The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 18, 1995 - 15 -LET'TER8S Congress should not take action for Armenia To the Daily: As condemnable as any massacre is, I hope Congress does not take any extraordinary acknowledgement con- cerning the genocide of Armenians during World War I-era Turkey on my account. The Armenians were playing a nationalistic game and they lost. Un- fortunately, the same players are at it again, only this time it is the Arme- nians who have made the refugees - one milion Azerbaijanis - and nary a word of apology from the former refu- Wgees, or even from their Holy Church. Should now these refugees ask the U.S.A. to condemn the Armenians? Being on a merry-go-round is not my idea of civilization. An intonation: As long as we honor our particulars more than our com- monness, genocides are natural to ter- ritorial imperatives. The earth has been here for four billion years, and for some puny indi- vidual or group to come along waving a Bible or a deed saying "This is my land" is beyond stupidity, which shows up as genocides. Another intonation: All the work- ers of the world - everyone from a toilet cleaner to a brain surgeon to a super star - get the same pay. I do this in memory of all who have suffered because of the prides and prejudices of ismistic knuckle heads. Sahag Avedisian Ann Arbor resident MSA stands against code To the Daily: Like the Energizer Bunny, the list of organizations dedicated to abolish- ing the University's non-academic conduct code keeps on going and go- ing and going: MSA, The Michigan Review, The Michigan Daily, NWROC, the College Democrats, the College Republicans ... What sort of a policy must this ode be that it provokes the ire of such a diverse slate of groups and indi- viduals? In short, it is a monstrosity beyond what any of its framers could have imagined. For one, it's extremely expensive. Your tuition dollars continue to pay the exorbitant salary of the code's judicial advisor, Mary Lou Antiau, 'and other code lackeys. Some of you might have read about Antieau after a few of her "stellar" interpretive deci- sions: For instance, Antieau's con- sideration of charging a female Uni- versity student under the Code for telling a reporter her story of how her ex-boyfriend was charged under the Code for physically abusing her. . But the central problem with the code isn't dollars and cents; it's that the code discriminates against com- plainant and accused alike. The ac- cused are left with few due process rights while the complainant wastes time that could have been better spent in a court of law. What does the com- plainant get for his or her time pursu- ing charges? Usually a letter of repri- mand saying the University thinks the accused acted poorly. President Duderstadt's first name isn't Dad. The rights of students needn't be sacrificed by a kangaroo court that thinks it's the University's business if you have a scuffle at Score- keepers or, as one case would have it, are threatened with water by your neighbor holding a garden hose. MSA stands unanimously in stead- fast opposition to the Code. Flint Wainess MSA President Cemetery not proper party site To the Daily: As the semester comes to a close, many of use feel the urge to go out and celebrate. With our IDs in hand, some real, others fake, we head over to Strickland's and stock up on celebra- tion fuel. The cemetery is wide open and inviting us in. It's the perfect place to drink in peace. Dark, quiet, empty, and oh so calm ... Not quite. This past weekend For- est Hills Cemetery was not a place for a loved one to rest in peace. Some of us took the celebration a bit too far. As I remembered my sister this Easter Sunday, I approached the area where she onced rested in peace, but was mortified by the site of her freshly vandalized stone. linteligent and edu- cated as we might think we are, some of us are apparently unaware that choosing to party in such a manner in any cemetary is a federal offense which carries a mandatory sentence of four long years. We are all excited to have one more semester under our belts here at the University, but to deliberately knock over five or six headstones is absolutely sickening. Bridget Mann LSA sophomore True meaning of Easter ignored To the Daily: In four years year at the Univer- sity, I have never seen such an unpro- fessional disregard for newsworthy events and an entire segment of the student population as what has been displayed by the Daily staff this past Friday and Monday. How is it that a group of less than 10 students get full coverage for a political demonstration, when not five minutes later a group of more than 600 students gathered in the very same place to celebrate a religious holiday and not a word appeared about it in the newspaper on Monday? How is it in a feature article on Easter there can be only a passing mention of the sig- nificance that the Good Friday and Easter holidays have to one of the world's largest religions? If the Daily staff must ignore these events, please allow me to elaborate on why those 600 people on the Diag were gathered there last Friday: Almost 2,000 years ago, God came to Earth in the form of a man, Jesus Christ, to offer humankind a substitu- tion atonement - a way for us to claim God's perfect love and forgive- ness that has been shown to humans throughout Tanakh, the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament. You can choose to ignore this message, you can choose to refute this mas- sage, you can try to change the truth in God's Word as some have done, but ultimately, you can not forget the picture of the cross and what God's sacrifice has done for all humankind. David Hoard LSA senior Daily slights Christians To the Daily: Once again the Daily has demon- strated its incompetence in delivering trustworthy news, or even the news at all. Friday's article on Easter dis- played an inability of the reporter to investigate facts about the holiday. The fact that Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, was barely mentioned as a side note. Instead, this article picked up the cultural celebration of Easter and inadequately attempted to por- tray that celebration as reminiscent of the religious aspects. In addition, the reporter distorted facts to make the whole holiday look like a pagan ritual. The holiday is determined by the lu- nar cycle, one determined by the He- brew calendar, which is used to ob- serve Jewish holidays as well - the pagan celebration of the moon and spring play no part in the religious celebration of Easter. Then, today (4/17/95) I picked up the Daily and saw more than a quar- ter-page article on the front, talking about five people who dumped Pepsi on the Diag. Had the reporter cover- ing the event turned around, she would have seen between 500 and 1,000 people worshipping Jesus Christ. It happens every year: the Good Friday Rally. Last year the Daily feebly at- tempted to cover the event by placing a picture, with caption, in the center of the first of four pages of Hash Bash coverage. This year the Daily has allowed five people to preempt cov- erage of what really happened on the Diag. Does the Daily's typically liberal agenda preclude giving any coverage or truth to Christianity on campus'? I sincerely hope not. Instead, I hope that these were unintended mistakes by the staff. I urge editors and reporters to work together to fix such problems, and demonstrate to this campus that the Daily is truly dedicated to unbiased reporting and does not preclude unfa- vorable groups, in its eyes, from open media coverage. Joe Cox LSA senior Religion article neglects Hindus To the Daily: Today, with nearly a billion people following the Hindu way of life, the religion would hardly seem to be one easily ignored. However, Friday's Focus article, "Keeping up with Reli- gion on Campus," (4/7/95) blatantly chose to do just that. The omission is even more sur- prising, however, when one recog- nizes the lengths to which Hindus on campus have gone to increase aware- ness and understanding of their heri- tage and culture. This school year, the Hindu Students Council celebrated Diwali with a puja (a traditional reli- gious service), receiving extensive coverage by the Daily. In addition, an entire week in January was declared Hindu Heritage Week in an effort to draw attention to Hindus on campus. The culturally and spiritually rich week included lectures by speakers from across the country, a discussion on Hindu Contributions to the World, a celebration of India's Republic Day and concluded with a traditional dance festival. Last year, the Hindu Stu- dents Council sponsored the First Conference on Spirituality, promot- ing the concepts of tolerance and open- ness through speakers from Hindu, Christian, Jewish, and other commu- nities. The Hindu Students Council has been recognized by the Officeof Academic and Multicultural itia- tives and the Office of the Vice Presi- dent of Student Affairs as an organi- zation that promotes awareness and understanding on campus. The blame, however, does not lie fully with the Daily. At a university where the third largest religious fol- lowing is Hinduism, it is disturbing that Hinduism is not even offered as an option for students to select on the freshman questionnaire. It is unjusti- fiable that Hindus are demeaned by being forced to select "other religion." The Hindu stundents on campus have actively attempted to enrich the student body by exposing all to the universal ideals of their religion. Hin- duism has developed from arich philo- sophical tradition, from the wisdom and experiences of sages and seers. Hinduism, in essence, provides paths to a life of righteousness. The details of each path, however, are not a mat- ter of Hindu dogma. As the saying goes in Sanskrit, "Ekam Sat Viprah, Bahudha Vandanti," which translates, "Truth is One, paths are many." For each personality, there lies a separate path to the same spiritual end. By admitting such flexibility, Hinduism professes and breeds tolerance. Ev- ery religion is valued and every path recognized. While tolerance is a Hindu main- stay, tolerance of ignorance cannot be justified. The Hindu Students Council Hillary Clinton's failure not due to gender bias To the Daily: Regarding the April 6 editorial on Hillary Clinton: I am sick and tired of feminists and other sympathetic lib- erals using misguided attempts to both defend the first lady's supervision of health care reform and condemn Mrs. Clinton's critics. with the usual liberal arsenal (basically, labeling those who disagree with them as racist, homophobic, or, in this case, sexist). Conservatives were not, I repeat not, calling Mrs. Clinton's gender into question when her plan was defeated. Republicans are very supportive of women such as prestigious Sen. Nancy Kassebaum (R-Kan.), and Christine Todd (hopefully the next Vice Presi- dent of the United States). These are extraordinarily talented women who embrace conservative ideals. As with Clinton administration members Joycelyn Elders, Ron Brown, Henry Cisneros, Mike Espy, and others, Mrs. Clinton's perfor- mance has been characterized by utter incompetence. First, she held closed-door meetings, effectively keeping the public in the dark on her health care reform. Then she hand picked advisors that would support her first step in the path to socialized medicine. She arrogantly brushed aside any form of compromise with the Republicans, feeling she could. ramrod her plan through what was at that time a Democratically controlled House and Senate. Well, she gambled and lost. The public, not fully aware of what exactly the plan entailed, thanks to Mrs. Clinton, strongly re- jected it. The Republicans of course, opposed the plan. Even the Demo- crats in Congress were largely against it. When it comes to politics, Mrs. Clinton is a rank amateur, even more feeble than her her husband - wel, at least she stands for something. She tried to pass major legislation without the support of the public, and her despotic leadership was spurned. Gender is not, and never was, an issue. Mrs. Clinton has been criti cized for being incompetent, nothing more. Mrs. Clinton blames gender fo her failure; this is an easy way out She doesn't have to face up to he? faults with the scapegoat of sexism.' Women are equal to men, meaning they are not infallible. There are women who fail. There are women. who are incompetent. When a woman. makes a mistake and is criticized for. it, gender should not immediately be cited as the underlying reason -for such criticism. This is how the Wash- ington system works: You screw up, you receive relentless criticism. Con- sider Vincent Foster; the man was ridden so hard, he commited suicide. Mrs. Clinton was qualified for her position. She did her best to enact what she felt was health care refoni that was for the good of the country She did so in a particularly arrogang manner, and her plan was soundl rejected. This course of action inevi tably marks the end of a non-congresi sional legislative career. Mrs. ClintoN was not condemned for being woman; she was condemned for b ing an arrogant, unlikeable, and uIt mately futile woman. Michael Judson LSA sophomore '.. A. i,] E m