The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 7 Feud over King's shrine unresolved services * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. Rush. U-M $Discount. 426-5217. CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 grants available. No repayments, ever. Qualify immediately. 1-800/243-2435. SPA NIS HT UTOR 213-0624 3 yrs. exp. native spkr. Lev. 101-232. TYPING & WRITING esumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor Typing 994-5515. $$ SPORTS ABROAD $$ Searching for North American athletes to play professional s rts overseas. Excellent pay & benefits. 11 1-810/997-7052. 1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our circulars. No experience required! Begin now. For info call 202/298-9065. $6 PER HOUR to talk to Michigan Alumni. Michigan Telefund is looking for students in- terested in learning communication skills and building their resume. Raise money for the University and for yourself. Stop by 611 Church St. #304 or call 998-7420 for more info. A.M. SNOWPLOW SERVICE snowplow- ing and shoveling positions. Great 2nd job. Most work done between midnight & 10 a.m. 11/hr. to start. Bonus if own vehicle is used. ub-contractors with own truck & plow needed. 973-0930. A2 FAMILY NEEDS responsible, en- thusiastic care giver for 2 children (9 & 12). 2:45 - 5:30 p.m. Mon. - Fri. Our home, own car, references. 995-9938. ACTIVISTS WANTED for social change & environmental justice. Canvass for Greenpeace. Call Chuck at 761-1996. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to the president of new business. Potential for professional growth. Skill with Internet or ,ompuserve. 5 or more hours/day. Flexible enefits package. 994-0270. ATTENTION PSYCH and business majors! Fifteen positions available for summer work opportunity. Earn an average of $7100 & gain valuable resume experience. For info call-Dirk 971-5370. ATTENTION NURSING STUDENTS! Reliable and caring home health aides needed to work in elderly client's homes. Experience preferred. Flexible hours. Own transportation and phone required. Cases available in all parts of Washtenaw County. Dexter and Chelsea areas included.! Apply in person at Individualized Home Care, 3003 Jashtenaw, Suite #5, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. ECONOMICS RESEARCH INTERVIEWING OPPORTUNITY The University of Michigan Survey Research Center Telephone Facility is recruiting people with excellent communication skills to conduct telephone interviews with families in a longitudinal study on a variety of research topics including work history, economic mobility, changes in family structure, and health issues. Must be available to work evenings and weekends, approximately 16-20 hours per week. Four- day training required. The successful candidate will possess a professional and persuasive telephone manner. Typing/ computing skills necessary, as some of the data are entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 - 7.00 per hour with bonus and advancement opportunities available. Apply in person weekdays, January 3-13, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., at the Institute for Social Research, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor. For additional information, call 764-7109. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ELEKTRA RECORDS is seeking a college rep., for the Ann Arbor area. Those interested must have a passion for alternative music, and be creative, diligent, and responsible. Receive college credit, while you earn the music business and work with bands in all aspects of marketing and promotion. Full reimbursement of expenses. Call Pete Rosenblum at 212/275-2500. EXPERIENCED CHILD oriented person to care for 5 yr. old, 2 days a week. 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Own. trans. Liberty & Zeeb area. $5/hr. - References. 665-3157. EXPERIENCED BABY-SITTER wanted on weekends for 1 yr. old boy. Own car. 998- 0337. FASTyCASH FOR for Spring Break. Easy money, own hours, no obligation. Send SASE to SI Distributors-L, P.O. Box 97, Murphysboro, IL 62966. FAST FOOD FUN! Subway North campus. 1701 Plymouth Rd. Part-time, good wages, great hours. Apply in person, all shifts. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800- 263-6495 ext. F55983. HELP WANTED babysitter needed for family w/ 2 kids: 5 & 1 years old. Ideal schedule would be 3:30-6:00 p.m. 3 days/wk. + 1 weekend afternoon. $7/hr. Car needed. Call Richard 936-2122. HELP WANTED Work for the futurel Phone $6-9/hr. eves. Warm place cool people. 662-6597. HOUSE CLEANER NEEDED, 4 hrs./wk. Hrs. flexible. $7/hr. References required. 741-8931. INSTRUCTORS: Evening classes in computers, upholstery, swimming (W.S.I.). Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation. 994-2300 ext. 227 or ext. 215. EOE. JOB OPPORTUNITIES at the Daily!! Great experience, flexible hours, fun working environment. Call Rebecca at 763-3246 or stop by 420 Maynard fro more information. MAX & ERMA'S RESTAURANT now hiring: p.m. host staff, a.m. & p.m. dishwashers, a.m. & p.m. bussers, experien- ced p.m. line cooks, exp. a.m. prep. cooks. All of the above must have weekend availability. Also hiring exp. a.m. waitstaff, must have some Mon.-Fri. availability. Ac- cepting applications Mon.-Fri, 2-4. Flexible schedules. Great benefits for full time employees. 445 E. Eisenhower, Concord Plaza, Ann Arbor. MICHIGAN TELEFUND is hiring for winter term. $6/hour for talking on the telephone. Learn communication skills and bui d your resume. Raise money for the University and for yourself talking to U-M Alumni. Call 998-7420 or stop by 611 Church St. #304 for more info. PART-TIME RESEARCH INTERVIEWING OPPORTUNITY University of Michigan Survey Research Center Telephone Facility The University of Michigan Survey Research Center will train you and pay you to conduct social research interviews by telephone. Start at $6.00/7.00/hr. with significant bonus potential. * Day, evening, and weekend hours " No experience necessary " Extensive Interviewer Training " No selling " Computer Training " Aggressive bonus package Call 764-7109 for more information. Apply in person weekdays, Jan. 3 - Feb. 3, at the Institute for Social Research, 426 Thompson St., Ann Arbor. AA/EOE MICHIGAN UNION seeks day waitstaff. Great pay $8-10/hr. Flexible schedule. 10-15 hours/wk. Apply in person at 1310 Michigan Union. OFFICE WORK STUDY position available at the Student Activities & Leadership office. To work in a fun & interesting office, call Barbara at 763-5900. OUR COMPANY is looking for individuals who want to gain extensive management ex- perience this summer. Eam $6000 - $10,000 per summer. Positions avail. throughout the Midwest. 800/887-1960. PAINTERS, FOREMAN, & managers call College Pro Painters, 1-800/346-4649. PART-TIME CLERK Ann Arbor law firm. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male student or professional 20-40 years of age we need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac- ceptable specimens. For further information please wnte APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SITTER FOR 2 CHILDREN. Thursday afternoons. Good pay. 662-9796. STUDENTS WANTED to hand out flyers between classes for winter term 1995. $5-6 per assignment (approx. 25 min.). Flexible schedule, 996-8853. SUMMER MANAGEMENT positions- Ar- thur Victor painting, Inc. is searching for am- bitious students to fill management positions in A2 & Metro Detroit. Comprehensive train- ing program, possible internship for related majors. 1-800f175-4745. Rh NEGATIVE semen donors are needed SPRING BREAK '95! It's not too late to and will be paid $120 per acceptable book trips to Cancun or Jamaica! Don't miss specimen because of their rare blood type. out, Christen/Erica 747-8344. Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI SPRING BREAK TRIPS you can trust! snju11, Jamaic.a &Breckenndge. owest prices going. Gregg or Andrew, 998-1925. GOING TO DAYTONA? $119/person. Booking direct $aves! Suites, kitchenettes, all beachfront in the heart of S rin Break!! 1-800-868-7423 STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on Continental $179 or $239. Bring your Con- tinental voucher & AMEX card. Martha at RegencyTravel, 209 S. State, 665-6122. WANTED! 2 GOOD seats for St. Johns game. Call Doug 213-0260. WHY BEACH IT? Spring Break Specials = London * Paris * Athens * Ski Package. Call Student Travel Breaks at Stamos Travel 663- 4400. We honor student discount coupons for all airlines. L SUMMER POSITIONS Student Sprinklers now has openings in MI, OH, IN. Get real ex- perience running your own business and earn $10,000 plus. Call immed. 800/265-7691. TEACHER SUBS NEEDED for infants/pre- school center. 7:30-5:30, $6/hr. Friendliness & capability required. 994-1150. TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK. Make up to $2,000-$4,000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For information call: 206/632-1146 ext. J55984. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES at SOS- Lend a hand in responding to personal & family problems, homelessness, hunger, suicide & substance abuse. Call 485-8730. WANTED 100 STUDENTS lose 8 - 100 lbs. New metabolism breakthrough. Guaranteed results! I lost 15 lbs. in 3 wks. RN assisted. 1- 800/579-1634. $35 charge. WOMEN WANTED for taste study- must be age 21-40, in good health, n-smkr., normal body weight, not living in dorms. Call Nick at 747-0216. WORK STUDY POSITIONS: School of Nursing. Flexible hrs., great working environment. Call 764-8150. WORK STUDY RESEARCH ASSTS.- Telephone interviews needed for national twin study on midlife development. help conduct screening interviews. Looking for responsible, outgoing people w/ good verbal skills. Winter, 10-15 hrs./wk., eves./wknd. $7-$8/hr., depending on ex p. Grad & under- grad work study welcome. Call Joy or Jackie, 936-0550. WORK STUDY Office support staff for busy mental health research group @ Inst. Social Research. Duties incl. fling, word processing, xeroxing, organizing question- naire materials, library research, maintaining database library, creating spreadsheets and tables. Office experience desired but not necessary, will train. The UM is an equal opportunity, non-discriminator employer. Winter 10-15 hrs./wk. $6.00 - $7.00/hr. Call Joy, 763-4475. HERB DAVID GUITAR Studio 302 E. Liberty, 665-8001. Lessons lessons lessons. Repair repair repair. Not just guitar. INTERNATIONAL MUSIC booking agen- cy is looking for interns. Will consider all. Must be dependable & willing to workhard. Call Jay at 995-5777. admnnoneet ERIC'S SPORTS: Team uniforms and shoes for all indoor sports. 2 blocks off State Street. Call 663-6771. GUESS WHAT!? Dial-A-Jewish-Story, 995-5959. A project from the Chabad House, Jewish Student Center, 995-3276. ATLANTA (AP) - The nation re- membered Martin Luther King yester- day amid a feud between his family and the National Park Service over who will preserve his memory and how. At Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King was pastor, Dexter Scott King vowed to continue his father's work through economic opportunity, calling for a $10 billion investment in the Black community. "My father had a dream, I too have a dream," the 33-year-old said in a Martin Luther King Day address. "My father delivered to his generation po- litical freedom. I would like to deliver to my generation economic freedom." More than 400 people packed the church, next door to the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change and the crypt that holds the body of the civil rights leader, who would have been 66 on Sunday. The park service wants to build a museum and visitors center near the King Center. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, and children want to cre- ate their own interactive museum. The dispute prompted the family to halt park service tours of King's birth- place. The service now shepherds tours past the home and presents a slide show at its own facility about a block away. The sides are to meet Saturday and discuss the disagreement. The feud cropped up yesterday in Dexter King's church speech, and in appearances on CNN and NBC by King and Troy Lissimore, the park service's superintendent of the King Historic Site. Lissimore said he thinks the dis- pute could be worked out. But King, now president of the King Center, said the park service has falsely ac- cused the family of trying to profit from his father's memory. Elsewhere: In Denver, President Clinton addressed a crowd of more than 20,000 at a park as part of a daylong celebra- tion that featured a two-mile parade. "Even as he marched all across this land and took that vast throng to Washington, D.C.,he knew in the end ... that what was in the hearts and minds of the average American citi- zen was even more important," Clinton said. In Boston, about 2,000 people attended a breakfast in King's honor, where 19-year-old Tito Jackman said his generation has gone astray. * In New Hampshire, the only state that has not fully adopted the federal King holiday, about 25 teen- agers staked out the sidewalk at the Statehouse in Concord in a vigil sched- uled to last from midnight Sunday to midnight yesterday. 2 FUN FRIENDLY girls need 2 more to share great 4 bdrm. house. 741-8255. HUGE DOUBLE and one single avail. in house located across from Law and B- Schools. May lease. Call 994-7772. NORTH CAMPUS AREA. Room avail. in 2 bdrm. townhouse. Female, non-smoker. No pets. $250/mo. or neg. 764-1165. ROOMMATE FALL '95 2 bdrm., un- believably great. Non-smkr. to share or have your own rm. 741-9300. ROOMMATE WANTED for fall to share 2 bdrm. apt. own room furnished, non-smokers only. 665-7054. 'T'HREE PEOPLE seeking additional room- mate in a 2 bdrm. apt. on 912 S. Forest. Call 213-1282. TIOS SELLS TRINIDAD Habenero sauce. Winner three years in a row as the best hot sauce in North America. 333 E. Huron. We Deliver! 761-6650. 0 ~.Desna Former Detroit mayoral candidate Sharon McPhail speaks about the portrayal of Black males in the media at Hill Auditorium yesterday. McPhail: Media taint o piions of Black men CALL NOW SEVERAL WINTER OPENINGS! Full and part-time. Must be neat and articulate. Work in Ann Arbor area. $10.25 starting. Call 9 a.m. to 9p.m. 971-6122. CARING & RESPONSIBLE sitter needed Mons. & Weds. 3:30-7:30 p.m. now through apri7 for 2 sweet kids, 6 & 3. Need car, refs. please 572-9506 Ramona. CLINICAL PSYCH INTERNSHIP for recent college grads at the Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School at the University of Chicago. Info session Mon., March 6. Recruiting on campus Tue., March 7. Contact CP&P for more info. 764-7460. COUNSELORS: CAMP WAYNE, brother/ sister camp, Pennsylvania, 6/22-8/20/95. Have the most memorable summer of your life! Coaches, teachers, and college age stu- dents needed to teach at specialty areas. Many other jobs available. ON CAMPUS JOTERVEWS: February 13th from 10-5 p.m. Interviews held in Michigan Room of the Union. If you need more information call 1-800/279-3019 or 516/889-3217 or write 12 Allevard St., Lido Beach, NY 11561. Include your telephone number. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships ALL TICKETS WANTED Indiana away, St. John's. IJockey. Ken or John 741-0368. BASKETBALL TICKETS for sale. Scott or Gene 741-0426. BASKETBALL TICKETS for sale. Student section. Best offer. 996-8562. SPRING BREAK '95 -f Guaranteed lowest prices in USA G Jamaica % Bahamas Special Group Rates & Free Travel ! Sun Splash Tours 1-800-426-770' CHEAP ONE-WAY ticket, Detroit to Newark on Continental, $70/best. 764-5001. LOW FARES! London from $369, Paris from $528, Frankfurt from $504. Regency Travel 209 S. State St. 665-6122. NEED HOCKEY TIX Jan. 28. Need bas- ketball tix Jan. 29. Call 1-800/333-7707 ext. 8892. SKI BRECKENRIDGE for Spring Break. Great prices. Gregg or Andrew, 998-1925. SPRING BREAK - Nassau/Paradise Island, Cancun and Jamaica from $299. Air, hotel, transfers, parties and more! Organize small group - earn FRE trip plus commissions! Call 1-800/822-0321. Erik @913-4536 Todd @ 741-5276 Mary @ 913-4043 Laurie @741-8674 Cancun from $399 ADOPTION - Couple with love to share is eager to adopt infant. We will provide your baby with a secure, loving and happy home. Call 1-800/798-7917. ARE YOU LONELY? 1-900/329-5000 ext. 7840. $2.99/min. 18 + yrs. Procall Co. 602/954-7420. DETROIT LIVEI One-on-One/Voice Personals 1-313-976-3000 Why pay morel Only 690/min. Alternative Lifestyles Gay - Bi - Couples - Swingers 1-313-976-4000 Only 85o/min. Ladies FREE! 1-313-237-2222 GIVE THE GIFT of life. Be an egg donor or maternal surrogate for a childless couple. Ex- cellent compensation, $2500-$17,000. 1-800/ 308-7367. NEW CHAT LINE talk 24 hrs. live. Call 1- 900/336-7000 ext. 1714. $3.99/min. 18+ Procall Co. 602/954-7420. K~tmpetms By MICHELLE LEE THOMPSON Daily Staff Reporter Former Detroit mayoral candidate Sharon McPhail asserted yesterday that the media have made Black males into fall guys for many of society's problems. During aprogram titled "How Me- dia Portrayals Affect Our Perceptions," McPhail said Americans feigned ig- norance of domestic violence untilO.J. Simpson's double-murder case. Simi- larly, they did not acknowledge sexual harassmentuntil Clarence Thomas was accused of harassing Anita Hill. And they gave the same treatment to date rape until Mike Tyson was convicted, McPhail contended. Her speech followed videotaped clips from the Martin Luther King's speeches, including his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Members of the University com- munity, including Vice President for Financial Operations Farris W. Womack, made speeches on behalf of the University's Business and Finance Diversity Committee, which spon- sored the event. Womack outlihed progress in the University's business sector over the past year, including a diversity forum and a multicultural orientation for new employees. However, McPhail asserted that the progress made to date at the Uni- versity is not enough. "Martin's looking down on us and he's saying that he didn't dream the dream so we could dream it too - dreamers are asleep. Let's get up and do something," McPhail said. McPhail, who is biracial, asserted that the media portrayed her as a rac- ist in last summer's election in which 92 percent of white voters chose her opponent, Dennis Archer, who was elected. "It didn't surprise me, but it did outrage me." McPhail said Black television shows are inaccurate representations of the American population. Diversity committee member Demetrius Fields said the planning was worth it. "She touched on all the issues," Fields said. Al Spencer, a University custo- dian, said: "(McPhail) never focused on the Asians and Hispanics - her speech was too muchWf a Black-and- white issue." FISH DOCTOR'S - Everything for your aquarium! Next to putt-putt golf on Washtenaw. 434-1030. FOR SALE: 2 Iguanas, 40 gal. tank, & accessories. $175 o.b.o. Call 763-1176. To r Fe..... l I Jdllia a from %p',tJ7 1 I