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February 10, 1995 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-10

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 10, 1995

Continued from page -
Baker's attendance.
David Cahill, Baker's attorney,
said the University only completed
about a quarter of the hearing when it
was adjourned at about 5:30 p.m. The
hearing will be completed next week.
The evidence released by the U.S.
Attorney's Office added support for
Duderstadt's action. In his affidavit,
FBI Special Agent Greg Stejskal
quotes an e-mail message from Baker
to Gronda.
"As I said before, my room is right
across from the girl's bathroom. Wiat

(sic) until late at night, grab her when
she goes to unlock the door. Knock
her unconscious, and put her into one
of those portable lockers (forgot the
word for it), or even a duffle bag.
Then hurr her out to the car and take
her away," Baker wrote in the message.
The next day, Gronda responded
to Baker's message.
"I have been out tonight and I can
tell you that I am thinking more about
'doing' a girl. I can picture it so well
... and I can think of no better use for
their flesh. I HAVE to make a bitch
suffer!" Gronda wrote in his reply.
But Lowenstein said that even with
the messages, Baker's speech remains

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"It's the action that's connected
with the speech that's not protected,"
Lowenstein said. "It is protected
speech unless there is some act that
turns it into a crime."
Lowenstein said the prosecutor
will need to connect Baker's mes-
sages to some action linked to the
described plan. For instance, she said
that buying a bag like he mentions in
the e-mail could connect him to crimi-
nal behavior.
"A key point is whether this was a
fantasy or whether there was some-
thing that made it likely that the crime
would occur," Lowenstein said. "Any
time there's a statute that criminalizes
a threat, it still has to be a viable
Prior to yesterday's move by the
U.S. attorney, the University only had
released copies of three stories posted
on the Internet, one of which named a
female University student. The sto-
ries each describe the sexual torture
of a female victim. The woman is
killed at the end of each story.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen A. Hartford said Baker's
naming of a student increased the
University administration's fear.
"That was real," Hartford said.
"When you have an individual stu-
dent named, the University has to at
least investigate and take thatperson's
fear seriously. I also hope we re-
sponded in a caring way to an accused
Vice President for University Re-
lations Walter Harrison said the fed-
eral charges should change the
Look for it in the
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media's perception of the case.
"Prior to this, it was an interesting
case because of the Internet involve-
ment," Harrison said. "I thinkthejudge's
decision will broaden people's under-
standing of the variety of issues there."
Yesterday's University hearing
brought the media spotlight, with
CNN, Detroit TV channels 2,4 and 7,
Detroit radio station WJR, and the
Detroit Free Press waiting in the
Michigan Union during the hearing.
"The reason it's interesting to the
media is the use of the Internet,"
Harrison said. "If he had done all that,
and had not done that on the Internet,
it still would have been a concern to
us as educators."
The action also has focused na-
tional attention on Cahill, Baker's
Ann Arbor attorney. Cahill was the
attorney for American culture doc-
toral student Melanie Welch, who last
month had the first open hearing un-
der the Statement of Student Rights
and Responsibilities, the University's
code of non-academic conduct.
Cahill said Baker contacted him
last week after reading about Welch's
case in The Michigan Daily.
Although Duderstadt used his
power by Regents' Bylaw 2.01, the
University normally handles non-aca-
demic disciplinary matters under the
code. Keenan said the University should
have actedthe same for Baker's case.
"We are still very concerned about
how the University handled the case,"
Keenan said. "We want to make sure
that no one's rights are abridged and
are now even more concerned that
everyone's safety is considered."
Harrison said Hartford and
Duderstadt discussed a range of op-
tions for Baker. "The president would
always consider the widest variety of
evidence when making a decision like
this," he said.
Hartford defended Duderstadt's
use of the bylaw.
"This case, in all the pieces,
seemed to fit better under the
president's power than under the
Statement of Student Rights and Re-
sponsibilities," she said.
Continued from page 1
Gronda discuss actually getting to-
gether to commit the acts Baker had
previously depicted and transmitted"
In one of the letters sent to Gronda,
Baker describes taking action on fan-
tasies he had created.
"I don't want any blood in my
room, though I have come upon an
excellent method to abduct a bitch,"
Baker wrote. "As I said before, my
room is right across from the girl's
bathroom. Wiat (sic) until late at night,
grab her when she goes to unlock the
door. Knock her unconscious, and put
her into one of those portable lockers
(forgot the word for it), or even a
duffle bag. Then hurry her out to the
car and take her away ... what do you
In a preface to a previous trans-
mission, with an unnamed victim,
Baker wrote, "Torture is foreplay,
rape is romance, snuff is climax."
The FBI and Canadian authorities
are currently investigating the case.
- Daily Staff Reporter Ronnie
Glassberg andEditorin ChiefMichael
Rosenberg contributed to this report.

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Congress considers welfare plans
WASHINGTON - Congress will begin considering legislation Monday
to turn over billions of dollars to the states to run welfare programs, but most
governors have only the most sketchy idea of what they might do or how they
would manage.
Although a handful of states are operating conservative state-of-the-
art welfare-reform programs, others are concerned that they could be left
holding the bag in times of recession with growing poverty and decreasing
resources. Nineteen of the governors were inaugurated only within the past
few weeks.
Newly elected Pennsylvania Gov. Thomas J. Ridge, a Republican, only
appointed his secretary of social services this week. "At this point we haven't
sorted out the full dimensions of the problem nor made a start on what our
priorities will be and how we will approach them."
Gov. Bill Graves (R-Kan.) said, "I can already see that this is the best of
times and the worst of times for governors. There is a certain leap of faith in
this, but I have a fundamental belief that local control does produce better


Simpson jurors see
murder scene photos
LOS ANGELES - O.J. Simpson
averted his eyes and a prosecutor
warned the victims' relatives, "You
don't want to look," as the jurors
yesterday saw the most gruesome
photos of the bodies yet on a 7-foot,
full-color screen.
The photos of Nicole Brown
Simpson and Ronald Goldman were
the backdrop as the first officer on the
scene early on June 13 offered some
new details that the defense may seize
upon to cast doubt on the estimated
time of the murders.
Among those details: A container
of ice cream was melting in the
kitchen, and candles were burning in
Ms. Simpson's bathroom and the tub
was full, as if she had been planning a
candlelit bath before death came to
But under prosecution question-
ing designed to blunt another defense
line of attack, Officer Robert Riske
stressed that he never stepped in the

m m 6-7 .

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Mideast self-rule
talks reach impasse
JERUSALEM -Negotiations on
Palestinian self-rule broke up in dis-
cord yesterday, reinforcing an im-
pression of cheerless stalemate that
has grown increasingly pronounced
in recent weeks.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat managed thin smiles as they
shook hands to start their meeting at
the Erez crossing point between Is-
rael and the autonomous Gaza Strip.
But they abandoned their practice of
holding a joint news conference af-
terward. A grim-faced Arafat passed
head down and speechless through a
knot of reporters to his car.
"What do I have to say to them?"
he was overheard muttering to an
aide. Later, after a meeting with a
European delegation led by French
Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, he was
asked whether a scheduled meeting
next week might break the impasse.
Israel is demanding, without much
hope, that Arafat take strong new steps
to quash his radical opposition, which
has mounted lethal attacks against
Israelis. Palestinians are looking for
an end to the closure of Israel's bor-
ders with the Gaza Strip and Jericho

blood, that he warned others not toy
tread on it and that he didn't touch any
He also described finding bloody
footprints, as well as a knit cap and -
perhaps most significant - a single-
bloody glove near a bush.
Evidence is strong in0
N.Y. bombing case
NEW YORK-Theprosecution of
Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the alleged
mastermind of the the World Trade
Center bombing, will be made difficult
because he will be tried alone, law
enforcement sources said yesterday.
The evidence against Yousef is as
strong-in some instanceseven stron-&
ger- than that against the four other
conspirators convicted last year.
But one of the strengths of that
case was the prosecution's ability to
place the four defendants together
and connect their acts into one con-
spiracy. Unless one of the convicted
bombers agrees to testify against
Yousef, it will be more difficult to
weave him into the plot, sources said.*
which is depriving tens of thousands
of Arab workers of their livelihood,
and to progress on long-promised Is-
raeli initiatives to allow Palestinian
elections in the occupied territories.
26 dead, 230 injured
in Colombia quake
PEREIRA, Colombia - Colom-
bian authorities said 26 people were
confirmed dead and more than 230.
people injured in Pereira, a city of
700,000 in the country's coffee-grow-
ing region 100 miles west of Bogota.
It was the hardest-hit area, though
another 12 people died elsewhere in
western Colombia.
More than a dozen bodies may
remain buried in the five-story apart-
ment building where Miss Zamorano
died, authorities said.
Hours after she died, her employer,
who had been trapped near her, was
pulled from the wreckage.
"God gave me his hand. Thank
God. Thank God," Mercedes
Coronado moaned as she was loaded,
onto an ambulance.
Rescuers using search dogs dug
through collapsed buildings, looking
for survivors. For some, the effort.
was too late.
- From Daily wire services


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 074-967) is published Monday through Fnday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-tong (September through April) is $160. On-campus subscrip-
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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E -IOR -AL STAFF Mi S. *e - beirgEitor In e
NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lisa Dines, Andrew Taylor, Scot Woods.
STAFF: Danielle Belkin, Cathy Boguslaski, Jodi Cohen, Spencer Dickinson, Kelly Feeney. Christy Glass, Ronnie Glassberg, Jennifer
Harvey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson, Amy Klein, Stephanie Jo Klein, Maria Kovac, Tali Kravitz. Frank C. Lee. Lisa Michalski.
Gail Mongkolpradit, Zachary M. Raimi, Maureen Sirhal, Matthew Smart, Vane Tazian, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White
GRAPHICS: Julie Tsai.
EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James Nash, Editors
STAFF: Bobby Angel. James R. Cho, Alison Dimond, Jed Friedman, Zach Gelber, Ephtraim R. Gerstein. Lauren Goldfarb, Craig
Greenberg. Adrienne Janney, Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser. Jason Lichtstein, Partha Mukhopadhyay
Scott Pence, Jean Twenge, David Wartowski.
SPORTS Paul Barger, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Darren Everson, Antoine Pitts, Tom Seeley, Ryan White.
STAFF: Rachel Bachman, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton, Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Sarah DeMar, Marc Diler, Brett I
Forrest, Alan Goldenbach, Jams Goldstein, Ravi Gopai, Chaim Hyman, Michael Joshua. Julie Keating, Brett Krasnove, John Leroi
Marc Ligtdale, Dan McKenzie, Rebecca Moatz. Jed Rosenthal. Davy Rothbart, Danielle Rumore. Meianie Schuman, Tim Smith.
Barry Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson.
ARTS Torn Erlewine, Heather Phares, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater). Matt Carlson (Fine Arts).KirinMiler (Books), uNttier Pheres (Music), Liz Shaw
(Weekend etc.). Alexandra Twin (Film). Ted Watts (Weekend. etc.).
STAFF: Matt Benz, Jennifer Buckley, Mark Carison, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon. Ben Ewy, Ayl Gandman, Bion Gnatt, Josh
Herrington, Kari Jones, Shirley Lee, Scott Plagenhoef, Fred Rice, Joshua Rich, Dirk Schuize, Sarah Stewart, Prashant Tamaskar.
Brian Wise, Robert Yoon.
PHOTO Jonathan arie, Evan Petrie, Editors

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