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February 03, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-03

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2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 3, 1995

NATvom/waftl, 'D

Continued from page 1.
"There may be some students for
whom that price difference will be
attractive," Deitch said, "but one of
the reasons that tuition has gone up
over the years is that we have a need
to pay competitive salaries for a
world-class faculty that is day in and
day out recruited by America's best
private universities."
State Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann
Arbor) expressed caution about mak-
ing college tuition tax-deductible.
"There's a big rush right now to
give money back," she said. "If we
were wise, we would look to put as
many of the dollars aside for an edu-
cational savings fund."
State Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle
Creek) said, "We'repricingMichigan's
young men and women out of an edu-
cation. Wecan be friendly persuaders"
to keep tuition rates low.
The Senate Finance Committee
and House Tax Policy Committee
approved the rest of Engler's tax-
cut plan, which would increase the
standard personal exemption to
$2,400 from $2,100 for this year
and 1996. That would save a tax-
payer $13.20 a year per exemption,
and would save taxpayers about
$69 million overall.
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

Continued from page 1
bilities, the Diag Policy, the Alcohol
Policy and the Social Events Policy.
"We've allowed, over the past
few years, four other policies of
non-academic conduct outside the
code," Elliott said. "I feel these are
very restrictive on students. They
go further than required. The Uni-
versity is treating the students like
The relationship between MSA
and the administration will remain a
controversial issue during the elec-
tion. LSA Rep. Jonathan Freeman, a
Students' Party member, said the
method of handling the administra-
tion is the largest difference between
the two parties.
"The Michigan Party has shown
that they think it's best to go through
the administration. We agree to a cer-
tain extent, but we feel there needs to
be a balance," Freeman said. "If you
get involved too far into the adminis-
tration you look like you've been
bought off, which is what the Michi-
gan Party did."
Neenan said she does not think stu-
dent rights have been sacrificed to the
"The Michigan Party definitely has
its constituents and listens to the stu-
dents. In no way are we being walked
all over," Neenan said.

Continued from page 1
top-heavy, and tuition costs that she
says to soar out of the reach of the
average Michigan family as possible
causes for resentment.
"Maybe tuition at U-M will be
held steady this year," she said.
"Maybe hell will freeze over."
She also discussed more general
education issues. Her biggest concerns
centered around the drastic changes
proposed by Republicans.
"We have a budget surplus ... and
they want to give it back," she said.
"Meanwhile, I see all the things that
are not being done." She said the
money would be better spent on edu-
cational programs for children.
Smith said she was particularly
concerned with Engler's plan to re-
peal the School Code - an action
that would establish what she called
"site-based management" in the pub-
lic school system.
She voiced fears that a minority of
organized conservatives would take
over public education in the name of
morality and religion.
On Engler personally, she said,
"He's a very astute politician ... he's
very bright." She added, "People say
he's mean-spirited, and that's true.
He has the ability to accomplish goals
because he doesn't care about the

to lauch
with 1st
Female plot
- After a day's delay, NASA's first
female space shuttle pilot and her
five crewmates prepared for an early
morning liftoff today on an unprec-
edented rendezvous with the Russian
space station.
NASA had five minutes to send
Discovery on the most fuel-efficient
route to the orbiting Mir station. It
was the shortest shuttle launch win-
dow in 10 years.
To improve its chances of getting
off on time, NASA got an early start
yesterday, pumping a half-million
gallons of fuel into Discovery's ex-
ternal tank.
Discovery was supposed to fly
yesterday, but NASA delayed liftoff
to replace a failed navigation unit.
This is the first of eight shuttle
trips planned to Russia's orbiting sta-
tion. After that, NASA expects to
build an international space station
with Russia and other countries.
The last time U.S. and Russian
spacecraft met in orbit was in 1975
when the Apollo and Soyuz ships
docked. This time, Discovery will
hover near the Mir station but won't
actually dock. The mission is a dress
rehearsal for June, when Atlantis will
link up with Mir.
continued from page 1
evil place," she said. "We are talking
about a country that wastes so much
in so many different areas, but whose
leaders choose to focus on eliminat-
ing the wastes of people in the
Sister Souljah also had thoughts
about her university's president,
Francis Lawrence, who remarked that
Blacks were genetically unable to
score as well on tests as whites.
Lawrence apologized for the remarks
"My whole time at Rutgers has
been nothing but a struggle," she said.
"From my experiences there, I'm not
surprised that he (Lawrence) said that.
I'm sure that from their experiences
at U-M, many (Black students) here
aren't too surprised either."

Clinton to ask for min. wage hike
WASHINGTON - President Clinton plans to ask
Congress to increase the minimum wage 90 cents over the
next two years, administration officials said.
Although many members of the Republican majority
leadership on Capitol Hill are adamantly opposed to an
increase, adminstration officials said they hope the plan to
increase the current wage of $4.25 by 45 cents over each
of the next two years might garnerjust enough Republican
support to make the issue not a strictly partisan one.
Under their best scenario, adminstration officials said,
an increase in the minimum wage to $5.15 an hour might Clinton
actually pass. More realistically, they said, the plan will lose but send a
political message that Clinton is on the side of low-income workers struggling
to break into the middle class.
After endorsing an increase in the minimum wage in his State of the Union
speech 10 days ago, Clinton went mute on the subject and didn't put forward
any specific proposal.

The 1994-95 Zora Neale Hurston Lecture
Sponsored by The Center for Afroamerican and African Studies
Geneva Smitherman
University Distinguished Professor of English
Michigan State Universityk
From the Hood to the Amen Corner:
AfricanAmerican English,
Attitudes, and Public Policy
Friday, February 3, 1995, 7:00 P.M.
Rackham Amphitheater
Prof. Smitherman is the author of Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner;
and Talkin and Test fyin: The Language of Black America. She was chief expert witness in the
precedent-setting "Black English" case, Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Children, et pa. v.
Ann Arbor School District Board (1979)
The annual Zora Neale Hurston Lecture is sponsored by CAAS
as an occasion to reflect on emerging directions in the study and representation
of the Black experience across the African diaspora.
Free and open to the public. For information, call 764-5513.

House panel endorses
new crime program
Judiciary Committee yesterday en-
dorsed a broad new program of
crimefighting block grants to replace
the funds for 100,000 police officers,
specialized drug courts and preven-
tion programs in last year's $30 bil-
lion anti-crime law.
The new legislation to provide
local governments with $10 million
in block grants, approved on a near
party-line vote of 21 to 13, was the
last of six crime bills the Judiciary
Committee sent to the House floor for
action next week. The panel put off
until May consideration of gun-re-
lated legislation that would probably
repeal a new ban on some assault
The Republican rewrite of the 1994
anti-crime law would reorder spend-
ing priorities and address legal issues
such as death-row appeals, victim's
rights and rules of evidence that Con-
gress left aside in the election-year
Mideast talks renew
support for peace
CAIRO, Egypt, Feb. 3(Friday) -
The leaders of Egypt, Israel, Jordan
and the Palestine Liberation Organi-
zation dined together at sundown yes-
terday to break the Ramadan fast and
issued a broad condemnation of "vio-
lence and terror" in an effort to re-
build support for peace among their
badly disillusioned publics.
This first four-way meeting, al-
though billed in Egyptian press re-
ports as a "save the peace" summit,
produced modest results: a friendly
photo opportunity of the peacemak-
ers and a renewal of their stated com-
mitment to the accords and a broader
peace including Lebanon and Syria.
When the meeting stretched late
into the night, and when the leaders
canceled plans to meet reporters
jointly afterward, it appeared that even
their modest hopes - for what one
Israeli called a "feel-good summit,
nothing more" - were not fully met.
It was Egyptian Foreign Minister
Amre Moussa, not President Hosni
Mubarak, the meeting's host, who
read aloud the slender joint commu-
nique. He declared the Israeli-Pales-
tinian peace talks "backon track,"

battle over the crime issue.
"I think we have adopted a new
direction in crimefighting, putting
more responsibilty and resources in
the hands of local government," Judi-
ciary Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R-
Ill.) said.
Medicaid on Engler's
list of block grants
WASHINGTON -- Michigan
Gov. John Engler unfurled his scroll
listing about 300 federal welfare pro-
grams he wants to consolidate into
eight block grants to the states. Then
he added one more.
The $146 billion-and-growing gi-
ant welfare program: Medicaid.
"The problem is that Medicaid is
not one program, but 24 different
programs with 24 different sets of
rules and requirements," Engler testi-
fied yesterday before the U.S. Senate
Budget Committee.
"Even worse, the pile of rules keeps
getting higher and the mandates keep
getting more expensive," he said. 0
but acknowledged there had been no
new agreements on any of the critical
issues that have brought progress to-
ward Palestinian self-rule to a stand-
Netherlands rivers
begin to recede
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -
The roiling rivers that have inundated
vast tracts of the Netherlands in
Europe's biggest floods of the cen-
tury started to recede yesterday, rais-
ing hopes that more than'a quarter-
million people may soon return toe
their homes.
Hundreds of soldiers and volun-
teers labored through the night in a
successful attempt to shore up crum-
bling dikes, but authorities warned
that the situation remained critical
because the reinforced earthen dams
could still give way under the pres-
sure of swollen rivers rushing toward
the North Sea.
Near Ochten, 12 miles west of*
Nijmegen, where water began seep-
ing through the saturated barriers and
caused a flurry of panic Wednesday,
frogmen and engineers worked fever-
ishly to repair broken sections of dikes
along the river Waal.
- From Daily wire services


Episcopal Church at UofM
518 E. Washington St.
(behind Laura Ashley)
SUNDAY: 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist
followed by informal supper
All Welcome 665-0606
The Revd Virginia Peacock, Chaplin
530 W. Stadium
(across from Pioneer High School)
SLNDAY Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Bible Study 9:30 a.m.
3DNESDAY: Bible Study 7 p.m.
3301 Creek Dr. 971-9M
9:30 a.m. English, 11 a.m & 8 p.m. Korear


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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NEWS Nate Hurley, Managng Editor
EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lisa Dines, Andrew Taylor, Soot Woods.
STAFF: Danielle Belkin, Cathy Boguslaski, Jodi Cohen. Spencer Dickinson, Kelly Feeney, Ronnie Glassberg. Jennifer Harvey, Katie
Hutchins, Daniel Johnson, Amy Klein, Maria Kovac. Tali Kravitz, Frank C. Lee, Gail Mongkolpradit, Zachary M. Raimi, Maureen Sirhal,
Matthew Smart, Vahe Tazian, Michelle Lee Thompson, Maggie Weyhing, Josh White.
GRAPHICS: Laura Nemiroff, Julie Tsai, Kevin Winer.
EDITORIAL Julie Beker, James Nash, Editors
STAFF: James Cho, Allison Dimond, Jed Friedman, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Lauren Goldfarb, Craig Greenberg, Adrienne Janney, Patrick
Javld, Jeff Keating, Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser, Jason Lichlitaein, Partha Mukhopadhiyay, Scott Pence, Jean Twenge. David Wartowski.
SPORTS Paul Barger, Managing Editor
EDITORS; Darren Everson, Antoine Pits, Tom Seeley, Ryan White.
STAFF: Rachel Bachman, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton, Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Sarah DeMar, Marc Diller, Jennifer
Duberstein, Brett Forrest, Alan Goldenbach, James Goldstein, Ravi Gopal, Chaim Hyman, Michael Joshua, Julie Keating, Brett
Krasnove, John Leroi, Marc Lightdaie. Dan McKenzie, Rebecca Moatz, Jed Rosenthal, Davy Rothbart, Danielle Rumore, Melanie
Schuman, Brian Sklar, Tim Smith, Barry Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson.
ARTS Ton Edewine, Heather Phares, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bemardo (Theater), Matt Carlson (Fine Arts), Kirk Miller (Books). Heather Phares (Music), Liz Shaw (Weekend
etc.), Alexeridra Twin (Film), Ted Watts (Weekend, etc.).
STAFF: Mat Benz, Jennifer Buckley, Mark Calson, Thas Cowley, Ella de Leon, Andy Dolan, Ben Ewy, Ariel Gandsmran, Brian Gnatt,
Josh Herrington, Karl Jones, Shirley Lee. Scott P 0. nhof, Fred Rims. Joshua Rich, Dirk Schulae, Sarah Stewart, Prashant Tamaskar.
Brian Wise, Robert Yoon.
PHOTO Jonalh=u Kris, Evan Petrie, Editor.


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