One hundred four years of editorial freedom *rn 0 First- class stamp cost to increase to 32 cents The Washington Post WASHINGTON - The price of a first-class letter will jump to 32 cents starting Jan. 1. The independent Postal Rate Com- mission yesterday endorsed the pro- posed 32-cent stamp, declaring that the nation's troubled mail service would further deteriorate if the Postal Service were denied urgently needed evenues. The commission rejected a re- quest for a 10.3 percent across-the- board increase on publications, bulk mail and parcels that the Postal Ser- vice and mailers had championed. Instead, the commission imposed higher increases on those mail cat- egories, accusing postal officials of continuing to attempt to foist "a dis- proportionate amount" of the agency's sts on first-class mailers. Postal officials and large commer- cial mailers expressed disappoint- ment, but not surprise, at the commission's ruling. "We expected it," shrugged Gene A. Del Polito, executive director of the Advertising Mail Marketing As- sociation, whose members will have to pay an extra $310 million a year nder the commission's decision. "Everyone is a winner, relatively speaking, because all the increases are below the rate of inflation," said Arthur B. Sackler, executive direc- tor of The Mailers Council, an indus- try group which had joined with the Postal Service in pushing for the increase. The Postal Service seemed ready to accept the proposed rates, declar- g in an brief statement that the deci- on "appears to be designed to meet- ing our revenue requirement" of $4.7 billion for the coming year. The new rates are expected be ratified by the Postal Service Board of Governors within the next two weeks, it said. Serbian rebels refuse to meet Boutros- hali Los Angeles Imes SARAJEVO,Bosnia - H erze- govina - Bosnian Serbs delivered a humiliating snub to the world's most prominent diplomat yesterday, refus- ing to meet U.N. Secretary -General Boutros Boutros-Ghali at the airport here and sounding a death knell on their tolerance of foreign efforts to protect Bosnian Muslims. Boutros-Ghali flew into the artil- lery-encircled Bosnian capital on an urgent mission to secure assurances from Serbian rebel leader Radovan Karadzic that his nationalist gunmen would halt attacks on the U.N. "safe haven" of Bihac and stop harassing U.N. forces. Mission officials and aides pleaded by telephone with Karadzic under- lings for a meeting at Sarajevo's air- port, but were told the rebel leader would see Boutros-Ghali only at his self-styled capital, Pale, 10 miles east. "I am not going to go to Pale because the United Nations has rec- ognized the Bosnian republic but we have not recognized anv other kind of entity." Boutros-Ghali told reporters. After being rebuffed for more than five hours by Karadzic. who refused to speak to the U.N. chief by phone, Boutros-Ghali and his international entourage left Sarajevo trailing grave warnings about what lies ahead lfor the country's targeted Muslims. Serb gunmen loyal to Karadzic appear to have concluded the 24.000 U.N. Protection Force peacekeepers deployed in this country have ex- hausted their usefulness as purveyors of humanitarian aid and buffer forces that have effectively shielded the rebels from retaliation by Muslim-led Bosnian government troops. In the past two weeks, Serb na- tionalists have defied NATO air See BOSNIA, Page 2 AP PHOTO UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali meets with President Alija lzitbegovic in Bosnia yesterday, trying to bring peace. Search for By RONNIE GLASSBERG Toda Daily Staff Reporter Anders Nine months after Vice President Nnaman for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hart- at the U ford removed Robert Hughes from Amherst his post as Housing director, a search present committee has named four final can- Constan didates, who will give public presen- services tations today and Tuesday. give her A 12-member advisory commit- On Ti tee chaired by Garry D. Brewer, dean dates w of the School of Natural Resources LeagueI and Environment, named the final Mark D candidates. ing divis "If I and my colleagues on the com- ginia sin mittee did not think any of the four was Zeller,d not the caliber of what we were looking Washing for, we would not have invited them," 1989, w Brewer said. "They're all very interest- Each ing people and quite different." sentation ay or n It at )c( a Iu vi K il 10 housing direct( y in the Michigan Union ences, like the Pilot Program in Alice n Room, Chika Kenneth Lloyd or the 21st Century program in director of housing services Mary Markley. Hartford wants all iversity of Massachusetts at first-year students to participate in since July 1993, will give a such a program by 1996. ion at 2 p.m. At 3 p.m. "What we're looking for is some- e Foley, director of residence one to make living-learning a real part t Kent State since 1990, will ofthecampusexperience,"said Michi- presentation. . gan Student Assembly President Julie uesday, the two other candi- Neenan, a committee member. 11 speak in the Michigan Following the presentations, the Coessler Library. At 2 p.m., public can ask questions and will be herty, director of the hous- asked to fill out feedback forms for on at the University of Vir- the committee. e 1983, will speak. William In February, Hartford reassigned rector of residence life at Hughes, who had served as the division's on State University since director for 16 years, to a position in the 1 speak at 3 p.m. Office, of Development. candidate will make a pre- "This wasn't just a replacement of on living-learning experi- one Housing director with another. )r narrowed to 4 The University of Michigan was in- terested in doing things differently," Brewer said. Hartford said she asked the com- mittee to provide her with three to five names with comments on each. Zeller, the last candidate to speak, has professional ties to Hartford. At Washington State University, Hart- ford served as vice provost lIor stu- dent affairs during Zeller's first years as director of residence life. Hartford said she interviewedZeller. but the associate provost for student affairs selected him for the post. "Honestly. Maureen had virtually nothing to do with it except to say that this was a guy who was doing a good job, period," Brewer said. "Maureen submitted a number of names as a consequence of making contacts to her colleagues. She had nothing to do beyond the submission of a couple of names. Hartford had wanted to have a director in place when classes began in September. But the committee originally only received 31 applica- tions. said Rodger Wolf, assistant to the vice president for student affairs. Wolf said he had anticipated 100 to 150 applicants for the post. "The response just didn't turn around. These are jobs that people aren't looking for. They have to be coaxed into applying," Wolf said. With the limited number of appli- cants, the committee continued look- ing t or additional candidates. See HOUSING, Page 2 I B-school seeks students who are prepared to do business By VAHE TAZIAN ness background in their respective Daily Staff Reporter G etting into professions. Business :School Some demographic numbers on Michigan's Business School: AIDS'pandemic' threatens future of young around world e Thinking of entering the world of big business'? Your chances of suc- Oss may be increasing. Graduate programs around the country are experiencing a continu- ing rise in applications. However, the number of students taking the GMAT - required for admission to a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program - has declined for the past five years, said University Business School Counselor Evonne R. Oantinga. Plantinga advises students who are considering applying to an MBA pro- gram to ensure they have acquired "good verbal and quantitative skills" during their undergraduate studies. Only 29 percent of the University's 1994 entering MBA class concen- trated studies as undergraduates in I Second in a eseries business, while 27 percent were lib- eral arts majors. Students considering the University's Business School "can expect to be challenged by the faculty in a cooperative and intense learning environment," Plantinga said. LSA senior Eric Binder antici- pates the rigors of business school. "I expect business school to be very competitive and difficult, with an in- teresting curriculum," Binder said. He stressed the importance of ob- taining an MBA, saying, "Business is the foundation of every profession; even doctors and lawyers need a busi- Albert Tejidor, a first-year MBA student, does not feel the University's Business School is "overly competi- tive." He advises students consider- ing an MBA program to take at least two years off after undergraduate school and obtain some business ex- perience before applying. "Students will need real-life expe- riences working in business-related fields to be successful in business school," Tejidor said. In fact, 92 percent of University MBA students have at least one or more years of work experience before entering the graduate program. Plantinga feels students who are in the job market before entering an MBA program will "have a better focus and will maximize the value of' their tuition dollars." Mean undergraduate GPA: 3.3 Mean GMAT score: 630/800 Percent minority: 30 Percent from abroad: 17 Average age: 26 Percent with one or more years work experience: 92 ANDREW TAYLOR/Daily Jack Siedliski, a first-year BBA student, anticipates working for a few years before entering an MBA pro- gram. "I feel the BBA program will pro- See BUSINESS, Page 2 By ROBIN BARRY Daily Staff Reporter Linde Zara presented a lesson at the North Campus Commons last night that could save lives - a class called "HIV 101." Zara, 53, is a home-care coordi- nator with Hos- pice of Wash- tenaw where she AIDS helps patients Awareness Week and families of Nov. 28 - Dec. 2 patients with AIDS. She said she is interested in having an im- pact on AIDS prevention, "es- pecially since many of the people affected seem to be so young. "It makes you want to talk to young people and tell them they need to take care of themselves," she said. Zara did just that in her lecture, which was part of the University- wide activities for AIDS Awareness Week. Zara began by telling the class to let her know what subjects were par- ticularly relevant or interesting so she would not overlap on anything they had already heard. She also explained what distin- guished AIDS as a "devastating" vi- rus, as a "pandemic," a virus that is ramnant across the Globe. a Let's talk about sex, prof. says By MAUREEN SIRIHAL Daily Staff Reponer Sex - it is what most students are preoccupied with, but may be too shy to talk about. Former School of Nursing Prof. Sylvia Hacker says this attitude is too old-fashioned for today's society. Hacker, who admits her frank discussions about sex can be con- troversial. touched on everything from masturbation to AIDS pre- vention during her presentation "Snacks and Sex with Sylvia." "Let's learn about out bodies and share our knowledge with our' partners and have a good time. That is my focus," Hacker said. She began her talk with an in- formal roundtable discussion where the audience wrote their deepest questions about sex on a small piece of paper. Hacker then lectured on the basic history of sexuality in the United States and described what she says is a "very erotic-phobic society. "Up until Word War II we had a very restricted sexual norm. Sex Special Report INS IDE NEWS 3 CRISP made easy: The University has agreed to try out a new computer program that allows students to choose schedules effortlessly. SPORTS 8 The Michigan men's basketball team dropped its second game last night, losing to Arizona, 78-57. Stalking case takes 'U' student out of dorm and into courtroom Ed. Note: In order to protect the identity of Marc Schauber's ex- fiancie, the Daily has withheld her name in this article. By JAMES NASH Daily Staff Reporter Marc Schauber learned of his evic- tion from the Mosher Jordan Resi- dence Hall through rather unconven- tenn +^ nri Furthermore, Schauber was angry that he had not been informed in writing of the punishment. Two days later, a letter from the hearing officer made it official. Schauber was ordered to leave Mosher Jordan by March 7. He was assigned to room 5814 of South Quad. Schauber, then an LSA first-year vt.rn . n c._ m in s k _ tII. versity lawyers say Schauber is not entitled to the due process rights he has claimed under the Constitution. Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge Kurtis Wilder was scheduled to rule on the case Oct. 3. But Wilder has yet to render a verdict, blaming a backlog of cases for the delay. Schauber's lawsuit is broad in tf- ad ctr,.n a in I ,na-nt It ii-