4 -- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 19, 1995 cat 1 C 4wttn Batlg 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors' Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. 'I refuse to let Wildcats, Hoosiers and Buckeyes take jobs away from Spartans and Wolverines.' - Michigan Gov. John Engler, in his annual State of the State address. HEY! LET ME IN q / TEcruRF- I- S. GOVE -N - 1 Health care on the cheap t is estimated that approximately 12 percent of all University students have no health insurance and many more possess less than adequate insurance. Without revisiting the contentious debate over whether or not health care is a right, this page believes it can be agreed that for students with no health insur- ance, a higher education degree is a difficult goal to pursue. Uninsured students, particu- larly married students and students with chil- dren, know that each day holds tremendous uncertainty. The smallest accident could lead to costs that the student is simply unable to incur. Survey research on the subject indicates that for uninsured college students, the desire for affordable health insurance is a paramount concern. While no such research has been conducted dealing sole with the University community, it can be inferred that uninsured University students feel the same insecurities. Fortunately, this is a problem that can be solved. The precise diagnosis is not yet clear, but it is clear that it is high time students, MSA and administrators entered into a dialogue to seek common solutions to the health care conundrum. The options at their disposal are many. For one, the University could allow, en- courage or perhaps even mandate uninsured students to join M-Care, which currently pro- vides an effective house for staff and faculty to purchase insurance. In keeping with the theme of the newly created health care corporation, the University could place the 12 or so percent of uninsured students into one managed care risk pool. Besides the savings generated from utiliz- ing the managed care approach, health insur- ance would become available at bargain rates by the very nature of a student risk pool. Students, after all, are a healthy sort; estimates indicate that such a risk pool would allow students to obtain coverage for $300 or less per year. Perhaps the University could take the tack other institutions of higher learning have adopted. That is, it could consider the cost of insurance to be part of the total cost of one's education. It could do this by "mandating" that all uninsured students receive insurance under the new program. But it would include health insurance as a University fee, thereby making it so financial aid would cover the cost for many. For others, the premiums would be cheap; and supplementary methods can be easily conceived to subsidize those who still can't afford the insurance. This is particularly not threatening considering all students al- ready pay more than $90 per year to University Health Services -- a $200 increase would be a great price to pay for full coverage. Still, the details of the final policy are not as important so long as the policy contains two vital provisions: Students who are already well insured under a parent's policy do not have to pay the additional fee and the insur- ance covers health care costs on and off cam- pus. The University operates one of the largest and greatest health care systems in the world. While many students benefit from this system, many do not because of their lack of health care coverage or knowledge about how the "system" works. To ensure all students have equal access to health care coverage, the Uni- versity should implement a new approach to health insurance for students make good health care coverage affordable and accessible to every student. Article downplays Black role in organizing MLK Day Avoid haste in Haiti The recent death of aU.S. serviceman while on duty has put the American operation in Haiti back into the news. While the media has turned its attention to more recent events, Operation "Restore Hope" has been quietly continuing since U.S. troops landed on the island in September. It is understood that the loss of one life is one too many, however this death should not be used as a political tool for the opposition to try to pull U.S. troops out of Haiti. In fact, quite the opposite. This develop- ment should remind us that the Haitian opera- tion is not over and that we should continue efforts to bring peace and security to that nation. The Republican leadership have been ex- traordinarily critical of President Clinton's decision to intervene in Haiti. Although a good deal of that criticism was pre-election posturing, some Republicans have been con- sistently asking the White House to end the operation. Last Wednesday's slaying could be cited as an example to show how the operation has been misguided and should be ended as soon as possible. But, if the United States were to begin pulling troops out of Haiti before the previously set date in March, it would be most unfortunate. In the beginning of the intervention, policy- makers clashed over the wisdom of the opera- tion. There were some good arguments against the intervention and many have remained skep- tical that Haiti will return to its sad tradition of political mayhem once troops are gone. How- ever, the fact remains that U.S. troops are still in Haiti. Because of the past four months, the United States has made a large investment in Haiti's future and should remain committed until its mission is complete and day-to-day peacekeeping can behandedoverto the United Nations. More important, it should be noticed that in power as the elected leader of the country, the Haitian Parliament has been running and the economy is beginning its first signs of revitalization now that the international em- bargo has been lifted. Through confiscation and buy-backprograms,14,000 weapons have been recovered, lessening the risk of further political violence. So far, the aims of restoring Haiti to stability have made great progress and these efforts should not stop. The death of the U.S. soldier only illustrates that these efforts, especially those to remove weapons, are not complete and should be continued. American foreign policy makers knew upon intervening in Haiti that troops faced the risk of a quagmire. But humanitarian concerns overrode political considerations, and the op- eration went ahead. For the Clinton adminis- tration to back down from one of its few foreign-policy successes would be a shame- less capitulation to short-term domestic politi- cal concerns - hardly the foundation of a lasting world order. Haiti, situated notfar off the U.S. coastline, is animportantcomponentofAmerica'spolicy toward the Caribbean. The nation cannot af- ford to abandon Haiti in its time of need and send a signal to other states that the United States is interested solely in burnishing our humanitarian image with no follow-through on our commitments. U.S. foreign policy has been accused of being myopic: Once media attention is di- verted to other issues and the public loses interest, so does the White House in imple- menting its policy. Haiti has helped reverse that. While unpopular, the White House has stayed committed to its policy, a policy that ultimately should be viewed as successful. The United States should remain in Haiti and finish the job of restoring it as a stable and democratic Caribbean nation. To pull out pre- To the Daily: I have been involved in a number of Black student-initi- ated activities over the years on this campus. I have also experi- enced, repeatedly, the "morn- ing after" shock from reading Daily articles which M:daim to portray Black student-initiated activities accurately and suc- cinctly. I have been shocked because of the great disparity between my recollection of these activities as a participant and their subsequent misrepre- sentation in a Michigan Daily article. I have found Spencer Dickinson's article titled, "Stu- dents rally for renewed 'U' ac- tion" (1/17/95) to be no excep- tion to this unfortunate rule. In the spiritofthe day, Black students took a great deal of time and energy planning the format of the Unity March. As a former coordinator of this ac- tivity (1990) I can attest to the consistent display of concern exhibited by Black students for contemporary issues affecting our people and communities. As in previous years, students and others from many different backgrounds and orientations were engaged in vigorous dia- logue to determine the frame- work and format of the Unity March and rally. People used the planning process for these events to determine the breadth and the scope of issues to be addressed. The majority of par- ticipants in this process agreed that the plight of the three re- cently fired Dental School workers demanded a space in the content of the speeches at the rally. However, the National Women's Rights Organizing Coalition was conspicuously absent from these meetings and this process. In fact, NWROC and oth- ers appeared on the day of the Unity March and rally. Because it was generally agreed that the issue of the firing of the three Dental School workers was a significant one which warranted attention and action, they were incorporated into the Unity March. However, the format and content of the rally was predetermined. NWROC was Letter writer not a part of the Unity March and rally planning process. And although the issue of the firing of the three Dental School workers was addressed by designated speakers at the rally, NWROC forcibly placed themselves and their agenda into the rally. The actions of NWROC on Jan.16 follow a consistent pattern of organiza- tions (including the Revolu- tionary Workers League) at- tempting to force their organi- zational agenda of Black stu- dent-initiated activities on cam- pus. Organizations such as the NWROC and the RWL have repeatedly disrupted Black stu- dent-initiated and otherstudent activities, blemishing the im- age of positive events with spontaneous acts of aggression which in many cases have en- dangered students. I choose to characterize. Dickinson's article as a gross misrepresentation of the rally events because his article has falsely portrayed Black stu- dents as undisciplined and ag- gressively reactionary. He has assembled a series of quotes and an irresponsible timeline of events that portray Black students as the aggressor and NWROC as the "victim." This misrepresentation has dis- counted the spirit and nature of MLK Day and the Unity March. It has hampered the ability of Black students to sup- port and advocate in the inter- est of the three fired Dental School workers. It has vali- dated the integrity of NWROC, whose members include indi- viduals who have a long his- tory of disrupting student-ini- tiated activities on campus. As a soon to be alumni of this university I am both sad and angry to witness the con- tinuance of the maliciously neg- ligent trend of media misrepre- sentation of Black student-ini- tiated events. With love for my community and support for the struggle I feel that I have every right to demand more respon- sible journalism. Kofi Malik Boone Rackham graduate student Daily editorial Movie review is pointless To the Daily: I've seen good movie re- views; I've seen bad movie re- views. I've never seen one so ludicrous as ScottPlagenhoef's review of"Dumb and Dumber." I'm not defending the movie - I haven't seen it. But what kind of journalist writes a re- view of a movie where he only talks about the movie in the first paragraph and then com- ments on society for the rest of the article? I expected a movie review, not social analysis. And on both ends Plagenhoef falls short. Plagenhoef criticizes a movie that makes jokes on di- arrhea, yet even he is not above making a Bobbitt joke (simul- taneously looking down on a society that makes jokes about him). Scott also wonders about a society that it could make "Dumb and Dumber" No. 1, yet is ignorant of the simple fact that O.J. Simpson has only been accused -not convicted -of murder. And then he tells us "Beavis and Butt-Head" is a clever"... satire ofourdetached TV culture"? Whatever ... So, in closing, I offer some advice to Mr. Plagenhoef: The next time you write a movie review, write about the movie. If you want to comment on society, write a political sci- ence paper. Ryan Garcia LSA junior Prof's claims misleading To the Daily: In the Jan. 11 Daily, Prof. Carl Cohen offered his inter- pretation of a recent Federal court case that dealt with whether a professor's classroom statements constituted sexual harassment. (Silva vs. Univer- sity ofNewHampshire). While we disagree with several points Prof. Cohen makes, we com- ment only on one. Prof. Cohen claims that the finding in the case means that faculty, students and adminis- trators involved in handling sexual harassment cases at the University ofMichigan may be subjected to "substantial per- sonal liability." This is not true. Under the University's De- fense and Indemnification Policy,the University will pay for an individual's legal de- fense, and any damages as- sessed against him or her by a court, so long as the individual's action in implementing or en- forcing a University policy, such as its Sexual Harassment Policy, is in good faith and in the performance of his or her University responsibilities. See, Standard Practice Guide 601.9. This defense and indemni- fication will continue even if a court later invalidates the Uni- Cobain, the Xers and the GOP Young Republican David Wil- son, 27, the smiling, sweater-wear- ing legislative assistant for telecom- munications, education and Indi affairs for Senate Majority Lea Bob Dole pontificated earlier this week in The New York Times thattie thought the late Kurt Cobain, the lead singer for Nirvana and a classmate in high school in rural Washington state "strange. I think he dropped out [of school] ormoved." Sure Kurt Cobam (1967-1994) was unstable, disturbed and "strange" enough to take a shot- gun to his head and take his own l -but implicit in Mr. Wilson's com- ments, and others from the law-and- order perspective he proudly resides in. the same camp that produced the dubious Contract with America and its notion of wielfare moms and "or- phanages"- is a deep contempt for the so-called "slackers" and cultural fixtures of the Prozac-induced Gen- eration X. We are men and won who found community high school to be the most horrible experience of our young lives and ours may be the first generation in all of American history that will be the first to bring home less in personal income than the preceding generation. We may be nervous about the direction America is heading in, but we sure like Sega Genesis. What's more, there arem than 60 channels provided by o- lumbia Cable to accommodate our disposition toward "slack" and "chan- nel surfing." It would be difficult to deny that Mr. Cobain (for now, let's leave the cast of "Reality Bites" out of this) best symbolized what Generation X stands for--agenerational cohort48 million strong caught between a st9 gering divorce rate, widespread fa- milial dysfunction, limited economic opportunities and pervasive cynicism in America's bedrock political and social institutions to effect change. This cannot be accomplished by just banning commerative legislation and by placing TV cameras in all com- mittee hearing rooms, Newt-style. Yet inside the media packag of the much heralded Second Com- ing of the Woodstock Nation are people like Kurt Cobain, who felt life to be too painful and excruciatingly sad, full of disappointments and at its core, essentially meaningless. His poignant lyrics eloquently expressed this far-reaching, unnerving disillu- sionment. The onset of the informa- tion superhighway, Hockey '95 um-gopher didn't cheer him up ei- ther. But you may be asking to your- self right about now - "Didn't Ijust read in this column space last week, right after 'Jason's Lyric' sounded the praises of the U-M College Re- publicans' skills with signs and their undying support of those almighty Reagan economic and cultural val- ues, that I would hear somen things about Republican politicos t year?" Newman! Hell, this Wilson was just antagonizing us Xers, and unusual as it may sound, it occurred to me that the Reaganites are both responsible for and complicit in the excesses of the "me" decade whose result now our generation is forced to confront. We have to deal withclean- ing up a huge federal budget def(, restructuring underfunded publice cational systems that are unable to provide American youth with basic math, science and writing skills and coping with the AIDS epidemic that sounded so spooky in the early '80s, so "strange" that the Reagan admin- istration made virtually no effort to direct federal research funding to combat it. And probably most cn- cally, we face a social order furt stratified and divided along lines of rich and poor. True, countercultural values of the'60s, long associated with the left wing of the Democratic Party and with people who don't feel it's neces- sary to brush their hair, didn't help the equation either. Free love and narcotic experimentation don't actly spell f-a-m-i-1-y. All of th* discordant societal forces came to- gether in the 1990s, in the form of Generation X, to produce Kurt Cobain, and many like him. His is a sad story.Cobain subsequently turned misunderstands loose with prejudice To the Daily: Steve Graines' letteron Jan. 9 deeply saddens me. Lasser was gracious enough to apolo- gize for his mistake, and I ap- preciate that. However, Graines has yet to understand what the nature of prejudice is. According to Graines, Lasser did not create news. lanuage To the Daily: In your editorial "Cutting off the arts" of Wed. Jan. 18,1995 you stated that "many more people see weapons of war as more offensive than the art the NEA supports," as if it were a common fact. I chal- lenge you to verify this state- ment with accurate factual and I