4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 1, 1995 Ulbe £ d iguu ?&lgt DAVID WARTOwsu STANDING ON THE 8 01 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ' - MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JUuE BECKER JAMES NASH Editorial Page Editors Little moments, big impacts E i: " Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Entr6e exansion New Mcard a valuable service for students Since the University's debit system Entree Plus was implemented 10 years ago, it has become such an integral part of campus life that today few students could imagine getting along without it. An innovation dubbed "complicated" by some and "gim- micky" by others at the time of its debut, it is now considered indispensable by most who use it. With this in mind, the University now unveils Mcard - an improved and extended debit system that takes the convenience of Entree Plus from dorms and the Union and brings it to Ulrich's and Espresso Royale. It is about time. The new Mcard's procedures differ little from the existing system. It is a debit system in which students deposit a certain amount of money, to be drawn upon when a purchase is made - essentially an electronic check. The major change lies in the new card's versatil- ity. Whereas Entree Plus is limited to on- campus and University-connected establish- ments, Mcard could theoretically be used throughout the city. It is a tremendous exten- sion of students' buying power. The advantages of this new system are +many. First, it will introduce healthy compe- tition to certain industries on campus that are now largely monopolized, such as booksell- ers. Currently, the Michigan Union Book- store, operated by Barnes and Noble, is the only one in Ann Arbor that accepts Entr6e Plus as a form of payment. As such, it has a tremendous amount of freedom in the prices it charges, as books and other University supplies are an expensive purchase for which students often use Entree Plus as a way to avoid laying out large sums of cash. The Union Bookstore rarely fails to take advan- tage of this fact. In this and many other businesses, the competition brought about by Mcard should lower prices and save stu- dents money. Additionally, Mcard provides a safe, con- venient alternative to cash, which is easily lost or stolen. In many cases, it should also prove an alternative to credit, and will thus allow students to avoid running up debt. The University also deserves praise for employing a pilot program of 500 to 1,000 students in the implementation of the new card. Although advantageous in the long run, as with any new system, users will run into difficulties with Mcard in the early stages. The pilot program should work out many of the wrinkles before the card enters general circulation next fall. The only major criticism of Mcard is that it should have been brought about sooner. For a period of several years, University administrators dragged their heels in moving toward this system, citing legal and financial difficulties as reasons for the delay. Mean- while, other universities, such as Florida State, were employing similar systems with relative ease. The University's decision to employ Mcard now proves that the system was most likely possible all along, and should have been put into place much earlier. This delay aside, Mcard is an excellent idea for which the University deserves credit. Students can look forward to the system's widespread implementation to make their lives that much easier. There are moments that pass and will never come again. I'm not talking about missed photo opportunities or poor performances on exams. I'm talking about the time I met Chris Webber. I had seen him once before when I asked the fabulous freshman to sign a basketball schedule for my little cousin, who is a huge fan of Michigan basketball. I was very impressed that Chris signed it for me. He was on the phone at the time, in his dorm room. He put down the phone, took the schedule, signed it with a genuine smile. Great guy, I thought to myself. He didn't have time for me, he could have said. He needed his space. He had every right to tell me to get the hell out of his room, but no. It wasn't a mighty effort to sign this thing, but valiant, in a sense, nonetheless. And this little act of his made my 9- year-old cousin very happy. Everyone on the block has seen this autograph because its now-12-year-old owner has made sure of it. He never shuts his eyes for the night, I bet, without taking a look at his prized autograph hanging proudly over the bed. The second time I saw Chris Webber was a year later. I was standing by the old Drake's when he came up to me and said, "Excuse me, can you tell me where Sha- man Drum bookstore is?" My response was two things - internal and external. Internal was, "My God. You're Chris Webber. Are you kidding? Of course I'll tell you where Shaman Drum is." External was, "Sure. You walk around the corner there and you'll see it on your right. Real small shop." And he left. I smiled, and then I kicked myself. The moment had passed. This is what should have happened: I should have said, "Sure. I'll walk you there." And along the way I should have told him, "I just want to thank you for doing something you probably don't even re- member doing. You signed a schedule for me, so I could give it to my cousin. Re- member? And I thanked you profusely. You remember that? "And then I gave it to my cousin. He got so excited he didn't utter a word. He sleeps with your signature hanging over his bed. You made a 9-year-old very happy, Chris. I just wanted to tell you. Here. Here is Shaman Drum. See you later." That's what should have happened. But it didn't. And I imagine that I will never get the chance to see Chris Webber again, now that he's a big shot NBA player and all. I probably won't see him in Ann Arbor ever again. I'll never get to thank him for this little deed. In the hustle and bustle of the NBA, I'm afraid Webber and others may take less and less time to sign autographs. Less and less time to acknowledge fans indi- vidually. What is the incentive? Fans rush for autographs, pushing, shoving, they get it, smile and leave to show Mom. How are the superstars to know that a two-second autograph will turn into the personal idol of a little kid who pays homage to it every morning with an ad- miring stare? I fear that Chris, now a big shot, may gradually become immune to the little big impacts. Webber doesn't know that one time he put down the phone to sign a schedule and now my cousin thinks he is the greatest guy ever to hang on his wall. Impact is a difficult thing to realize. My mother, a teacher, has influenced thou- sands with little gestures. She knows be- cause students tell her so. My mother has about 100 students a year; Chris Webber has a world of fans. Fans are not students. They rarely come back to say thanks. Can Webber, too, realize that little ges- tures make a big difference? Sometimes we may forget to tell him. Some of us may not have the chance. If you ever happen to read this, Chris, let me know. I think you're a great guy. Maybe people tell you that a lot. I don't know. But here it is coming from me - a little peon who writes a column and once got you to sign a schedule. It would mean a lot to me if I knew that you knew the impact one autograph can make. - Wartowski is an LSA senior major- ing in economics. He can be e-mailed with comments at davidek@umich.edu. I i JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST NOTABLE QUOTABLE "If each Chechen would have a woman, there would be no war. That's why (women are) the source of war on the planet." - Russian nationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky KOBE.- AAN. * r AtIrK W~ Not a request States must comply with Motor Voter law L ast month, Attorney General Janet Reno nia and his counterparts in Illinois and Pe and the U.S. Justice Department filed sylvania have refused to obey the acta suit against California, Illinois and Pennsyl- Wilson has sued to halt its implementat vania for refusing to comply with the Na- Wilson cites the unfairness of "unfun tional Voter Registration Act of 1993. This federal mandates" as one reason for his t law, dubbed the Motor Voter Act, stipulates disregard for this law - complaining1 that all states offer voter registration forms the federal government has ordered s' where citizens register their automobiles and action but has provided the states with at offices that provide social services. Imple- funds to carry it out. Yet there is no l mentation of the law means that anyone prohibition of unfunded federal manda getting a driver's license, Medicaid, food and such mandates are nothing new in stamps or a myriad of other services - federal system. One must doubt whethert whether by mail or in person - may also is really the governors' quarrel with the 1 register to vote at that time. The act is a long- Even if funding were the true basis for overdue attempt to enfranchise people who Republican governors' opposition to this h otherwise would not register to vote, and the it raises serious questions about their pri governors who flagrantly defy it are effec- ties. Surely increased voter registration is tively depriving many people of their politi- everyone's best interests - so why do tb cal rights. governors so desperately want to block Motor Voter, by making registration sig- Perhaps more alarming, this act of defianc nificantly easier and more accessible, raises reminiscent of Southern governors' refu the number of persons registered. And, since to obey federal orders to desegregate put increasing the political involvement of citi- schools. Can state governors choose sim zens is of primary importance to society, this to ignore federal laws they disagree w law deserves support. Are laws enacted by the federal governmi Only 61 percent of Americans eligible to mere options for state governors? Acti register did so in 1992's presidential elec- such as these, in which states complel tion. Moreover, the percentage of minorities ignore the mandate of the federal gov and those in lower socioeconomic groups ment, must be stopped. who register to vote is even more dismal. If The Motor Voter law, if implemen implemented correctly, Motor Voter would according to plan, will certainly incre undoubtedly enlarge total voter registration; voter registration. It may not spectacul more important, it would increase the num- increase voter turnout in the next electi ber of middle- and lower- economic class but it will surely help alleviate the sens Americans who register by expanding the disenfranchisement that large sectors of1 methods of registration and thus removing American populace feel. Everyone - much of the burden on citizens. gardless of political beliefs - should Republican Gov. Pete Wilson of Califor- plaud this objective. How TO CONTACT THEM Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs 6015 Fleming Building 764-5132 F vnn- and ion. ded otal that tate no egal tes, the this aw. the aw, ori- s in these it? e is isal blic ply ith? rent ons tely ern- rted ase arly ion, e of the re- ap- I LETTERS Reactions to Middle East photostory Lurie presents slanted view To the Daily: After reading the article ac- companying the photos of the "Middle East peace: is this it?" piece (1/27/95), we were left to wonder if there actually are two sides to this story. It seemed as though the author, Jonathan Lurie, has a very slanted view of the recent events in the Middle East. On the editorial pages of the Daily we are accustomed to reading columns that present a completely one-sided view of issues. We are left assume that the Daily now extends its edito- rial opinions to many other ar- eas of the paper. Lurie writes, "Every time the Israeli government bars entry by Palestinians into Israel, work- ers are unable to feed their fami- lies." In light of recent events, it would seem obvious that the Israeli government is not bar- ring entry to Palestinian work- ers to decrease competition for jobs. The issue of peace in the Middle East is a very controver- sial issue. Lurie attacks this is- sue with what seems to be com- plete ignorance of current events and the history of terrorist acts against Israel. The author points out that "there are those on both sides of the conflict who do not bemoans the lack of improve- ment in quality of life for the Palestinians. Lurie questions Israel's con- tinuing economic involvement in the Gaza Strip. He complains that the use of Israeli currency continues and that Israeli busi- nesses continue to employ Pal- estinian workers. If Israel stopped employing Palestinian black-market workers, the cur- rent 50 percent unemployment rate that Lurie quotes would im- mediately plummet. Where would the Lurie-desired "Pal- estinian currency" be then? The only way to ensure that the Pal- estinian economy will survive is to build a strong base. By slowly pulling out, while the United States and other Arab nations provide loans, Israel is ensuring that the Palestinian economy gets off to a good start, not sabotaging it. Reasonable people under- stand that there are two sides to this story. Jonathan Lurie evi- dently feels that all of the prob- lems are a result of Israeli ac- tions alone. The forum for ex- pressing such opinions is under the heading of the editorial page, where the readers are expecting to hear opinions. But please don't try to pass off these one- sided views as photojournalism. Jared Gerstenblatt ten Hnuitlew odically taint the paper's integ- rity and objectivity. From the outrageous publication of an advertisement questioning the existence of the Holocaust, sev- eral years back, to the numer- ous articles aimed at showing Israel in an unfavorable light through distorting or deleting important facts, the Daily's trend seems to be clear. The full page, color display of Jonathan Lurie's pictorial is yet another blow by the Daily to both the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Its biased photo- graphs and text depict Israel as a harsh and divided people who oppose peace and wish to con- tinue oppressing the Palestin- ian people. Indeed, while the photographs do represent some unfortunate realities in Israeli society, they fail to address the entire scope of what is a very complicated issue. Instead, they simplify the matter, by painting Israel to be a tyrannical nation, committed to violating human rights. Furthermore, the display only focuses on the hardship of .Palestinian life and undermines the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who have died either fighting for, or redeeming their nation. Lurie's intended portrayal is simply not true. Anyone who does a minute amount of re- search, will discover that Israel's they can to prevent peace - usually in the form of terrorism, an act which over the last year, has taken over 150 Israeli and Palestinian lives. I believe that the media has an obligation t* play an objective, informative and conciliatory role in helping to promote and display the peace process. The Daily has once again failed to do this. We are a free society in America, and the Daily rightfully boasts its edito- rial freedom - but this free- dom is being used to create wha I believe to be a dangerous situ ation. As a university commu- nity no source speaks louder than the presentation in our daily newspaper. Indeed, by being so blatantly anti-Israel, the Daily only succeeds in alienating many of its community mem- bers, while misinforming many others. I call upon the Daily' authorities to stop badgering a complex situation by merely scratching its surface, but in- stead to reveal the truth - to many readers this truth may come as a surprise. David Goodman LSA senior Politicalviews belong on editorial page, no~t in nhrntnc