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February 03, 1995 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-03

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14 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 3, 1995

Undefeated track
team heads to Meyo

By Keith Smith
For the Daily
Hoping to continue its highly-suc-
cessful season, the Michigan women's
indoor track team heads to tomorrow's
Meyo Invitational at Notre Dame.
The Wolverines have not lost a
meet this season, and tomorrow's con-
test will be the team's first away meet
of the year.
"This is my first time traveling
with the whole team. It should be
very exciting," said freshman run-
ner Pauline Arnill, who, combined
with her twin sister Deanna, has had
a big role in the Wolverines' suc-
cess this season.
Distance runner Cristie Wilson also
welcomes the change of scenery.
"It's nice to get away from home,"
she said.
Notre Dame's track is also seen as
a welcome change of pace.
"The track is oversized with less
curves," tri-captain Tanya Clay said.
"It's easier to manage, fast and good
for competition."
Sophomore Jen Barber looks for-
ward to what she sees as stronger
"The higher level of competition
will help everyone on the team," she
With teams like Eastern Michi-
gan, Illinois State and Notre Dame
competing, the Meyo Invitational
will probably be the most competi-
tive meet the Michigan women have
run thus far.
"People will be coming to Notre

Dame to prove something to them-
selves and other teams," high jumper
Monika Black said.
"We have a strong team and we're
going to go to Notre Dame and show
them what we've got," said junior
sprinter Tearza Johnson.
Personnel, as well as team improve-
ment, in an already successful season is
what the women are looking for.
We have a
,strong team and
we 're going to go
to Notre Dame and
show them what
we've got"
- Tearza Johnson
Michigan sprinter
"We are concerned with running
fast," 1500-meter run qualifier Karen
Harvey said. "I hope everyone meets
their personal goals."
"We are looking forward to this
meet," said junior shot putter Jayna
Greiner. "It's going to be competi-
tive, and we are looking forward to
improving upon our own individual
Personal improvement is all fresh-
man Tania Longe seems to be think-
ing about.
"I just want apersonal record. Ijust
want to compete," she said.

Michigan vs. Michigan State
Olympia Arenas, Inc. is conducting a contest in conjunction with the Daily
with prizes forthe Michigan-Michigan State game Feb.18 at Joe Louis Arena.
The Grand Prize: A night for two at the Westin Hotel in downtown Detroit
including two game tickets. Four First Prizes: Four game tickets each. Six
Second Prizes: Two game tickets each. To enter, drop off your answers at
the Daily sports desk in the Student Publications Building at 420 S. Maynard.
The contest is cumulative - the contestants with the most
correct answers over the next two weeks will have the greater
chance to win.
Today's question: Since 1990, Michigan and Michigan State have
combined to have five players drafted in the first round of the
NHL Entry Draft. Name them.

returns home .
to face Wildcats

By Brett Krasnove
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan men's tennis team
is back from the Big Ten singles cham-
pionships in Illinois and is preparing
to head into the conference season.
The Big Ten portion of the sched-
ule begins tomorrow when the Wol-
verines face Northwestern at 2 p.m. at
the Liberty Sports Complex.
The Wolverines were very success-
ful while in Illinois -claiming victory
in approximately 70 percent of their
matches. After that performance, the
team is riding a wave of confidence
heading into conference play.
"When you play in a very strong
sectional tournament and win 70 to 75
percent of your matches, you domi-
nated the competition," Michigan coach
Brian Eisner said.
However, after the team's recent
individual successes, the Wolverines
have shifted their focus to team for-
Although few of Northwestern's
players made it past the second round at
the championships, the Wolverines are
not underestimating their opponents.

"Northwestern really is a very,
very good team," Eisner said. "They
are currently ranked No. 5 in this
district and we are ranked number
"Last year, they were ranked about
No.25 in the nation. I think they were a
little stronger. I think we were right in
Is a very, Very
,good team."
- Brian Eisner
Michigan tennis coach
the same class."
In the only-Michigan-Northwest-
ern meeting at the championships in
Illinois, the Wovlerines' PeterPusztai
demolished Rafael Rizo-Patron 6-2,
6-1, in the round of 16.
Besides Rizo-Patron, the highest
Wildcat finisher was Alex Witt, who
reached the round of 16 before losing
to top-seeded Lars Hiarrand from

Continued from page 10
mostly comes from Carter and senior
left wings Rem Murray and Steve
Guolla. Each player has over 20 points
and is among the CCHA's top 10 in
scoring. However, they are the only
Spartans among the league's top 30 in
that department; the Wolverinesmean-
while, feature seven such players.
Western Michigan has had a much
harder time putting the puck in the net.
The Broncos rank eighth in the league
in both goals and in the overall stand-
With their continued struggles, the

Broncos' NCAA tournament showing
of a year ago is becoming more and
more of a distant memory.
"I think everybody has been disap-
pointed in us," Western Michigan coach
Bill Wilkinson said, "especially our
players and the coaching staff."
Western Michigan has played
Michigan tough in both of their meet-
ings this year. The Wolverines had a
six-game winning streak against the
Broncos broken last Friday when the
two teams tied, 2-2. In November,
Michigan managed a 4-3 win over the
Broncos in Kalamzoo.
"That doesn't mean they're going
to come in and clean our clocks,"
Berenson said.



U I.

Continued from page 10
"There's a lot of people counting
on me, and I'm counting on myself,"
Lacure said. "Right now, I'm at the
point where I'll wrestle anywhere.
I've just got to get out there and
wrestle. This is my chance."
Michigan battles Purdue at noon
tomorrow and then travels to
Bloomington, where it will take on
Indiana in the evening. In what might
prove to be the most exciting match,
Lacure will face Indiana's Jon
McClain who leads the Hoosiers in
wins with 19.
"I'm a little nervous. I'm wrestling
at a higher weight, so theguys area little
stronger and bigger," Lacure said.
Lacure's fellow teammates have

confidence in the first-year wrestler
and feel that he should have no prob-
lems in the matches tomorrow.
"Bill'satough freshman.Ifforsome
reason he doesn't pull it off, it's going to
make him that much better just to put
him in the lineup," Biggert said.
In the afternoon match, freshman
heavyweight Airron Richardson
squares off against the Boilermakers'
All-American, No. 8 Tony Vaughn.
Richardson has been improving on
the mat and has won two of his last
three matches after dropping two dev-
astating matches early in the season.
"I've been progressing all season
and Ijust want to go into that match like
I have been going into the previous
matches where I wrestled well,"
Richardson said. "Tony's good, but if I
wrestle well, I feel I have what it takes
to hang with the best in the country."

University of Michigan
School of Music
Saturday, February 4
Society Bank Cleveland Orchestra Residency
Members of the Cleveland Orchestra and pianist Emanuel Ax
present workshops and master classes.
Limited space is available to the public (call 764-2516 to reserve);
all visitors must register in the McIntosh Theatre lobby.
School of Music, 9:30 a.m.-S p.m.
Wind Ensembles
H. Robert Reynolds, Dennis Glocke, Gary Lewis, conductors
* Renaldo Hahn: Le Bal de Beatrice D'Este
* Excerpts from Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff
" Leonard Bernstein: Prelude, Fugue and Riffs (Deborah
Chodacki, clarinet)
Rackham Auditorium, 8 p.m., free
Thursday-Sunday, February 2--5
FutureDance 1935-2035
University Dance Company
Power Center
Thurs.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m.
Tickets: $16, $12, students $6 (764-0450)
Monday, February 6
Composers' Forum Concert
New works by young University of Michigan composers
Recital Hall, School of Music, 8 p.m., free
Tuesday, February 7
Campus Symphony and Philharmonia Orchestras
David Tang, Bundit Ungrangsee, Michael Hall, and Vincent
Danner, conductors
"* Overtures by Schubert and Copland
- Liszt: Les Preludes
" Kodaly: Hary Janos Suite
Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m., free
Piano Forum
Lecture-recital by art professor Marvin Eisenberg: "History and
Nature in Romantic Art and the Lieder of Schubert and Schumann"
Recital Hall, School of Music, 11:30 am., free
Wednesday, February 8
University Symphony and Philharmonia Orchestras
With winners of the 1995 School of Music Concerto Competition
" Glazunov: Alto Saxophone Concertd in E-flat (Timothy
McAllister, saxophone)
" Britten: Piano Concerto in D, mvt. 1 (Gretchen Roberts, piano)

for the
Student volunteers will become the PIONEER GROUP to assist
in planning and implementing programs and events for the
newly created
Student volunteers will:
1. be exposed to situations requiring their
creative and leadership skills and
2. acquire new knowledge and experiences
that wail be beneficial to their career
Interested students, please see or call up Benita Maria Murrel,
Programming Coordinator, between 8 am to 5 pm Tues. and Wed.
and between 2 pm to 6 pm Thurs. and Fri. in Room 9 at the
Michigan League, 911 N. University, tel. no. 764-0446


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Are you upset because your
man has been keeping a secret
relationship with his ex?
Is your husband
upset because you haven't lost
the weight you gained when
you were pregnant?


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