4- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 18, 1995 E , i ttn tt 1 ft 2 AV& *AM AIL IN& S 00 Allk 0 AIIL MIL SM B I 10 (1 W SIO !:1- I .. ,-..r... .. .a..r w s- w... I 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Hallady Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein FlintWainess_ Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. 'You can't stick a knife nine inches in the back of an oppressed person, pull it out six inches and call it progress.' Center for African and African American Studies Prof Daniel Hollirnan ALK(IHT CLASS, WE RE NOW GOING To HAVE* OUR 'DAILY 'RAYER SESIoN ALL NON-RE LIEVER 5 CAN5SE EXCOSED FOR. aE C E SS ~. 4 Gto r Kfl~zAJ1 Support Safewalk Students should attend volunteer meeting tonight it's late, it's dark outside. You face a long walk home to your dorm or apartment. You are alone, and you do not feel safe on Ann Arbor's streets. You don't want to make one of your friends walk you home, but you don't want to go alone either. What can you do? You can call Safewalk. Since the fall 1994 semester, the escort service Safewalk--along with its North Cam- pus counterpart, Northwalk - has become a more integral part of many University stu- dents' lives than ever before. Fears of the Ann Arbor serial rapist and serial molester, along with the growing revelation for many students that they are not immune to violent crime, drew and continue to draw many students to utilize Safewalk' s services. In fact, last semes- terSafewalkconductedmore than 3,000 walks, three times the organization's usual number of walks per term. Many students are now requesting that Safewalk - which normally begins opera- tions at 8p.m. in the Undergraduate Library - start at 6 p.m. since during the winter, dusk begins to fall around this time. Safewalk co- coordinator Eric Kessell wants to open earlier as requested. However, one problem remains. Because of the huge influx in the number of students requesting its escort services, Safewalk's volunteer staff has already been stretched to its limits. It continues to service students, but without new volunteers it will be unable to expand its operation hours. To combat this shortfall, Safewalk will be holding an emergency volunteer drive tonight at 7 p.m. in the Henderson room of the Michi- gan League. All students who have a few hours to donate to an obviously important program should attend this open house and volunteer their services. It has become readily apparent that stu- dents cannot simply sit back and depend on the Department of Public Safety or even the Ann Arbor police to protect us from crime on campus. While the serial rapist may finally be behind bars, there are still criminals on the streets of Ann Arbor and vigilance is still needed in ensuring student safety. We, as students, must take an active role in protecting ourselves and each other. Safewalk is one of the most well-known and helpful student programs bent toward getting students to aid other students. It can only be imagined how many potential rape, mugging and even murder victims were saved from the clutches of imminent danger simply by being escorted home by two Safewalk volunteers. It is time to return the favor and help Safewalk in its hour of need. In order to better serve students, Safewalk needs student volunteers. Too many of us depend on Safewalk to make our nighttime journeys throughout campus that much safer for us to let this unquestionably beneficial program wither from lack of student commit- ment to keep it alive and growing. AllUniversity students, male andfemale, should strongly considerattendingattend Safewalk' smass meetingtonightat7p.m. and playa substantial role in diminishing violent crime. Letter writers' debate on Haiti continues Cutting off the arts Gingrich's budget efforts Among the spending cuts proposed by the newly elected Republican Congress is the curtailment of funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), as well as the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Opponents of the NEA cite the $167 million spent each year on the agency, and a few cases of perceived obscenity supported through grants as basis for elimination of the program. Furthermore, they feel that if people truly consider the arts valuable, they will sup- port them through the private sector. It is important to realize how ill-founded and mis- leading these arguments are. First, $167 million is pocket change for the U.S. government. Not that cuts on "pocket change" programs are not important, but the NEA' s budget is less than two-tenths of 1 percent of the national budget. The new FSX fighter planes the United States and Japan are building cost over $100 million each. Indeed, according to 1993 figures, U.S. military bands1 receive $194 million each year and consis- tently receive 12 to 15 percent more each year than the NEA. Apparently, military bands are much more important to the American peopleI than the arts.; Throughout history, art has been a privi- lege reserved solely for the rich. It was the goal of President John F. Kennedy to reverse that trend. Although Kennedy was killed before he+ could establish the NEA, his successor, Lyndon Johnson, lived up to the legacy by launching+ the NEA into existence in September 1965.+ Richard Nixon practically tripled funds for the program during his presidency, reasoning that,1 "if we can send men to the moon, we must be equally concerned with life on earth. And1 nothing contributes more to the quality of life1 than the arts." Since then, a dramatic change has swept over the art scene. With unbiased{ nanm... in,4. -Ana nrAnnt ,A ,nAiviiA lnk on1 wrongly target NEA masses. Furthermore, the NEA has been a catalyst in bringing American art, in all its forms, to all Americans. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) wants voters to be- lieve he is stripping the rich of a sacred cow, but instead he is advocating the theft of art from those who cannot afford to pay for it themselves. Opponents also argue that the private sec- tor provides enough funds for art to survive on its own. The unanimous opinion of anyone who follows art, however, is that few of the private funds would be there without the initial government support. Each federal dollar leads to eleven private dollars - thus the NEA, in funding American art, "primes the pump." Without government funding, ticket prices to plays, shows and music performances would rise, leaving art a privilege, indeed, solely for the rich. Included in those institutions that would be placed in jeopardy by such cuts are the University's own Kelsey Museum and the Art Museum. Another point opponents make against the NEA is that it funds "offensive" works. They insist that people should not have their taxes going to "obscene" art. This reasoning for dismantling the NEA is weak, at best. Some of the most celebrated works of art in history were considered utterly offensive at the time of their creation. In addition, this point hints at the illusion that each individual should have complete control over where his or her tax dollars should be spent - yet many more people see weapons of war as more offensive than the art the NEA supports. Admittedly, in light of the recent drive to balance the budget, the NEA and many other programs may need to sustain significant cuts. However, legislators must not be misled by Gingrich's rhetoric. The NEA and NEH's I,,~f *c ;tnri-ty rnnnnti,' r t i, n -3i To the Daily: Michigan Daily readers will recall that a correspondence of sorts took place some time ago between U-M College Repub- licans President Mark Fletcher and me. Our differences of opinion have manifested them- selves in a debate involving three intertwined issues. The first and longest issue involves the record of recently restored Haitian President Jean- Bertrand Aristide. Most argued in this debate was the allega- tion that Aristide encouraged the gruesome practice of "necklacing" (putting a gas- drenched tire around a person's neck and setting it ablaze), to which I had referred to a post- ing on the Ask Z&C column of Left On Line by Noam Chomsky. Mr. Fletcher should be ashamed that he accused Chomsky, the most frequently cited author alive, of "allega- tions" Still, someclarifications need to be made on my ac- count. When I said that Aristide gave his 1991 speech in Cre- ole, in which he referred to necklacing, I gave that as a symbolic example of Aristide's concerns for the people, since Creole is spoken by 90 percent of Haitians. In that speech, Aristide did refer to that prac- tice, but the important factor to consideris the contextin which is occurred. As Chomsky wrote, "People read the am- biguous speech ... in different ways. Personally, I read it as calling for upholding the (Hai- tian) constitution, and direct action (to preserve Haiti's bur- geoning democracy) if neces- sary. In saying that Aristide had denied saying the quote, I had meant that he denied saying it in that context, regardless of the number of times he indeed mentioned it, and regardless of whatever other uncouth indi- viduals may attribute to the quote, going so far as to even cite altered versions of that quote. Then mention came of Roger Lafontant, who in Janu- Fried catfish and MLK day To the Daily: I moved into East Quad with the knowledge that the resi- dents there were a diverse group of people. I took pride in the fact that my hall/floor/house was one in which a mixture of cultures was represented. But I was completely and utterly ary 1991 was stripped naked and paraded through Port-au- Prince by a violent mob. The mob though arose as a result of a command made over the ra- dio by Lafontant to announce the resignation of Haitian in- terim president Ertha Trouillot. This mention, though, ne- glected to say that Lafontant was once Baby Doc Duvalier's interior minister and head of the Tontons Macoutes (the Duvaliers' vicious police force), and guilty of commit- ting untold murders and tor- tures under the Duvaliers. It may be argued that Lafontant's murder was justi- fied. I must, however, heavily stress that I myself don't con- done this or any violent action. I am merely pointing out an understandable (even if unapprovable) reaction to de- cades of much more extreme violence and popular repres- sion, created by forces (the U. S. government, the Duvaliers, the Tontons Macoutes and the like) for whom Lafontant worked. True concern about Lafontant and these others, including "possibly several (likely inno- cent) others" who may have dies as a result of the mob against Lafontant, is antitheti- cal to supporting agovernment which itself supported (albeit tacitly) nearly three decades of bloody Duvalier rule that pre- cipitated these deaths. I must further stress that there is no factual merit in somehow connecting any of these brutal acts to Aristide, which includes the other 25 lynchings documented under Aristide's 1991 tenure. Indeed, the repeatedly made implica- tion that Aristide was some- how disparate from the Haitian people is one rooted in pure wind, since Aristide was elected into office with 68 per- cent of the vote, despite the presence of seven other presi- dential candidates. His elec- tion and brief 1991 tenure are the culmination of years of massive Haitian grass roots campaigns; Aristide was merely the embodiment of the may not be associated with? Possibly. But if that was true, why not do the same on Ghandi's birthday? Or St. Francis of Assisi? Why not have a week, or a month, or a year in which we celebrate the diver- sity around us? I spent a sum- mer working with Coretta Scott King at the MLK Center for Non-violent Social Change in Atlanta, and through this expe- rience, I learned enough about MLK to know that he wasn't nhn t rmm tin nct . _ vn grievances and concerns of Haitians during that time, All these facts, of course, refer to 1991 and don't apply now. But regarding Aristide, I offer this conundrum: while our government now differs little from the government that sup- ported the Duvaliers, why would the U.S. government re- install a president so devoted to popular concern? We may get a clue to an answer in recent is- sues of the New York Times, which said that Aristide now called for "reconciliation" be- tween Haiti's wealthy elite and its suffering poor. Translation: Aristide has caved in and more of the same old suffering is in store for Haiti's people. I can't blame Aristide for going along with the status quo, considering the enormous pressures that the U.S. government put on him and on Haiti. We Americans, nevertheless, owe it to ourselves to support the Haitian people even if our government forces Aristide to deviate fromhisear- lier political stances. The second issue of debate between Mr. Fletcher and my- self involves the nature of the media. The facetious references that sources like the Washing- ton Post an the Wall StreetJour- nal as "bastions of right wing radicalism and inaccuracy is surprisingly close to reality. However, inaccuracy and radi- calism in the media does not manifest itself explicitly, but rather implicitly. Propaganda is indeed most effective when it doesn't look like propaganda. Yet in all three of these is- sues, little reference has been made back to any of the numer- ous salient points I have written in this and my previous letters, focusing instead on potential ambiguities I have written, and referring to those incessantly. This reminds me of the New Testament verse (Matthew 7:3): "Why do you notice the splin- ter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?" Mitchell Szczepanczyk LSA junior Daily errs in UMS article To the Daily: I believe that part of the purpose of a newspaper is to inform its community accu- rately about events and services available to them. Your article on the UMS ticket rush ("UMS holds sale for students," 1/12/ 95) was not correct in its listing Good war bad war peace wins over both This is an unusual year for war and remembrance, marking the 50th anniversary of the end of the second World War and the 20th anniversary of the end of the Viet- nam War. Those wars were re- markably different, and weremem- ber them differently: the good war and the bad war. What should we make of them as they slip off into myth and history? Is there any- thing to learn from them? The Second World War was one that Americans had to be clubbed into. It was clear to all, at least by the fall of France in 1940, that Hitler was the guy the word aggressor' was made for, and was very, very dangerous to us. The Japanese were easier to dismiss: their atrocious conduct in faraway China was shrugged off as little monkeys versus laundrymen. But while the moral lines were clearly drawn, Americans refused to cross them: "It's not our war." It became our war at Pearl Har- bor: battleships burning, aircraft destroyed and over two thousand Americans dead. In the next few months, an American-Filipino army and the Marines garrison at Wake Island were abandoned. Ger- man submarines lit up the Caro- lina coast, while our own subma- rines were crippled by dud torpe- does. And so in defeat and shame, America went to war. And we won. There were war profiteers and black markets and draft dodgers and blunders, but we won. Presi- dent Roosevelt had it right from the first day, when he thundered that we would "win the inevitable victory, so help us God!" All Americans were determined that we would. And that may have been thekeytowhy we remember WWII as "the good war." The icon of the war is Joe Rosenthal's photo of some guys in overalls doing some heavy lifting. They happen to be Marines, and they happen to be on Iwo Jima, but what they capture is the common spirit of ordinary Americans working together to fin- ish a tough job. That was the es- sence of the "good war." How different was Vietnam! We involved ourselves in it volun- tarily, pushing and shoving a re- luctant ally to fight for us while trumpeting all the while that we were defending democracy and whatever. When that failed, the best and the brightest ordered U.S. troops into the baffling and bloody quagmire of a revolutionary war. The war had to be limited, for we could hardly wage total waragainst one eruption of Communism with- out involving the great Commu- nist powers themselves, China and the Soviet Union. And so the GIs gave it everything they had, while the rest of America paid little at- tention. The generals predicted victory pretty quick, but we slowly realized that they were wrong and we were losing. Worse, we were losing in disunity. America was fractured from top to bottom. Presi- dent Johnson called it privately "that bitch war," the daughters and sons of the best and brightest pa- raded the enemy's flag in protest, and construction workers paraded to honor the police who had clubbed the protesters. The great American public watched it all on TV and chose not to participate. The Vietnam War fizzled in a transparent sellout of our ally. In spite of presidential claims of "peace with honor," Americans understood only too well that they had lost, had somehow failed; and the war became "the bad war." They differed then and still differ now as to what went wrong, and most agree with President Ford that the whole thing is best forgot- l'l 0l I