the cause as care-
lessness, and removed the mattress
from the building.

Crooks steal police
Police discovered the theft of a
DPS radio during property inventory
Wednesday evening. The police are
unsure when the radio was taken from
1239 Kipke.
- Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporter Josh White.

The Michigan Daily - FridayaFebruaryg,s5-s
MSA opposes chang~es gto state Open Meetings Act


By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the
Michigan Student Assembly opposed a pack-
age of state Senate bills that would allow Michi-
gan universities to search for a president during
closed sessions.
Presidential searches are currently subject
to the state Open Meetings Act. The state Su-
preme Court ruled last year that the University
Board of Regents violated the act with the
search that landed President James J. Duderstadt.
"MSA would like to play a role in presiden-
tial searches," said MSA academic affairs chair
Mike Christie. Christie said the bills would fur-
ther limit student input in University decisions.
"The (regents) currently play a role in presi-

MSA is committed to students'
rights, and this bill is in violation of those rights."
- Adam Clampitt
MSA extemal relations chair

dential searches, but right now we're working
for student representation on the board. Rather
than getting closer to student input we're get-
ting farther away," Christie said.
While MSA does not currently play a role in
choosing the president, external relations chair
Adam Clampitt said the bill compromises stu-
dent rights.
"MSA is committed to protecting students'
rights, and this bill is a violation of those rights.

MSA should be commended in choosing to
oppose this legislation," Clampitt said.
LSA Rep. Seth Altman agrees that the bills
undermine the rights of students.
"I think it's important for a public univer-
sity to remain open in all areas affecting the
student population. Passage of this act would
infringe upon the rights of students," Altman
Another bill would make presidential appli-

cations exempt from the Freedom of Informa-
tion Act.
"Currently, the Freedom of Information Act
protects the confidentiality of personal records,"
Christie said. "The changes proposed in the bill
are unnecessary and would only further move
the actions of public universities out of the light
of public scrutiny."
MSA plans to use its lobbying firm,
Cawthorne, McCollough & Cavanagh, to work
to defeat the bills.
"Through our lobbying group, we'll know
when a hearing comes up on the bill so we can
organize students to testify at the hearing,"
Christie said. "If it goes to the Senate floor we'll
have to organize a mass lobbying campaign to
kill the bill."

Detroit bishop
urges solidarity
in Haitian cause

All wrapped up and ready to be finished UDTPEKN/al
Full-body sculptures wait under wraps in the Art Sculpture Studio for students to finish them.
F acut forum tackles enure

By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to promote discussion
about the meaning of tenure and its
role at the University, various faculty
members met yesterday in the Michi-
gan League.
The forum was prompted by a
report issued by the Senate
Assembly's committee on tenure.
The report, which outlines the
privileges, responsibilities and causes
of dismissal of tenured faculty, was
received and unanimously endorsed
by the assembly Dec. 12, 1994.
However, faculty and administra-
tors have expressed differing views
on tenure and about the contents of
the report.
"I think that there wasn't any need
to have agreement. I hope it stimu-
lates discussion in the schools and
colleges," said Senate Assembly chair
Jean Loup.
The four speakers illustrated the
different opinions of the report, and
tenure in general. University Law Prof.
Kent D. Syverud summarized and high-
lighted parts of the document.
He explained that the privileges
specified in the document include not
only continued employment, but also

continued benefits, including institu-
tional support for teaching and re-
search and involvement in the
University's academic mission.
"This section of the tenure docu-
ment has provoked the most reaction,
both positive and negative," Syverud
He also said that the report ac-
knowledges that tenured faculty also
have teaching, research and service
responsibilities that should "produce
scholarship of the quality and quan-
tity of untenured faculty."
Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs Gilbert R. Whitaker
Jr. expressed a negative view of the
"I believe this document is a step
backwards in describing the obliga-
tions of tenure," he said. "Tenure is a
privilege, privilege with a purpose ...
tenure brings with it an obligation both
to the University and to the individual."
He added, "I think it was awfully
long on privileges, and short on re-
Whitaker also said the University's
definition of tenure must represent
the high expectations placed on stu-
dents and faculty.
"Tenure, an appointment without

an end date, is the University's way of
protecting academic freedom." He said
that it allows faculty to challenge ideas
without the fear of losing their jobs.
Mathematics department chair
Donald Lewis also spoke, expressing
some problems he sees not only with
the tenure issue, but also between
"I think the real problem is that we
don't have collegiality and a shared
vision within the community. I think
why tenure is under danger is because
there is not collegiality now," he said.
Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, a profes-
sor of Law at Indiana University and
University of Wisconsin, said, "I
thought this document was excellent."
He said that tenure is important be-
cause it stresses faculty governance.
Senate Assembly member Tho-
mas Moore also gave the report a
positive review.
"In my opinion, the document is
an act of collegiality itself," he said.
The forum, held in the League's
Henderson Room ,was sponsored by
the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, the University's
Chapter of the American Association
of University Professors and the
American Women's Caucus.

By Danielle Bekin
Daily Staff Reporter
The theme of the evening was
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, the
archdiocese of Detroit, delivered a
speech titled, "Haiti: A Just Peace?
Or Just Peace?" last night.
Gumbleton's message was that the
current state of calm in Haiti is not an
accurate representation of the
achievement of peace.
"The results (of Aristide's rein-
statement) have not been a truly just
peace. The only thing you can say is
that the violence has diminished,"
Gumbleton said.
The audience of about 70 was led
in a prayer that incorporated the vari-
ous expressions used to represent the
name of God.
Upon finishing, the audience was
led in a song, "We Are Called," urg-
ing people to unite as one.
Gumbleton said he wants to bring
information about the situation in Haiti
to the attention of the American
Gumbleton wants to make people
aware of the extent the United States
was, and is, involved in Haiti's gov-
ernmental structure.
The speech lasted for about 90
minutes. Gumbleton showed a video
that emphasized the notion that the
American government had a vested
interest in Haiti and therefore enabled
the coup.
One segment of the video showed
a man on the phone saying he heard
the coup cost up to $47 million and
was raised by 16 to 18 families, im-
plying the coup could not have oc-
curred without U.S. assistance.
Gumbleton depicted Aristide as a
champion of the poor - a man who
didn't make trouble in his country,
but pointed out the disparity between

The only thing
you can say is that
the violence has
-Thomas Gumbleton
Bishop of the Detroit archdiocese
the rich and the poor.
There are eight or 10 extended
families that control the main wealth
of the country and they influence the
government, Gumbleton said.
He also asserted that the embargo
was never really enforced for the rich
because tanker trucks still delivered
goods through the Dominican Re-
public border.
"The United States government
never sent a message to the leaders of
the coup that they must go,"
Gumbleton said.
"It wasn't until Aristide said he
would not tell the Haitian people not
to leave in the boats that the U.S. felt
it had to act," he continued.
Gumbleton closed with the same
slogan Aristide led his people with -
to give them a sense of solidarity in
hopes it would create the same feel-
ing between the audience and the
Haitian people.
"Alone we are weak, together we
are strong, all together we are
The force of the message is found
in the last word of the slogan, which
comes from the scriptures, meaning
St. Mary's Student Chapel hosted
the event and co-sponsored it with
the Haiti Solidarity Group, Inter-
faith Council for Peace and Justice,
and the Department of Latin Ameri-
can and Caribbean Studies.

New technology allows recycling of glossy magazines

By Daniel Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Recycling can seem to be an endless exer-
cise in sifting and sorting. However, as a result
of recent innovations in the recycling industry,
glossy magazines can now be recycled and
tossed in the same bin with newspapers.
"Some people were recycling magazines
voluntarily before, but most were likely thrown
away," said Erica Spiegel, recycling coordina-

tor of grounds and waste management at the
"We're hoping that this will increase the
amount of material recycled," she said.
Paper recycling at the University in January
decreased 15 percent compared to last year's
All pages of the magazine must be glossy or
shiny. Some contain pages like office or regular
copier paper, which should be ripped out and

placed in the appropriate bin. Magazines can be
stapled or glue bound. Newspaper receptacles
across campus are being updated to say "Glossy
magazines too!"
People who wish to recycle large volumes of
old magazines can put them in a clear plastic
bag and drop them into any blue waste manage-
ment dumpster, usually found by the loading
dock of University buildings.
Newspapers and magazines will now be

delivered together to the recycling facility. Re-
cycling plants can remove "hot melt" glues and
staple bindings from magazines as a result of
new technology. Following recycling of the
material, it will be shipped to markets that sell
it to manufacturers of new paper.
"It makes it a lot easier for people to recycle
because they don't have to sort as much out,"
said Donna Estabrook, a media distribution
coordinator for the School of Education.

i "'

I ~

What's happening In Ann Arbor today

LI "Black Studies at the Crossroads,"
sponsored by Black History Month,
West Engineering Building, Hayden
Lounge, 4 p.m.
G Chinese Christian Fellowship, 994-
1064, Campus Chapel, 8 p.m.
D "How Can One Be a Caribbean
Writer?" sponsored by Department
of Romance Languages and Litera-
tures, School of Education,
Schorling Auditorium, 4:30 p.m.
D New Italian Club, first mass meet-
ing, 668-1402, Modem Languages
Building, 4th floor commons room,
4:30 p.m.
L Ninjitsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, IMSB, Room G 21, 6:30-
8 p.m.
J Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley, 8-
11:30 p.m.

Michigan Union, Room 2202, nomi-
nations due today
L Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome, 747-
6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30
L "The Fundamental Nature of Elec-
tronic Textuality," sponsored by
the University, Rackham, East Con-
ference Room, 4 p.m.
0 WOLV Programming: news, 7-7:30;
toolbox, 8-9; Women's basketball
vs. Penn St.
U "J.C. Walker and One in Christ Com-
munity Gospel Choir Night," St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, 306
N. Division, 6 p.m.
J "Reform Chavurah, Havdalah Ser-

U Ballroom Dance Club, 663-9213,
CCRB, Main Dance Room, 7 p.m.
U "Black to Afrika: Bichinis Bla Congo
Dance Troupe and Speaker Randall
Strickland," sponsored by East
Quad-Benzinger Library, East Quad,
Greene Lounge/Benzinger Library,
6 p.m.
U Consider, mass meeting, 213-1210,
Michigan Union, Crofoot Room, 7
J Cycling Club, Angell Hall, Audito-
num C, 7 p.m.
U ECB Peer Tutorial, 747-4526, Angell
Hall Computing Site 1-5 p.m. and
7-11 p.m., UGLi, second floor, 1-5
J "Japan Cultural Festival," spon-
sored by Japan Student Associa-
tion, Michigan Union Ballroom, 12
noon-4 p.m.

House passes
Engler tax cut
plan after deal
LANSING (AP) - Conservative
House Republicans - who held up
Gov. John Engler' s $1.5 billion tax
cut plan this week in hopes of upping
the ante - got a compromise from
House leaders yesterday.
Under the deal, taxpayers would
have to wait until May to find out if
they'll get a bigger break.
After patching up the internal fight,
the united Republicans easily pushed
Engler's five-year plan through the
House. In doing so, the GOP thwarted
numerous Democratic amendments
before passing four of the seven bills

Are you upset because your
man has been keeping a secret
relationship with his ex?
Is your husband
upset because you haven't lost
the weight you gained when
you were pregnant.?



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