w tgan tti One hundred four years of editorial freedom ,TD head appined dean for academic outreach program By RONNIE GLASSBERG Daily Staff Reporter In an attempt to extend campus resc through technology, University officials to name Douglas E. Van Houweling I new post of dean for academic outreac] Van Houweling now serves as vice ost for information technology, overs e University's Information Technolog vision (ITD). In the post, which still nee be approved by the Board of Regents, Houweling will continue to oversee i addition to his new responsibilities. "What we're trying to do is find a r Journalism iraduate department to continue By JODI COHEN Daily Staff Reporter The Master's Program in Journal- ism will be permitted to continue ad- mitting students pending the findings of a University-wide committee, the Executive Board of Rackham School of Graduate Studies voted on Wednes- day. But, for many journalism instruc- tors from the LSA communication department, this announcement will 0t save their jobs. "I don't know anyone who has been fired, but there are people who have been informed that they will not be rehired. It's like a delayed pink slip," said communication lecturer Donald Kubit. He said that there are staff who will not be rehired for the fall 1995 term, and others who will not be re- rming after winter 1996. "I know of people who will not be rehired for the fall of 1995. 1 also know that after my one year is over, I will not be here because they will not teaching individual writing courses. I will not be rehired," Kubit said. He added that emphasis will be placed on senior tenured faculty - lecturers will be the first replaced. "It is sad because lecturers did the *eaviest load of teaching. The people who will suffer are the students," Kubit said. Interim communication chair John Chamberlin has been meeting with faculty individually to discuss the sta- tus of their jobs. "Right now we have not made decisions about who's returning. My general comment to the faculty is that think there will be the same oppor- $ee JOURNALISM, Page 2 help facilitate the intellectual outreach of the campus given the new types of technology that are rapidly becoming available," said Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. in an inter- view yesterday. "If every unit did it them- selves, we'd have to learn it 19 different times." As dean, Van Houweling will head the University's Academic Outreach Program. According to the action request, he will lead efforts to expand beyond residential degree- oriented programs "to make the University of Michigan the global leader in offering pro- grams wherever and whenever qualified people need academic resources." Van Houweling said he will work for more efficient use of the University's facilities. "Those resources are available to people engaged in degree programs in Ann Arbor or the other campuses. As people change from one job to another, they need those same resources, but they need them in a way not served by U-M degree programs," he said. To expand offerings, Van Houweling will use a variety of means. For instance, he said he will work on expanding the University's instruction through teleconferencing and elec- tronic communication. "If you use the Internet - it is every- where - so we could expand our outreach to everywhere in the world," Whitaker said. "He's going to be exploring all that. There's going to be a faculty task force to work with him on it." Van Houweling also will work to improve programs for alums. "The Alumni Associa- tion might provide an opportunity for any alum to use the University computing facili- ties," he said. But Van Houweling's work will not be limited to technology. "I think a lot of our early efforts are going to focus on improving our on-campus offer- ings with things like the summer session," he said. "This is not really a focus on technology. This is a focus on serving new people." Whitaker said the title of dean is appro- priate given the academic nature of the position. "The dean title doesn't give him any addi- tional authority. It just makes him a peer to the other deans," Whitaker said. Van Houweling said his post will help to increase cooperation between the different units. See DEAN, Page 2 SINKING INTO THE SUNSET r KRISTEN A. SCHAEFER/Daily A University student jumps for the basketball rim at Palmer Park at sunset yesterday. Can white men jump? ACLU to help fight for open heanng By RONNIE GLASSBERG Daily Staff Reporter The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union last night voted to support American culture doctoral student Melanie Welch in any lawsuit she brings against the University for its code of non-academic conduct. Welch, whose hearing is sched- uled for today at 3 p.m., is being charged with assault and harassment under the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities - the University's code of non-academic conduct. The University has denied her request for an open hearing. "The Washtenaw County ACLU has long been concerned with the procedural and due process problems of the code," said Lore Rogers, chair of the Washtenaw County ACLU and an Ann Arbor attorney. "There's a problem with the issue of the Univer- sity of Michigan personnel essentially functioning as prosecuting attorney and judge." Ann Arbor attorneys Jonathan Rose and Jonathan Weber joined Welch's case yesterday. David Cahill, an attorney representing Welch on a pro bono basis for today's hearing, said the Rose and Weber will be in- volved in "other proceedings." Welch said last night that she is pleased that the ACLU will support her case. "I'm not going to participate in a closed hearing," Welch said. "The attorneys are going to try to prevent the University from having a closed hearings They're staying up late to do research tonight." Rogers said Welch's team of at- See ACLU, Page 2 'U' prof. study used m Simpson case By TALI KRAVITZ batterer as discussed in Tolman's re- men and women have described as "It's only when it becomes a patter Daily Staff Reporter search and Simpson's actions. characteristics of their partners. it is dangerous," Tolman said. Is O.J. Simpson the kind of man Dutton was then able to link Tolman studied the experiences of "People define abuse as oni n, lly who could have resorted to abusing his wife? Some say no, but a profes- sor from the University's School of Social Work says Simpson's abusive behavior toward Nicole Brown- Simpson was "all too familiar." In order for the Simpson prosecu- tion team to attempt to prove the de- fendant was an abusive person, they called on psychologists across the country. According to Richard Tolman, associate professor in the. School of Social Work, University of British Columbia psychologist Don Dutton cited Tolman's research as part of his testimony during the Simpson pre- trial hearing last week. Dutton drew parallels between characteristics of a Some Characteristics Taken From Toman's PMWl Scale 1. 3. 4. 5 6. My partner put down my physical appearance. My partner criticized the way I took care of the house. My partner acted like I was his personal servant.. My partner was jealous or suspicious of my friends. My partner did not want me to socialize with my female friends. My partrner.refused to let me work outside of the home. physical," Tolman said. By asking women to look at the scale, they can then become aware of the potential of violence and possibly notice a pattern existing in their relationship. The women that he has done studies on say: "The psychological abuse (cre- ates) a sense of betrayal by someone who is supposed to love and trust them. Battering is not just physically abusing." The correlation between abusive behavior and homicide is detected when "somebody who scores higher on the scale and shows a pervasive pattern of dominance, control and, iso- lation are more likely to commit a homicide," Tolman said. He added See SIMPSON, Page 2 Simpson's behavior with homicide risk. To illustrate his point he referred to the "Tolman Scale," which mea- sures the psychological maltreatment of women by their male partners., The study, titled, "The Psycho- logical Maltreatment Inventory," (PMWI) is a compilation of traits that batterers and their victims for nearly 14 years, and even researched in Alaska. The list, consisting of 58 abuses, focuses on the psychological as op- posed to the physical aspects of abuse. While these characteristics can be present in many healthy relationships, Discharged Marine tells of discrimination Bruce 1. - Yamashita, a' former Marinp captain, calls himself an American above everything else. KRISTEN . SCHAEFER/Daily By SPENCER DICKINSON Daily Staff Reporter One complaint of Asian Ameri- can students at the -University is a lack of role models. Last night, the Asian Pacific American Task Force tried to fill the void by bringing Bruce Yamashita to campus to tell his story. In 1989, Yamashita was dis- charged from the Marine officer tr'aining program for what the corps ,referred to as "leadership failure." Yamashita saidihe was sure the real reason was discrimination. As a Marine officer candidate, Yamashita was called everything from "Kawasaki Yamaha," to "Ka- mikaze man." A sergeant major spoke to him in broken Japanese, and one sergeant bragged he had "kicked his Japanese ass" in World War II. Yamashita, while aware of. his Japanese heritage, had never thought of himself as anything but American. His grandparents arrived in the United States more than 80 years ago, well before the births of his parents. In high school, he was elected student body president and captain of the varsity baseball and football teams. As a graduate of Georgetown Univer- sity Law School, he was confident of his academic and athletic abilities. "I can run faster, do better in academics, clean my rifle better .. I can't change my ethnicity." Still, he was jeered and tormented daily by instructors, and told to go back to his own country. "We don't want your kind around here," the instructors told him. In the sixth week of training, still found himself explaining he was a U.S. citizen to fellow recruits. He knew the situation was "not good." On the brink of graduation and a commission as a Marine officer, Yamashita and four other officer candidates were told they would not graduate. Yamashita said he was not surprised that three of the other four were minorities. He returned to Hawaii feeling dejected. "I thought, 'Gee I wish I was just white, maybe 5 feet, 10 inches, 180 pounds," he said. In- stead, he was 5 feet 7 inches but had enough determination to take on the Marine Corps. With the help of lawyers, Ma- rine officers, his community in Hawaii, and Sen. Daniel Inouye, a Japanese American who served in World War II, he took the case to court. After a five-year legal battle, Yamashita was granted a commis- sion, two promotions and a place in the Marine Reserve. "At times, Yamashita confessed, "I realized I was just getting older. I thought about giving up." "Getting tired is the biggest en- emy," he said, "and time is their See YAMASHITA, Page 2 Union Board welcomes jnput on renovations A FINAL WORD WhilE ThIS MAY bE JUST ANOThER FRidAy fOR MANY Of yOU, TiS iS OUR SWAN SONG. ThE EdiTORS WhO NAVE qUidEd TiS n ra t ~nmrr aT I-rA ' %r A.A f. ... . Ani+rNt r - House passes balanced budget amendment By LISA PORIS For the Daily Input, security and bathroom fa- cilities were among the concerns ex- pressed at the "Michigan Union fourth Frank Cianciola, associate dean of students and director of University Unions, Union Director Audrey Schwimmer and MUBR Chairperson Leslie Baxter facilitated the meeting. The Washington Post WASHINGTON - The House last night approved a balanced budget amendment that would discourage Congress from spending more than it fering from Alzheimer's disease, took a leading role in promoting the bal- anced budget amendment in the 1980s after the deficit began to skyrocket. "It truly has been, I think, an his-