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January 18, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-01-18

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 18, 1994

Continued from page 1
Regulatory Reform to eliminate many
govemmentrules, regulations and red
Continuing welfare reform, by
requiring its recipients to work. "We
believe that all can - and must carry
- their fair share," Engler said.
Asking Lieutenant Gov. Connie
Binsfeld to chair a commission that
will review how state and local agen-
cies work with children at risk in their
Engler also endorsed tougher mea-
sures for youthful offenders. "The
public is demanding - and I concur
- that young punks be treated as
adults," Engler said.
He said he will submit a $200
-million appropriations bill aimed at
locking up young criminals. And,
Engler said he will fill prisons to the
fullest by "double bunking convicts
or by removing the interference of
federal judges."
After the 35-minute address,
Democratic Rep. Mary Schroer said,
"I thoughtit was the worst State of the
State I ever heard."
Schroer, whose district encom-
passes the University's North Cam-
pus, criticized Engler for lacking spe-
cifics in his address, likening it to a
campaign speech. She disagreed with
Engler's proposal to increase income

tax exemptions across the board,
and said exemptions should focus
specifically on families with chil-
"These are the people ... that are
having the hardest time surviving in
Michigan," she said.
Although new Rep. Liz Brater (D-
Ann Arbor) complimented parts of
Engler's agenda, she said, "I do have
a healthy dose of skepticism."
Brater said that although the
economy is healthy now, recent pro-
jections predict a downswing in the
next few years.
Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer also
attended the address, his third trip to
the Capitol this month.
Archer spoke optimistically of the
city's relationship with the state gov-
ernment. "Given the right help now,
the city of Detroit will be a help to the
state, not a drain."
Before he began his speech, Engler
thanked the state's citizens for the
outpouring of love that had greeted
the birth of his triplet daughters -
Margaret, Hannah and Madeleine -
on Nov. 13.
And the governor used the speech,
shown by the state's public television
stations, to send his best wishes to
Binsfeld. Seventy-year-old Binsfeld
had heart bypass surgery Jan. 10 and
was watching from home after being
released from the hospital earlier yes-

Continued from page 1
to Mitchell. "To the contrary, they
made every effort to treat you as a
responsible and trusted staff mem-
Washington's office released a
letter yesterday in which he chastised
the University for its action and reit-
erated the employees' intent to fight
for their demands.
"Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Atkins and*
Mr. Isabell are not resigning their
employment," Washington stated.
"They intend to fight through all avail-
able means for the jobs, the clean
records, the back pay and the nondis-
criminatory working conditions which
are their right."
Washington said yesterday that he
and his clients may raise the lawsuit
to $2 million, but that they are await
ing University response to their state-
Vice President for University Re-
lations Walter Harrison said that he
could not comment on the case before
it is filed.
"If Mr. Washington wants to file
suit, then he can file suit and we will
respond," Harrison said last night.
Harrison added he has not yet see
the statement. "We will study the fil-
ing if and when it happens and then
we will be able to respond to it."
Mitchell, Atkins and Isabell de-
cided to fight their December dis-
missals from the Dental School due to
what they called racist treatment from
a supervisor.
Their efforts, backed by the Na-
tional Women's Rights Organizing
Coalition, began with a forum on Jan.
10 that included a protest march from
the Ibiag to the Dental School last
Thursday and a demonstration Mon-
cial programs or speakers that they
want the campus to know about,"
Davis said.
LSA senior Shelley Soenen said
Winterfest caters primarily to first
and second-year students. "It is *
chance for them to get involved in
various ways and learn more about
the University," she said. '
LSA senior Vikas Mehta, member
of Circle K International, said, "If
you don't get involved, the world will
be shaped by people other than you. If
you want things to be a certain way,
you have to do something about it."


About 1,800 people were killed in an earthquake and its aftershocks. Almost 1,000 are still missing.

Continued from page 1
Tasukete!" ("Over here! Help!"), but
the voice gave out before workers
could dig down through the collapsed
Electricity, gas and water remained
off this morning, and phone service
was uncertain.
Japanese officials were organiz-
ing relief flights with medical and

food supplies.
In Northridge, Calif., where he
was commemorating the one-year
anniversary of California's killer
earthquake, President Clinton said
yesterday the United States "sends
our profound condolences" to Japan.
He ordered a high-level delegation to
go there to help Tokyo cope with the
Those to be sent include officials
of the Federal Emergency Manage-

Continued from page 1
stone toward the master's injournalism
program. I'm disappointed," she said.
Jackson said she will stay at the Univer-
sity, but plans to complete her concen-
tration under the old requirements.
Chamberlin said the University has
not had an undergraduate degree pro-
gram in journalism in 15 years. He
recommended that students interested
in journalism think about getting "a
broad liberal arts education" and learn
journalistic writing through internships
or working for The Michigan Daily.
"If someone is trying to put to-
getheraB.A. injournalismhere, they're
going to be frustrated the year after
next," Chamberlin said. "There is no

intent to have a journalism curriculum
in LSA," after next year, he said.
In the reorganization of the de-
partment, most of the advanced writ-
ing courses - some of which are
among the most popular in the depart-
ment - will be dropped from the
curriculum, probably as soon as the
'96-'97 school year, Chamberlin said.
Some other courses, such as those
in public speaking, will also be
dropped, unless they find a "natural
intellectual home" somewhere else in
the University.
It is possible that some journalism
writing classes may be taught in other
LSA departments, but no specific plans
for this have been made, Chamberlin
said. A committee looking at relocating
the journalism master's program out-
side of LSA may look at moving some
undergraduate journalism classes, but
its first priority will be graduate educa-
tion, he said.
Chamberlin said since publicity
of the meeting was limited, another
meeting will be held.
Continued from page 1
volvement of the student government
in the code amendment process..
"I'm worried there could be a red
herring that regents could perpetually
use. They may bring up that only 6
percent of the student population
voted, so MSA (may be slighted),"
Check said.
The proposal also details a proce-
duralchange. Theamendmentproposes
the creation of an Statement Amend-
ment Committee to construct questions
for referendum. The committee would
consist of two students, two administra-
tors and two faculty members.
The proposed amendment will be
put before the student panel for a vote
on Jan. 30.

ment Agency and the Transportation
Department, Clinton said, adding that
Gen. John Shalikashvili, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is already in
Japan and has promised U.S. military
Like many Japanese cities, Kobe
has large residential districts made up
of relatively fragile wooden homes
with heavy tile roofs - exactly the
wrong kind of structure to be inside
when an earthquake hits.
Continued from page 1
92 and there is a waiting list. It was a
first-come,first-serve basis,"Davis said.
Besides the location, Winterfest
and Festifall are virtually the same.
Students peruse the different tables,
stopping to talk or ask questions. In
addition, the Michigan Dance Team
will perform.
"It is a membership drive and an1
opportunity to publicize events of this
semester, especially if they have spe-

n Euation in M ten a c .
IfT t
t i
cfosekepig just does fgre
University Housingoffers a wide range
of imouse:srvices.
O0 of these is Building Services,
ich does the work of narly 10, 00 residnts.
.. . Literially.
Among other things,
T IE make sure your residence all stays nice nd clean,
so YOU can spend more time studying
and hngng out with friends.:
:a g::::
......iThere's whole lob
that goes into the equation u
fr graduating with a U-M degree.
When you ive in teresi dene halls,
"housekeeping" isn't oneof them:

Continued from page 1
"While the vacation packages have
fixed prices, a tourist buying local
goods could pay as much as 30-40
percent less than the normal price.
Going off the beaten path would en-
able students to save an enormous
amount of money," Bodhurtha said.
"Snorkeling in the Yucatan Peninsula
or traveling in Baja with a guide is not
a deluxe vacation, but it would defi-
nitely be cheaper."
Many local travel agencies have
not seen a difference in vacation plans.
Dan Nowakowski, of Regency
Travel Agency, Inc., said, "Idon't think
the peso devaluation will bring one
more person to Mexico. The prices here
remain the same, but in the touristareas,
prices will be raised accordingly."
Lovejoy-Tiffany Travel employee
Judy Ping said, "Package deals are
contractual, so the prices cannot be
Becky Otto, of the Travel Store,

said, "Mexico's guarantee of warmth
is almost as important as the increased
dollar value in vacation destination
Although some travel agents say
travellers are notmaking reservations
with money in mind, many students
said it is an important factor.
"The peso devaluation definitely
helps, taking into account the fact that
we're paying for food and drinking
while we're there," said Kim Vacher,
an LSA sophomore who plans to go to
Acapulco this year. "It should help us
be able to eat a bit more than we might
Bodurtha said the continuous de-
valuation of the peso cannot last much
longer. "The value can't go too much
lower, because it would be bad for the
(United States). Banks are already
giving lines of credit to keep the mar-
ket stable. Ross Perot is even back
reminding us about the giant sucking
sound he's hearing."
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in Septenber, via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $160. On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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EDITORIAL. STAFF Jessie Halladay, Editor In Chief I

-1 '-A 2 A.7.AJL-11--3

NEWS David Shepardwon, Maing Editor
EDITORS:James R. Cho, Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Robin Barry, Danielle Belkin, Jonathan Bemdt, Cathy Bogusiaski, Jodi Cohen, Spencer Dickinson, Lisa Dines, Sam T. Dudek.
Kelly Feeney. Josh Ginsberg. Ronnie Glassberg, Jennifer Harvey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson, Amy Klein, Maria Kovac, Tali Kravitz,
Frank C. Lee, Kelly Morrison, James M. Nash, Zachary M. Raimi, Maureen Sirhal, Matthew Smart, Andrew Taylor, Vahe Tazian, Michelle
Lee Thompson. Josh White. April Wood. Scot Woods.
GRAPHICS: Jonathan Bemdt (Editor). Laura Nemiroff. Andrew Taylor, Julie Tsai, Kevin Winer.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Hint Wlness, Editors
STAFF: Eugene Bowen, Allison Dimond, Jennifer Fox. Jed Friedman, Greg Gelhaus, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Lauren Goldfarb, Craig
Greenberg, Adrienne Janney, Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser, Jason Lichtstein, Partha Mukhopadhyay. Jean
SPORTS Chad A. Satrap, Mataging Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest. Antoine Pitts, Michael Rosenberg.
STAFF: Paul Barger, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton; Nicholas J. Cotsonika. Sarah DeMar, Marc Diller, Jennifer
Duberstein, Darren Everson, James Goldstein. Ravi Gopal, Chaim Hyman. Michael, Joshua, Brett Krasnove, John Leroi, Dan McKenzie,
Rebecca Moatz, Jed Rosenthal. Davy Rothbart, Danielle Rumore, Melanie Schuman, Tom Seeley, Brian Sklar, Tim Smith, Barry
Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson, Ryan White.
ARTS Tom Erlewine, Heather Phaes, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bemardo (Theater), Matt Carlson (Fine Arts), Kirk Miller (Books), Andy Dolan (Music), Liz Shaw (Weekend etc.).
Alexandra Twin (Film). Ted Watts (Weekend. etc.)-
STAFF: Matt Benz, Jennifer Buckley. Mark Carlson, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon. Andy Dolan, Ben Ewy. Ariel Gandsman, Brian Gnatt.
Josh Herrington, Kari Jones. Shirley Lee. Scott Plagenhoef, Fred Ripe, Joshua Rich. Dirk Schulze, Sarah Stewart. PrashantTan'askar,
Brian Wise. Robert Yoon.
PHOTO Jonathan Lurie, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF: Tonya Broad, Mike Fitzhugh, Mark Friedman, Douglas Kanter, Stephanie Lim, Judith Perkins, Kristen Schaefer, Molly Stevens,
Sara Stillman, David Valazzi. Joe Westrate. _____________________



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