. fhe rmin One hundred four years of editorial freedom .. .. *rni :iorway votes no on European Union pact By KARIN WALLENSTEEN Special to the Daily Though far from home, North European University students have hotly debated and closely watched political discussions on membership in the European Union. A referendum held yesterday in Norway, rejected membership in the uropean Union. Earlier, both Fin- d and Sweden held national plebi- scites approving membership to the European Union. Yesterday's election means that Norway, a country of 4.3 million people, will remain outside the Euro- pean Union. With the vote count nearly complete, opponents held a solid margin of about 4 percentage points. Prime Minster Gro Harlem *u ndtland, who led the campaign r membership, conceded defeat on Norwegian television moments after leaders of the opposition claimed vic- tory early this morning. "The considerable resistance to integration with the European Union is based on the notion that a distant bureaucracy in Brussels will lack un- derstanding for the periphery that t se areas constitute in regard to ere European power is based," said Roy Pierce, a University political sci- ence professor emeritus. Norway's vote was especially strik- ing in light of earlier decisions to join by its Scandinavian neighbors, Finland and Sweden. Most analysts had predicted that Sweden's Nov. 13 approval of membership would turn a tide in Nor- way that has been negative for months. Similar to Finland and Sweden, it as primainly the rural population in north Norway who opposed member- ship. The fishing industry worried about sharing its fisheries with thou- sands of Spanish trawlers, farmers about losing their subsidies and some working women about losing their equality. Opponents argued that join- ing the EU would undermine Norway's aditions of grass-roots democracy. Most University students from the region tended to support membership in the EU. Norwegian first-year MBA student Jan Sostuen, who voted at the Norwe- gian Consulate in Farmington Hills, was disappointed with the results. "I voted 'yes,"' he said. "Norway is a small country, but a membership in the European Union would have owed us more influence in Europe. European co-operation is necessary to deal with issues such as environ- mental protection, supply of energy, and security." See NORWAY, Page 2 Serb forces blast Muslim enclave From Daily Wire Services ZAGREB, Croatia - Serb forces from Croatia and Bosnia tightened their hold on the Bihac pocket in northwestern Bosnia yesterday, blast- ing a town in the northern part of the enclave with tank and artillery fire and lobbing two big shells into the Bihac "safe area." The two 120mm shells killed one civilian, said Michael Williams, chief spokesman for the U.N. Protection Force here. The attack, a violation of the 3-by-5-mile U.N.-designated safe zone, did not trigger NATO airstrikes, which were conducted last week after similar Serb attacks. Bosnian Serbs took three U.N. officers captive last week, bound their hands and feet and laid them out on a rebel air strip as human shields against NATO bombing. That incident in the rebel strong- hold of Banja Luka, coupled with an unrelenting campaign of hostage-tak- ing, beatings, gunfire and other ha- rassment, has prompted the peace- keeping mission here to review its evacuation plans "with a new sense of urgency and reality," one U.N. offi- cial disclosed. Military and civilian chiefs discov- ered yesterday when they talked through their detailed withdrawal proposals that they were designed in expectation of a massive infusion of NATO ground forces that the peacekeepers now real- ize will never happen. U.N. officials said the fighting yesterday was fiercest in Velika Kladusa, 25 miles north of the Bihac safe area near Bosnia's border with Croatia. Croatian Serb forces have poured over the border and are attack- ing the town, U.N. officials said. "We can't move all the dead or wounded," said Peter Kessler, a spokesman for the U.N. High Com- missioner for Refugees. "They are left where they fell." Kessler said water supplies had been cut off entirely to Velika Kladusa and partially to the Bihac safe area. No decision has been made yet about whether or when to move the 24,000 U.N. peacekeepers in Bosnia- Herzegovina out of harm's way, but mission officials warn that tough Assault continues Bosnian and Croatian Serbs have overtaken one-third of the area around Bihac. NATO appeals for a cease-fire are being ignored. [ osnian Serb r Serb-held Croatia Muslim-Croat 0 U.N.-designated federation safe zones" SLoVE HUNGARY r5mies i OZagreb >$V. CROATA ' BOSAIA-SERBIAI 6ih CHERZEGOVINA I i Sebrenica -L MONTENEGRO A AP AP GRAPHIC choices on the future of the mission are imminent. See BOSNIA, Page 2 AP PHOTO Sarajevans seek shleter by a downtown wall as ready for an exchange of gunfire Saturday. a Bosnian policeman gets Clinton extols GATT benefits The Washington Post WASHINGTON - President Clinton yesterday drew members of the last three administrations to the White House for a ceremony extol- ling the benefits of a new interna- tional trade pact and began privately lobbying lawmakers amid predictions the lame-duck Congress would ap- prove it this week.: The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) faces a House vote today and Senate vote on Thursday, and vote-counters in both bodies, as well as in the White House, said yes- terday the support of Senate Minority Leader Robert J. Dole, R-Kan., will boost it across the finish line. As he did in promoting the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) last year, Clinton used of- ficials from Democratic and Republi- can administrations yesterday to make the case that easing trade restrictions worldwide were the heart of the agree- ment among 123 nations and a bipar- tisan principle. "It is not a Republican agreement or a Democratic one," he said, "It is an American agreement designed to ben- efit all the American people in every region of our country and from every walk of life." Joining Clinton in the East Room were officials who served in adminis- trations dating to President Eisenhower's, much of the Clinton Cabinet and leaders of the Congress, including several such as House Speaker Thomas Foley (D-Wash.), who lost their jobs in the midterm elections. Presidents Gerald Ford and George Bush were enlisted to call Senate Republicans, the group with the most doubts about the pact. The treaty faces a simple majority vote in the House but in the Senate 60 votes are needed. Senate spending rules must be waived because of calcula- tions that GAT would cost the Trea- sury money in lost tariffs before pro- ducing new revenues in increased eco- nomic activity, and even with Dole's support all 60 are not nailed down, a senior White House official said. To make the case that the treaty will not be a budget-buster, as critics such as conservative commentator GATT: the facts The House will vote on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade today. The Senate will vote Thursday. * The 22,000-page documentwill lower tariffs worldwide by an average of 38 percent. The rules of world trade would be expanded into several new areas, including agriculture and patent protection. * A more powerful World Trade Organization would referee trade disputes and eliminate the power of any country to block an adverse trade ruling. * With the agreement, an estimated $40 billion will be lost in tariff revenues over 10 years. Patrick Buchanan have charged, the White House produced testimony to its economic benefits from James Miller III, budget director in the sec- ond Reagan term. James A. Baker III, treasury sec- retary in the Reagan administration and secretary of state in the Bush administration, called the treaty "an agreement that will create economic See GATT, Page 2 Computer analysis says University faculty make more; 517 over $100,000 From Staff and Wire Reports Salaries for faculty and staff at the University continue to outpace com- pensation for their counterparts at Michigan State University, a com- puter analysis by the Lansing State Journal showed. While 229 Michigan State profes- sors or staffers make at least $100,000 a year, they still aren't as well paid as those at the University. At the University, 517 professors and other academic employees earn more than $100,000 a year, according to the State Journal analysis. "It's always a management close call," Michigan State President Peter McPherson told the newspaper for a story Sunday. "It is necessary to keep the overall costs down as much as possible, but it's also necessary to pay people who do a good job enough to keep them here." The State Journal examined sal- 'U' pays profs better than MSU ary data for 1994-95 at the state's two largest public universities. It found that about 6 percent of Michigan- State's and about 15 per- cent of the University's academic em- ployees earn more than $100,000. There are about 3,400 faculty at the University and about 4,000 at Michi- gan State. University spokeswoman Lisa Baker said the study should not have lumped the salaries together. "You have to break it down by school and college," Baker said. "Our schools and colleges are ranked con- sistently at the top in the nation." Michigan State trustees approved an average pay increase of 3 percent for faculty this fall. University em- ployees received average increases of 4.7 percent. McPherson said his school needed to raise the salaries to keep up with other schools and prevent the loss of key faculty. A 1993 survey found University faculty earning an average of $77,700 and Michigan State faculty averaging $65,100. See SALARIES, Page 2 Poet with HIV emphasizes safer sex, prevention By JODI COHEN Daily Staff Reporter As communities around the world began a week of HIV/AIDS education yesterday, the University also kicked off a series of educational events for students and A faculty with a keynote speech from a poet living with HIV disease. Awareness Week Last night, River Huston, key- Nov. 28 - Dec. 2 note speaker for AIDS Awareness Week at the University, spoke to a crowd of about 90 people at the Rackham amphitheater. Huston spoke about HIV/AIDS from the point of view of a poet, author, ac- tivist and a woman living with HIV disease. "I have HIV and it sucks. I hate it, and there is no cure," Huston said. AIDS Awareness Week, from Nov. 28 to Dec. 2, aims to educate the University as well as the world about HIV/AIDS through various activities and programs that promote not only prevention, but also support for people See HUSTON, Page 2 Kevorkian ignores offers of aid from pain doctors DETROIT (AP) - A pain specialist who once offered to help a woman suffering from rheumatoid arthritis says he was spurned by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who was present when the woman killed herself over the weekend. "We volunteered to see the patient either in Detroit or in our offices and were willing to do it at no cost to the patient," Dr. John Nelson of Traverse City said yesterday. He said he and Dr. Pavan Grover of Houston offered aid in messages left at the office of Geoffrey Fieger, Kevorkian's lawyer, but never got a response. Fieger said the doctors weren't asked to help because they were just seeking publicity. The doctors denied that.. Kevorkian was present Saturday at the death of Margaret Garrish, 72, who also suffered from colonic diverticulitis, osteoporosis and other ail- ments. Both her legs had been amputated and she had lost an eye. Nelson said they offered to help Garrish after seeing a videotaped interview between the woman and an attorney for Kevorkian in which she says she is in so much pain that she is considering suicide. "I'm not saying that in medicine we have the answers to everything. But if her main problem was pain, I don't see why we couldn't have helped her," Grover said. Parts of the tape were played on national television after Kevorkian and his lawyers re- leased it in March. The doctors said they offered to visit Marga- ret Garrish at her home - where she died after inhaling carbon monoxide on Saturday - or to fly her to their clinics, but never received any response. Fieger said Nelson and Grover were among seven doctors who responded to the tape, but he said they were all insincere. Oakland County Medical Examiner Ljubisa Dragovic ruled Garrish's death a homicide, say- ing she couldn't have killed herself without someone's help. It was the 21st death at which Kevorkian was present since 1990 but the first since Nov. 22, 1993. Royal Oak police were continuing their in- vestigation yesterday. River Huston talks about living with HIV at Rackham yesterday. I ,